Variety (October 1960)

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-Wednesday, October 5, 1960 PStRiETY CHATTER 77 Mrs. Suzanne Cardozo; new. Paris rep: for the Rogers & Cowan flackery. Blanche Theborn denying a column ual report that she covets road role in “Sound of Music.” William S. Raley in Philharmonic president's box at opening conceit in refurbished Carnegie. Hall’ Trinidad’s “King of The Llmbp,” otherwise Mike , Quashie,. hits" KaUfman Hall on Bast Side Oct. 16. Voodoo dance stuff; . Agent Benny Kiiehuk, secretary of the . Artists Representatives Assn;; at Queens General Hospital suffering from; ulcers. Icelandic Singers,' numbering 39, arrived in States for tour of concerts set up by Columbia. They toured last 14 years ago. Latest . .Yank talent set. to play Soviet is Byron Janis. who’ll give 10 piano recitals beginning;, this, month in Moscow... Set by Sol HnrokV Society of American . Magicians will" present an illusion revue one igh't, March 17 (St.;. Pat’s Day) next at Academy of Music in Brooklyn. Roger L. Stevens, legit producer, receives; art honorary degree of Poet or of Humane. Letters from Tulanie. U; in New Orleans tomor^ .roiv. (.Thurs. Linda . M.. LeRoy. daughter of Mervyn LeRoy and j^Irs. Doris Wanner LeRoy Vidor, will wed Morton Lloyd Janklow* New York, attorney, . ;Nov. .27 in BevIIiils. Formal announcement of Gene-. ■ .vieve’s : marriage to 1 ,tv .. producer Ted Mills reVeais. that Auger is. the family,, surname—her father, Ed¬ uard Auger, sent out the formals; .. Norman . J. Seaman’s Interval Concert;for Sunday matinee <8.) at. Town Hall will be the Indian, mezzo-soprano Hpte Casella, sing¬ ing folk music of. Navajo;/Hopi; Chippewa tribes. Mai Wolff will again produce arid direct the “Night ‘of .Stars” benefit show, .which the United. Jewish Appeal will present-for its. 27th annual outing at Madison Square Garden Nov.’21;. Felix Gerstman is impresario as¬ sociate of Brooklyn.. -Academy of Music ' presenting- Mantovani (Nov. 25 >, Anna; Russell (Nov, 26) Ximenez-.Vargas. Ballet Espanol (Dec. 3) arid Jose Greco ( Jan. 7-8). Restaurateur Toots Shor being given, an evening- at the - Lambs Club. Oct..22; It’ll probably be the last- soiree engineered by en'erf. tainment chairman Mickey Alpert because Of the press of his duties as ebstern rep .for :the Tropicana Hotel fi Las Vegas. . " Phyllis Curtin who got such nice notices on. her; debut in “Trriviata” Sept. 20 with the Vienna Opera, and was booked .for .a repeat ■' “Cosi Fan Tutte/’ is another Amer¬ ican. soprano who has sung all around. but never at the Met in her own Manhattan; ; A portrait' of; th late Danton . Walker, syndicated Daily News columnist, was unveiled last week In the Barberry Roorii by Mrs.. Jo¬ seph . Medill Patterson; widow of the Newish founder. She was intro¬ duced by columnist Bob. Sylvester . Who, in turn, was introduced by Walker’s assistant;/'Connie'- Solo- •yanis. . ... Frank Lamping, who, now resides in London, and his wife are town fqr a fortnight'of shoW’going and ..socializing. Lamping operated the English-language radio conces¬ sion in Portugese East Africa (out of Johannesburg) for many years arid is still party to various inter- national broadcasting investments. Camping’s are at /t he Berkshire, The London Daily Telegraph, & Morning Post’s television editor, Leonard .Marsland Gander, whose byliners, on British video appear in the.N; Y. Times; slated to gander American tv; Dean of London’s tv critics and .past president of the London Press. Club, Will especially ye the election campaign on tele¬ vision; commercial stations etc. He’s due irt bet; 15. by the censors of 6ao Paulo State on grounds of being “dirty.” . French director- Marcel (“Black Prpheus”) Camus in front Europe to discuss simultaneous release iri Paris arid io, of his recent picture, ‘‘Os Bandeirantes” ./(The. pio r -- neers)* which he shot entirely in Brazil. II Teatro Stabile Della Gitta. de Torino, Italy, playing at the Teatro do Rio: de Janeiro, as .part of its tour in Latin America under au¬ spices of the Italian, government. ■ Jeah Paul Sartre and Simorie de Bouvoir; touring the cpuntiy. By Ernie. Pereira ;(Tel: 774156), . (HYde Park 4561/2/3) Anthony L. Haynes, managing director of National Screen/Serv¬ ice;' has . quit. : .. Richard. ..Attenborough’s 500 Club reopened Monday < 3) with new decorations. : In town for Metro huddles are Joe Levi , Rod Silverstein, Wil¬ liam Melnicker and Charles Pati. Julia Lockwood, adtress-diaugh- ter of Margaret Lockwood, hos¬ pitalized for a tonsils operation. Anthony Newley bought up the remaining. two years of bis War¬ wick Films seven-year contract to make. more, serious pix/ Michael Curtiz, Fred Clark,: Oliver A. Unger- Maurice Cheval¬ ier, Robert Schuler and Jean Car¬ ter lensing here , next year with Shirley MacLaine for Par. Coricert pianist Etsuko Tazakl, 19, will leave for U. S; study under sponsorship of restauranteur Vin¬ cent Sard!.. ’ Film! biz, vet Arthur L. Mayer arid wife iri Japan for three weeks [ before trekking to southeast Asia I Hollywood Hal Wallis due in this week from Japan. Mort Sahl left for 10 days iu Russia. Howard Hawks off to Kenya for “Hatari!” Nick Lucas out afler major on mainly vacation Orieritour. surgerv. Tom Ball may sign all-girl West- Jack M. Goetz recouping from ern Angels and distaff magician heart attack. Hiroko Yamazaki"to open at Star¬ dust, Las Vegas in December for 10 weeks with options. Nikita Magaloff,. concert pianist, ; . - . • . , here, for a recital before leaving for ] Eo .B in Japan. .. Rudolf Serkin,. American pianist, dud im next: month for a.concert date under auspices of ANTA (American; National Theatre & Academy); George Glass, and Walter Seltzer hosted a press party (29). for Gary j Cooper, Deborah Kerr and Michael Anderson to launch their new. pic, “The Naked Edge.” Agent Lillian Aza flew. to. New [ Philip Walker, a. Yank camera- York Saturday. (1) to help set up.; man doing a travelog for Swissair,! arrangements for Stanley Hollo- became first, man to. lens, scenes J of Portuguese Macao’s sacrosanct garnblihg casinos inside the Cen¬ tral Hotel there. Jack Whitehead, vet lensnfan who worked with Alfred Hitchcock on “The. 39 Steps,” shot a film here for, Fred A.. Niles Productions which shows activities of Liorts Clubs throughout the world.. way’s one-man show at the Barry¬ more. Theatre Monday U0).' By Glen Dixon. (HU 97772) William Warfield did ok .at the Auditorium.. . Patti Leeds current at the .Gon- stellation Room. Benny Goodman in at the Arena ] for a one-riighter. By Robert F. Hawkins I /* ew local drama season debuts (Siampa Estefa; Tel. 675906) jwith “Mr. Roberts. Winnipeg Symphony season tees Suzanne Cardozo. town for ff 0ct 13 with Maureen Forester. .European directoivi Ford & nines just completed a 0f smash engagement at: the; 300-seat . Abbe Lane and Xavier .Cugat R ancbo ' skied in From Madrid to_mull VAri-t ’‘Psycho/’ which drew jorig lines th the downtown Metropolitan for A ^ i to f ? c? -Vi ifive weeks, has moved to theAir- apa i tment ‘ port,, suburban ozorier. for a sixth, i. ^ er -J 1 ? 1 * 16 Temporarily George LaFleche. singing broth- French capital. er 0 f Gisele MacKerizie. signed for , Irving Rapper, GeoffiNey T Ior h e 1 a local afternoon , music spot on. f ? r ^f 0S t? h , apd ^ Is v , Bre . tn * CBC-TV,’ to be rried on the ren” Molly) .which starts shooting ^ork: •-^1-1 3 - ± •; ! “Ben-Hui‘,” now in its seventh I ChnstmnM^s . off to Paris -eek at the flOO^eat GaieY, doing 1 after : lo^l huddles Reie with pi,or. j t .^, ice the in opening weeks as , ducer ,:Maleho ^Malenptti; ane nt i t ious hardt ickeler “South i their upcoipging Sophia Loren star- P a ci fih" which ran 27 weeks. Both rer, 1‘Madame Saris-Gene.” shown in 35m. Melbourne By Raymond Stanley (XA182i) Union Rep heTe to preem Gore Vidal’s “Visit to a Srnall Planet,” directed by tv producer Will Stirling. Googie Withers opening Comedy here Nov. 26 for W’illiamsons in Clifford Odets’ “Winter Journey” (“The Country Girl”). Garnet H. .Carroll’s presentation of “West Side Story” has its Aussie prierniere at the Princess Oct. 29 with American principals. Tivoli Theatre taken oyer for 20 weeks by Tibor Rudas who’s pre¬ senting “Ziegfeld Follies.” Will do “Snow itfhite” at Christmas. Replacing second “My Fair Lady.” company, at Her Majesty’s here is Borovansky Ballet. First programirie, uflder direction of Peggy Van- Praagh, is Aussie pre¬ miere of “Les Rendezvous” and new production Of “Coppelia” with decor by Kenneth Rowell. Frankfurt Doris Day on p.a. tour for her “Midnight Lace.” Gene Block to Hawaii for Co¬ lumbia Records. Pamela Mason bought 18-unit apartment for $250,000. Cliff Lewis new’ ad-pub director of Ambassador Hotel. Mark Larkin back with Mary Piekford in public relations. Rhonda Fleming back from Ma¬ drid appearance in “Revolt of the Slaves.” Melvina Pumplirey joined Todon Productions as assistant to prexy Tony Owens. Doris Day and David Niven copped Motion Picture Costumers* annual “Fig Leaf” awards. Bob Hope will emcee Bevhilton supper party following benefit preem of “Spartacus” Oct. 12. John Wayne bedded with bad case of bronchitis which caused him to cancel “Alamo” bally tour. William Goetz to London to su¬ pervise finale of first vidpic spe^, Jeff Chandler starrer based on King David. Chicago; (DElaivare 7-4984) Jack Pitman, Chi Variety staff¬ er, off to Europe fpr three-week respite. Robert Q. Lewis, signed to do “Tender Trap” Oct. 25 at Drury . .< T u^ ab 4 0 * a ^ ret ;; tled r / Enzo Stuarti, who starred in ; i The Revolt of the Claves in (“p a j arr j a Gariie” at the Rainbow 1 deference to future, Que.en of Bel : s(a Summer Thca „. c tWs j uIy , ! giurn who has seme^name. Rhonda has just completed a return two- ! Fleming m from_ Spat for inte- . a , the ^wers, . Current j nors on. pic which Paolo Moffa is i S Vicki Benet directing. : ; Rock Hudson. Gina Lpllbbrigida, Bobby Darin, Sandra, Dee.. Walter ‘ Slezak, director Robert Mulligan; and entire staff of “Gome Septem- t ber” due in for ; iiiteriors. of Uvt '.release after location work on : Italian Riviera. Richard Fleischer iri from. CPast By Hazel Guild (24 Rheinstrasse; 725751) French director Alain Resnais in La ne U for “two weeks Munich filming his historical pic, Duncan Renaldo, tele’s “Cisco “The Last Year in Manenbad. ; Kid,” in for a merchant fete in The German Red Cross sponsor-| suburban ’ LaGrange tomorrow irig the premiere of Metro’s “Ben-! ) Hut/’ opening Oct. 14 in Munich’s | Stanlev Kramer expected here Royal Filmpalace, with tickets set r Qct. 13-15 to help plug his “In- at a $5 top. jherit the Wind” HA); wrhich opens German concert, agent Haris ' at the Roosevelt early in Noventi- Schlote from Frankfurt banned by her. \ East German authorities from pre-{ RCA-Victor disk exploiteer Stan senting the Benjami Britten : Pat hosted a bash for the labors opera, “Albert Herring,” in East j Della Reese at the Holiday House, Gerriiariy. /Milwaukee, prior to chirper’s bovr . Color television, due in Germany there. in three or lour years, was pre-! Women’s Advertising Club tak- miered this month in the Karls- i ing the Oct. 19 performance of ruhe City Theatre, showing an op-J “Majority of One” for benefit of eratiori being performed in the = Rs scholarship and community City Hospital. : service funds. Much criticism here that the ‘ . Oscar Getz, head of Barton Dis- Commie-riwi East German televi- ] tilling (and a Lambs Club, N.Y., gas By Forrest Duke (DUdle«/ 4-4 i 41) . Raymorid Massey in to see the Ray Bolger Flamingo star. ^ ^^ Ron Silvernlari, Daily Variety to discuss his “Barabbas” project staffer, arid bride Nedra honey-] With producer Dirio DeLaurentiis. . mooning at the Sands. . Latter has just gunned a .ne\v pic, J A1 Burnett of. London’s Pigalle i “Crimen” in' Monte Carlo: It stars Clul> in town trying to ink- Betty; Silvana. Mangano, Vittorio Gass- Grable, the Sahara star.. I 1 riiarin aind Alberto Sordi. Ray Anthony engaged to song-J in-arid-out-of-Rome: Carlo Pont! stress Diane Hall, One of his beau- j to Zurich; Elsa Martirielli in from • tequs “Bookends” at the Sahara [ Paris; Jayne. Mansfield and Mickey .lourige. ; . Hargitay here from States;. Cary ,. Although Barry*- Ashton resigned Grant at Grand: Susaiiria. Canales his choreo chbres at the Flamingo, .-from. Madrid; Maurizio. Arena and 4 he. stayed when, a new deal was ..Reriato Salvator! to. Paris:. Jean offered.. Negulesco, in ‘ from. .Sicilian o b.; Flamingo prexy Morris Lans- Gbiinne . Calvet; Madia Tiller to burgh, looking after his. Miami | Vienna; Richard Basehart to Coast. Beach hotel .interests .while veep Jerry Gordon riiinds the store. Lyle. Thayer, entertainment chief 1 at. The Mint ,had planned .to rer turn to L.AVivhen his contract .ends this winter,' blit.' is listening to other offers now “because I’d like to stay in Vegas.” Rio de Janeiro By Octavio Bofim Brazilian film, arid stage actress Tonia Carrero to Buenos Alies for two weeks in - legit role. . Paul Anka iri town for tv and nifery dates. : He follows a. week, of mild success ot French ^ingef George Ulmer. . : . . Claude Nollier. 'from the “Coi -: edie Francaise,” and Henri Du- blier in to act in. Paul Claudel’s “Jeanne D’Arc au. Bucher.’’ ..Brazilian .playwright Nelsbn Rodrigues’ stage piav; “Boca de Ouro” (Mouth of Gold), banned By Gene Moskowitz (66 Ate. Breteiiil;. SUF. 5920) Chatelet brings back its peren-. ; riial operetta, “White Horse Inn,” i for the season this month. Clapde Dauphin iri to tour in a Marcel Achard legiter, “Le Mou¬ lin De La Galefte,” with Gaby By Dave Jampel Morlay. (Imperial Hotel, Ext. 160). . Jules . Dassiri stateside before LeRoy .Prinz back trving to sew coining back to do anotheri pic in up some deals.. Greece after his. .hit] “Never on Yank singer Ken Loring playirig Sunday” (UA). club corcuit here. Gary, Cooper arid down !. “The, Great Dictator”, skedded to South before he: hies to London, to bpen.,here in midrOctober for first star opposite Deborah Kerr in time. .. “The. Naked Edge/’ Arthur Cohen due back to film Julieii DiiVivier winding “Boule- a short for Universal called ‘’Jazz vard” .with the yourig star of “The Orientale.” 400 Blows/* Jean-Pierre Leaud, in Toho actress Eikb Vvakaba-ya.shi his second , starring role/ left. Rome to appear in Cine- Gian Carlo Menotti to • Rome: cita’s “Akiko.” after. signing with. National Opera. Walter Knoop ; arid Hans Her- prexy A. ,M. Jiilien to stage his mann of Hamburg’s Kiiobp ^ro- riew operabouffe, “The Siipevriiari/’ ’ ductiohs inaking cultural film here/ at. the Opera here; in’ Nov. 1961. . .. Siizy P-arker expected for onev “The Apartmeritv iUAV opened to week assignment modeling for. fine Yeyiews arid looks to be in for Vogue and phbtog Richard .Rut- biz does not arip.eal li, ledge. ly to surpass the .boxoffire reaoed ; Norman Krasna and spouse and by its predecessor,“Some Like It : director Jack Cardiff due for Hot” (UA), i spadework oa “My Geisha,’’ slated sion provided better coverage bn the Olympic Games than the West German television. East Germany devoted. 25 hours to direct cover¬ age, . while West Germany offered only 17 and a; half hours. Oberammefgau. Passion Play, which. just completed its > once-a- decade series of performances, had an audience this year of 518,000 people attending the 93 perform¬ ances,—a decrease from the 520,- 000 who saw the play 10 years ago, which Fest authorities said was due to the strong political criticisms of the religious drama. Americans in Germany—Stanley Kramer in Nuernberg and Munich, doing background work for his up- coining UA * pic, , “Judgment in Nuernberg;” Alfred Hitchcock here for the Paramount openings of “Psycho;” Leonard Bernstein here for the Berlin Festival; and Irish actress Siobhan McKenna here for performances of “Playboy of the .Western World.” Palm Springs By A. P. Scully (Tel: FAirview 4-1828) Allan Jones in lor the winter. Ray Ryan back but without Bill Holden. Darren McGavin among home- ; owners at Racquet Club Estates. I Eddie Small opened his house f ort Via Lola though still working in Hollywood on ‘’Jack the Giant Killer.” Ginger Tomack .will run the . Giiys rind Dolls sportswear shop at the Ranch Club while Sid em¬ cees the big events. Charles Farrell back managing ! member), named co-hairman of the Auditorium Theater Council, which hopes to raise $3,000,000 for restoration of the famed longhair showcase. Sydney By Eric Gorrick' (Film House, Sydney ) “Black Orpheus” (Kapferer) pulling smash biz on four sessions daily rit Savoy, Sydney. Herbie Hayward named assistant to Norman B. Rydge, chairman of Greater Union Theatres. George Shearing here for a con¬ cert chore for Aztec Productions. Will also do some tv shows. His Majesty’s, Hobart, oldtimm cinema operated by Greater Union Theatres, shuttered after 60 years. Cyril Ritcliard preeiried^ “Pleas¬ ure of His Company” at° Royal, Sydney, Sat; (1) for J. C. William¬ son Ltd. Commercial radio stations her*, are pressing cinema loops to tak* more air advertising to' woo the femmes back to pix. Harry Wren bidding for a lease of Tivoli, Sydney, from the civic fathers. Wren says he wants to do a local setup similar to Radio City, N;Y. Columbia will hard ticket “Song Without End” at Lyceum,. Sydney, on deal consummated with Greater Union Theatres by Colin Jones, Col’s local chief. Milwaukee By James Gahagan (1902 E. Llnnwood AV; ED. 2-7655) Della Reese opened 10-day stand ; the Racquet Club, but no longer at Holiday House Friday (30), j responsible for the. nut, having, Stan Kenton and his oreh at sold the place ^ast year. ! Alverno College Nov. 13 and Basil . Village being bulldozed out of ail recognition. Old Tahquitz Hotel gone, south corner of Desert. Inn tom down and replaced with a model Home. El Mirador claimed sold to Las Vegas Flamingo crowd rind denied by°Ray Ryan, all in one week'. Jack Dempsey and Dave' Holiday House Margolis sold .the Howard Manor Vocalist Andy Rathbone inked for Jan. 8 at same stand, ft Souliifa Stravinsky, composer- son of ^or Stravinsky, at Domini¬ can High School Oct, 4 for cur- tainraiser of American tour. Lenny Bruce pencilled in at Oct. 21-Nov. 11. Williams trails for $1,000,000. 1 Bruce Nov. 17-23 in same. spot.