Variety (June 1911)

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VARIETY EC TWO WONDERFUL NEW HIGH CLASS BALLAD8 LOVE DREAMS AND DESTINY 99 tfi AND THE KINGDOM LOVE 99 Words by CEOUCt FULLER COLDEN. Musk- by WM. CUTTY (Of the Six Musical Cuttys) Published by JEROME M. REMICK & OO. 68 Farnr St., DETROIT I 3 I West 4 I st Street, New York City Majestic Theatre BM|., CHICAGO ANDERSON-GOINES BIG UNITI Direction, JAMES E. PLIMKETT THE FITS BAHJOPHIEHOS SINGERS. DANCBR8 AND EXPERTS ON THH BANJOS Season 1911-12. Geo. Evans Minstrels. Next Week (June 26). Montmorency Park. Quebec, Ca. Management GENE HUGHES. CHAS. CsVOHSMAN, MgT. ELECTRIC PARK (W. O'Brien, mgr.).— Iula's Orchestra and miscellaneous attractions; fair business. GWYN OAK PARK (James Pratt, director) —Ozarfs; May Van Lear; Billy Balrd. Excel- lent business. HIPPODROME (Maryland Amusement Co.: Tom Harlg, mgr.; agent, TJ. B. O).—Coonrllle Pickaninny Band; Tojettl; Great Kenny; Loro A Payne; McCleary. Fair business. FLOODS PARK (W. H. Trueheart, mgr-: »gents. Tanner * Co.).—Stock, burlesque. Good business. GREATER HOLLYWOOD PARK (Jos. Goel- ler, mgr.).—Musical Comedy stock. Business pretty good. RIVER VIEW PARK (W. J. Gahan. mgr.) —Royal Artillery Band; miscellaneous attrac- tions; crowded. BAYSHORE PARK (James Pratt, director). —Bostonla Ladles' Orchestra. Good business. EXPOSITION (Purchase A Talt. mgrs.).— Pictures. STEEL PIER )J. Bothwell. mgr.).—Pic- tures; Murphy's American Minstrels. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr.; K. A E.)— "Follies of 1911." ATLANTIC CITY By I. B. PULASKI. YOUNGS PIER (Jack D. Flynn. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Jack Wilson Trio, laughing hit; Old Soldier Fiddlers, hit; Weston, Fields A Carroll, hit; Chaa L. Gill A Players, went big; Clarence Oliver (New Acts), scored; Sen- sational Bolses. went big; Lillian Ashley, well liked: Dare. Bros., excellent. SAVOY (Harry Brown, mgr.; agent. Louis Wesley).—Six Klrksmlth Sisters, big hit; Franklyn Ardell A Co.. very funny; Geo. Bonhalr Troupe, wonders; Alva York, very well liked; Anderson A Evans, very good; Alf Rlpon. clever: Peerless Macks, scored; Con- nors A Jarvls. went big; Klpp A Klppy. good. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young & Kennedy Crossan. mgrs.; agent. Jos. Dawson, direct».—Prof. Charles Carlos. Dogs A Ponies; Lew Welch A Co.; Four Clovelly Girls; Wil- son & Aubrey; Arthur Turelly; California Boy Scouts: pictures. STEEPLECHASE PIER (R. Morgan A W. H. Fenn:in. mgrs.).—Pictures; Pavilion of Fun. CRITERION (J. Child & C. Daly, mgr.).— Pictures. COMET (Li-vy * Anson, mgrs).—Pictures; open air. Ever since the "Follies" shows began to give their premiers in Atlantic City, that organi- sation has been growing in its power of at- tracting great numbers of people. This year the play seems to be an enormous magnet, drawing not only over-capacity numbers of lovers of first performances, but a host of professional folk. Many persons well known In the big theatrical circles came down at the week end and stayed over for the first night. Ever present "Diamond Jim" Brady was on hand 'way ahead of time. He witnessed Sa- rah Bernhardt in "Camllle," and though he made various excursions out of the theatre, he never failed to come back. Prominent among those at the first night show 6f the "Follies" were Pat Casey. a\ L. Erlanger. A. H. Woods. Julian Eltlnge. Walter Moore, Frank McKee, S. F. Nixon. Jean Schwarts. Irving Berlin. John C. Fisher. Also Blutch Cooper as a representative of the burlesque field, came down n to look his pal. Loon Erroll, over. Jenle Jacobs and party were down for the week end. This was Miss Jacoba's first visit to our fair city, so It rained Sunday. Billy Torpey. who managed Mile. Genee during her vaudeville tour, Intends spending the summer here with his wife and son. Billy's son's full name Is Edwin Erlanger Torpey. When the youngster was christened the dominie who performed the ceremony, asked Bill who Erlanger was. Billy saved the minister's life by counting ten before answer- ing. B. A. Rolfe and his band come to Young's o.ean PI'.t July 1. The organization will consist of forty musicians. Including three fingers. There Is In building In the big audi- (( Back from a Successful Tour of the Orpheu.ti Circuit Brighton Beach Music Hall, This Week (June 19; 84 Bushwood Road, Kew, London, 8. W. THE WILMAR 8ELBIT WONDERS. -Featurlng- 2510 Madison St., Chicago. 111. Offering DR. WILMAR'S "SPIRIT PAINTINGS ff JUST CONCLUDED ORPHEUM CIRCUIT torum of the pier a band shell which they will use. and which promises to be very pretty. "Mr. Rolfe has some new and original Ideas which hs will incorporate into his concerts that look mighty good. The "Creation of the World" opens Satur- day. It will, as last year, be under the man- agement of Fred E. Moore, manager of the Apollo theatre. • A special vaudeville show was brought here Saturday last for the entertainment of the numbers of the Master Car Builders and Master Mechanics, in Joint convention here. The show came from the U. B. O., and was under the direction of Frances R. King. vor; Marie Dreams, good; Hobson A Deland, sketch: Waring, headliner. EUCLID GARDEN (Max Faetkenheuer. mgr.).—Adelaide Norwood A Charles Le Seuer. feature, in version "Cavalerla Rustlcana," well liked. "Why Smith Left Home." roar the last half. COLONIAL (R. A. Mlttchcl. mgr.).—Shee- han Opera Co.. "II Trovatore." STAR (Drew A Campbell, mgr.).—"High Flyera" WALTER D. HOLCOMB. The amusement features at the Windsor cafe are new and unusual for Atlantic City, and are worthy of notice. There are half a dozen singers, two of whom are -girls. The singers work In doubles, quartets and alone. The best and funniest Is George Offerman. COLl MBL8, O. KEITHS (W. W. Prosscr. mgr.; agent. U B. O.; rehearsal Monday 10.30).—Pollard, fine opener; Lizzie B. Raymond, pleased; Kelso & Lelghton, clever; The Hylands. hit; Wm. Kay- nor A Co.. good. "LITTLE CHARLEY." Billy Miller, the manager of the William Pcnn theatre and the Glrard in Philadelphia has taken a cottage here for the summer. He comes down regularly every Friday night and spends the week end with his family. BANGOR, ME. NICKEL (H. F. Atkinson, mgr.).—Anna Mellor; Fred Caskey; pictures. Capacity busi- ness. GRAPHIC (Burns A Grant, mgrs.).—Pic- tures. RIVERSIDE PARK (Steven Bogrett, mgr.; agent, IT. B. O; rehearsal Monday 10.30).— 19-24. Merry MacGregors, featured; The Three Romans, clever; Clark A Parker, very good; Gourley & Keenan, scored. HOWARD. DES MOINES. IA. INOERSOL PARK (Geo. W. McCartney, mgr.; S. A C).—Week 12. Arvls Mysterle. scored; Knight Bros. A Sawtelle, pleased; Harry Van Fosson. liked; Jessie Keller, good: Rose A Ellis, good. MAJESTIC (Elbert A Getchell. mgrs.; S. A C).—12-14, Braggaar Bros., fair; Frank Ml- lano, good; Cook A Myers, pleased; Manning A Ford, clever; Hlnode Troupe, good.. 15-17, Welser A Welser, good; Root A White, unique; Swartx A Co.. good; Dixie Christy, clever; Jupiter Bros., good. JOE. CLEVELAND, O. (1RAND (J. H. Mlchels. mgr.; agent. U. B. o.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Venetian Four, headline; Fred Wyckoff. hit; Great Haines clever; Althea, features; Fay St. Clair, pleas- ing; Kennedy A Kennedy, good. OPERA HOUSE.—Frank Hurley, novelty; Orvllle A Frank, clever; Skinner A Wood, fa- DETLOIT, MICH. TEMPLE (C. O. Williams, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Maud Hall Macy A Players, headllners; The Granvllles. big hit; Hanlon Bros., good; Fiddler A Shel- ton, good; Welch, Mealy A Montrose, scored; Sidney Shields A Co.. good; Stella Karl, fair; Konerz Bros., clever. MILES (C. W. Porter, mgr. agent. T. B. C.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Master David Schooler, exceptional; Klawatha, Indian tenor; Eleanor Otis A Co., good; Borlslnl Troupe, ex- cellent; McCauley A Cornwell, scored; The Westons, hit. LYCEUM (Charles Warner, mgr).—Lai week of stock. DETROIT (Harry Parent, mgr.).—Willi...i Hawtrey, In "Dear Old Billy." Business fi. 99 Direction, ALF. T. WILTON Wnen aimotring advertisement* kindly mention VAMIMTT.