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Variety (June 1911)

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VARIETY IIMIIVtl I Firm Success This Week (June 19) Fifth Avenue, New York Opening July 9, Orpheum Theatre, Spokane, for Twenty-eight Weeks on Orpheum Circuit Direction, JO PAICE SMITH i IN IN I DAVIS and POLAK NOW PLAYING UNITED TIME Direction, GENE HUGHES In "The Baseball Fiends" HITS UNT-THAT8 U8-8EE IT HARRY TATE S Co. FISHING --'"MOTORING Mew York England Australia Africa PREMIER MUSICAL 10 ANDERSON, McNEIL AND 8AUCEDO A NEW WESTERN ACT NOW PLAYING ORPHEUM TIME Would like to hear from a good Agent, Address Care VARIETY, 908 Market St, San Francisco AVENUE (Frank Drew, mgr.).—Parisian Relies Co. Business fair. WAYNE GARDENS (James W. Hayes. iiikt. i—Allmny Four; Kelce> Sinters; Claire Maynard; Shuhert Musical Trio. FAMILY (Dave Markowltz. mgr. : agent. MorganBtern >.— Juggling Jewells; Laf Razors; Zell & Hodgcrs; The Malones; Bingham & Thornton; Mysterious Straubs; Will Dover- eauz; Wheeler Comedy Four. HArrY HOUR (D. H. Connelly, mgr.).- Vaud«vllle and pictures. M H. MIZENER. KLMIRA, N. Y. MAJESTIC (G. H. Von Demark, mgr.; agent. I'. B. O ; rehearsal Monday 12 30).— l'J-22. Spencer &' Williams, good; Osaka Jap- anese Troupe, well received. 22-24, L'Alglan; Morrissey Alt Towers. RORICK'S ((irorgc Lydlng. mgr 1. — Manhat- tan Opera Co.. large houses. MOZAKT (Ci. W. Middleton. mgr; agent. Edward Mozart). —19-24, pictures; excellent bulncss. J. M. 1JKEIIS. ERIE. r.\. WALDAMKER (E. H. Suerken, mgr.; agent U. H. O ).— Five Muslcnl Smith, clever; Mar do & Hunter, good; Crelghton Hros.. big Pauline Walsh, good; Holden &• Lc Claire entertaining. FOUR MILE CREEK PARK (H mgr; agent, direct). — Adams & sieal Comedy Co., hit. HARTFORD, CONN. HARTFORD (Fred P. Dean mgr.; egent, James Clancy; rehearsal Monday and Th.irs- day 11).—19-21. Sanders' Russian Troupe, teored; Will Adams, good; Annette De Lea- tare, exceedingly good; Lawrence &. WrlgM. stored: llarbes & Barron, laughs. 22-24, Law- ton: Armada; Morton & Temple; Morris & Kramer; Human Trio. PARSONS' (H. C. Parsons, mgr.).—Stock; big business. POLI'S (O. C. Edwards, mgr.).—Stock: ca- paclt ybuslnes*. R. W. OLMSTED. HOOPESTON, ILL. VIRGINIAN (Max M. Nathan, mgr.; agent. W V. M. A).—15-17. "The Merry Widows." good: li»-21. Jlmmle Leonard. Week 19. Aiken Amusement Co. under can- vas. 27. "The Girl and the Stampede." under canvas. Two Hills show, which was to have played hen- July 14. cancelled. RIGGS. T. Foster. C.uh I Mil- KNOXVILLE, TENN. GRAND (Prank Rogers, mgr.; agent, Inter- State; rvhearsal Monday 10).—Week 12. Fred BESSIE WYNN IN VAUDEVILLE Leonardi io SIG. LEONARDI Operatic Trio of Singers Under the exclusive Direction of SIG. LEONARDI FEATURE ACT at the OLD LOUVRE MUSIC HALL. WILL BE AT LIBERTY IN FOUR WEEKS. Would like to hear from Eastern Agents. Address, care VARIETY. San Francisco. Zobedle, big hit; Force & Wilson & Wilson, excellent; ston, well liked. WALTER N Williams. Laurence good; John- Vlssochl Bros., good: applauded: Brown a BLAUFELD LOS ANGELES, CAL. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen mgr ; agent, direct; rehearsal Monday 10).—Week 12. ex- cellent program. Hickman & Barrlscale. went big; Robledillo. daring; Tom Walters, capital. ."tockbridge & Bulsseret. well received. Th- holdovers: Golden Troubadours; Jones & Deely; Dooley ' Sayles; Murphy. Nichols & Co. EMPRESS (E. J. Donnellan. mgr.; S & c rehearsal Monday 11). — Week 12. Eight Vas- sar Girls, big; Fantons. fine; Harry Le Clair. excellent; Carita Day, pleasing; Mr. & Mrs. McCann, funny; Knox &. Alviu. entertaining PANTAGES (Carl Walker, mgr.; agent, di- rect; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 12. Ellis' Musical Hawailans. very good: Charles Kenna. amusing; Mr. & Mrs. William Morris, humor- ous: Salvaggi Sisters, charming: Sampson \ Really, meritorious. MASON (W. T Wyatt. mgr.; Shubertst. Week 5, fair houses. John Drew. E. M. OMALLEY ton A Lewis, favorites: Village Choir, liberally Taylor: The Hennings. SCENIC TEMPLE (W. D Rradstreet. mgr) -Chicago Stock Co.. second I'Xfk. Overflow hous«'». T. C. KENNEY LAKE MIL FORD. MASS. N I I'M UC PARK (Dan J Sprague. mgr : agent, hit: Lightning fair; Williams ers. excellent ; Fred Mardo) —Georgia Trio. Weston, clever: Dow a LeVan. £ Rose, excellent. Saldee Rog- l>aylight Pictures, very good ♦ HAS. E LACKEY Ml'NC'lE. IND. STAR (Ray Andrews, mgr )—Billy Falk. went bljt: Dunbar & Turner, very clever. Andy Rankin. Rood; Four Casting Campbells, hit. GEO FIFER. MEI>FORI>. MASS. BOULEVARD SIMMER THEATRE 'J W Gorman, mgr ; rehearsal Monday 11 > Open ing week. Harrak La Selle Trio, good; Hil- ONEONTA. N. Y. ONEONTA i Fred Foll.-tt. mgr; agent. Pru- dential, rehearsal Monday and Thursday 1 i -13-17. Mason A IVare«\ well liked: Jack I), mpsey. applauded. 1:<-21. BIJou Comedy Trio, several curtain calls: Marlon & C|»re. good applauve. 22-24. The Stantons; Wells i£ l>«\. lei; business. Auk. v Uarnum A Hailey s cir>-'js I*. Youth: Kuffalo Wild W.-sl played *■■ goo.I lii.miii us • 1 • »i>11•- .i \.ry rainy day IVl.i >NC, Co to Hammerstein's Next Week AND HEAR HARRY A. ELLIS ani McKENNA TON Sing ALFRED BOLIVIAN'S March "With the Last Rose of Summer I'll Come Back to You," also "Just a Dream of You, Dear" NEW YORK OFFICE 1367 Broadway PUBLISHED BY LVIUSIO GO CHICACO OFFICE Crand Opera House Bldg. When answering advertisements kindly mention VARIETY