Variety (June 1911)

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34 VARIETY LOS ANGELES (E. J. Donnellan, mgr.; agent, S-C.; rehearsal, Monday 11).—Week 29. 8. Miller Kent A Co., headllner; excellent; Trovcllo, pleasing; Blx Imperial Dancers, good; t'orl McCullough. funny; Norton & HuMell, fair; Walker & Stum, good. PANTAGKS (Carl Walker, mgr.; agent, di- rect; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 29. "Dope," holdover, headlined, big hit; Paul I*. Gordon, nervy; Four Comlquca. very good; Virginia Alnaworth, wlniome; Mock A lien- ton, ordinary; De. Rossi Duo. pleasing. MASON (W. T. Wyatt. mgr.; Shubert).— Week 22. Nance O'Nell. In "The Lily." fair houaea. Week 20. Blllle Burke. MAJESTIC (Oliver Moroeco, mgr.; Cort).— Weeks 22-29. Idorla Opera Co.. In "Mile. Mod- late," fair houaea. KDW. F. O'MALLEY. LOUISVILLE, KY. FONTAINE FERRY (Harry Hllber. mgr.; agent. Orpheum Circuit). —Thomaa & Hall, hit; Alice Raymond A Co., very good; Aahley A Lee, very good; Dan Maley, good; The Beloita, good. WHITE CITY (Lum Slmona. mgr.; agent, direct).—Stock; large crowds. HOPKINS (Irvln Simons, mgr.; agent. S-C.) Bostyttle Trio, good; Newsboy Quartet, re- ceived well; Hammond A Forrester, very good; Kronman Bros., very good. AVENUE (Mr. Ward, mgr.; agent. Gua Sun) —Zola Slatera and Douthltt. good; Tommy Donnelly, very good; Beance, good; good crowdi. J. M. OPPENHEIMER. MILFORD, MASS. LAKE NIPMUC PARK (Dan J. Sprague. mgr.; agent, Fred Mardo).—DeWltt A Stew- art, fine; Bombay Deerfoot. clever; The Sing- era, hit; Harry Holman A Co., fine; Saldee Rogera, excellent; Daylight plcturea, very good. NOTE: Claude and Fannie Usher and "Sparerlbs" are at Sky Farm H*rc for a sum- mer's outing. CHAS. E. LACKEY. NEWARK, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 9).—May Tully A Co., clever; "Juliet," pleased; Roach A Mc- Curdy, laughs: Brown A Newman, scored; "Howard." did well; Porter White A Co.. hit; Mark List, charmed. COURT (Harold Jacoby, mgr.; agent, Loew) —Wm. Gill A Co.. In right; Alton A Arllss. pleased; Thos. Potter Dunn, well; "Vinton." and dog, good; Carlton Sisters, good; "Fan- cher." nicely. 8-10. Anderson A Burt; Helen Dare; Moore A Holllson; Geo. Gleason; Kelly & Rio; "Klshl." WALDMANN'S (Albert Blum, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Clay Manly A Co., acream; Baall Brady, hit; Flaher A Green, good; Four Har- monlsts, pleased; Kingston, clever. 8-10, Two English Dots; "Cooper"; Anderson A Evans; Mario A Trevette; Muller A Muller. NEWARK.—Stock, to big business. ARCADE (L. O. Mumford, mgr.).—Big baby- show; vaudeville; pictures and HI. songs. OLYMPIC PARK (James Beldon. mgr.).— Aborn Opera Co., In "The Red Mill." to large houses. On the open-air stage: Olive Swan A Mules; Kendall Bros.; The Tcrnellos; Cur- tin A Wilson; Du Frates; good show. HILLSIDE PARK (W. F. Thaller, mgr.).— Lucille Mulhall ft Wild West Show; Fred Owens airship flights; James A Davis; Louise Edwards A Animals; Ed. Holden & Don- keys; De Espeys Family; Great Calvert; Bar- ters Wild Animals. ELECTRIC PARK (C A. Dunlap, mgr.).— Stock, good business. Wild West show, with Mlda Kemp and Cowboys and Girls; "Calo"; Cody Family; Little Miss Thoma. JOE O'BRYAN. ONEONTA. N. Y. ONEONTA (Fred Follett. mgr.; agent. Pru- dcntla'l; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 1).— 1-3. Danle A Morganl, ordinary; Osceola A Cyouse, fair. Week 5, Phil Mayer's stock, opened to capacity business. De LONG. PITTHBI RGH, PA. GRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.).—Stock. FAMILY (John P. Harris, mgr.; agent, Mur- ganstern).—Boyd's Marionettes, hit; Watts A Reese, very good; Saunders A Cameron, ap- plause; Dixie De Vere. scored; Al. S. Wilson, encores. LIBERTY (Abo Cohen, mgr.).—Motion pic- tures. NIXON. -Lyman Ho\vi< Pictures; largo au- diences. M. S. KAI'L. PITTS FIELD, MASS. !». Wheeler A Downle shows: rail all day, business good. Itlngllng Bros., July 5. EMPIRE (J. II. Tebbetts. mgr.; agent. I'. B. O.; rehearsal Monday and Thursday nt 101. —1-3, Mae Hendricks, pleased; Hays A W'ynn very good; Hughes Trio, big. 6-7, Mr. A Mrs. Cortes; Budd A Claire; J. Duckrow Darling. FRANKLIN. PORTLAND, ME. PORTLAND (J. W. Greeley, mgr.; agent, r. B. O.; rehearsal Monday and Wednesday 10.30).—6-7, Seven Russells, featured; Leo A Kile, laughs; Delmore A Oneida, clever; Qulnn Trio, pleased; Mme. Kathleen Schmidt, excel- lent. 8-10. Benard Bros.; St. Elmo; Rogers, Fontaine A Moore. KEITH (J. W. Moore, mgr.).—Stock. JEFFERSON (Julius Cahn), mgr.).—9, Mme. Bernhardt. BIG NICKLE.—Elton-Polo Troupe, sensa- tional. NOTE: A combination dance hall and pic- ture house Is to be opened at Greenwood Gar- don, Peak's Island, in a couple of weeks. Buffalo Bill's and Rlngllng Bros.' circus drew the usual crowds the past week. PORTLAND, ORE. PANTAGES (John A. Johnson, mgr.; agent, direct; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 29, Obcr- ita Sisters, excellent feature; Brooks A Car- lisle, repeated former success; Four Black Diamonds, scream; The Newmans, clever; Lloyd A Whltehouse, excellent; Neary A Mil- ler, good. ORPHEUM (Frank Cofflnberry. mgr.; re- hearsal Monday 11).—Week 29. "A Night in a Turkish Bath." and Farrel. Taylor A Co., di- vided feature honors; Murry A Lane, encores; James H. Cullen, hit; Narow Bros., clever; Belle Adair, good; Okura Japs, very good. GRAND (Chas. Ryan, mgr.).—Week 29. Gennaro's Band; Barto A Clark; Frank A Nellie Ellison; Phenomena; La Vler; Graham A Randall. OAKS PARK (J. Cordray. mgr).— Philip 1'eltz Bund; Grand Opera Quartet; Hardy. W. R. BREED. READING, PA. PALACE (W. K. Goldenberg, mgr.; agent, Morrls-Loew; rehearsal Monday and Thurs- day 10.30).—Les Henrys; Joe Opp; Beverly A Mercer; Mark Davis A Co.; Mae Kessler. LYRIC (Frank D. Hill, mgr.).—Pictures. G. R. H. ROANOKE, VA. JEFFERSON (Isador Schwartz, mgr.; agent. Norman Jefferles; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 2.30).—5-7, Dolan A Boyne, well received; Emma Ellwood, fair; Majestic Trio, big hit. 8-10. Prince A Virginia; John Yca- ger; Jessie Bell. SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERTY (Frank A Hubert Bandy, mgrs). —Stock, to excellent attendance. BIJOU (Charles W. Rex, mgr.; Wells' Cir- cuit; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 2).— Largest attendance since opening of this house. 1-3, The Topping Trio, fairly: James McNally, clever; The MacDonald Trio, big hit; Billy Davis, excellent. 6-7, John L. Sullivan A Jake Kllraln, tremendous drawing card: Max Fields, very good; Mazle Martell, scored; Germer's Living Models, hit. 8-10. Anna Gould; Rome A Ferguson; Fred Griffith; The LaCrolx. NOTE: BIJou will close the middle of July for a few weeks. The house will undergo a few changes, opening again latter part of August. R. M. ARTHUR. SEATTLE, WASH. PANTAGES (Alex. Pantages. mgr.; agent, direct; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 2'j. Frank McCrea Co., clever; Tonnelly A Bur- man, fin?; Anna Jordan Co., very good; Will Hart, ludicrous; Fadettes, strongest headlined act, at this house, for months; enthusiastic reception. MOORE (Carl Reed, mgr.; direction Cort).— 23. Felix Club, In "A Night Off," poor enter- tainment good house; 26-28. Blanche Ring, In "The Yankee Girl." pleased, full houses. 20. "Santiago." delighted crowded house; 30, "The Prairie Judgment." pleased good house; 31. Mory Garden, crowded houte. SEATTLE (Harry Cort, mgr.). —Max Fig- man's final week, "The Marriage of Kitty," drawing well. LOIS (Duncan Inverarlty, mgr.).—"The Wo-'s Power." stock; well patronized. ARCHIMEDES. WASHINGTON, D. C. COLUMBIA (E. Berger, mgr.).— Stock. IlKLASCO (W. S. Taylor, mgr.).— Stock. NATIONAL (W. H. Rapley. mgr.).—Aborn opera Co., capacity houses. CASINO (A. C. Mayer, mgr.; agent. Mor- Vls; rehearsal Monday 10).—Rutan's Song Birds and the Monarch Comedy Four, hits; O'Hoyle & Brazil, applause; Belle Dixon, hon- ors; Ed. A Rolla White, encores; Goyt Trio, clever. The C E M of Bungalow Development LAKE .ACKAWANNA 6 Room Bungalow Fronting the Lake, $1,600. EA8Y TERMS. LAKE front PLOTS 394c. 8q. Ft. MOUNTAIN PLOTS, lo. Sq. Ft. EASY TERMS. The natural beauty of Lake Lackawanna is the wonder of all who see It. The only property that ranked buyers of Joy Riders. Beautiful lake, stocked with trout. Most magnificent woods, full of all sorts of game. Ou the, road of Anthracite. High, dry and healthy. Come out and see it FREE Special Train to the Property on Sunday, June 18th. Write for Free Tickets and Full Particulars. W. C. REEVES & CO., 124 East23d Street. New York C08MOS (A. T. Brylawskl. mgr.; agent, Jefferles; rehearsal Monday 10).—Metropoli- tan Minstrels, big hit; Reded A Hilton, second honors; John A Alice McDowell, applause; Loralne, clever. WM. K. BOWMAN. BRANDYWINE SPRINGS PARK THEA- TRE.—Manhattan Opera Co., 6-10, "Time, Place and the Girl." HOWARD W. BURTON. WILMINGTON, DEL. GRAND (Chas. I. Beckett, mgr.).— 6-10, Canby Taggart and pictures. SHELLPOT PARK THEATRE (James Henry, Mgr.).—6-10, Dllks A Dllks; Benny Franklin A Kiddles; Carl Bremer; Bradley A Roach. YOUNG8TOWN, O. I DORA PARK.—The Gardner-Vincent Stock Co. furnishing the show with two bills week- ly. Attendance has been only fair. GRAND (Jos. Schagrln, mgr.).—"Pop" vaudeville and pictures for summer season. Rlngllng circus underlined for July 16. John Robinson Ten Big Shows pleased two big audiences May 30. C. A. LEEDT. VARIETY ARTISTS* ROUTES FOR WEEK JUNE 12 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. The routes arc given from JUNE 11 to J UNE 18, Inclusive, dependent upon the open- ing and closing days of engagement In different parts of the country. All addressee are furnished VARIETY by artists. Addresses care newspapers, managers, or agents will not be printed. ROUTES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MUST REACH THIS OFFICE NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION. i TEMPORARY ADDRE88E8 WILL BE CARRIED WHEN ACT 18 "LAYING OFF/1 Adair Art 2143 Van Buren Chicago Adair Belle Orpheum San Francisco Adams Edward B 6 Av N Y Adams Billy 39 Mllford Boston Adams A Lewis 106 W Baker Atlanta Admont Mltsel 8286 Broadway N Y Adonis Columbia St Louis Altken Jas A Edna 967 Park av N Y Altken Bros 384 Bedford Fall River Altkens Great 2219 Gravler New Orleans Albanl 1696 Broadway N Y Alburtus A Millar Waterville Can Aldlnes The 2922 Cottage Grove Chicago All Sldl 909 Spring Pittsburg Allen Leon A Bertie 111 Central av Oshkosh Alllnel Joseph 423 Bloomfleld Hoboken N J Alpine Troupe Forepaugh A Sells C R Alqulst A Clayton 646 Bergen Brooklyn Alrona Zoeller Troupe 869 Hemlock Brooklyn Altus Bros 128 Cottage Auburn N Y Alvarados Goats 1286 N Main Decatur 111 American Newsboys Valentine Toledo Anderson A Anderson 829 Dearborn Chicago Andrews A Abbott Co 8968 Morgan Bt Louis Antrim Harry 1 Glenwood av Wyncote Pa Apdales Circus Gayety Ottumwa 111 Apollos 104 W 40 N Y Arakl Troupe Sun Bros C R Arberg A Wagner 611 BUNT Ardelle A Leslie 19 Broesel Rochester Armanis Five Orpheum Oakland Armstrong A Verne Royal Wellington N Z Arthur Mae 16 Unity PI Boston Asaki Brothers Direction PAT CASEY. Asplnall Nan J Falls CRy Neb Atkinson Harry 21 E 20 N Y Atlantis A Flsk 2611 1 av Billings Mont Atwood Warren 111 W 31 N Y Atwood Vera 17 W 68 N Y Austin A Klumker 8110. E Phlla Australian Four 833 W 48 N Y Baader La Valle Trio 830 N Christiana Chic Baehen A Desmond 1347 N 11 Philadelphia Baker Elsie 1914 Newport av Chicago Baker Harry 3942 Renow W Philadelphia Baldwins Players Star Memphis Indef Boll Jack Columbia Ashland Ky Baraban Troupe 1304 Fifth av N Y Barber A Palmer Los Angeles lndef Barnes & Robinson Los Angeles Barron Geo 2002 Fifth av N Y Barry A Black 1623 Falrmount av Phlla Bartell A Garfield 3699 E 63 Cleveland Bartlett Harmon A Ernglf 363 W 66 N Y Barto A Clark 2221 E Cumberland Phlla Bates A Neville 67 Gregory New Haven Baum Will H A Co 97 Wolcott New Haven Bauman A Ralph 360 Howard av New Haven Baxter Sidney A Co 1722 48 av Melrose Cal Beaman Fred J Hudson Heights N J Be Ano Duo 8422 Charlton Chicago Beardsley Sisters Union Hotel Chicago Bees Two 608 Bryant av N Y Behren Musical 62 Springfield av Newark N J Bell Arthur H 488 12 av Newark N J Bell Boys Trio Majestic Kalamazoo Bella Italia Troupe Box 796 Brook fie Id III Belmont Joe 70 Brook London Belzac Irving 269 W 112 N Y Benn A Leon 229 W 88 N Y Bennett A Marcello 206 W 67 New York Bentley Musical 121 Clipper San Francisco Benton A McGowan 20 Western av Muskegon Berg Bros Hip Davenport Eng Beverly Sisters 6722 Springfield av Phlla Beyer Ben A Bro 1496 Bryant av N Y Blcknell A Glbney 441 Marlon Oak Park III Bimbos 872 I.awe Applcton Wis Blsset A Shady 248 W 87 N Y Black A Leslie 3722 Eberly av Chicago Blnmpliln A Hehr Alrdomo New Bedford Mass Bloomquest A Co 8220 Chicago av Minneapolis Booth Trio 84 3 Lincoln Johnstown Pa Borella Arthur 624 8tanton Breensburg Pa Bornscheln John F 6430 Sangamon Chicago Boulden A Qulnn 313 W 43 N Y Boutin A Tlllson 11 Myrtle Springfield Mass Bouton Harry A Co 1366 B 65 Chicago Bowers Walters A Crooker Orpheum Oakland Bowman Fred 14 Webster Med ford Mass Boyd A Allen 2706 Howard Kansas City Bradley A Ward Barnum A Bailey C R Bradleys The 1314 Rush Birmingham Brand Laura M 637 Main Buffalo » Brennan Samuel N 8866 Tulip Phlla Breton Ted A Corlnne 114 W 44 N Y Bretonne May A Co 146 W 46 N Y Brlnkleys The 424 W 89 N Y . Brltton Nellie 140 Morris Philadelphia * Brixton A Brixton 708 Lexington Brooklyn. Broe A Maxim 1240 Wabash av Chicago Brookes A Carlisle 88 Glenwood av Buffalo Brooks A Jennings 361 West Bronx N Y Browder A Browder 630 6 N E Minneapolis Brown A Brown 69 W 116 N Y Brown Harris A Brown Riverside R I Brown A Wllmot 71 Glen Maiden Mass Bruno Max C 160 Baldwin Elmlra N Y Biydon A Hanlon 36 Cottage Newark Bunce Jack 3319 18 Philadelphia Burbank A Danforth Berlin N H Burgess Harvey J 637 Trenton av Pittsburgh Burke Joe 344 W 14 N Y Burke A Farlow 4037 Harrison Chicago Burnell Lillian 3060 North av Chicago Burns Jack 387 Balnbrldge Brooklyn Burns Sisters Pantages Los Angeles Burrows Lillian 3050 North av Chicago . Burt Wm P A Daughter 188 W 45 N Y dp Burton Sydney 136 3 av N Y ^ Burton A Burton Empire Indianapolis lndef Butlers Musical 433 8 8 Phlla Buttersworth Charley 860 Treat San Francisco Byrne Blllle Matinee Girl Co Byron Gleta 107 Blue Hill av Roxbury Mass Cahill and Woodbury Comedy In Song. Playing the United Time. Permanent Address, 316 W. 104th St., New York. Cahill Wm 306-7 Brooklyn Campbell Al 3731 Bway N Y Canfleld Al Wise Guy Co Cantway Fred R 6426 Woodlawn av Chicago Cardownle Sisters 426 N Liberty Alliance O Carey A Stampe 824 48 Brooklyn Carle Irving 4203 N 41 Chicago Carmen Frank 465 W 168 N Y Carmen Beatrice 72 Cedar Brooklyn Carroll Nettle Troupe Barnum A Bailey C R Carrollton A Van 6433 MonteVlsta Los Angeles Carson Bros 1063 66 Brooklyn Carson A Devereaux 410 Line Evansvllle Carters The Ava Mo Casad Irvln A Casad Darllngotn Wis Casad A De Verne 313 Valley Dayton O Casburn A Murphy Wichita Kan Case Paul 31 8 Clark Chicago Casey A Smith 124 Franklin Allston Mass Casmus A La Mar Box 347 Montgomery Ala Caulfield A Driver Normandle Hotel N Y I Celest 74 Grove Rd Clapham Pk London Chameroys 1449 41 Brooklyn Chantrell A Schuyler 319 Prospect av Bklyn Chapln Benjamin 666 W 136 New York Chapman Bisters 1639 Mllburn Indianapolis Chase Dave 90 Birch Lynn Mass Chase Carma 3616 So Halstead Chicago Chatham Sisters SOS Grant Pittsburg Cheers A Jones 318 W 69 N Y Chubb Rsy 107 Spruce Scranton Pa Church City Four 1282 Decatur Brooklyn Clalrmont Josephine A Co 163 W 131 N Y Clarke Wilfred 130 W 44 New York Clark Floretta 10 Lambert Boston *■ Clark A Duncan 1181 Prospect Indianapolis Ciark A Ferguson 131 Phelps Englewood Claton 8lsters 336% 6 av Nashville Tenn Claus Radcliffe A Claus 1649 Dayton av St Paul Clayton Anderson A Drew Majestic Fargo * Clear Chas 469 W 128 N Y Clermonto A Miner 89 W 99 New York Clever Trio 2129 Arch Philadelphia Cliff A Cliff 4106 Artesian Chicago , Cllto A Sylvester 298 Winter Philadelphia Close Bros Albert Borrc Vt Cole Billy 19-4 av Bklyn Collins Eddie 6 Reed Jersey City N J Compton A Plumb 2220 Emerson av Mlnneap Comrades Four 824 Trinity av New York Conn Richard 201 W 109 N Y Connolly Bros 1906 N 84 Philadelphia Cook Geraldlne 676 Jackson av New York Corbett A Forrester 71 Emmet Newark N J Cornish Wm A 1108 Broadway Seattle Costello A La Croix 813 Eweirtg Kansas City Cotter A Boulden 1886 Vineyard Philadelphia Court A Whelan BIJou Flint Mich Coyle A Murrell 8837 Vernon aV Chicago Crawford Glenn 1439 Baxter Toledo When answering advertisement* kindly mention VARIETY.