Variety (June 1960)

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RADIO’S COMME Cl COMME CA Sigas of the Ti WEBS FLOUTING A MHli VflSNB WfeBB ( BM flrknitaff tMfctei fft tMl I , . ... . U C<H«i fur a w WmIN* acal th# M( •«! XU**# fill *P0IV IIIV Umi tteat H »m m market f#r a pt-flu-er f«r ttea a cn cg. 11 B| H Q | RJ A • » <* *«M •»•*# Ms the W«4«t at • period The rMpM« <« tM (J fl 01111 I IIVM pUOfTloaf MMMTMMl hM up prtMpI Ml* til Mi Mf ak*r u n i te MM »4mt »ha' • km U|frn«| Hurl thg ihtaal By %£T if h># te a* IN % .... _ #».# . Where m th# pa*« perteap* • Am « II teA hr III* . --1 T5|. a-m fl •».»# teeen t B* ha* mi h«a4 III aptiii a* **;■* *"•*• ■*• **" ,' ** I ten* 4 -4 mm i« af tteewe m • fram tap **., e* • ha k#*# beep | ^ *** uupr*Bt*B*e [ * Ikeotigefl * *m M<|«( MNIW 1 «# the p#*' |«m lufltng MWI af 'h# "*•'*'• ***•** er• tut# PMM |» laflea 4r »mimic i kM i They re Mill pouring la. **• ’"*• •» *r**•*»# from ICI. M4 aafl *r4 .(Ml. ^^^____— a—— ^ ———— kl| hid K 4# »*MMAC%( *»*d | l«i ge. oath • cMiteim d emer tS-Sws Moral Decay’ Of A City (New York) . _ , •M W* MIMWlI 1 h •• Il*C «ete* M m MM ,'Ttern M■ j erpluea tff* fleltgte'efl Mow EH •5i*5 r -5 NK i Pr# Burl Cm ^ TL* 3J£JTVLZ2Z*JZ Bf III limiteMlWI 'We Got the World on a Beep' Themes WNEW Radio s Newsroom WCBS-TVs Outspoken Religioso On ,j£ Moral Decay’ Of A City (New York) s?< • a puw*ua*ty mt ..token m >—. 1 ■ 11 • «*et d »He Mil climate M y^, m M l C . **#. ^ . Ycl n y .,11 te teterX MW t ft# BtWl CM '-Iter k to* 3» • - a *r *i Hmim 4 __ _ __ ,, M i, • l se Waa •« lm W( B» TV H V AM •”* ***** . 2L" frnnami TKc loot tewri 4 mm • ad IM Mtecr kauri 4 mu*«r at*d • hat'er trr# .wefl Ilia |r4 eeek Ml J*MM#T\ IK IU4i« ha* Mte ’ IrrikfMl f** • f* M| A_ m 4 tea Mtecr teuwi d mo*ir m*4 ' o 4 «« • oteM I* me 4 tte re# I 100 IP 1/1 m I llfl - teyUcc #cr# a«efl lh# Id eeeg 'M * •« ite Htertil* Mtecr* a*c Wifi I vll m J iw w a tx J. I* X Ur 14 *• * Ttec _ kM Ba4«« tea« ttea B/'»kr.*i ' ok * rc rfir ‘ A ,i f « late !tecc kite r,. «liN l«4 ,« ki k* h ■’*•*04 Ik# I |Vl AflUdDdim ^ron till* IM MarU.ll *» • «p •« i 1 y tearteteaar #1 *tec #cte. k4 teaa • itelM Bwa 4a * __ _ __ _ Itenfl it am late Ikac tecca a a»*«trt I** Ml 9m taBc Retire W a #«4rr «# r#M#crt«rc «aacc ttec 4caart«rc • * •- |||^( KS I Fill nlOfl »* t*tc u o-cih. *4* .f t.-mn » m rk Mire • aa tec «M aac Mteiteltel vm ^IWB r#ypcr M (Mira ttec wocca 1 M m 44 »r K4mI tea* a*rd t# I tec ate *# llcrt' *>c M-:» « tearW* ^#.4 ” lfc J *»w«a icte aM llte awarl oycrpM V a*»te B. Ike# %* FM*cr a*4 Uw- , M1I - a u,-. 4 Mhmm *• »nap#n ttecai Ma'iaal Botete. »AC r B.^c#tetem Ml a*TS* laaete mi *J*ar f mmm+f- ^ f "* § * % M,,wfc a»cMtecf. 4 1 4 r» % < mom* rt#u .«•«# tteat Grcca WhM ra- Uc Bcatoar •••te t*c yoktea la hc*c* tter#a«* irritate* ter nearer a «'■» 0 *cw tra*’ tali acr- ttec rearwe d ttec <>■» aon a a ttec* < p# arBiaatil* a#a!4 teawc acr Mttet terlarc Hite But tte# aitt ate#* Ml ttec pre »iad *teM* M 4 :tem.gtet a #a##t tteat ii«*4 4 lte-.graa* t ■<a*#li4a»Haa l”W* tea* f»44c » d a>*» »oi»ayte . #ia 4 ar*ac* i#mm,i a | gpymai te teat ttecr# * r *t t# tec cia y p c4 cat te* ttec acte. a • 144- •# eel tc*.4*ate — aaa aa a«e«r «a at aM la tteia Mu * ii4 »*•» cm eater- tte ft. tic *k#rt« ante Mere te a» ■ ■ # • y | «miNo 4 la a aac wtatte ' Maaiaat * teca * tea4 ta tec largat- ttec aa* attc 4 te#altli mac* ’ »• #♦* -y— - 4 <h* umf ,ft lt M ( m> tea ar c**c aa aiaitcr* tarac* ait tte#** , 1 a# arc a e**»er far te a m;* rearttMl aaa aa i«ac4*tc t hum tea f c*trlrtc4 tel airtime Mete »• Mill actual yrtc# af te^- 4 aaa aa fS# ray* Wete M *4 ^at aa eater* am meet rclatireU Marc a«Maa * amt ttecatrc mar' Btea a if It . aai4a t tec a llttla M»cte*«4 « teaa Arthur 1 .#4 »■»* * Mrtr..*a* aewaat c 1 patm a*a*c « affwrc ate**' tte* raaw# a# tte* ^ luiprn* * ' f.uaamatec - y *#te-r item Ttec* a«e* rUc H * «,i aa teat ttec >ma»aay a#*4 aa, BIm a# raaae** «taa«a« Mr future y*< cir* aa ttec Marreawe* ta ac« ttet« 1 * ihc tavartmt iyyrjjjti d a*aar af ttec*c pragtac* ateilc no# aa4 BcUag u ca. car##' t# tsc ma*art Ha ttec ar«aart •• <Mi4»r af la#c*utr 4c.(te tel ttec cteplMt««MMi farter »Pk the . ,# ,#, *#,»,##* |# anc*( tte# “ d* * guralmeaMe *afct« la*' tuercaac* T hr.oMt te #* * the *tem» at.. * te#M»c«a •«»*• *’■» <lcra*c4 ta kill Hdea tk# 4**r nmc la p*watc4 «#4 c* __* T r MM ’ after SB year* aa4 Pat Bai tre et* « r«*4 4 far t* I* te___ •••< -Ate tecr act aaaMtecr 7 . • kcc fh arc aeward ta llftiftl l/TV RPefWS catcrtatamcat pragram a 4ramatir m. .mTa.J*,>eM* a .i- ^ -»te* leak thnr rachinH pi* . r;t ^ - aSTSSrSSL 0* Duan PresraU m# ■*- AAla? *maa4 Tteau H#. |^ t t*, %i C TV teaa pettea '< aataauc4 aa pap# 4»* *• •» ^ Ateaca. .tcaiiat ante H , y fV ^ ## ' Da*ac* Pry 4 -,c*t rarrmg f**a *• *a*ai« ta ^^4 , ^ ##«i acaaaa Hetaarte. #a*te« #ac aaa r .mtaM«.a< aa4 Itec ’htr* Tteau aril *###4 up la ||l \ 7 C/k non |¥|| m w-* s ' '“cm temtt.n M 1 M y, LDO J<1*1,UW,WU teo* aar o'm# *caha4 #«-*i a»ia>. tea*a t rta#4 aa* pern* frar. hard* c* ca Mpraac ^ , 1 # ^ . Kat«ac*ct aa tile fl SB-7 S4 f\ | f at a i»»<t't"t| pm l«af* c* KlIiLlilf Iat Mayic •#1 hta.* hut thia uccte it aaa DtlUlfvl 1111 lWW«t _ |A . M # repartefl tteat (and. Dr* rracua* • Till L' MM ,w * teuartcr af ttey naau f* I ff a n IIU is moving on Pnbaffars Segs II f P Bte Star* af ttea MpMMtep kflvlfl • Vaciaiti mi Lpm^* p^tearc Ageary fur I **»c4a Dry Budget far ttec ( Bte Hcaa Dt*l fanny oi rronis ■-» * ^ — ••••^ - mp#* a _ • ' 1 ■■ a*i accte a ahwppa a g alltia*# iteiitagim June ti fK’ PCI Uf Cm hl€ * ^ •»*» *•«" Tdc*.M#a lafuraastma fWhrc af 1 ( BB atll tea*# Si aac hear "t Bte Wrtraaal A*m gf Braaflrmtcr. ka ^*B TV ha aM at tteryy> Beparta" Mth the ffl Mariya f re* | n mteaag a teuate la the Pul* ^Mrlcr* af it a ta# aa# a half yrica*tr team praahariag H a ill >»irr. *t ttec I ural lc* 4 ‘ haara «f Pf# A f*df Tcurauarat fc#%# \J ‘-ficuitacm t# Ntaiary ► teail'teemrg ttec Mr at pateior ****1?*? ° M William- mgaical* M Ttec T«cat|#tte fete- art* ire pr# ram* d ha trlahwa ati Inf SI^ <V T?*** ^ 4C *‘ lury“ *teau* fare ttec Hat lea “ lag ap tealf aafl Pateai Beer a guar ^ t##mm.#u^ icanati _ ^ ter Tteat lea*eg aay-feartte »•* tec - . *• ■, *Hc%c latter aill t........ ~> *. t^-v ■»., WWW ? *i .~7..*r*r pm I Mm met me t a mmtttcc rteaar red* u ima aa 4 . turdger aa itepart* atll rua te a-aa t lu> B W«f afiaagh at ttec Wete raa t mil B ta a tire aaaaa ... _ a *^r • ac# t aaauat meet tag af (tee H %B fadurcr The rc««#a i* that the . *** K4 “T** Irtamm te»ct af I te* crier* here t#e*eaa*eat uitl rngmete fruaa th# ^ aariu fliag ttea IM< R*uar4« lad accte fontoac (a«tr* (late la Aterua Artp atll ar ntpy lTtt*J d IN j (WHcr Mto*aticg af TlfS 4 r«iga. 4 T»rwM#ac aaa t Bay tte# acgaieat MflBt*M»# » r »rflai le -tua teaarg eg , te* ram h • nur 1 # the »«-*•#% *# w m»f **arc 4 • put pleat* d free H*pat*caf Ifluarfl* aa* ttea ape r b Stetmlmirh P H U M tfc# angtteptaaa aaarre dal* Ttea! ta it*clf t* aa alltime II f Jill. ^ * iirtailaugte 4 4*^1 mwateer tir# teapte far aa* acte. aa* time larlufl T" _ _ _ aaaaatarturcr ua the ar' c4tecr lag r *gi« at It* prate carlufllafl Wdtem ttec acat three maatte* jg^ h „ |.g#fy a rmapet 4 ar uaalfl ttea letterflay raflm nctaarte re feeattel* Matter»aa atll ha fltaittte ( « r# ttec *ymi*#r*telp aarua* la Uaare ar aca« aa Ha aaly aalcateta * aainucfl aa pa*a SB* j l*#u af Uma lir* f tr eat aa a pup c#amaa*M» U J 4 .. ^..g l## Ml M idc aafl Itec auacfl uperatefl Wllam. trilafl fSre^Z W,M »• -VN - 1 Wu.ual 4 * m#w* >aadt ltd *arap t amm^r ^ •duaate n#»* tteat t ree# M.M fpc ‘ ' n “* »» 1 Mrt tecocw tteruata imtdcfl te* ,.caretaj < •** •»•>" »"«» t B4 arfliaanl* u#ulfl tea*# aer dal awattea Prime HBt But ttec Pay Bats ABC Gnf Brill Itt hafl heca tempi ag teat it «•« ri*al Patent ateirte teaall* teuufltet a guaricr af ABt TV katet n an f<#4teall league »Pcfl far nc*t fall At tteia petal ttec actuurk ha* three quarter* af the Itec teunfla* •pari* *te#u add (rcacf *1 ( igar aafl Him lair Me An lag mmn alhet yiarlai Pateai came 1 a rte Kcn*«ia te Rrkaerflt Look Mag s 450G NBC Politicast; Webs 5 Clients HIM tv teaa *#4fl laate maflaamc • algfll af (•« Ml pelttiral raa- tcatlaa ruwerage Th.* h the |r«l pier# #| teu»iac«* art eptefl te* Ihc "-'chI that flifl aat rarer Math itec rear eataer* aafl clcriiaa nighi prframaairg lante it fmtelag aul HflM far Ha M«>h d th# Item OOP reprieve •'•era* A ••till af hath r«e*ea ttear aafl rlnia* night aa HBt TV c a me* t# Burnt aM HBt TV ha* hdfl cut uaill aau aa *paa*ar* #h# • aatefl i# hr#Ah up Ihc pdtttral par Page ihc ether • In Mtecr umfl* ihc acte niaefl aaaac* that ua* uWerefl far Itec aaarc papular pre elect lea flay tele re*«* if if 414 aat at*# Inriufle a terfl f«r lh# , #, |.*c* Bui per hap* a#u uHh 'he teglaarc gf *p#**<M*hip *ir#uglh fa*#raag the ««a*rniwa* HIM uifl upca up at tea* 1 I.gate • noatitetag electma •latte t# «ae d Itec «cicrgl ••and hr •rfler* uhah larluflc Bara Lee With itec t aste tea the eaa«en 1 tea* aa HBt TV are rerreatt* three fourth «#ifl. • telle clcriiaa #•- • WlflBtfy aa half full Be •tfle* M*ih bu%* aa hath clcriiaa aafl raaieatyai te* («aa*rtrh Braua te Wilitaa**an aafl I iplaa a iSth af hath e*eai« ua* teaughl *nme fl** • age te* Pielfl Raierpri«ew far W* WarIfl Red Pmtrlapgeflia OMNIBUS SLATED FOR SUN. RETURN * ttenntteu* ’ ta eapecte* ta reture I# tele* i».aa ae«t terra after the laveff af a year Aliaanaiusa Llfl aae 4 tSe aMtutter* aa the Bate ert Bauflete praflurtuta ia ateaul ta rtuae ft. «e*ea haui tan* eflittaa* af the alaara aa HBT T\ Alataiaiuai i« uafler Uaafl te hate Isrearteefl the vattefert af reel* lag tiae aha# Hauflete tteea '.rate if la HBC Hetuarte mil «rh#*ulc itec *e*ca program* aa r ragtelt a aare- araathl* tea*i« ua tte# Baaflay Sfl p ia time Haue*er HBt’ la aat itt lag la peflflle aa are gf (tee 'Oteeiteea~ 4aar*« an that prrteap* Baaflay V fl • a*t tec fi lefl a* a regular a«ai- *er ha •• il tey the naPural aerie* D*P*a( Pr Ta Rife WiUi Pobheos i TteaPtmi teaughl ateaul u« mlaate* nil af r ee t m c mal lime Ha the ABT TV r T" rmerage af the iul* patltlral raa ^ veatum* Tte-* *« tte# »ernafl pi ere d teu*iae*» ttec iaei«arte hag ant ,1 lea la the tiOP Oemarratlr ty . ! algaaa*. laut il rame* te a very N " «mall |f »##♦ age af the fatal lime ’* •• aiiatetc ! Berth) -t merefy mm eg the *d ■ rammernal minu'e* that uauM r 4 *|ha*e beet, prct-iaptefl far »l*e rea- *N | »#altart• te* ptanafl ta Ik* raa- j rUve* P DuP**rt» ha* pariiripglMa* la *#e L atiMM hate!#*** aafl Huflarfant ■fl- Brum • amuuatiafl 1 # Mi aiMiule* tag ever* laa accte* re- (Mtecr MM raaveataaa* I* Steth tete Pe* uhlrh ha*«gte' a I Site af Itec | lae pt| pdiiaal flaear By BftB f NAHM SB Dae* • f?M fltete-a tear fully* maanefl pen* eperatiaa pay df for a I nr at raflaa inflcpcaflcait Tteat « tte# rurrcat coat af aiaia- laiaing l e IV men m-u*raaaa af WHPW H V lafloc in h Bullivan v p fl aa af tte# Vfett apnlttea Bf nad« ciag nnaefl taflie ihiate* H • all uurthuhtle Ma freely nlm.'t la teem* unatele 'a • rarc tecnefll* ia the i.liag* af the •latitat fma itec rhaagemcr frnaa 'he (featl* Heat acevire la itec 4*- lata a eaa *taff * tear «afl a half •gn But he laeliete* (He payaff ’ it.* rame ta term, af *talare pre* llge *er*i<e aafl puteiirn* Puhli. t*y tirmt fxtra the acta# •taff* turre***afl ateiliiv la rre at# aea« aith fullteinun ptrteupa from uir# tevrlre* aafl Itec i*4ry pulilaa art.. a Ith rrefll* fur WHflM in I ter ar *'#rie* Lite# thg ' me flaring in# teftragrd laal ala let alien aeut i. ip p r i Marlin Wet* flaa rallcfl Hcu Yah ( lit St I per • laleufleal 4 Mrhaal* Jdtn The-*- held ta a*te uteetteer Itec %rteaa«g • •mid tey apeu ae«i flat Theatealfl •aifl the >fl-a tepflr t nrrurtefl I# him but he fl r«u*iflrr 11 aafl rail tearte Ha WHRW hrntec itec alary that night ateCN Theuteald flag de- nfly la rknr Ihc arhcM* loan far Ihc flay Thai • aa# af maNt *u- h aca* mateiug eater pram* aver the p**« tear aafl a half and the WHRW team af IS reparter iNierwieuer*. *M egutppefl ailh tape recar g o g Mtfl ha«fl* leg. m gruaiufl ia* rr- mimi* 4e|K «• ih.t hmfl af teu*rue*« I a*l ueete il *h . MHSW reparter at Vue Ptcdrni Nihna * ( tmflen prr « r«mfereurg • ho .*hcfl •hetlier he’d 4eh«ia Hee Yak Oavetaar Barteefeflrr H*me flat three ather reparter. •ere aui •«(. I heir reeerflrr* nn differ cat Marie* fUaff I* *a r-*a*iHaled that H man* •* ay reparter. raa tee aul aa the «t«cct at <aure During lh# height af the Tguil* tetntee fur eg- Mnplc MHrik Aired 21 Atflereal i*gefl laiovieuy aa the Utttee ta . yiagle flat Bound ihai there . « beep ptetme yetup ailh the impd tH m«lrur that* la vtaffet* that they • .n gri *n inter*tea u 4 h varue- hafl* ua the *pat Afld la lh«A thg tart that itec *latiaa *uteuritieg ia • C aaliuuefl au page Igi Walter Lippmann TV Bow July 7 Tele i*mu la flue ta aar Ma ad inn*«.• tag flireet rrltiram af th# Ki*cat*#«er aflmiNiairatMu aafl tte# f*re«ifleat hrmaelf it teaa ever af fnrfl •hen Walter 1 Ippmaua make* teia tv dr tetri au IBB Bepart* July T The artual roaleal af I ippuaoa * remit At u tectug kept a eeil guard efl *e'nrl la* CBB TV aufl egrr pre- flurer frefl fttcufll* teut|t *teuu«n that I .ppmann pull* nr puartee* in hi* e* almlma af R u eateauer a* a thief Rwerutue Me* p#r(trula«lr mitral d harufllag af teueiga af fur* amt flefea«r I .ippmaan af r«ur*e haa been mtirjf af Ike m h«y ralumn *a h*«e nther aru*paper rufum«M«4t Bui lelrvuiaa ht« mataiainefl a fliarreet h«ufl* aff path y •Ken If rwayt I# r\ altt-ling the Ki*ea burr rt gtme ta Waahlugtan aafl the fllrer'n« • aafl efllinri«llr*linn d I tee l.ippm«Na mmmeatvry a 111 he *#methiufl af a flrwt “ Frieraflly ha* been after l .pp mann fur year* teut (he rulumau' ha* hern aafl remain* ewlremely rrtflral af I* The man ah# teaall* • aa him over mth aaaut* frput Frteu fl fv aafl Ffl Nurrm*. • aa ( BB *ea*or rurtc ipauflrnt N«mar4 h Hmtlh |a far' the ptagtam at* filmed in Hmilh • Wa*hlngi«ta k»m* carl* Iht* *prtag aufl final tfliUUg ha* aau Ur - a tamptedi