Variety (June 1911)

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VARIETY *7 MORNY CASH THE LANCASHIRE LAD N SINGING ENGLISH COMIC SONGS IO, CHICAGO, JU Wilfred Clarke Direction Max Hart DEAS, REED and DEAS Some Singing Some Comedy Some Clothes ■ O M 19-21, Majestic, Schenectady. O L A ■ 1 22-24, Armory, Blnghamton. RAWSON and CLARE IN "KIDS OF YESTERDAY" (A delightful otory of youth) Exclusive Management. CHRIS O. BROWN TOMUNTON amily and hie "JUNOUE OIR NEXT WEEK, (June 26th), NEW BRIGHTON THEATRE, July 3d, PROCTOR'8 THEATRE, - - .»» Brighton Beach Newark, N. J. Permanent Address, 200 Claremont Ave., New York City JACK GOLDEN AND HIS COMPANY OF 30 PEOPLE AT THE AMERICAN THEATRE. SAN FRANCISCO. INDEFINITE Beautiful Costumes—Clean Comedy jean""rwin In the hands of Charles Nail. Edward Togler. (Jon Hooker, John Laughlin. (Joorge Hedges, Albert Tail be r and Charles Murjihy. The season subscription salo of th<> third annual season of tho Mt tropolitan-Phtladel- phla-Chleaffo opora companies to appear at the Odeon Kob. 2-3-5, 1'JlL', was opened Mon- duy by the St. Louis Opera Committee. "'uii'i nt program contains Rainbow Sisters. I'. 1-a phono; Espi A: Roth; do la Fucntt's Hand. MA.1KSTII' (I.. K. Sawyer, mgr 1 Lyric M usical 1 "oinedv < 'o. CINCINNATI Joshua l'earoe has leaseel the ('anal street Hiiiii' foriiu rly occupied by A. Sctiwarti & Sons, and will convert it into a moving ple- emporium. The yearly rental is $12,000, n record price for a store show in tho south don Bros.; Charles & Sadie McDonald; Ocean Four; Lcavltt & Dunsmore; Nealon & Clay- ton; pictures. BEACON (Jacob Laurie, mgr.; agent, Na- tional). —West & Morton Sisters; Kelley & Davis; Haynes & Leo; H. Lorleberg; The Woeckeners; Jimmy Turner; Sid Vincent; Jack Sullivan; pictures. PASTIME (Frank Allen, mgr.; agent, Na- tional). —Gypslnln; Sandy Russell; Dolly White; The Geers; pictures. OLD SOUTH (Nat Burgess, mgr.; agent, National).—St. John & McCracken; Ceylon; May Belmont; Wlllard & Watson; Harry & Lucille Gardner; Adler & Arllne; Hayney & Brennan; Franklyn A Hyatt; pictures. WASHINGTON (Nat Burgess, mgr.; agent, National).—Douglas & Douglas; Ted & Clara Steele; Jolly Lukens: Edmunds. Barry & La- vllle; Burns & Clark; Harry' Jones; Lucille .Mnher; Harry Barabeau; pictures. NORFOLK HALL •M£Mit. National).—Bob Alexander; Chief Wolf Wanna; Grace Tucker; pictures. SUPREME. Jamaica Plain (J. Levey, mgr.; ngent, National).- —Loe J. Klein; Harry Rose Binda; Savastas & Co.; pictures. OLYMPIA, South Boston (Frank Wood- ward, mgr.; agent. National). —'Harry Rose; James Marron; Jackson & Lennon; Ethel O'Nell; pictures. DELMAR GARDEN (Dan S. Fishell, mgr). —Georgia Calne and the opera company In "Peggy from Paris." SUBURBAN GARDEN (Opponhoimer Bros, nigra.).—Amelia Bingham and tho Suburban Stock In "One of Our Girls." WEST END HEIGHTS (Harry Wallace, mgr).—Jossey Stock Company, In "Mrs. War- ren's Profession." MANNION'S (Mannlon Bros., mgrs. 1.—Cal Stewart; Grace Wilson; Lynn & Hazzard; Melvln Bros.; Betty & Eddie Play Burns. Amelia Bingham and the Suburban stock are rehearsing "The Nigger." By HARRY 1IE88. CONEY ISLAND. —Nick & Llda Russell, featured; Don Fay Bio; Barney Callaghci. Sterling Bros ; DeVern & Haydn; Girard's Diving Horses, free attraction. LAGOON (M. A. Neff. mgr. ) .—Gcrt rude Arnold; Dick Loo; Bell Sisters; Sensational Leggerts. ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN'S (Walter Dra]ier. secy.). —The work of the Cincinnati Summer Orchostra shows wonderful Improvement, due to the concentration nf tin- volume of sound by tho new shell, which in open from the front only. Audiences, although in great demand, have hi en very scarce l:i this vicinity of late. .lack Israel has sold his theatrical Inter- ests at Uilovl. Miss, to S T Stevens They iiiclud -il Duk.ites '-H'.'iii. and tho Blloxi Alr- (lollle. Tli." L. ric olost il S'turdav. Heat. A new .1 i 1 <) 111111 - appears at Canal and K'm lolilav e streets It. too. gives out raln- 1 hei ks and redeems them If throe acts have not been pJ.1j.u4J. Hattio Williams engagement at Suburban starts July 23. It will bo for three weeks Instead of two. She will do "Tho Girl From Maxims," "Decorating Clementine" and either "The Impostor" or "Father Jerome." The Cincinnati Aeroplane Co. was Incor- porated by R. K. Hynlcka and others They will manufacture aeroplanes invented by Louis Mueller. .1 u h t In cause the managir of the Victor did :iot p.iv his lent, the landlord ejected him BALTIMORE Joseph Heiiegan and his brother. John, have purchased the interest of their associates in the Lubin theatre here. Tho annual police benefit is at Delmar Gar- den, the first time it over was held any- where except the Highlands. The second theatre was opened and vaudeville will bo given during the two benefit weeks Tho first hill announced is Three Alex, John T. and Jessie Powers, Toney and Norman, Jessie Keller, Harry Von Fossen and the Six Mome Arabs, and Ishlkawa Japs. ST. LOUIS By FRANK E. ANFENGER. FOREST PARK HIGHLANDS (D. E. Rus- sell, mgr.).--Hallen & Fuller head this week's bill. Ashley & Lee; Maxim's Models; Five Satsudas; Star Operatic Trio; Cavallo's Band (in the pavilion). The Coburn Players appeared at in "Much Ado About Nothing'" Taming of the Shrew." Glen Echo and "The The A-C-G-O-S Club, composed of employes of the American, Century. Garrlok, Olympic and Shubert theatres will give a picnic at Lemp's Park, July 15. The arrangements are NEW ORLEANS. By O. M. SAMI'KI.. GREENWALL (Arthur Leopold mgr. agent. B. J. Williams » Klein \- F.rlanger diil nicely; Norwood \- Norwood. well re- ceived; K:ito Barton, graceful: Itoecn in Trio liictinotly su"cessful. WEST END PARK i.Tules F Hist.s mgr : agent. W. \" M A : rehearsal Sundav J' Mintz ivi Palm« r, cvideiitlv r.eiiins ti.m comic opera, elevir artist.", tievv matiiial should land these poop'.- on tie • big' Mankln. contorts gracit'ullv; Yalto lip.. Kai! SPANISH I'till i.Iul.s I Hi.v.s mgr ri'-'Hlt, W. V M A : t ■•li.-a is.i ; Smnl i; L' > This new Lake Poiilchart ra in resof is get ting the bulk of local summit patiomig. By AKTIll K I.. ROBB. l'ii|;i»S i Charles K. Ford, mgr ; K ,* E » Aboiu Knglish (iiand (ip.-ia i 'u , good busi- ness. NEW THI'ATRE n'hailes E. Whit, hurst mgr . J F Hi iilnniii, nsst mgr , agents 1'eib.r jV shea, tiliearsal Monday 1 a i .\vei- age business Murphy ,V McGuiro, laughs. \eiietian Singers good, lYrilia Wes- ton, liked; Walls Trio, passed. Arnion X- Ar- moti. i b ver; Nicodi mus «V York, pleased. V ic'l'i i|t I \ " chai I- s E la w is. mgr ; agent. N i \oii - N it d I in get , rehearsal Monday and Weilnisdav l"i ll'-L'l. Kb-' trie Comedy Four. M'or. d: Titickhim I'.n v ■ !.• Troupe, thrilled. Jessie Olaiiville. hit. Two Wheilers. amused: 'I'd t.e Transt'n Ids. lik.d .'J _' I . Mrs pet.-, Mali!, l'ai .-v ,v Mi-! i is. .ii. i iniega Trio; M ie 1; hea . | in l ii r>t> 1 tu si "• ss e i in t i tin is \ ■ rv k ' Str.tKI'.W l'\l;k i|-'i..| 1 lalst. ad 'mgr - Mat iv Tivlor. l-'iosso I.- Van. Ti.pack .v Manning. I.mi. Mart ,v M- \..i!. I.ang \ May g 1 bllS! ",. ss THE ONE BIG "SCOOP" OF THE YEAR MAUD IN VOD'VIL "THE GIRL WITH THE BEAUTIFUL ARMS" THE GREATEST SONG POPULARIZES OF THEM ALL - USING WILL ROSSITER'S SONGS "Somewhere this Summer With You" "Carolina Ra g" "I'd Love to Live in Loveland With a Girl Like You"" SIM'.CI.W. IWI'KK m:.u nn i, o '\v\s I.:- ::...: 1 >■•,■- ': •: JENIE JACOBS When answering advertisements kindly mention VARIETY