Variety (June 1960)

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FRISCO PERKS ON NEW PRODUCT Ck CUs: Apartncit Bright 42G. Rith Rousag $48,000, ‘Race’ Fate; $19,080. 4th. Ibcada' Fair 1IG. U ‘APARTMENT' BIS B’way h Stop Rttomd: Apartment 'RUTH.' 'HUB' HEP Huge 71C. Psycho' Whoppag S64.000. XT- ‘Ruth’ $44,500, PoUyanna' Oke IMG (ht>«fl> Ju«« ti . . - . - ■ ■■ - Thg de»h f t—» *hHl h**» r _._ A y h<M 4 hMM «w l «9 firalr— Aft mWt Mrffwr« «tr parting t« • gn> • * ‘ “ir*n m re- w h*T humg thto ra«M »« 4^um ported here*»»h from tk« »arw l>*4« IimUi iiartt |N«Uta| out af mm hr) ntiea. K« net. If, Ra |>— I 1 VtlMI ml IM Dtftnt- T«f Iimm ta ' TV OMitMftI * | uNn ihfr* — art l«kf tVt frriiM Ml • hr H Haul HIM h 1 playing P#»r—tope henr# 'M I m«H AmmIi A e Out (mental • M l w aiH N v h am m< in- *»fn of Naih* p rw" Ml IWM Bna* of LMr* 1 TV fMMlr adto U i — Mm alraf hi f mwim — fwW h—rvrt »• todlrafed. • Ml *R—• af Mr RmM’ atoo HM#r I • am—meal ta* M •—# M %•« World frowe —■■■“toBWMMM— TWrl r—ad mi RtoteL—ea ^ If t fl* «r/T ft— f iKui. Juno It Ptratr— V»««r« M frrlW| up •warily Mi i orreot r—ad. h U — m 4H Mr — ■»• »troag arreeo fprr IniMrM i h >—| la hetag •14*4 ha immr —u Mr— «rreeo I an aching of three mew pMurn aura’ H\ and Haaevh— MV < if# u,, - -- „ 0« »Hr paal vevm da*« la gt» in« Final *• h I-r».h* la Kit .•—* tlBO* IZ+m TJ Anortm—P .Mrl u Art run Maim a ton ,* Mir-rn* n ending tndar •MUMM '• a r- n »i total at the OvaHKt lift T*a of tv thrrr ne« Wed fourth oaa III] A— l MtH Artmta Hlar) ml Both la prr ahooing rral length Hr I la Are Ringing MG nprng inr . ft — Mr—d aiaravir uMd rvr " >■ >V fern of ideal autfaar ta—rva TW« Roe lading. at the Km— Poo ***'!"' # " r U * t •"« ■»*«H I AT I HS IMiHSH Ho—tKol atao at* la rated ****** * A ao Can 2HI iStd »k TKf dondi at Paiamuunt — taming *««*•* *^M »' ••»"« *• ' I4IK need ftniaherl Ml night r—nd * Adi—tore* of MoWe •*** ** • Ton oao aorK tM tot for !• ZZy ft- .. —tp-llvely ~«»4 - ""*"*''* ^ g l t S TTTl TRr 17th oorh. I at Woe—id ohlle Frtrote Pro#. ttOOPO for UKe number of Moat ogtp" tow— oaro at the Hi Pr aorta do) Noting M oh—I tho aome lar* it— |l H0VH Saeo Af— ta iw a g u t at (ioMra • r ***/ *• — PUn llm Hat at ( orrent Gale **d * »r • P^ NU» *P«*g -ding todop Wed Mg m inw .mi. -rm .«• n«j» ' -hi.-.. ( M g— ttoura fof to foawth gt SSL- M-tTT VtgdoHa City In* IMS VP- too Amdrto - mTE rmT * w “d R*»r»* Ml Vh ah -_— tmr ^ fg^-o , Jr^ r r*. Minra Hniahing todor Wed • »a •J~T Ti- •* *D 11_ f D* Iff la. o.n la areal to —H tm ~* ** ,h * D * li,,l# •• *oM •• great HIM THo 9MR »Vo—tatn R‘M ta %l— Id Wal kfoaa Uigp KtO I ^ T* •**' -"** " • r **J " llddti at the aria Roroooi oKoro , gaa ; IH , , Roro at IM# CHo—o w roorAHr—- Dvfl 11111 D!£ 1 J 1 I JTTiooTto^JT^M taMth*! <•» dating Roth Pap.ho* and i H» In* 1—s I*. torn Mnl Mon mm HUtog ^ ST aZ 2222 ^ Aportmmf t—led da.l) n-a^a ^ itwr JMK Tm mT h^a M— aAr to dttt. WoodK tog* | | • ■ a f» •M “ V iHr Re* one! and Flora reopor JJ W ‘‘* " '* r Maro»Oa l^e at Rooaoerft U I JM Ll I yiL t.i f aira for TWta Wood iito) PKvrKo ta a Ko o Mo ra- Heldtog M ^to! tTa—nr ul’ai la fldorod I a.r in —ood ataooa Ul LShI Id f BlV ralWo UM RRO' 1HI.II8 ponton -eeg a nro alHioie High .. ™ **' 0 -m-t •* Olea.t. ta rdd SO— Mneen t l and Char v« a hewing ft - f T* Shill TT^ » •nod to ire fooeiR I— laoiHp, Jo— 1! trooao C adoooe t Mild IP JOn good fST »*» on initial aaoatoo at ' * 9 I—taeiilo Jo— tl trooao (adoooe' t Mild IdgRO food W' r- to flftd oood at tdo •» near Loal eeeg five Branded the Faro o» e. I«n^< *ta. rm- *. Mr ue rw. ik. p... W ' — fer nw - .apr r»- h pmtmt . Jw Ww kw. , n. » <■«■> »4 «mm' hr —4 •( *». Nm «•- ■« M Ik. art. *«•«*• * *. P ?* '' f**.’*. . W ~* •“ — 4 :•?.* ■. » >tow Ik. OTh krt»M e< hk *r Pwv IWM ••»«. k. .•>«»'■"« o»e ML***!■ > "*». | ur- *— deaOkng to • ra—rttr IMK Tadd ^ Weather H ideal for oft— r M md( 4 Ml fl id*— M»»de • teteoord dv ftOma Aroood Si".!toT—? ^ Theotro r—to dome Vt Vo hoowea ore dotnd Story Of R ftoniiM for TM Mead anrthng * Moo Oo A Wring at — toot •< Tat—oV Te teo i tM |l Id t nttod Art Mia ihapea ten doit a — tot _ _ I r » Hr .no of life A AO? Rent*. 0* Otth rea ora of So— JMK re taaoe* —000 ^ WiMe ope— June 17 at the do— t Reode AM »l IS —) Rtroog HM Loal oeed. * ReUtt | j— It Mot ood Hoto lo Mood w.rnmtm a, «« p*«dortto— oere Pavho' Far rirat oeed end- Tr— 11 M<oa and dio^to ottn O—td and doth a J-Z.—-. »i.. a Ln mm4 * m »« »«d*' Wed .Mda UKe o—to (Vragr RA K ISM —HOP t— * Pro —M to doM M—Qfdol l!-_. - * 7toloill!I Ter f#l ^ # *fco Mon ROt lit OOP Hold* oatrd Hit olKim# — Bat Roe For OH od *wo of— ta omM at the Mery 4 a den an . J* r C.te ViTmm tIL ** ni »—ord leaf Rotor—> tor tdot dot Rid000 Lom oeed t»«M - - --- Folttanoo* oltH tegeaAoo In attend Tiger Re* Coot ro¬ ta—fee HA f RotaAon IBM - . _ . ^ T? Operaiioo Amafer—rn UKe Hit BlSOdOO to the I— and Rn>al Weddtng pta HR I' Ml ». _ l onpgpt Of ia ZTkru. 1 OftK and hna< • eeH at Id. Moatr oh It VO Me**. Fto arh oh . ttood f7 - J? ,^0^01 — 1|44 ^ Vi" **•’?: WBP AHk IV*,. fid Mil d». m l-< —« 0*0 .«« .JU -Pf I 1 **?-.**”: •— * >«-»— Tk««. n.l _ M.r«k.m. ta rtfr-- )«»m I tot MM — *1 »•' - ItanntooI OB' and —r «m doon to mild •li mo in lenttt. gth oh PtfiK -- Coni owed — page Id* I _iTT^r he^ltiln^A^olto M— B <to D ^ng #l# rtl f **J ,h /^ - * ,H# ' ** H * 4 ** ^ dFMff Run—« IP oaa greet . mm mTmV Hole lo Head «et and Murder deported OM !m!p Mo** .• K..ld,n. | ' -ij** i,S 1m *«M4B ck F3 bs Hdp D.C; sU— ra. •.#, t mi on* '"Onto. Mtoo (of dldM it PrifrK For' *1 Ado 11 fl M War— > Who «n T—I Indt || 7 ^ Rnaen. .* Pilma Afoond A|irtW«( WlM 25G, * m * w * ’■ F^F«*» •» — Frwote F f O Pa rl) MhdV and Or* »I?M m rvrrrenl World 73d oh The lid Hanra third I oat World Mth d— i worth.— Moo Oo A Rtrfog- gf g— | — oeed Doetd ood doth lotted (rt.e» rhapea eery doH Soth and Tin—rrar dentordi otth gf "Room jpg, n tamri . tiMO I toe It Mot aod Hoto lo Head m—rn* M i^«. tiu it is and d*a to ottn Uo*td and Both | ( M Ad*en **rea Hordle—rr) a—— o—toiMto—il Non—— M^i and Odl adana Ter afoo t a —to at t*» Mery Andee—n ,%,C. Mild IlddOO t—t RMdtMt Bad Tld Woto oeed Operatt— At—tardant draoo foprth Aeen—• <t M0 MtK> ood 12 Haart Ta Rill IIBBW - Bra— MCi Mth M —0 M«r. or nrtk Mk rw. ti* ^ ■*-» ■-*»». »' „J,7i "7> M « ... - fft • npiid M»d darn M »Ro Ftoont aod Mth Rtroot Fla* m y 19 •He— Both ood Coo—eror 4 r.*al dim Trtola ml Oa- ftollaa %i Sadi Fiw Hdp D C.; »• Maptog on BIS M0 after BIS M0 for found For Or Or’ It holding taHH 0 oeeg A— II■ two n fpurih Haora at the Re*—nao HAR 1— Bl Id- War—r Who Woa That led* Bl TV inr*. m ftlma Aroond tonro* Oha* d17 Ono to rwrreol World 724 oh The Bid Haora tentol ateoae at the Fotere Bat .. _ . (•nw. -e - k.. .. 7 -re foe TM Weed •* - ? 1 ** «*• Vr—r" ra Rtller at"* 1 A I «IT» and ** A—rimen' f A Id od* Imitol round endtng last night Toea l *p^L • 1 H. tind.t A4M—I or near In NWB imrnmmmtmi ’ **W * m* M- M *'F r ‘T h ' r “’ •* P»e*ie* Ra* or da* —^o—«r IN Add |i IS- oaa t«4 "«i nea> In l\MB n«w| $9,000 l« BIBS - de-auae They re To—' '• ** L** W . , *TT* •I'* Moo In Ha* ana * *Cot ahead rugiiHe Rind* 1% 0th p^, ‘||_ *LP y__ 1 tn Hoi ImoOo mftd BOOM loaf Ito aot hiUm Honra tl A* , V h od* O— B3 Odd Leal oeeh «Kddoa« tldddd hut A Rne toog rlH. rUMIMl JWB 1 111, need *Ret dare For- M nd Odd lor • dap a IS M0 r *to na _■ » ru # 1 A AAA UW -Bo— • f f—treat MA C-d'lM.' 4dR |i »l h MjCB»kl Ob? $10,000 R F The at row* MA fopf—l loro* A dirt | IIV) Ret dare For* Mh oh* pnd —* 0 — ro* Wd rlnor »ra*el than dooofonw noew 1 U 20 M 7V — Tn 4 ««” | mtorrou Thuta* tooda tide aha* it )uat aha* at Feno an apenrr I* oM tr a— Me— ore dao nttd Loro a BWh» «Ath od (toed KIWI or |!7 0— or —or after fit Odd for Tam Oo Horae ‘ malotaina par# Mar Arthur R 0 a— ft |# . Mote the —I* ooe nopin g to pull —or L— oreh §14— -»»nth (tor. oolr a— moro ot R—irrel Hill den Her ‘ tn •Tarty — Rnror Goo *M ah' out of the —I dr um a otth arh—fa .— ■ ■ c |* Rtran—ra When We Meet** CM* tld round ot Warner and Con- (At* Midi rtootod pod prearo— of , _ . _ _ »pe— it—e 10 t an~ in aeoontd of Nla— aha— MaW —00 RW <| MO 00- H—die harry Ft— RRO Aid— gen Unr Rr—i S9 000 > BeWdte Read#' M OM R|IR drnt •l IS Her Rare For 4th I—Oa good a »h R'tdea of Dmr ^ Foyrho For InHiol round tn—aln tor Tdto Weed Oh no. MO— ola Maieottr ta ouo otth 'R—i’ P ---- L ti* ending to—• Wed tooda It he 1hfl | ms || || VI Opera It— Amaierdom ’ BMK* •I IS Her Bare Par AtK tooda good o rh R'tdea of Dmr ^ v+ywww, Payrho Pot UK Oda* MO— die ohrle Ma—Ahr la Mr# otth f^Lg. D^L’ C fc ^ai (£ ending to—y Wt Wufrli Ad I Jdd Mdl 40 — Ho—.hoi * Rtrond V dud otth v—dBd, RBI I In I— VA| ^igp,, pad n— or _ *Ba>Mi of Rraea (m»t ft oh (o—p*rorr of HeurV - Omaha June II of reurae Paying day dote utth Th TTVV a— I ..TlLl * ! ** •* ' 7 ** JjjVTn ! * 11 •»»•••«• n. n i^n. m rw*k«« rir,< '* ,> ****■ 7 ” — »•'**“». »• '£* L~* * 7 *, «k» «*f IO ore- imw «mm. m .. «... . ' ■—**—m~,h ^ no. n- 3r;j: tn - -•T-cJi -s:»- *— »*. -»-»- - •ssio.^TcJ^vst j*? - •»<* ^ «.- .t»* tiro ST Jo nUta -1 •*>. »*>»k •< orvOwk. «k.i. oto •••'» ••*• ~* w o.. Tl ro Mia i,ZSk.^.rir TkToiie hmm » ta m ik. m nu. »W‘»: '•«« •«_, JiZ*" » lopraa ■ Boo—" Coni' 'MO "t ” h _ .. p. JT ^ ... »€• Bot edge WB Vh —at MlM • 0 Mr « BldM Leal need rotaeuea to— W—wur r—imuea f>eo« m na pounK oeed dntahed moter SI— Rubrn I TM »l SWB2 TS* Ftoaa fl 27d il BMt 1 — r ~ l -Career liarl - Indie • <M ud> Bieuf RDM |—| oeed V Md Temu Kmc — tl Bl 4W- *Mu—d (to te Mp 4T Indie Be- — tio— 1—( oeed Mend of a dam Tye—• m and “T— Re— to 'Adm MdMW RW IBM d»-M‘ - IMO at the C——r day Tueo» oaa mild fllJdd or — Can-C— Mth Tth oh Bharp ‘ Jp - * 11 * 1 Bia—ilM tor TdM Weed < tooP after 111 tod tor thud BT 0— I—t oeed to too Vum Neti WB Slry f7 Id |—f Conwer < neper 009 |! Id Herruiea l nr homed' W|* ope— r*oe i ATI* 1 MW •* II IT teed. ^doM— (toe Rol— I— M M<- BfoNur »MG *IBIK June 29 Bnumha la*r l A* GOae MO • nd *'BVpn—( C— tLo—• o h Gree t MO— feat need ditto Forum Muaa< BIS •#•!•§ - IMn #f | m, «_* i..ant of • t — oha Tr—afea* IBM TV$I» Oorar Wilde’ PlH— Aruuud Marathon MG M SM Mato *l—o I MO dhddi- - Ho— t— I WB* Rhapea atoo Werld Opened Monday M* lo - nm *a nr ai ta* Adoeuturea of Hurhte—rr > Ft— M Sto LeH need. Room (fueen ahead Mon — Rfnne Col* AtK , 7" . 'Z y"^ fro—I— T-Rbl OM tl SABS oeed fS _ - Mao on Mr tng'Coit Bd ed The— t — to Rill' <M4. Bd Or pda urn rTrtH.tey 2 fT7 Tt- Para—nt Ad FT IBM |l Rtonley -*ur i II *1 Q; f— BAS— after to000 opener oA weed fl SM to Mu— —ra fl -*TBury of RutK BMK Fair- Bl — d—ry of Ruth 2MK Initial Monm—I WR Fine |U 00R. Ip—a RW IBM dl AWffTS OWaol Rati—al Realty • <UB lah HM I—f —od Heller In a—at— ending lew—r— TKura nMt help of Ire Falare WR — —^TowC— BMh Am od Fl— M B d — ( onapuary of Ho or t a^ Find TMhtt For and “ F t I n o n i—d« tn hit pood fS7 «• or near ***JwWop '*•* »QM •***. "Clrr— ttdd— Far* and Change Mr et i agT of Bofpa 'For BS.MR Holdtng In ahead Crord m Mu ^ Hurtora 41* HM War—r RW. <t tod dl ad-dST»* Fw Dutt fl Mi Last —ad daoar Caaper 749 |l T.iU m BMK «t «l BIAS— War—r RW I til Bl to tS IBi ^ Bee H«. Mt. UK — Sard M— On String Cm «• and "Wald of Mamth— Men Bd oK Pair Bad— Ttly StnaV Ho« Hard Ben Hur 2M oH Mill ago RMidM. aowa oa law —ah. I Lida Draw— fa . H M «|BJM afiar thMd daw. lafoitomi tdJM. MIS 7t* — "Poil» R HAM Loal peed. »l7Md A event urea of Hur hie— rr* Ft— t4 A— Leal oeed R—u (preen ahead * MoO — Col* Wh ~ .T7” ( . . f M , fcl MG Opened Runday It Loot C and Hell Bent tor Le*ltter~ od It daya m o— h tiOOM after - ^ UV^7* oood *t tot lent Hours * CA and »1‘, HM to tot tor thUd full oeed ea — ^ wmmm to Rih’ *MG». RA—let AW STM tl tl to - Hoorn—l Wd Fl— |IIMd.