Variety (April 1960)

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Vf^wvltv, l yrl 4, !%• / » ISRAEL: PRODUCER DISCOUNTS A(pir lorA- Sound Track A ,4 L«t4« a' V<HHy CHAi m Ti rwu aa in II Th# »<wf «tll I i rh i4 » l i«w ( •rrrfH »>rnH w. I | I aite » J. liwiiH* H«l f «fer« HA« fron d o r trh % TIMm* OlrM m 4 Mf MUM . . H T n dr apa t il a a arn ik O rn •«»' raapprak attH Ik NTT Arc do • p ortal Mm on Arc ^n«MM Mtlrt ftri* »i r, l«HM ifcM IMW? n • Mil MMln • akot ^alwri at Moe •<t«n Rmm thou* on pop tune* WllMiaonrt H kairtff af Hr. au*r of Y m IrtlMf I p*tHa p ml4w l at Cik- »M ( ora I itffantMi 1 and vp PM n*ii» ta k r < p » U mper * 1 e Anoi pt *r c - »«ag •»< tfcev am rarlMW Mf^ Il wn4 far Hire . . Hm 9 I*«ip«INi i nar w4 to the < «>i m Yt iufr- > —ii r t • •*.» p nIwH nnI M - '*4 Th# Gallant Nun M raalai aim t artM Ar»,*»t odVrtol «a f»l»w» alia< Pra* ■a Pilrraifc 1 «b n« la '*c rood to ptug Ml* Pleaao Duflt (pi S'**** IM II**mh laarfft 9 I Ik T.otc ikl^lwl ANXIOUS TO GET Wiite How Cuferaw on Yooth UKIJ 5 Seeaaciy Repadbted Ceasors' Slant •» urn Hit r Haila April I Having panH ipa ru j Aim m4 latitiaiNM U farililalt and ai'rart Ilk praTtMiM pf Oita Praanaflat • Kiada* MI kill. 4k larartt 1 I^ W I WM I nan tntei.J* to imp | IMP pirtyip •« m indicator My | WHAT TOWN AM W« Wf Tarawa April t Vhiln of a (Mr opt Infection. kMn Opt 17. hero Ip Maliyhaa TH# 44— Ifuoen f iwa l lp l Mrr prpa Cprp Mkr»i into TMp MlaMnr at Commaarm a— *ppearancea In ('Mtrapn. AautM y Inapt In piIM • print pi M* tadudry iMp Uraeli Government Rml Hiagara Falla and PuPalo Hi 4r iav Ltwn W aahtn gloo Apnl % Although np affinal %ta« r ««• taken on IMp apertAr inar for • • a fnr Aim p pnanraMip law* toiled ip make pnr mileage out at la»| oeek'a Mi White How«e I oafer* pnrp pn Children and You"> la fart, nap ml IMp In matt am at • Ha repudiation at iMnir raw*# T»« a declared that IMp InaMaiduai «h»uid farm Mia no a _ _ tlNM IftM — M aral part prpoa re they nllf be~ adjuieg np nr Anna n»ad aap of prpptpai accolade* aarp imp Raudeo Manila are in 1 Halt f A#) d ) Mp« Mari to (Me tfrh |p»k • •< «( UN at f landrn rare •> ed — ~ — p» » » » —- ■■■ pure me Mtaai recoil* are M p 1 e_ y v rter Ptra to a aaltaa put ere M a Me- York weevpapor aevee and arrordMa« la AaMer Nlrthherg pro- P JUl MIT tOD Mf T ( UT INI a Mali Para ip (Me Dpi* Va» " To ante ' tutft repprtrra tMla termed station Hurt far IMp larpeli Alai 1 ape* * ar tibf inApe d d ata Mar din apop Mrea | - *- “ “ dore «Ka p to.apA to Me heee*er Mart Spain Activity Despite Difficiibts TMp l'*m*wrm neat realiae* that t» «*# a*e>» proae oaa ta«t *ee« ga* - p*< • fnarmar rating far Aid* dap to tMo aaall ttae of IMp reentry. anAtMpp and one half far adult* You Mp*e to add em pp MkMprd a«d tap Mk* it akt> limited rrtarai Ntiopp direr*or «f %ll»ed In.o, h. a k ' rHnrned H Cam' ft a til Me difficult la pH a 4pop«Ii< Frka^ I (oat apatal * lot Me of Tw Woe*- TMp CatMtrd Meat • Alto Mu pomp ta ear Man, A* ant ea- . i^ am rn I r at IMp ««rra* Hi! teat It IP iM«m PkMprMpA a l .. . _ , _ ^ M — nt read ta Ipat oeek • Yiattt* ad Par amount • plana to Mm Mar *•»* proa pad drive tp earourape ^ r#iurw Marlaa Merryr m and t.loripua PH«u>tpn on tMe grand arptp ItMo Tea Com- ♦ »M# krai Ma>a and la Mr lag in fat Tally Intend* la parapp Mia peal at , aat Dnple the and Tate a# Nla loot ' ropradurttar deal la Apota l' ■ Hauever a readattwi «a« « k|t t ad urging llallvopad la partrap Ame rt rao Itfa more trwlMfuil*’ m Alma It apada abroad Aakiltad IMp "Mlaarip elan of Me in lh« l' A reflected m.aaata of the ea- part prodar t it p’aa rerpmmpadpj IMpt alapa Me laMea to Inaure an- ra atra l ever the etpnrf ad-rate Alma d'derltad 1 at tMe U A la tMe e^ ea aa theatre goer* It p*a •Ueo » producer* The I a ut Mu r Yaelsr C aAdueP ooodered uhetMer ahe ahould Ma*e gmtep more man H«plkd a#ent I note I oocie m-mot tutn t .rod aattMteg at all for the rtgMfa to Cl |oc«deatmta al'HoupM *Me a Meen knartliad mat aurce year* HM* draaw ottl Me Ni%* f»ld-rt . Aral ta Mp arreea eer- ’ •• * p l a ra uMprp del- e*««bii*Mmeat pf aa Aatetiraa- Fata- 'attplir an atfi and mean* tp mage *_^__ _ ~_ delepa Ma * • j tMe Wld maa r taua of laraat aa a I* fnr I toad country for praduriioa and f-r ,K# P r «Aurtlap pf AMaa la laf ewplmi auch rantrul but moat nf tbp lea fell 11 ahould be tMe to* I H a aa alaa urged 'Mot no Me made of na'ratirp 1 he Span tab and American addiction and tri per erupt* Other rpoola i mn* aMayed In* Martian art.*dir* Ml rannerttan of IMp At mi 'Me Apnrakpae and Lady I.' At rMa»rmana*ap the tpurtb annual IM trt Pi | a# TMa Four Hor*emoa Warner HHaf Al FaAtan There la a lot pf J — Aar ap o aia red Mt »hp 4 F ( otlppa pf Nedtctee ml YeaMlra V Dinner la art TJ" J* ** for Waldorf Aturta tint I . A rptnald Waaea It hmmy Men - being handled b* | atted Art ml* n ame d the Ini foretpa Mai re l aaaed la "I* *T Milan af and artlattr** •c-ept the a* ord from the Pot »h entire OuA ta I ndrd Art**!* pp' T ■ Id Mu f to At loan* and Mart to develop adv_ 4o* and iMp Pirate* and puMItrtt* mioaprr 4nvf TMera la a realmuo. ••*«<•«•■ w** < ••* *»e moo r**eou*r |pp|gm p iron U ^ rhecultpral aeI aad*ofperfarm• r * M * 111 ,W ^PMHaM-appaAkd mat —aNNF W 44— L ■ tM , rfrrM< m irnTT' rr- ^r -,r m *Pfr« r *• ^*1 Almr in- from ather momma -Pradurer*. or Her* and daree- riaM in Waraou Mtaattana 1 ^prodwot* Me 1 Id larael (oag Ma NtraM- TMurodav SI Mecg. tbia attitude la changing amamda la a - par tl y duo ta tMo by pa prmidrd Menoa la a **a tha go* eminent a lareatl*# Ow rarpptiTtty. va r ied truthful and aniatlr pramaUturn* Fogi» 1 *r Kind * Aim *e of the Weed * feat, af the A on da * Mirrar th e* p i le he dado** and re Atmiag pf Met *cenee. Mr read* far reled* that roar mi Par r 1 Aral la proMoMly aa mmpltrated lfc _ . aa any *urM kpaalalioa m the . a tate M a* Meep repritrated Mi »# map mrtMa eortd In fart tt reada like ad ”T*o# . |W>IM Ikta •« Sane Fanda a aadfdther rccuuntaat a atphtmare Mill M 1/ 1 Aldung af ke* c em World af Mmm Wang'* a concrete and la a a ay aaipae » —rid* ' . - TMe mmldd ptetura Mdadry tn* eat art mould taMd odepuale ranttaartnp action raapprm*e and atrenptMen Me pin ore *'*apprd ta ha* cheat a pararbultat lumped from the aAka art unity Ipppial— the fr-II—TT —-Predating \ udent Fate booed print the Aim e a^.o the la* at akpart and I bat . boo thorn atuat loving batty mrr- ,o product ion ft ta alaa a rurtau* •• h *» a r rpppala* »«M Hot- tan a graupa and rhant^at C thaht p at afltHe free apace m tha Cleveland areaa fur r eeer*aI af a Make tararll attModr »••• Film* af Madrid It month* m r anttdeerg ta Mia t#We WKh a print of edi«n ta ealead a •uh%.d* «Hhmt< *■ r u n I ea t aa Ho < ‘ --— “ ----—-af ntl- other* aa ta ebat _ WL ■ — JP______ _ Ivraeti atlMude *»— Film* of Atadrtd !■ man tha m ra natAered a Mat e arner gin “•ahe'le (or. tp War Pan! A ttMaam aha returned Id Mia a#We *e%. »Mtrh la Id help the oeak rather «4pn Mt* U A Marker* a MM- faro far children and youth ae* tcr.i a > Tar* had h*« Paramount . entreee* on tMo Mop uttM Mia au- than the atmng Are* Film, the alary af a Merida cording la ape graupa ralt. a bile mendkog after the eve ■ p ra t l a a Might Aa*« Ntr.hMerg We are aat la- r Hatn gang and being chat Ml tag Among thaae attending the aem dona ahtrh looted all laat or eh. Be uomr pnbfr re mot me at tauprd the price af tie in amre Maadim 'created In tuppatiM»d Maaaffire ,%h »•* iM h aegaentt* taken aver dan* abirb looted all lad eceh. Metag peddle 1 'MMiti oarh a«''he ft tag an tha amall nth- Aapa Our Nail are llndted and *W A p an ioM bank* and r amplpfed , were MPA A dtrertar of adn r aiian her dog butch red at the —g at FTanne,. then tap* they dtauld go only tn thaae oho M* Ml* ftpaat*h partner* a* a Apaa Manley Mrlatooh aa oell a> repre- 4—M^h^—WMM——Nm 4AMp4 at 4k Cathode Lengun p ur af P err n c * and other organ ra mmO Haaa taking active MHereot tn me I ere* I k*htn boumg out dmrtl* a* od puh chief pf Cdatahta ta- 4^e proven Uky Hope Iheu *di apeakiag Aim trenaf.onai »At have the r am p an * a* one at Mi* arruunt* ahea he 44 * A* out bar af the arreenplay art. op bt. oop mdk p roma t ioa a l o p e rgima The gmeenment grant* inanrtal tan la currenth aula Wum dr I oueeut d here from tome for a feu day* before he eeet jjf lar>rH . PrAfuJtr* on latereda fnr u*kg to 'He ( ooot for the Oarar auardo Hr* The Great War Mad received !il * P “ r44#f ,lw Na L a aammatma m the Me*t foreign Aim ,at-gar* Re bard 4 Wekebhe twtmhec one an in|und,«n ago • aat «hnetng of u-h„u__ ■ -amt aan at Alho-* 4 Mr.o An W rated he named creative 4 1 red or af the *"• F» Pdui er ran fpt a loan at the Atm an* a hero until r aap to IfTM KUIIAf • I^P4lllH*A Fo«e«pa T.ode AdmiaaMratmn in t.cmp . lane* Gtam author of t( m»tiaued aa page IA' aetlled C’—l't IfWDOar THrAtrr Ta« •H. K. • er m t. .m f.u . feu 4.* Metro fateraatmaal ever* ^ a^ 4 - 11 ^ U Hmtoed Hr Ml* atfe Aathrva and Infant ana Teg. an holldov at Round A met Iran tocagMWat* af Aea Mur t or* treoai In London tn kill **—*-* **— - c*_ . . »_ t _ u iMaua m^^-M »omI . Tanmiea n Taam are NMfl fleeter ' wt far Catvrraal relearn count lea and u-Munf didrid* Attar* _ Audio Ipni » ^__. - . - , ’ ’•> 7 ■ 1 ■ ■ — ■■■■» Montego Mot AI«o In Jinn, a »■* I dltao TV" ;rj •" T T «taaa |* (.ceerrr *et far l atveraal relearn pt« Taya In The Altlr * la a current Aroadwa* hit “**r* ^ !**”?• ** ’l” ?K * » _T»- —rV* «... .4 c«fi •.<* • artar vi ( m *.,.hm riaom • ! " - T ULT vVV*"*! *" mmm * |n Nap . . T aaa earn a WAN am* kuaetan pri.anet at oar Tht# t* believed ta Me a Ant" far • Aavkt ™ n " W YyT’m'jM t MM kii 4 T Marking the*p la he permitted 'a appear to a product inn ahnt autdde Ilk IMIS 1 ~ TTyT *•* ^ ^ N — P i Am Other Wnaaeotm novelty la the aama ptrture to • atm plflpnd w ■■ •m^Patiaa taa an 'Healred rlH ^ ceanamfta t tor * * kamh mana—i My Alfred W fdavaana MalH of Italian mutual muted* 77 Tram af krunv—I and r «* ^ Paverhmeat* th# * TH*-, r Tf t>< tHe m ise company • «dtb aunt mlrc Ccevl producing U Matte Mr at*" tn Name adl treat the legendary "Nnkn aaid The Male Canatt'u- Atrn 1 dryye t mpkg it? I t emta Mtanehe* ... FMM fravla fou n d en af the ttomol Clt Romulp* and Menu* k the ran tern- t»an provide* that any rlty ar rmtn* MT r . .r M *,?*"** . •* irr *«m**l * hra eortnan aerie* paran pa'.n* , the doty range* from anttguttt In m a demity but to »r mny levy one half the prenpa f ad TTTkT if t*r Her m fr.on the € .a-t far talk, a Mb 4l*tr ibo'.on ever* ba*.rallt atmul tad a* a tart* aad thieve* af the Italian capital ’•« •Nrk tha data tmpnoea 1--0 ,-4i •butkn chief. Maa Maahed '4l«rk Ta nahadp • awyrbr the Maarh- . .. i louLandklB «—•* Mate the Leaioiature ho* nal _ V * *11 J TT hey.amrg today Wed Rrttlok ma the (‘athnl r War Veteran* and the AMVFTW in their prepa*e4 boy .latkartui ant theatre nrvnpe'ion a ta»,r A«*io*,u • . 1 . arraaucmuaAa to Mo m-o . ,e 1 n..,t tu I r --—- ..11 mo, o — »— w* 1 .. 1 . ( h* «rhanl gi*in.'• WUaai, A^4 a h« L. A h | a elk made arranpement* k Ma repre- can atain.t the Aim Fr*uk Atomlra atll prtdurn tdtng A dV< Ultato loop . . . Amg 1 rooky, mragfr • Atom Mold id da toaitagu reapUf Mr taa