Variety (June 1960)

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Actor Pay Bcosts, Pensions Utfl* ff irw U » <»>! ■■ rttim-i M $ Time. greme rnhr H«rt m- ttom Kw N r rf grtoet o r MMl pre*« grot *4 IN Author* l#*goe anrt •riar • tll*f ANI t w iH l—i oHard b«t» N«a agrtH to to* M* rt > t*4 Mto UtoW «t •* 1 he p rOMon (Mato melodr# • >Mo« r«*iritoiiwMi by lNMr» *»ta> ■ » go-. * 1* « itor *omr fern»u i * (Ml Ml U«1* to lyut* lad Jun A tor* Mt>r of I hr pru< pm #t ’V’ ’Hue IIMI Mtottn atm** tor ItmH H to «<i«r to to** )4» IN Wkjitrt to *Ni»rf p-n mo*. to*oi g tor Nto r ton rirw'ii* m whether -»«r*r rut ••to oiwm tor * i*t..**4mg t* t* tor artottrated ARBoggh the **r * . egfrar* If tor • IM yco* p#< •*<* lhr per toa pt« fir* ** N .« vr*r* them* to M-> 3> Itototo IN . «#«HitOut *. Jhf Itor tot 44 t*r to* rmn.~*** m outh ».l! tor J . <• tor po* Mil) to* Itor iNakt mm* Ttor rmu to to i— M ’tor HMtor mmtf H M* rwotmur «l 1*» tor tog «tor to'M* •* *V — r m ewot Ttor mM tuat.iManiv *d in# ttor mrr M«nt aart l*r .m tortol ftt« tftit oiH toft •! fit r« «-• %i * f «hM r* •« to* mrt « 4to to Uhin • tow to M riftoulh ta*4 tow • « » ..wntotdim to* itor pro*Hrrr* ■ tor • throe war par yrt Mi rmiO H n* Ir n toi •• a •»» >r >t -iMang W«ir ton tortol tat I nf I* I*|'. Tf. I'to^t. 2 *'4 Itor* r l .up r Itor to*mu‘e tow Itor pro ftor program ttoralrr r rtor t * agree art H» inmf iMu f # » row IfUtoNm #trr**t% or uphrertty toy ao« »r, rrrri • to rpr or ray wi n too >o m trr» or aitoeau»r. atofrto *r«t a rUrrt ioto I IMI la iv rtr»i vtor S*t ««ty too aa *Vatre ImNIi o amhti to a hair or «* p*rt itor T*a*» pro »ma Imi * to «rrr *r a proper tom -4 »or oo m no I - omu xi .eg art to na otoaao of itor tod a I ttoralrr pap rail Half of itoal pinoo m la tor totatly >oon> > rti i la ttor pro..** f >00 trt ’tor aitorr Half • ri'Uf la itor tolar i raintoa looo of itor morfrt* Ttoa* a rr to»i# aa tv too o.N m*4 itor am UP Itor haom of laot .ear • por r«4l Fyn«ty brute* Itor mo tear pramoa •oritiHm oa o.ll pro* arte 82 aaa age r m i»*o m a of Mam Art *rtoag to Itor rout r art I ma m la Itor prrmaa Imi moll tor t**a»- h ofaamnm oi»s c y i roper ormotma of tV I room *N Ryot* oa itor hoar 4 of imol n * Ttoror trmoooo. ortto ’tor aaoselaorr of l-toH’ o tot#to mVmal!* ooo**t •o arrm ft«aa | UVl la $(Jn * of mo* too* *h*t th »or yea t i*o Itor! ptofo^ol •" illS itor poor, tl'to ttor o*w*f *ror *M * lit pio* • i*m of larvaoor. Itor ’htnrt trot Ttoa Ir n of¬ fer */. $111 I Mrr ttor IrtiM of *tor »ro ft** mar pan itor awn- » **>a w la p* pal f• loro a*f r to oro o ortto IN omtr ewe ttor all $14* m oihruo Nri porrw $het»rel?y orr a Mtm* •* •! - tin itm ■•t •? — fiiTV n V*|. I I . an mi 13 •* $117 14 I f Haim h oi Roof Mlarlr* Ta*f' * h** *» ongthellt ■ mflt a ttor Iroa ill* 10 »ia*» port mwd ’ fhd Itor th• rr ' #0» roaIron raatl to arm -hr Arm mar art $!t$ ttor oroi loo year* ortto a root m U 'mg MN.roor ttor tMirg fear TV Irogur » offrr om flAS I o4rr itor trim* of ttor aro four prm port itor m tat ammo for pita* * Pol anon mi ctoo r aa ortto Itor »• -roor r*r* tV *U |I|S mam- •*•» ’’*1*4 potrttitoniroilv. mo oo Moo* • •I - lias lift HU — $143 $ta v a — urn $i§t n M * till y y. * tot* to Mi m tmollo ••HH o »to*rr *eor rootrorl Mwt ^om in to 1114 ito Im MMl NT- I ortrr IV trtot. of ttoa arm Mr tear pan iM or «*m ortto <M or roam am Itor oM $7S ra»r tom ert parraitorMrotly orr aa laitomo ■P 11 _ fa: to fto • I «l - $»7 sa $17 fa •? a* to* v an* ai M ta7 VI Tor iMrm itom of Toma I garth atoarto o. iga aoll* ooaM N rtt» nor iraa $7 V to $13 <Ut rlorri ’hot Or 0**4 to $12 VI Itor I rarer * • to#-» om $l« ia rtrr ’tor ’room of Itor arm roartrorl I hr prr 4mm « la hr mrr* o— 4 to $!•* rorrpl I tool otortr rrtorat •*! -* p r m or moor> lo tom pool prr • . •« n. «atr4 la |l| V Voar Voaoarro lohUoO R«*rn»t Of lgthak* pr* potrrt o $t> ■ f " roaar far l og o maaogtt* nut ’ o ttoa M atago otoaogrra of •ttpafllM plo>* o*4 at am* ola aa totttertooto oa.i itor t*»o4 Ttor aro •« r*«rtrt portrt for itor I of loo '• i •ntatmom .a*,.r#*ro mrr ttor tooryrg pet ort llmmfooo framattr Mogp etoa •arr o 4 maaimiwti $m tairroto* V a IV. $m Una ajao Rfo4 4’tortk ■ ’agt maragrr t/lrt at ttmom 034 jarrromo la »?4rt |?^ 12V |2V to’oorto «* ttu«tral *«age maa opn *t!4 ot* ro.i $2*4 larroooro •o 041 W4I %2Mt tfVl to**ort h» o«tr al »*oa# ooaogrr o<4 m aimtto $2*4 a*rra*oo fa t?an »» nan urn Broortoo* firm aooNtoal 4ramo- lar moor atohigor >rt4 OHNmto atTt Mmm to $m. nm $14* 91411 Koo4 f rm atiagi 4raaaNr mvp moo aga r o«4 auatmmo $ I «2 rttotroar* V $IM $IM $JUU $Jn to fo rt o or firm oomm o a l aaamrol tiogr omaoart o44 miawaom IlM tattromo V 1.4b $l« $474 $174 Rma4 firm o< w4aal maow al »’*«r m oo* g r r alrt mi a w a m r $301 m rro r* to RlS «23n R?s $223 Ttor roatimi f ma m la m.poUira •tort KmNy t Rolr I roorrmg "Br¬ ier • «rtrt.f a’ ett to Kgartp V oa# mra i r 4 ortto Itor oroIra** Vmto mt roaioiao4 m tarn nrtr rturt toommtrr. •$» rrgo«r* itor moaoarr •a lotor oov onm atom* to am legal t prtmta a lt to * or prraiH Tatrrtt Ia «tooaar i *4lfv amrort atoarto arr art .prrrtMolly mt farm mi itor I pa rt t Rule* (to m r m ng la to*) arm. m rtaariy Ogroort oym. or a itor toamr rmlor i too agree- meat am No ally ogrrr4 opaa. or m •at of ttoa .*t4*» floel!> ogrremr*’* mo4r a.ito 0 * 10 * 4 , roam me* I b e r o otito " f'toftorr ttooagr rollr4 far la ttoa fmmolo a itoai fantTo atoo l agrr* V o aro 0*4 tom prr Hr a ai t r ortol- Irmma prmortato oiurto allot! pro tirtr fm tooth a meartorrt artotlrol.oo rtirtRpi o«4 a pr a » *4aro of tprotiy artotlraitaa la worto root oV«# aa t*omr4iafe 4n#ro raaftoa of »M R tpmr to arrro*or> A m mipatoir4 *o that Tgai’t pro* to a fi toft Mtoi oil 4o* pu'r* rttrttof tV app’trot low «*. ’r ptrlot am «r perform oftrr of IV potot ittop* of Itor rofWt • • o toor- oo mag oat t rotr rt or in rale* me«l tor »rooKo4 toy artortro’loa" la bar ohm itom tv fonaalo roll* for Mart * to ooarw 4 rmorti oM nafr* wtorroto* ttor moaoprr ogr«r4 t* MO.tnevai jtarwuaa toy iV attov Mto to Ion * * r * 4fHto m N«t irtalri fa ttoo Fmt* g^mtotag v Raatiy are t**r,m • honor t at «oflr onto taaiu* t re* ••w« ip Hro Tort a art ro*4 ttoro 4H ■ $11 Broortoay tootn ary t* tor f " m p lr tr h ttriattin oNf My Mat 31 1442. itoeetm arr to Mtr •*•»••*'»*r Mrt romplrlr otoaorr I* rilitg* ortMia Itor mti rear, ar d ttor I rotor torn afrrrrt ta ma.o’a a a* »wf<••«rotoAr rtMMlarrt of aale’y oort •aartoMaa Martoolaim Ml oM Bteortooy iVatvmo. Mr * t4r* rrga. Ip# In magrtraom # of to M ofr orrt .gttif. roart rt toma Ml OP* • .-ort «to> airro la atotrto rta p«*4m ’top* at o Mow tor 4 fur* flaAory TV ratro* aalo* > met*mam* fr -m •W to $3? V far Mao loor year* eerto o*4 Vrt Juno 24 to poraor o rarorr ao oa ar’rrm pt FraaM fan flrrmoa* R rrrtrrwb Bria n m i , .nr* lo B* ropr aril Mo*u>Oo. .a V tiro Pan* aart pwftnii oi fm p aoaitolr impart »•» Broortaay 3ampB 4oBo” nil «rwi aart fMltrr h*M«to aill 'trMgp • r Mil for t nrtor To o 7 am fm iv f r r4rtt*to Brtmoo p.r*. wi.*l«aa •loiort fm Bmo4«p Ip ’V loll Fra4t- rrrtr* » Ira Rm • too ploP* o B<oort«a> prrmalo l»oa m V oarp* l o >m* > Rh» oarrro** ttoa* f-I *P ttor toorp trvirrtfa* far- afit i irnfminfl o|tM IN atfttonr h Farm aart rtia« Itor p*ort«p1|Pa« of *K# ploy it. | OP 4nto Tlraiu onrt Tun* to toomprr Rrr«.a or* al f. r I Mr Mtl.rt TVo«’t Ml* *a Yorto Br.- tMo toaMarr Rtoharrt RalM to, «tl KHa (ttlir tot Itor BY T-.-t wa* ta St* Tram m V Or*b rto >trtr la NaVoto Imam 4 ( larM ha* *tnieortr4 RraartM Fata# a# . rtw ’,oP rtroo af IV mi Rrortoot p*#v oatottoa of Knw" ta l>otr w ratr fr u ptrr Trr4rnrto fo« oart tott «tfo Mot *#»» trtt to 7 y*«lrr4ay Taro - fm O f trorvR •fa* >• f*»r.*po • htlr a* at mm Tea otil * oNh too* l.wartu* • tooo* larlarttor TV Ho»«ar* otoirM V t io v«.ga fm Mt op* n on H'wort* •' mrttag l«*r ipo’tMrro rtirmpr of ’V rarrrti off fi.oortoay ptoHmiiaa of TV Batmav aart T om Meal ho# tooth aoarrtrO tv faoftto anmaof Irt * I) M*wuw Aoatrt fa* Itor mHi’iMibi roa- tribal‘«m ia off Broorto ay for ttoo IP94-4* rnatm frrfrttrl ( av$0f tom K’.ltrrt ’to# toaotrt of ttoo Ttoeefte* Mu’art la ggoaro ('a Fred IHcr Tkalrt. i* M3wW Grossed 2Z3G for 33-Week Season P 4 *t*m larttr IV pr o rtarrt thro- trr m a rt app li rotlaa fm toat.onai lotoor Rr at.woo B o ard rrrt.4«attnp IP alill prarting If IV •pplaat op V rtroan tor orrt ta Ho folorr Oral tag* ortto mtorr aaiaa* ] rai Va pontroMr. Irag># oirmMrra or torltrt* HI RB moluo oih roatolr fm t V #r a*Pt*a* too fa it r or to rtooa *1 otoaf if raff* r l« o r 4 *toop ropBiitoma aa Map#*r4 Mr ttor magrtoaart* M*a Mi TV 1 $*440 frooa tow IV Trr4 Mill* ‘ Ttoootrr Mil**auto## far IV .11 «#e$ a ro aoa o III* to » a« f r rt Jtaar 1 oa* mrr $233$44 Ttoa* aa* mi tacreao# of am* itoao $|p* OOP over Igt moooa * 1121 138 tatoo far 22 oortoa of aprralioa. ▼V rtorto art*. 0 * 0 *# loom torrt In IP*-4 Inrrrotrrt itor an*mol pl« tv ' imr ftor rorll nf Ha prorttn’tona from lo* oorM* loot oom lo ttotoo orrli* ttoo* *rmr*lrr Moo nrf IV rorroal r toning rolry B*tiort«<*>p ‘ pin ml m* or#Ma •V >>4 ’tor »»oii • ortrttag* !imrtrrt to a fMinigtoi • roa aart •mrttorr plat *4 alt s**r ortto Ttoa* tor 33 oreto tally '#p*r*rol* ’V < o<* btwrrt pin tag tMV far II prod «m Hup* Ttor I4344R *|>trag mat torrt Rat R.. W * Rr»l full g*un a* moaog n$ rtirrrtoe Mr Vail ovr« ’hoi pool ia tv mtrtglr of ’hr pm tog* •roomier a*4 V Vttog rrtatarrt for ttor ;$•»»«’. Pirn, tfu• to Vi!* mi J$ one of tMr aopr«l* * f •too p*r *oal armttp Vnrtr* tMr <.ni** r < • rto meg «l« aorh run of Brigagoop ' om (tor proriMH-r IP a oirryi* 4n of tMrrr perform attrr* of ttor .m* pr.igp rl lap TV offer.hg otofrto rtprrrg Moa«.|nr VV«orra om Bora Yrrtrr gay ■* ohuto m lgrrt p Bafarrtao tool taro v rrpoilarly ■ M agglri nroiag p#iform*area aI 7 art 14 pm TV three pr* forma am orrr aoarto oMrrt Mrlorrn .me IV prr rortitog topMUf PP4 loo tMr fttl laotna 4a> $i’to IV tt« orrVng per fm oMt rft IV number of otoOo Mm* lo* (Mr tdlua lot a Mrt II A rmetrf fa MS paw om ro«|grvrrt on ’V • ##to * ro*» TV ■* w > * 4i om iVrtrg to a f».rinight • run Mrrv*r M’*« Vp \ norm hog a prim rametiimmi IV iMIrrt arri om BUgg toy Bnlr* eon \#i«ma of Morlrt •p otot. h V gouMteg m ‘lor aart rtirrtiar TV groma IV Rrrt ’MioAroprarrop pin ta prrtrofrrt g IV Miller om • *rlleot onto atoaog 73 r af itor eoigieme martr op of o’o4r of oho parrtooorg Itrtoni at i rrtonrog roiro TV rrrorg from far a rogular BarB. rmnpoorr of ‘TV year $143 (V «r.oart year •Mrt $ 11 $ iv thing Ora* oi’ a Vrt of 11 * I a a karraoor TV ye torrgn Tor* lor Korop* aa itor »$ Utorrlr ortto M o »nrt too -am TWy ll ppmrt tv v- am* .o Traarr aart Baaiomi Porto to go Mart * to Y ar*’ Av IA I for pNpogi af ^T a art o* ,m < monager, optona OBlnal* and *♦• imp* for o ne af IV union* fa- •olorg are me I inert V V oMrpiUal of ano aorto r#rrt tom nf frnrr ally morn an tV *efc|r*» league Varta aip m t* tv an”t ♦- pa’r a aro of not lea tn rrMinum ortto tV Dratnoitrta Oatid anrt itor retrain formort flrvrtat anrt rtoa- trograptort. troop They • toom ttoef «V DtaVirti O ai l g too* ai»a>* hart goro'toaotoir oiaim #• a uatoa. oa tv grooart tton rt* »to to rn are rrt ariuolly rot pi. rr* ami pmat lo Itor firNitoi “Bmg ram** aa proof Pn* airly Gottoi norm- tor*, tone r. nrrgrg Itor Ct> <«P o on- renata po*u.oa at ’tool rrt>rg TV •(. plat* port rtoomifjpto- rr* eeuM tone rorp »r** toral olafo* a* aa ro*pla*r. •rt^UMm Lregoe nor no Mrr. iM.pA V *r (to.' «rowp oa* o*«oa*rrrt art oror ttor Lrogt*r rrfooort »o rr*opr # N m • Mo* a • tot fog agent anrt IV <*o*e tom Mr an a ppro l ri l to Itor mart* Irafyr •'rag* >nrt.. o’r fatU itoal Itory oill art argmiair a« all orth itor giro* tort anrt *ho*«<rtr aptorr* m a aro«p to* tor '*vr TV am at Id* C.»n’d |r» me no Met. of ’hr I roam •■mrt that ttor* oil! ’ator a ‘rrowmaMIr rtH r art# They « til arret sal# a fart" agrr#men’ Mol • III an Mam Mr ' po*Vg < t oo art ’ *« tn tV r*»t If tV f .uiirt t*n I rr a m *Mr ltoev prrrtt.l Itory or»t rrf.t-r to • r if m • to«tftmaie hat •matag op it Ttorrr nay Mr *omr a* rergiae lo .mt>#rttrt looyrr* .a itor latoor rrla’kaa* Vkl atoeort »V Vgal pmtttaa of IV l*«fur B*r.f u artry %m to rltronartpnrr. |i wi«M Mr aa mtarmtma ra*r low itor reorlv »Mrm looyrr* Mrliro# It IV Dromaltai* (.uttof at the fire tor* aag t Mmeegraph*’* groom ’• t ha.Image iv legal ngtot m tto. air# an arr* anrt pogo*#< la toarga.a c-oflrrUrrh while rrfgnteg tV r rto* of juIMw- « fir* ’or* aag «V- tatotfhert IV tMlV orrR of itol* •raona atom Bella Arr Ringing V rang up $7 7a 1 TV potralioi • reply rtpwi” at IV 34omoirr far rogtol performance* M $7 74S Be l* a*trtrntally om IV are ••art ot.i.wal v Mr prortorrrt at IV Miller TV grrt om F»l for. ohKto Boole ptemtrteg for four orrka m iv riming aatiy lad Robot* Q Leo la la TV Trnrtrr Trap ainomt r«ruollrrt IV Bara Vrrtorrtai rrrorg ortM a am II prrfoun ^n«r ’aMr af $• ■•• IV •p rowa om l ow er Maroom of larger itoaa oaaol rt loj- o u nt to aa O*paa«tatMUI ototrto Mnughl oot IV Mao m lor oar of the ratio perform •me* Von ralta per fa* monro* l toe I u rt e rt too oo a Mnaggy oVa tV ’h#oii# t« uaaally 4orM. pk*a • Aonrtoo aoalmrr Ttor top gnwt for p tMrrr orrM run om art My Brity Rrtoitr to (MV torn fhat tarty I Vo You (to it h ' TV t ontegy Ptt m» 44 oat W prto Mttra gi«%arrt $3C 34t f«r 21 p* rf orntonre* nine rooto tv R**t (oa or#at eng to (V ttotrg fume f «r ttor *tr*f *imr *tn*r It* larrp. lion tV Milter i« puitiag ’hmwgto a trvral toiMr »n (ukrt prtrr- TV Trigay night pn«r Mo* Vre rawed ttota ar o. no Moil tV y r pl tot hoard of Dram*. Iv (tor mi pro ft tVatrr • rr * rrnMig ocpniit fit a. hr* rto.rdrg lo I amt ad drlirl p* k r. Mr nnl moooa larrram* tn prortartiop anrt soprroliaa r« p* mn rurrt (V move TtogurlioP* *i (hr Miller May# to (rm. from •T of roportty to M«roM ry an The nerrmrg Mo or air otfl V $J M nprauig atgtola. $3 M Tor* d*v Thur*4ay ong touart* ) $4 Tttdn anrt Roturgn aart $2 T$ V.farrtay matiaee Atitgraf ra’r* 0.1. remain unrMoagvg at $1 tog on #g <if naltf rorningg aag $1 (tordnrogoy motinrr* A torrtin** of tV ftat«*y for toM of the IMtoto- 4n pi torturtton* at ’ V Miller r%* In- rtW of a RMft toAe fm a I' prt for m-« nrr pmrntotlna of "Amohl and IV Nigtot Vi.tior. * My ttoo Raroma TVafro of Clmeteort fol¬ ia** Mr da Ar# Rngieg ** onto Jun# K* tr*oa and T«n> Tray la $23 i«3B « 24 pat form#tyre* Urt $W • ito-to Mu«o (totlto Tooling ht ( M TtrMl ('wm ming* H4U] fm 19 p* rfnr moarr. tom IP-34 l*oi a nf (V elth to It a Mo.rmn f»4 4*rt fm 2$ perform- •are* fW I 3» fhsr Town attM Tom Tally. $11 lrt4 for 23 petit*moarr* liar a Jan III Tangar fray oifb Robert Q Imi* $24 7W for >7 pn iw o tarn Jaa l> 3t Itoitip to .ntre* o tto Bill Mr Male nrt H#tly RorrVi $32 • 432 for 2$ rat fat ■ amt* T#h 2 21 R mf . H’rtarv. flT III fm 24 perform*nroa Rato 71 Marrto IS Kara Vr*lr#d*y (to to*t*n»tp*a Van Vtu.rra t 1 *■ •$ ’or Jti i«ep. fp-nont#. Marrh |VT Homlrt otto Ra. h.-*lr $3. 347 far eight perfmmaam. Mart to 24 topc’l 3 (to ho 4 a* That I otK I **a to >>a 4 l«to* with Rn*t. ITtort# $3« t4f far 24 prrfnrmon**' topril 3 24 Rnportnnp $44 Ttof fm 44 prP- formatter* April |D !••• # 3. through neat toundo' to Maldaulicr OK 518.100. Pfcfly Park Pliylmm Fh.ladrlphta Jure 14 TV Play houm in IV FarB, PtotJI' • nun l< I pally operated *u ta¬ mer theatre opened rt* wtnth mp> •on laat orrli with a *at)*fartory $11 IV grts*. far Thornton W.M- ar • TV MaithmaMri The .H*nr got aa rvtra pui.itrit hrryli on .1* qmmt mgh* through ’V prro- ant r of fm.. .#r Him rta# Crag# Rally, oho Ban fa iv t' • from Moaatty tv prr*mu- oeeB tn V a 1th her aillnf faiNr John R Belly heart »f »V Falreymant P*rR C.iomlum anrt founder inf guid¬ ing farrr of the P tiltauu *lnrg *• mtrptmn n l$SJ Reify o «• unable lo attend tto% open in® tltp •rot Vi m»*«rd Ttor not Imam tom mnliauag Itg u* ual mat prur w .1# $1 ^3 ta $1 TV rarret ttoa* »« Ta* fnr ttog Vr oa u * tlto A*N JarBami aag Dane ( lash Jntin Hen T«r\pr Again Head- Ft Wi;m Slranhal Tart (Mayor Jun# 14 John Bra Tarter VII again brag IV at off af ’V TrrtKal Muata Theatre far tV I44M mama ta IV *e«* Rtatinei Ouigom Ttora- tre In FraaV FarB Bar# Whama ia V offrrog tBta meano will V tonair flrt Year Uao ton.thtag Ova ' Fatal Your Wagmi and TipCm " tnvn am (V ataff afU ivltrtla BnBrrl kummond maairal 4N rrriar Tart HirVim ami.taaf mu- .leal gtrreinr C harirar Terree, rharmgraphrr i«ka ( u*»n (rHN Hleol rtlrrrtor Rm Mrlaaa aaoiM- •ni larhnlral girrrtnr ang at aaa manager Iktn and itolrlry June, maturner* Roll Marmld puh tetfy dtreetor *ad Julia Mueller tteMrf Pair F*r the bkrirtes •A Th eater tn Your Head My Rr north Thorpe Boor FuaM M (toragnail* V «to and TV F*x- holtg nf the to rfnr r> Y*rt' Idtof Da* $3 73’ arr rermf Wmrtta treating payrh* i«.gt» •’ and p*v* rheslle »«pret* af »Va»r# Author af Rrd ’nine »• a drama ak> om head nf t* e T'*roi#r fiutld pla. deparimrn’ 144' 4 Mb* fane la a drama trot her tn Britain Unity vnlnmr. Iron tmaard lha ar odrmlr R«*ur urk* to. vl P •yrratr play gnrr* tn *m •aatv.i- of •hr*Ire to* torntpneat ng ru-’F* from Tda R**an « *»mrtonnM. for MH pro du ction of TVath of a Sale * toon * •erne* from John Ctlri- « 1 MI • ptompt hnoM fnr TV tad> $ Tint for Burning ang rapr n due- (Mm* nf gr.tgn* Mi Jn Mlelnner for (inti and I tod I* There to eomplrir Mult-M of t .Ingle u rtpf. Hi en du re Ward a * ftort I am ' pro- gutfd an Brnartoay fm 41 per- for manrr* In 144“ Mi*« lav rtrNr* aomrotoat •up#rfktally Into IV pm* hoio g lr al motor Up of artor* dryafipg Oparg la player* ar* p roto lent. aoMtnH* ■ .dy uf Jotoa (Miitora Bmdh oV n.irrt I laroln anrt of¬ fer.n« rote* on tllen Tmry Them kwti aro Utorly ta V r#logpla4 pun. pally la IVatre UMrorfeg