Variety (October 1960)

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MUSIC RETAIL ALBUM BEST SELLERS (A National Survey of Key Outlet*) New York Bobby Darin currently-in Europe visaing deejays and; distributors for his albums and -singles as well as other product in lithe- Atlantic and Atco lines . David Dietz, of National Telepiv. uho; is- releasing the “ Original Our G: ). " comedies to tv on 'WOR's ’'Mischief Makers” program, has arranged for Little Golden Records to ji release the theme song composed by Jack Saunders and Phyllis jBrandell Bob Bialek, prexy of Oflbeat and 'Washington Records, has scheduled lllTidF THE IIIIJ WEEK RONNIE SAVOY Sings AND THE HEAVENS REALLY BIG!! THEME FROM THE APARTMENT Ferronte and Teicher with Chorus and; Orch. United Artists 231 Leroy Anderson's SERENATA Sarah Vaughan Roulette srR 4285 MILLS MUSIC, INC. THE PLATTERS on MERCURY Records TO EACH HIS OWN Iparamcunt music corporation] 1 two shows for Mort. Sabi’s date at.' Washington’s Sheraton Hotel Frl- j day (14) . .. . Billy Eckstine goes ; into Gallagher’s. Milwaukee, Nov. j 7 for two weeks. He’s, also set fori the Cloisters. L.A., starting Nov. 1*7 ; . . Modern Ja tz Quartet makes one of its rare nitery appearances when it opens at the ViJlage Vanguard Nov. 1 for two week; j London U.S. h Sydney Shawl debuts on video here Saturday ,/"> j when he does a BBC-TV ‘‘Juke Box Jury” stint L'61 Berlin Jazz Salon—German ecjuiv^ent of the Newport fest' paging the Johnny . Dankworth orch First Japanese ■ orchestra to visit Britain, the Na-> jtionai Radio Orch of Tokyo does BBC-TV work this monthMGM- Records press-receptione.d singer. Jimmy Jones pri to his country-I wide tour National Brass Band Festival at the Ro\al Hall Satur-j day 15') Is a centenary celebration ' of brass, band contests in London Craig Douglas, singer, pacte.d to record under the EMI banner, on. the Top Rank label .,Lonnie Done- gan flies to Australia Oct. 23. y ---- j Sari Francisco Ella Fitzgerald opens at the Fair¬ mont for six weeks Thursday o 13) - . . Jimmy Rushing opened at the Hangover . Virgil Gonsalves Quintet added to hungry i lineup . Amos -White-. New Orleans jazz , added to benefit; for Interna¬ tional Longshoremen’s & Ware-, housemen’s Union Music Fund at longshore hall Wednesday (12■ . ,. i Talent from hungry ' and Neve aidbd benefit to reopen Matt Vidavers burned out Coffee Gal- lerv . . . Lambert-Heivdricks-Ross j opened at Neve. Howard Rumsey’s Lighthouse All-Stars at Blackhawk, Phineas Newborn Trio at Jazz Workshop. Red Norvo Quintet succeeded Barney Kessel Quartet ’ at Palo Alto’s Outside-at-the-Inside. Philadelphia WMP deejay emcees hash at the Lincoln I)rive-tn < 14' With Ray. Peterson, Brian Hyland, Danny & Juniors and Dick Lee headlining Samuel Hatoff presents Ray Conniff *s brch and chorus at the Academy of Music- <30 : . . Della Reese at the Erie Social Club... Oct. 15; 16; followed bv Kitty j Kallen Oct 22-23 . The Virtues work' the Hampton .House this, week - . „ . The Smart Spot, Hadddri- field, NJ., feature disk names;. With A1 Alberts, Neil Sedaka and Brook Benton booked . . Roster : for the Urban League’s first, jazz concert Oct. 13 includes Dakota Staton, Les Paul & Mary Ford, Dave Bruheck, Larry Elgart and Maynard Ferguson , . . Verve Rec- . ords presenting Gerry Mulligan and the Concert Band - at the Academy of.'Music- Oct. 25.. Quincy Jones current at Pep’s. I I Kansas City ! Carmel Quinn in at Eddys’ ; Restaurant Oct. 14 for her first appearance in these parts, S|ie fol¬ lows Kay Martin & Bodyguards. (4> who are off to Cleveland’s Em- 1 press Room, opening there Oct. i7 ; for two weeks . . Stohewall Jackr; son at the Chestnut Inn . . Ray : Conniff orch & chorus in for a concert in the Music Hali Friday : (14i . . . George Russell Sextet at ! the Blue Room currently. This Last No. wks. wk. wk. on diart KINGSTON TRIO (Ckpitol) String Along (T 1407 , ~BOB NEWHART (WB) Button Down_Miii4_t\V_l379)_ FRANK SINATRA (Capitol) Nice ’n’ Eas y (W 1 4. 17) . ~Shelley berman (Verve) Edge of Shelley Berm a n (MGV-15013) JOHNNY MATHIS (Columbia) Johnny’s Mood (CL 1526' _ ~SOUND OF MUSIC (Columbia) . Ori gin a l Cast (KOL 5 450) _ BRENDA LEE (Decca) : Bre nda Lee (DL 403 9) __ PAUL ANKA (ABC-Par) Paul Anka Sin gs H is Big 1 5 (ABC-323) DAVE GARDNER (Victor) Kic k Thy Own Self (LPM/LSP 2239) TERRY SNYDER (Command) Persuasive Percussion (R S 800-50) ELVIS PRESLEY (Victor) El vis Is Back (LPM 2 231)__ BILLY VAUGHN (Dot) Look for a Star ( DLP 3322) _ CAN-CAN (Capitol) Soundtrack <LOC. 1032) WefTnesdayy October 12, I960 PASTNER TAKES OVER AS STRAND GEN. MGR. In a reshuffling at Strand Rec¬ ords, Sid Pastner has taken over as general manager, replacing Marv j Holtzman who exited to move over ; to Murray Sporn’s publishing , and ■ recording operation. Also ankling i with Hbltzm-an was Harry Maswell ■Wh.oj.he.aded.''/the- sales division. New sales and promotion head in the Pastner regime will be Jack .. Angel; Pasiner’s initial plans are to contract disks and. buy masters. , 11 is first, mast er purchase is “Paul . Revere" by Val E. Forge, Which is being released this week.; Pastner ' alxo negotiating for a. move-iii on the Towprice album field. Before corning to Strand, Past¬ ner had been with the ABC-Para^ mount and 20th-Fox labels. Strand was started a little over a-year-ago by Jack Kent. Cook,. Canadian en¬ trepreneur who owns the Toronto Maple Leafs and other varied en- ; tei ; prise.s. NOTICE OF SALE A B C. MUSIC CORP. BOGAT MUSIC CORP. BOURNE, INC. ■NOTICE ,13. HEREBY GIVEN -that pursuin' ip aii. order af the Appelate Division, et the Supreme Court, First Judicial Department, at: ef the, Issued and outstanding iharet stock of A-B.C. MlisI d Corporation, Bogat iislt Corporation and Bourne. Jne., will bo aald In separate Parcels, or .as a- unit, at publl« -.auet.ion In the Surrogate's Court. .New.'York' County. Room .510, Hall' of ' Records.- Cham¬ bers-and- Lafayette Streets'. New'' York, N. Y.. on October 14. I960 at 2:30 •'clock In the A copy of the Terms at Sale together with financial statements .and. ether • information "concerning the Companies, may be procured front, the undersigned, Executors at the-ad-- drgsi indicated below.-' The Court has Used an •ggregato upset - price for all of-the Parcels at $?;IOO.tJOO..., . MARY. ELIZABETH KEEDICK MARY M. BOURNE* JOSEPH TRACHTMAN o HON. JOSEPH A. COX S'!|5it»-a Court Jill! ,>f Kr.ordi 31 Vhambers. Street .- NeW.Tork T. N. Y. ff TERRY GIBBS QUARTETTE Featuring PAT MORAN OctJ 3-16 HERB'S. Minneapolis Oct. 19-29 MARDI GRAS, Kansas City Oct. 31 - Nov. 12 HICKORY GRILL, Cleveland Nov. 14-26 BAKER'S KEYBOARD, Detroit Nov. 28 - Dec. 3 TOWN TAVERN, Taranto BOOKED EXCLUSIVELY BY —ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORPORATION— JOE GLASER, Prts. 745 Fifth Av«. 202 N. Wabash Av*. 407 Lincoln Rd. 8(19 Sunset Blvd New York 22, N.Y Chicago, III. Miami Btach, Flo. H'wood 46, Calif. PLaza 9-4400 CEntral 4-94S1 JEfferson 8-0383 OLympIa 2-9940 j Diskleggers ' i Continued from page 57 sssss-. • careful investigation. Info which t supplied the basis for these raids was furnished to McKesson’s office by ARMADA’s attorneys, Blanc, Steinberg. Balder & Steinbrook, of Philadelphia. Those arrested in .the raid were ; Eugene Brad Atwood, who is al- 1 ready under indictment for a simi¬ lar offense in. Bergen County, New Jersey* Pete Korelich, of Kore- lich Manufacturing Co.; Leonard J,. Warren, Charles L. Richards, Eu¬ gene Allison, William Thompson, Larry F;-Lee, Carl John. Marts, and Robert E. Allison. Bail for At¬ wood; described by. McKesson as the “mastermind” of the ring, was set at $5,000 and for the other eight defendants at $2,50Q each. Th defendants hav been charged With conspiracy to coin- mit grand theft and violation of the California Trademark statute. Fur¬ ther arrests Jn L;A. are expected as a result of the.dial’s continuing In¬ vestigation. C KFIT fiRtlT rr Yhem£ ffSIuf l|||j|R 1 ‘xOM’S MttOW W ■III 6kEWGR£1T GRWTI PROGRAM FAVORITES By PAT BALLARD 12 O'CLOCK TONIGHT Doris Day. (Columbia '408701 NOW Gordon MacRao ( 3864) STOP BABY MR. SANDMAN Cordettes, Roger Williams, Four AciH Lestar Lanin, etc. OH BABY MINE (l : Get.. So Lonely) 4 Knights.In New Coral Album Lennon' Sisters-£Dot 16114) SO BEATS MY HEART FOR YOU THANKS FOR THE SPINS! L£W<j Wo A LAWRENCE WELK AND HIS ORCHESTRA j ‘‘LAST DATE*’ PeotHrliig FRANK SCOTT Ofl flflMt #16141 BRHT BREW E8RT SUNDOWNERS’’ I mim