Variety (June 1911)

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VARIETY 29 OOKIIMO K 8HEEDY VAUDEVILLE AGENCY, Inc. 1402 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Affiliated With JOS. J. FLYHN'S PARKS JEFF DAVIS CIRCUIT Offices 101 Baylataa Street, Batten, Mats. Offices 500-510 Caleaial Theatre Blip., Bestea. Mats. JOE LEO CIRCUIT Offices Keickerbecker Theatre Blif.. New Yerfc 'Phone 1717 Murray Hill BERT LEVET CIRCUIT Offices 144-150 Powell Street, San Fraacisce, Cal. CHARLES HORWITZ Author of the best sketches playing the best vaudeville time In America and Europe. His record proves It. Over 200 successes to his credit, Including those big hits for Mr. and lira Mark Murphy, Grade Emmett and Co., Dave and Percle Martin, Chadwlck Trio. Room 816. 1401 Broadway, New York City. 'Phone 2649 Murray Hill. P. S.—Will coach and stage act If In New York- SECOND-HAND COWNS EVENING GOWNS STIEET MESSES SOUIRETTE BRESSES. FURS. 508 St. State Strict CHICAGO GEORGE LAUTERER Theatrical Costumer. 222-224 W. Madison Street. Chicago, 111. Embroidered Costumes, Table Covers, Ban- ners. Chair Covers a Specialty. Send stamps for catalogue. SECOND HAND GOWNS INGENUE AND 80UBRETTE ALSO FURS 509 STATE STREET CHICAGO Halftone Cuts We make them for every purpose. Also Electrotypes from same THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. 560-562 7th Avenue. New York «* TIGHTS Always on hand. Orders filled promptly. Cotton tights, very good quality; a pair, 76 centa Worsted tights, medium weight; a pair. $2.00. Worsted tights, heavy weight; a pair. $2.75. Sllk-plalted tights (Im- ported); a pair. $2.60. Silk Tights. heavy weight; a pair, $6.00. Pure silk tights; a pair, 18.50. Variety catalog free on application. 0ERNARD MANDL 111 W. MsiisK tirsst. Isicses UNIFORMS Any Period. Character or Nation. Catalogue G—Ready RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. 128 W. 86th St.. New York. Visit Our Salesroom and Get Acquainted. A TOPMOUNTER Must be able to do a running nip-up. to balance SIG MEALEY The only man in the world doing a flying air light ADDRESS MEALEY Lyric Hotel, Broadway and 43d Stroot, New York FOR SALE SECONDHAND TRUNKS AND HAMPERS GOOD AS NEW. A. J. OVERPECK Park Theatre Bullying. Philadelphia. 6ruoaqcD$ciicK3CW$aionf j.NMMsoou PRO*. ntOMCDITMiMt S« cast mabimn rrnccT CHICAGO MR. J. NECRE8COU takes pleasure In announcing to his numerous patrons that owing to the Increase of business he has been forced to move Into larger quarters and Is now ready to take care of you better than ever before. Remember-THE WICCERY 64 BAST MADISON STREET IttwttsMieMpaaasfWakstbins. CHICACO, ILL. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women.) For Stage. Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety. Exclusive Models. CREATOR OF SHORT VAMP SHOES ANCftEW geller 107 6th Ave., New Tork, Bet. 30th and Slst Sts. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight Up. Tel. 1966 Madison 8q. I COMPETENT HIGH GRADE RELIABLE Manager for Vaudeville Theatre IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A MAN WHO GETS RESULTS Address "BISMARK," care VARIETY. New Tork. Fred Mardo).—DeWItt 6 Stuart; Emma Bell; The Tempo Trio; Millard Bros.; pictures. ORPHEUM, Qulncy (T. M. Murray, mgr.; agent, Fred Mardo).—Billy A- Drew Sisters; I. Amlco; Dow & Lavan; pictures. PARAGON PARK (William H. Hill, mgr.; agent, Fred Mardo).—Trocadero Trio; Ward & Raymond; Millard Bros.; Three Perry Sisters; Powers Trio; plcturea SCENIC. Boston (M. F. O'Brien, mgr.).— Vascolll Bros.; H. B. Fltxgerald; pictures. 8CENIC. Cambridge (M. F. O'Brien, mgr.). —Simpson & Smith; Marlon & Vera Rial; Martin; Blanche Aldrlch; pictures. GLOBE (R. Janette. mgr.; agent. Sheedy, Davis & Flynn).—Meade & Trow Trio; Kllnt & West; Blondle Robinson & Bessetter; Eddie Badger; pictures. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, mgr.; agent, direct).—Stock, "Little Lord Fauntle- roy." MAJESTIC (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.; agent, direct).—Stock, "The Chorus Lady." Mrs. Hibbard, wife of late Mayor Hlbbard, fea- tured. S. R. O. sign out. ST. LOUIS TREMONT (John B. Schoeffel. mgr.; K. & E).—"The Red Rose,'' with Valeska Su- ratt. Good Business. Fourth and last week.. COLONIAL (Thomas Lothian, mgr.; K. & E.)—"Dr. De Luxe,'' with Ralph Herz. Billed to close last Saturday night, but ar- ranged for a stay until the heat cuts busi- ness. Some hot baseball gamrs are promised for the near future. The T. M. A. Local No. 11 has formed a team and the first challenge Issued was to the "White Rats." They are commenting about each other's team and when they get together, there will be some- thing doing for sure. By FRANK E. ANFENGER. HIGHLANDS (D. E. Russell, mgr.).—Marco Twins; Mr. A Mrs. Frederick Allen; Arling- ton Four; Burnham ft Greenwood; Foley Mil- ler. DELMAR (Dan S. Flshell, mgr.).—George Thatcher succeeded Sophia Brandt as star and appeared In his old darkey role In "George Washington, Jr." Billy McDermott has the Cohan role. SUBURBAN (Brothers Oppenhelmer, mgrs.) —Amelia Bingham In "The Bishop's Carriage" third week of her engagement. WEST END HEIGHTS (Harry Wallace, mgr.).—Jossey stock In "Heidelberg." MANNION'S (Mannlon Bros.).—Fred Glad- dish and Mary Cranston; Minstrel Four; Yak- ko Egawa; Al. Lawrence ft Bill Dunn. The St. Louis Billboard ordinance, recently declared constitutional In the state courts, Is to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court by the defendants. J. J. Brady, the new manager of the Olym- pic and Century theatres, is hero preparing for next season. In leuslng to K. & E.. Charles Spaulding specified that the members of the staffs who had been a number of years under the late Pat Short be retained, lirady said ho was sure he could not Improve on the Short management. Tills forethought of Spaulding assurer! the Jobs of William Cave and "Bud" Manlz at the Century and Olym- pic, treasurers, respectively, and some of the other employes. Sophia Brandt will go abroad to study grand opera, according to announcement. CINCINNATI The Fred Mardo office Is booking the West- minster, Providence; Bates Opera House. At- tleboro. Mass.; and Gem Theatre, Wlnchen- don, Mass. These houses have Just been added to the list. Fred Hennlng, a vaudeville performer, was attacked by three men, on Howard street, last Friday night and was robbed of $530. Wil- liam Breen. of 8outh Boston, was arrested by an officer from the Court Square station, aa one of Hennlng's assailants. He was ar- raigned In the Municipal Court. The other two men escaped with the money. By HARRY HESS. CONEY ISLAND—Curtis & La Van; Les- sick & Anita; Ferguson & Mack; Billy Falls; Eleanor Klssell; Great Fussncr. LAGOON (M. A. Neff. mgr).—George Aus- tin ft Co.; Bud Farnum; Gulda Sherman; Helen May Butler's Ladles' Band. AMERICAN (Harry Hurt, mgr.; agent. Con- solidated; rehearsal Monday !)).- Irme Leslie; Collins & Symans; Prlncens Regina : Howard K- Hoyd; Rose Stanley. Tho White Rats held a memorial service last Sunday, at the Scenic Temple, which was attended by scores of other members of the profession, not affiliated with the Actors' Union. Rev. William H. Van Allen preached the sermon, In which he praised actors and their work. Tony Williams delivered tho eulogy. Rabbi Elchler also spoke. This was the first service held here by the organization and It Is planned to make it an annual affair. The musical program Included Mendelssohn's "Priests' March." Chopin's "Funeral March." "The Rosary." and "Nearer, My God. to Thee." NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. 8AMIFI GREENWALL (Arthur Leopold, mgr.) — Whltefield ft Ireland, liked Immensely; Rol- lins ft Hunter, pleased; Geo. Kvers. fine recep- tion; Violet Curtis, hit; Paddock * Paddock, neat opening turn. LYRIC (L. E. Sawyer, mgr.) —Aeroplane Girl, riot; Vades, mystified; Eddy A Tiillman, In favor; O. L. Fultz, scant apprei l.iMon Mrs. Alice fl. Davenport of Hobeken, former wife of Harry O. B. Davenport, an actor, has brought suit In the Suffolk Sup lor court to recover f 1,125 arrears of alimony which ho was ordered b., Hie Si: reine court of New York to pay. to support h^r and a minor child The divorce was granted In 1901. She hud him arrested upon the ground that he In- tended to leave the state, and he gave a bond. She obtained a precept from the ^ourt attaching his salary. WEST END PARK (Jules F. Blstes. mgr.; agent, W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Sunday 2.).— Regular show this week with Polly Moran carrying the banner; Nad.le, cll«-ltf<i admira- tion and applause; Parshluy, did nicely Mintz ft Palmer. S^'VISH FORT (Jules F Hist, x ag> V. V M A.; rehearsal Sund >.\ W .a ton Co ; Mankln; flr la I' Bai.... MAJESTIC (L. E Puwyer. nigr > M' "iral « mefly Co 111 1; r . 2) — -nte's Lyric The Victor gone back to itn Hrst 1<>\ .•— pictures. I. MILL ft I COS W.23RST N.Y of Theatrical Boots ft Shaes; CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a spec- . ally. All work made at short notice. UKIT Msud Machen, a vaudevllllan. marrlad ths JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR. Writes for Joe Welch. Jack Norworth, Pat Rooney, Billy B. Van, Violet Black, Adolf Zlnk. Fred Duprex, Al. Leech. Barney Bernard and Lee Harrison, Al. Carleton, World and Kingston, Nat Carr. Schrode and Chapelle, Harry Mayo, etc. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and by appoint- ment. Phone 4 708 Bryant. 1493 BROADWAY (Putnam Bldg.), New York Get Madison's Budget No. 12. Price $1. "ALIDELLA" DANCING OLOOS Short Vamps Price, all wood sole, $4.00; leather shank S5.0O deliver, •d free. Pat- ent fastening. ysasfsstaraa by Milwaatat, Wis me. MENZELI Former Premiere Danseuae and Mattress* de Ballet. HIGH 8CHOOL of Dancing and Pantomime. it East 16th Street, bet. B'way and 5th Ave. Classic. Ballet and All 8tyles of Dancing Acts created and staged. Normal School of Dancing Have taught Hoffman, Froellch. Marlowe and other prominent stars. Send for Booklet. George Robinson LAWYER Gaiety Theatre Bldg., New York Open Day and Night Short Vamp Shtes HI *£ IT tteek KM Bsllst iHgaert Mat srstrt IBM. tar ten sstslai ss* rsstfy. teat sa repass*. Shoe Shop t«l sua *i. n— tiitfe svs. 1st (a* a tM tU.) I. STEINBERG'S reputation stuntta. His tuldreHs changes to 337 East 71st Street, New York City Maker of "STAGE AND CIRCUS APPARATUS Phono 7112 Lenox AND ACCESSORIES' PRESS WORK OBTAINS AM) RLTAINS I POR TIIK VAUDEVILLE ARTI8T HAVE IT DONE MY PHILIP MINDIL nc Gaiety Theatre Butldinf. New Yerk City 1547 Broadway Casts AssViss "Philirfnim "Tel 3360 Bryant USE ALLOTS FOOT-EASE. ri;« nnt:~«Mit ■'■ pow.l.-r t.. !•■> -li.■!..■!, |,,m 11 ,. *'.„.„ If yon «:n:t r--f am I .-,,„, |.,, t :,, r M,, ,| 1,•„,],., „,(,!„.,' RWnlVn. -Mi-ntitij{ N - I m- \l.ii- f ,,t f..,.,. j t r *[ i.\.-s .-orrs ami 1,.,,, ■.,;,. .,• : ,. I ,,.,.„ .,,,, | ,,,-,. % ,. nl , l.l i- t'-i-w. Mir.- , m ,| , ■„! M .«,t^. ,\i»„\- us,. It t„ Hri'iik in N.-»\ M,....s Don't k -. .,,, N( ,,. r v;i ..„ti,,., with.nit a i-a- k.-.i: ■ ..f \!..,s r |>... [, | s ,| gn-nt.-st !• uiiurl .1 v,.,,M.,y , : \i,,- Hi: .. -j- r> ,. ,.. , tin/ Sold evor\wlici.. 'J", ct-, I>■ , ',*,■,■. )'■■■ '„.. <>,',(, Fur FKKK trial puckm.- a.ldn-ss A I.-i > <>im,'. 0 ,| L»e Roy, >. V . When answering advertisement! kindly mention VARIETY.