Variety (March 1911)

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VARIETY *9 Marshall * Anderson MoFaddena Flats Co Marshall Broa * Berrl Orphaum Richmond O Martell Family Kentucky Belles B R Martha Mile 61 W 91 New York Martin Dave * Perele Majestlo Houaton Martin Frank 8 T Jacks B R Martina Carl A Rudolph 467 W 67 New York Mason Harry L College Olrla B R BOB MATTHEWS •01 Gaiety Theatre Bids., Broadway and 46th St., New York. TUB MATTHEWS AMUBBMBNT CO. Mathleaon Walter 843 W Ohio Chicago Mathieua Juggling Majestic Dee Moines Matthews Marry * Mae 140 W 17 PI Los Ang Matthews Mabel 2981 Burling Chicago Mayne Elisabeth H 144 E 48 New York Mays Mualcal Four 164 W Oak Chicago Mazette Rose Marathon Girls B R McAllister Dick Vanity Fair B R McAvoy Harry Brigadiers B R McCale Larry Irwlns Big Show B R McCann Ueraldlne A Co 706 Park Johnston Pa McCarthy * Barth 1901 Missouri av St Louis McCarvers 40 Melrose Boston McClaln M 3221 Madison av Pittsburg McCloud Mable Bon Tons B R McConnell Bisters 1147 Madlaon Chicago McCormlck A Irving 1810 Gravesend av Bkln McCune A Grant 686 Benton Pittsburg McDowell John A Alice 627 6 Detroit McUarry A McGarry Pennant Winners B R McOarry A Harris 681 Palmer Toledo McGregor Sandy Brigadiers B R McGulre Tuts 69 High Detroit Mclntyre W J Follies of the Day B R MacMlllan Violet Majestlo Butte McNallys Four 229 W 88 New York McNamee 41 Smith Pougbkeepsle MoWaters A Tyson 471 60 Brooklyn Meehan Billy Sam T Jacka B R Melk Anna Brigadiers B R Melody Lane Girls Wichita Kan Mendelsohn Jack 168 W 68 New York Menetekel 104 B 14 New York Meredith Sisters 29 W 66 New York Merrill A Otto Orpheum Oakland Merrlt Hal 6 Av N Y Meriitt Raymond 178 Tremont Pasadena Cal Methen Sleters 12 Culton 6prlngfleld Mass Meyer David Lewis ft Lake Muelcal Co Meyers Anna Pennant Winners B R Michael ft Mlehael 820 W 68 New York Milam ft Du Bole 886 19 Nashville Miles Margaret Fads ft Follies B R Military Trio 679 B 24 Peterson Millard Bros Rose Sydell B R Miller Larry Princess 8t Paul Indef Miller May Knickerbockers B R Miller A Queen of Jardln de Parle B R Miller Helen Passing Parade B R Miller ft Maok 2641 Federal Phlla Miller ft Princeton 88 Olney Providence Miller Theresa 118 W Grand av Oklahoma Mlllman Trio Hanaa Hamburg Ger Mills ft Moulton 68 Rose Buffalo Milton Joe 1008 N 16 St Louis Milton ft De Long Sisters Colonial Lawrence Mints ft Palmer 1806 N 7 Philadelphia Mlskel Hunt ft Miller 108 14 Cincinnati Mitchell Bennett Miss N Y Jr B R Mitchell ft Cain Empire Johannesburg Moller Harry 84 Blymer Delaware O Monarch Four Golden Crook B R Montambo ft Bartelll 40 E Liberty Waterbury Montgomery Harry 164 E 124 New York Mooney A Holbein Cork Ireland Moore Snltz Knickerbockers B R Moore Helen J Columbians B R Moore Geo Auditorium Norwich Conn Mooree Mabel Valenteene Family Clifton la Moosey Wm Brigadlere B R Morctte Sisters Bijou Flint Morgan Bruce ft Co Washington Spokane Morgan Bros 2626 B Madison Philadelphia Morgan King ft Thompeon 81s 60S B 41 Chic Morgan Meyers ft Mike 1226 W 26 Phlla Morris Joe Dainty Duchess B R Morris Ed Reeves Beauty Show B R Morris Helen Passing Parade B R Morris Felice Anderson Louisville Morris A Wortman 182 N Law Allentown Pa Morris ft Kramer 1308 St John PI Bklyn Morris Mildred ft Co 260 D 86 New York Morrison May Watsons Burlesquers B R Morse Marie Brigadiers B R Morton Harry K Golden Crook B R Morton ft Keenan 674 11 Brooklyn Motoglrl 629 H E Commerce San Antonio Mullen ft Corelll Orpheum San Francisco Mull Eva World of Pleasure B R Mullen Tom Queen of Jardln de Paris B R Mullen Jim Lovemakers B R Muller Maud 601 W 161 N Y Mulvey ft Amaros Orpheum Portland Murphy Frank P Star Show Girls B R Murphy Frances Dreamlanders B R Murray Elisabeth New Amsterdam N Y Indef Murray ft Alvln Great Alblnl Co My Fancy 12 Adams Strand London Myers ft MacBryde 162 6 av Troy N Y Mylle ft Orth Muscoda Wis N. Nash May Columbiana B R Nazarro Nat ft Co 8101 Tracy av Kansas City Neary Bliss ft Rose 469 E Main Bridgeport Nelson H P Follies of New York B R Nelson Chester Americans B R Nelson Bert A 1942 N Humboldt Chicago Nelson Oswald ft Borger 160 E 128 N Y Nevaros Three Majestic Chicago Nevlns ft Erwood Majestic Chicago Augustus Neville •*<• Co. Playing United Time. Address ALBBE, WEBER ft EVANS, 626 Putnam Bldg., New York. Newton Billy S Mlsa New York Jr B R Nichols Nelson Troupe Portland Me Nlcoll Ida Bohemians B R Noble ft Brooks Grand Knoxvllle Nonette 617 Flatbush av Brooklyn Norton Ned Midnight Maidens B R Norton C Porter 6841 KImbark av Chicago Norwalk Eddie 696 Prospect av Bronx N Y Noes Bertha Gerard Hotel N Y Nugent J C Maryland Baltimore O. O'Brien Frank Columbiana B R O'Connor Trio 706 W Allegheny av Phlla 0*Dell Fay Miss N Y Jr B R O'Dell ft Gllmore 1146 Monroe Chicago O'Donnell J R 182 B 114 N Y Ogden Gertrude H 2836 N Mosart Chicago Oliver Jack Barnum ft Bailey Omar 220 W 86 N Y O'Neill ft Regenery 698 Warren Bridgeport O'Neill Trio O H Shenandoah Pa Opp Joe Kentueky Bailee B R ORourke ft Atkinson 1848 E 66 Cleveland Orpheus Comedy Four Queen Jardln de P B R Orr Chas F 111 W 41 N Y Orren ft McKensle 606 Eaat Springfield Ohio Ott Phil 178 A Tremont Boeton Owens Dorothy Mae 8047 90 Chicago Osavs The 48 Kinsel av Kenmore N Y Packard Julia Paaslng Parade B R Palme Esther Mile 131 B 46 Chicago Palmer Daisy Golden Crook B R Palmer Louise Irwlns Big Show B R Perdue Violet Follies of New York B R Parfray Edith College Girls B R Parker ft Morrell 187 Hopkins Bklyn Parvis Geo W 3614 N Franklin Philadelphia Patridge Mildred Kentucky Bailee B R Patterson Al Kentucky Belles B R Patterson Sam 29 W 138 N Y Paullnettl ft Plquo 4834 Wain Franklin Pa Paul Dottle 8 Rolllckers B R Paull ft Ryholda 869 County New Bedford PAULINE Pantages Circuit Peyton Polly Bohemians B R Pearl Violet Midnight Maidens B R Pearl Marty 81 Mercy av Bklyn Pearson Walter Merry Whirl B R Pedersen Bros 616 Greenbush Milwaukee Peerless Gilbert Ginger Girls B R Pelots The 161 Weetmlneter av Atlantic City Pendletona Majestic Denver Pepper Twins Lindsay Can Pero ft Wilson Waahlngton C H Ohio Perry Frank L 747 Buchanan Minneapolis Person! ft Halllday Majestic Dallas Peter the Great 422 Bl'mneld av Hoboken N J Phillips Joe Queen of Jardln de Paris B R Phillips Mondane Calvert Hotel N Y Phillips Samuel 316 Claeeon av Brooklyn Phillips Sleters Scala Copenhagen Piccolo Midgets Box 23 Phoenicia N Y Plereon Hal Lovemakers B R Plroscoffls Five Lovemakere B R Pleano Yen 16 Charles Lynn Mass Pollard Gene Ceslno Girls B R Potter Wm Big Banner Show B R Potter A Harris 6330 Wayne av Chicago Potts Bros A Co Wlllard Chicago Powder Saul Follies of New York B R Powell Eddie 2314 Chelsea Kansas City Powers Elephants 746 Forest av N Y Powers Bros Bowdoln Sq Boston Price Harry M 934 Longwood av N Y Prices Jolly 1639 Arch Philadelphia Primrose Four Temple Rochester Priors The Tukulla Waah Proctor Sisters 1113 Halsey Brooklyn Prosit Trio Rlngllng Bros Purvis Jas Midnight Maidens B R Qulgg A Nlckerson Follies of 1910 Qulnlan Josle 644 N Clark Chicago Radcllff Ned Dreamlanders B R Radcllff Pearl Watsons Burlesquers B R Ralmund Jim 37 E Adams Chicago Rainbow Slaters 840 14 San Francisco Ramsey Addle Washington Society Girls B R Randall Edith Marathon Girls B R Ranf Claude Washington Spokane Rapier John 173 Cole av Dallas Rathskeller Trio Unique Minneapolis Rawls A Von Kaufman Fischers Pasadena Cal Ray Eugene 6602 Prairie av Chicago Ray A Burns 287 Balnbrldge Brooklyn Raymond Clara 141 Lawrence Brooklyn Raymond Great Valencia Raymore A Co 147 W 96 N Y Redmond Trio 261 Halsey Bklyn Redner Thomas A Co 972 Hudson av Detroit Redway Juggling 141 Inspector Montreal Reed Bros Orpheum Los Angeles Reed A Earl 236 E 62 Los Angeles Reeves Al Reeves Beauty 8how B R Reffkln Joe 168 Dudley Providence Regal Trio 116 W Waeh PI N Y Reld Jack Runaway Girls B R Reld Sisters 46 Broad Elizabeth N J Rellly A Bryan Pecke Bad Boy Co Relnflelde Minstrels Diamond Tuscaloosa Ala Relyea Chae Kentucky Belles B R Remington Mayme BIJou Flint Remy A Soper Auditorium Winchester Ky Renalles The 3064 8utter San Francisco Renzetta A La Rue 2321 So Hicks Phlla Revere Eleanor Pennant Winners B R THE REXOS Next Week (March 27). Poll's. Hartford. Direction. PAT CASEY. Reynard Ed Temple Rochester Reynolds A Donegan Orpheum Budapest Reynolds Lew Follies of the Day B R Rhoade Marionettes 88 W 8 Chester Pa Rice Louie Dreamlanders B R Rice Frank A True 6840 Vernon av Chicago Rice Sully A 8cott Auditorium Lynn Mass Rich ft Howard 814 B 19 N Y Rich ft Rich 8498 Milwaukee av Chicago Richard Bros 116 B 8 New York Rlcharda Greet Keiths Columbus Rleener ft Gores Princees Wichita Kan Riley ft Ahearn 86 Plant Dayton O Rio Al C 269 W 126 New York Rio Violet Knlckerboekera B R Rlpon Alf 646 B 87 New York Ritchie Billy Vanity Fair B R Rltter ft Bovey 49 Blllerica Boston Rltter ft Foster City Leeds Eng Roach A B Vanity Fair B R Roatlnl Mile Queen of Jardln de Paris B R Rober Gue Bowery Burlesquers B R Roberts C B 1861 8herman av Denver Roberts Robt Bowery Burlesquers B R Roberts ft Downey 86 Lafayette Detroit Robinson Chaa A Roblneon Crusoe Girls B R Robinson The 901 Hawthorne av Minneapolis Robinson Wm C 3 Granville London Rocamora Suzanne Temple Rochester Roche Harry Sam T Jacke B R Rock ft Rol 1610 Indiana av Chicago Roeder ft Leeter 314 Broadway Buffalo Rogers Ed Girls Ftom Happy land B R Rogers ft Mackintosh Sun Springfield Roland ft Morln 208 Middlesex Lowell Rolande Geo 8 Box 390 Cumberland Md Roof Jack ft Clara 706 Green Philadelphia Rooney ft Bent Hammeratelns N Y Rosalre ft Doreto Hanlons Superba Rose Davla Rose Sydell B R Roee Blanche Cracker Jacke B R Rose Lane ft Kelgard 126 W 43 N Y Roee Len 1031 Cherry Philadelphia Roee Clarlna 6016 67 Brooklyn TH08 J RYAN -RICHFIELD CO. Next Week (March 17), Chase'e, Washington. Ross ft Lewis Hip Accrlngton Eng Ross Sisters 66 cumerford Providence Roeele Musical Novelty 318 W 48 N Y Royden Vlrgle Rose Sydell B R Russell ft Davis 1316 High Sprlngtteld O Rutledge Frank Gerard Hotel N Y Rye Geo W 116 4 Ft Smith Ark Ryno ft Emerson 161 W 174 N Y Sabel Josephine Ponoe de Leon Htl St August THE SALAMBOS 8-C Circuit until middle July. Address Chicago Office, VARIETY Sanders A La Mar 1827 6 Ave New York Sanford A Darlington 8960 Pengrove Phlla Saunders Chaa Century Girls B R Saxe Michael Folllee of New York B R Saxon Chas Big Review B R Scanlon Geo B College Girls B R Scanlon W J 1691 Vlnewood Detroit Scarlet A Scarlet 918 Longwood av N Y Scherer A Newkirk 18 Goodell Buffalo Schilling Wm 1000 B Lanvale Baltimore Sclntella 688 Lyell av Rochaeter Scott Robt Lovemakere B R Scott O M Queen of Jardln de Paris B R Scott A Yost 40 Mornlngslde av N Y Scully Will P 8 Webater pi Brooklyn Sears Gladya Jardln de Paris B R Selby Hal M 804 Schiller Bldg Chicago Sensell Jean 214 Bleanore Pittsburg Semon Primrose Ginger Girls B R Sevengala 626 Abel Beaton Pa Sexton Chaa B 2849 Johnston Chicago Seymour Nellie 111 Manhattan N Y Shaw Edith Irwlna Majesties B R Shea Thoo B 8664 Pine Grove av Chicago Shea Tex A Mabel 622 N Main Dayton O Sheen Al Big Banner Show B R Sheck A Darville 8018 N Clark Chicago Shedmana Doga Dumont N J Shelvey Broa Grand Evanevllle Ind Sheppell A Bennett Dreamlanders B R Shepperley Bietera 160 Dovercourt Toronto Sherlock Frank 614 W 136 N Y Sherlock A Holmea 3606 Ridge Philadelphia Shermana Two 868 St Emanuel Mobile Sherry J W Pennant Winners B R Sherwood Jeanette Ginger Olrla B R fSk Bliss fSk and Co. Sydney Shields UNITED TIME. Shields The 307 City Hall New Orleana Chaa. W. Altos SHRODES md CHAPPELLE Direction B. A MYERS. Shorey Campbell A Co Iris Phlla Hldello Tom A Co 4313 Wentworth av Chicago Slddons A Eerie 2644 8o 8 Philadelphia Sldman Sam Passing Parade B R Slegel A Matthewe 324 Dearborn Chicago Sliver Nat Watsons Burlesquers B R Slmms Al 18 E 106 N Y Slmmi Wlllard 6435 Ellis av Chicago Slmonds Teddy Americans B R Simpson Russell Big Review B R Slater A Finch 10 N 3 Vlncennes Ind Small Johnnie ft Sisters 620 Lenox av N Y Smlrl A Kessner 438 W 164 N Y Smith Allen 1243 Jefferson av Brooklyn Smith A Adams 408 So Halstead Chicago Smith A Brown 1324 St John Toledo Snyder A Buckley Fads A Follies B R Somers A Storke Empress Cincinnati Soasln Samuel Hastings Show B R Hpauldlng A Dupree Box 886 Oeelnlng N Y Speers The 67 Clinton Everett Mi Speara Anna Merry Whirl B R Spelvln Geo Sam T Jacka B R Spencer A Austin 3110 E Philadelphia Splssel Bros A Co Orpheum Memphis Sprague A Dixon Empress Milwaukee Hprliitter A Church »« 4 Plttsneld Mi 8tadlum Trio St Charles Hotel Chicago Stagpooles Four 344 W 39 New York Stanley Harry Grant Hotel Chicago 8tanley Stan 906 Batee Indianapolis Stanwood David 864 Bremen E Boston Starr A Sachs 343 N Clark Chicago Stedman Al A Fannie 686 6 8o Boston 8telnert Thomas Trio 631 Lenox av N Y Stelnman Herman Lovemakere B R Steppe A H 33 Barclay Newark Stepping Trio 3908 N 6 Philadelphia Stevens Harry Century Girls B H Stevens Will H Serenaders B R Stevena E 136 So First Brooklyn Stevens Paul 323 W 28 New York Stevene Llllle Brigadlere B R Stevene A Moore Columbians B R Stewarts Musical Btar Show Girls B R Stewart Harry M World of Pleasure B R Stewart A Earl 126 Euclid Woodbury N J Stewart «* Marshall Two Natural Colored Comedlane Booked Solid. Under Direction JOB MEYERS Stlpps Musical Family Ottawa Stlrk A London 28 Hancock Brockton Mass Stokes A Ryan 2106 Bayard Wilmington Del Stone Geo Ginger Girls B R St James A Deere 168 W 34 N Y St John A McCracken 6161 Cheetnut Phlla Storecheln H 2682 Atlantic Brooklyn Strehl May Broadway Gaiety Glrle B R Strubblefield Trio 6808 Maple av St Louis Stuart Helen 41 B Ohio Chicago Sullivan Danl J A Co 1917 W 61 Cleveland Sullivan Harry A Co Bijou Jackson Sully A Phelps 2810 Bolton Philadelphia Summers Allen 1966 W Division Chicago Sutton A Sutton Princess Wichita Kan Sweeney ft Rooney 1830 Wyoming av Detroit Swisher Gladys 1164 Clark Chicago Bwor Bert Columbians B R Sydney Oscar Lovemakere B R Sylveeter Cecelia Paaslng Parade B R Sylveetere Plymouth Hotel Hoboken N J Symonds Alfaretta 140 S 11 Phlladelphle Syts ft Syts 140 Morris Philadelphia Tambo ft Tambo Majestlys Walsall Eng - Tates Motoring Orpheum Salt Lake Tangley Pearl 67 8 Clark Chicago Taylor Mae Castar Alberta Canada Teal Raymond Majestic Phoenix Arls Temple ft O'Brien 4 29 E 2 Fargo N D Tenley Elmer Pennant Winners B R Terrlll Frank ft Fred 867 N Orkney Phlla Thatcher Fannie Bon Tone B R Thomas ft Hamilton 667 Dearborn av Chicago Thomes ft Wright 636 N Clerk Chicago Thompson Mark Bohemlane B R Thomeon Harry 1284 Putnam av Brooklyn Thorne Mr ft Mrs Harry 223 St Nlch av N Y Thorns Juggling 68 Rose Buffalo Thornton Arthur Golden Crook B R Thornton Geo A 396 Broome N Y Thurston Leslie 1322 12 Washington Tldmarsh Fred ft Co Academy Hagerstown Md Tllford Lew Orpheum Salt Lake Tllton Luclle BIJou Racine Wis Tlnney Frank Orpheum Salt Lake Tlvoll Quertette Grlswold Cafe Detroit Indef Tombs Andrew College Glrle B R Tops Topsy ft Tops 3442 W School Chicago Torcat ft Flor D Allza Wlllard Chicago Torleys Majestic Columbus Ga Tracy Julia Raymond Bartholdl Inn N Y Travers Belle 207 W 38 N Y Travers Phil 6 E 116 N Y Travers Roland 221 W 42 N Y Tremalnes Mul's 230 Caldwell Jacksonville III Trevett Quartet Monarch Hotel Chicago Trevor Edwin A Dolores Golden Crook B R Trlllers 346 E 20 New York Troubadours Three 347 W 34 N Y Troxell A Wlnchell 306 3 N Seattle HARRY T8UDA Next Week (March 87), Colonial. Lawrence. Bonked Solid. James E. Plunkett, Mgr. Tunis Fay World of Pleasure B R Tun< nrio Bros Polls Worcester Tuxedo Comedy Four Bl.lou Bungor Me Ullne Arthur M 1769 W Lake Chicago I'nlque Comedy Trio 1927 Nicholas Phlla YiiKKi-H Fiimlly Helena Mont Yaludons Les 34 Brewer Newport R I V:iM:ire Bessie Bllou Battle Creek Valentine A Hell 1461 W 103 Chicago Valli cit;i» Leopards Orpheum Salt Lake Valletta ft Laminn 1329 Rt Clark Cleveland Valmorc Lulu & Mildred Bohemians B R Vance Glndys Malentlc Kalamazoo Van Dalle Sisters 614 W 135 N Y Van Horn Bobby 139 Best Dayton O Van Osten Eva Queen of Jardln de Paris B It Van Osten Bob Sam T Jacks B It Vardelles Lowell Mich * Variety Comedy Trio 1516 Berth Indianapolis Vnssar A Arken 324 Christopher Bklyn Vass Victor V 26 Hasklns Providence Vedder Fannie Don Tons B It redder Llllle Cracker Jacks H K Vedmar Rene 3286 Broadway N Y Venetian Serenaders 676 Blackhawk Chicago Vernon A Parker 187 Hopkins Brooklyn Village Comedy Four 1912 Ringgold Phlla Vincent John B 820 Olive Indianapolis Vinton Grace Serenaders B R Viola Otto Majestlo Waahlngton When anewering adverH$ement» kindly mention YABIBTT.