Variety (April 1911)

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IO VARIITY AGENT OR MANAGER. A $25 loan and a delay in its pay- ment caused Guido Gialdlni, a Ger- man whistler, who came from the old country last January to play vaude- ville, to seek legal recourse against Edgar Allen, to whom the money was loaned. Thomas J. Whelan, inspector of li- censes, investigated, learning that Allen had secured engagements for Guido at Atlantic City and Waterbury, and that he had not been licensed as an employment agent. Whelan filed formal complaint against Allen. A hearing was held Thursday morning (April 6) before Magistrate Murphy in the Fifty-Fourth Street court. Guido appeared on the stand, speak- ing through an interpreter. Inspector Whelan was also required <o answer a few questions. The judge said two elements were manifest, but that the third was missing, upon Allen's at- torney's request to file a brief before final decision. It is the contention that Allen was acting ar Guldo's man- ager. The court adjourned the mat- ter until Friday, April 14, in the Jef- ferson Market chambers (night court). Guido expects to sail for Europe April 20, returning sometime next year. The hearing Is to determine if Allen, under $500 ball, shall be held for trial In Special Session*. LOTTIE WALTON. Who, with her husband (Bert Walton) will have something new and novel for a vaude- ville specialty next season. MUST PAY COMMISSION. The Marinelli Agency has received a favorable decision in its suit against Armando, the clown, now playing at the New York Hippodrome with his boxing kangaroo. The Marinelli Agency booked Aman- do to appear at the Hippodrome for 12 weeks in 1908. The clown did not show for the engagement but ap- peared there this season, placed by another agent. The Marinelli Agency was granted commission on the contracts that are now being played. RECEIVER APPOINTED FOR COUNT Chicago, April 12. A. 11. Newby was appointed receiver last week for Count De Beaufort by Judge Hall in the Superior Court. A judgment for $2,910, recovered by Henry St. John Hick Hashall, caused it. LOTS OF LAW. Chicago, April 12. The latest development in the legal muddle of the National Theatrical Corporation Co. of America, at 112 E. Randolph street, is the appointment last Monday of Sam Berwltz, a former William Morris booking agent, as re- ceiver for the International Program Advertising Co., a subsidiary concern of the National Corporation. The peti- tion was filed by John Swanson, a Na- tional Corporation creditor, who has secured a judgment by default against the National to satisfy a claim of $196. The assets of the corporation are to be sold next Monday. Receiver Berwitz is the general man- ager of the new National Theatrical Corporation, recently incorporated under the laws of the State of Illi- nois. The receivership move had been an- ticipated by Joseph G. Tyssowskl, as the attorney for at least eight other creditors who have wage claims, print- ing bills and stock Investment claims against the old National Corporation for an aggregate amount of about $2,- 000. Counsellor Tyssowskl Intends filing a bankruptcy petition in the Federal court asking for the appoint- ment of a receiver. Application will also be made for an Injunction to pre- vent the proposed sale next Monday. As a federal action, it will have pref- erence over the receivership of the state. The original directorate consisted of Charles E. Henderson, Sam W. Seellg, Leslie C. Langslie, Frank A. S. Hood and Wesley M. Seaman. April 3 the first three named directors dispose:! of their interests to Hood and Seamon, and left Chicago. The latter men, who are still In control of the National af- fairs, will be called upon to defend the suit. Matters are in a badly mixed state in the National offices. This last legal move makes the situation more com- plicated than ever. SUN'S HOME TOWN HOUSE. Springfield, O., April 12. The Grand Opera House here, the home town of Gus Sun, has been taken by that vaudeville manager. The house has a seating capacity of 1.400. Mr. Sun will remodel it be- fore opening. A FLOCK OF RUMORS. Norfolk, Va., April 12. M. L. Hofheimer, who has just com- pleted a first class house in Richmond for popular priced musical comedy and drama, has awarded a contract for the building of a $65,000 picture and vaudeville theatre here. The house will be on Granby street, and will have a seating capacity of 1,500. It is reported that brothers of Hof- heimer are to erect a house of similar capacity and in the same location for the same kind of amusement. Thinking that opposition would not be strong enough in the district an- other story rumors two unknown in- dividuals as contemplating an enter- prise of the same sort for the same location. The rumors which are running riot say that one of the theatres will play burlesque next season. "PREMIUM" VAUDEVILLE. New Orleans, April 12. The Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. and the trading stamp concerns, must look to their laurels—the Southern Amusement Premium Co., has entered the commercial arena. This new company is far and away the most unique scheme that ever ap- peared upon the southern theatrical horizon. It has arranged with various local establishments to give away with every fifty-cent purchase, a five-cent amusement ticket. Two of these tickets entitles the customer to free entry into any "pop" vaudeville or picture theatre in New Orleans. William Winter, James Metcalfe and Walter Pritchard Eaton now have something tangible upon which to base their contentions anent the commer- cialism of the theatre. FOX LOOKING GROUND OVER. Baltimore, April 12. It is currently reported that repre- sentatives of William Fox have been looking over the local field, with a view of establishing a vaudeville house here. Nothing definite is divulged, but it is said that the Savoy and Albaugh's are under consideration. CHURCHES OBJECTING. Richmond, Va., April 12. It begins to look as though Jake Wells and his co-operators who are going to build a variety theatre at the corner of Grace and 8th streets, will run into some trouble before the build- ing is complete!. The site is within striking distance of two churches. Both congregations are objecting to a variety show in their midst. WESCHLER ADDS ALPHA. Erie, Pa., April 12. A. P. Weschler, owner and mana- ger of the Colonial, has leased the Alpha from E. H. Suerken. The house will be called the Columbia and open under the new management with "pop" vaudeville April 17. The Colonial will run along without change in policy. NO MANAGER, NO RECEIPTS. Logansport, Ind., April 12. J. R. Banta, one of the musical di- rectors with the New York Hippo- drome company that played Chicago a few months ago, recently located here, opening a vaudeville house that remained open for two weeks. The Majestic was the house. Bookings came from the Doyle agency, which placed four acts weekly. The first week Banta paid the performers, but last Saturday evening he disappeared, as did the receipts of the week. The acts returned to Chicago. Banta has not been located. It is said that he went east to Boston. NO REVOLUTION PICTURES. It is doubtful if any pictures of the Mexican Revolution will be shown throughout the country, as a result of the United States government discour- aging the making of films having the Revolution as a subject, and the Mexi- can Consul objecting to their exhibi- tion. ORAL CONTRACT HELD GOOD. Boston, April 12. The Church Booking Office, acting on behalf of Col. W. C. Stanton, man- ager of the Central Square theatre, Lynn, and Walter Preston, of the New Bedford theatre, New, Mass., were refused a restraining order against the act of Morrissey and Bur- ton, by Judge Hitchcock of the Equity Court of Suffolk County, to keep the team from appearing at Hathaway's theatre, New Bedford. The applica- tion was heard by the court last week. Contracts were issued through the office of Jos Myers of New York, who has been acting as the act's repre- sentative. The couple were booked for the Central theatre, April 3-5, and at the New Bedford the last three days of the same week. The act in question was billed at Hathaway's theatre, the whole o( the same week. Photos were exhibited. The contracts signed by Myers, and other matter, was accepted as evi- dence by the Judge. Theodore Bay- lies, representing the Hathaway inter- ests, testified that he had booked the act personally, on March 12. On the following day he had met Joe Myers in the offices of the United Booking Office and was told that the oral con- tract would stand. The Judge decided in favor of the oral contract, because of priority of date, the Joe Myers contract for the Church Booking Office being dated March 20. On this testimony, the order to restrain the act from appear- ing at Hathaway's was refused. Scores of letters that had passed between Myers and the Church Booking Of- fice, relating to the future booking of the act were shown to the court. MISS WEST. Or BARNES AND WEST (In vaudeville), who have Juat completed a tour of the world. CLEVELAND'S SECOND BIG ONE. Cleveland, April 12. Cleveland is to have another large picture house in a very short time. This will make the second of a string of houses which the Canfleld Realty Co. has planned to build In the im- portant business centers of the outly- ing sections. The first theatre was the Alhambra at Euclid avenue and East 105th street. The new theatre will be built along the same lines and will have a seating capacity of 2,000. It is expected the theatre will be ready for occupancy Oct. 1. The Broadway-Willson Amusement Co. will take a lease for twenty-five years on the property.