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Variety (June 1911)

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30 VARIETY putsblbo. i".ItAND (Harry Davis, mgr.).—Stock. FAMILY (John V. Harrl». mgr.; agent. Moi - K ;,iiiit>rn). —Prof Hand's Dogs, featured; Fox & Merry, very good; Radcllffe A Hall, ap- plauRv; Bert & Iron** Vaughn, oncorea; Henley & Henley, won favor. NIXON (Thos. F. Kirk. mgr.).—Lyman Howe's Pictures, well received. HIPPODROME (direction of Harry Davis ui.d John P. Harris).—Zeno. Jordan A Zeno. thrilling and comic (lights on the high bars: Mle. Omega, thrilling; Six Stuart Sisters and Brothers, good; McCune & Oram, funny; Co- rlne Trio. Juggling comlques; Two Kinsners; Three Saxollans: Cycling Brunettes: Four Mu- sical Avolos; Hassan Hen Alls Arabs: Flying Martins; Wormwood's Dogs A Monkeys; Alaska's Educated Cats; Mareena, Nevaro & Mareena; Juggling Hurkes; Rex's Comedy Cir- rus; ('onll's Fireworks. M. S. KAUL. FITTHFIELD, MASS. COLONIAL (Jas. Sullivan, mgr.; agent. K. & K.).—14, Sarah Bernhardt; business very good. TT EMPIRE (J. H. Hebbetts. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.: rehearsal Monday and Thursday 10.).— — 15-17, Rogers. Fontaine & Moore, good; Chas. Loeder A Co.. very good. 19-21, Alever & Harrington, good; Four Hawailans. very* good. BERKSHIRE PARK THEATRE (Theodore Goodman, mgr., >.—Opened June 19. Whlte- side-Strauss Co. attraction for two weeks. FRANKLIN. PORTLAND, ME. CAPE (E. V. Phelan, mgr.).—June 24. "The Girl Question." CA8CO.—Moving pictures. Edison Co. held reception on stage Friday night. GEM (Peak's Island) June 24, "The Green Bird": Ladles' Orchestra. KEITH'S.—Stock. s PORTLAND (J. W. Greeley, tngr.: agent. 17. B. O.: rehearsal Monday and Thursday 10.30).—The Langdons. featured; Price A Mc- Cabe, clever; Marie Belmont A Co., well re- ceived; Goodhue A Burgess, novelty. RIVERTON PARK.—Week 26. Aero Girl. For this entire week, on the city lot at Westbrook. Camtara's Carnival Co. Is giving a benefit In behalf of the Valentine Hose Co. PORTLAND, ORE. PANT AGES (John A. Johnson, mgr.; agent, direct; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 12. The Kratons. novel; Garden City Trio, ex- cellent; Fitch Cooper, fine; Billy Eldld Trio, clever; Thos. P. Holer A Co.. laughing success; Lynden A Dorman, good. ORPHEUM (Frank Cofflnberry. mgr.; re- hearsal Monday 11).—Week 12. Mason A Keeler. excellent; Ronsby's Scenic Review, novel; Three Vagrants, musical treat; Fred Hamll A Kids, excellent; Lydell A Butter- worth, clever; Lotta Gladstone, good; Mile. Emerlc. clever. „,,_,•, GRAND (Chas Ryan. mgr.).—Week 12. Joe Welch A Co.; Sprague A McNeece; Blasett A Scott; Lutrlnger-Lucas Co.; Gretchen Spencer Mitchell; Wells A Lewis. OAKS PARK (J. Cordray. mgr.).—Philip Peltx Band; Grand Opera Quartet; Oaka Mu- sical Comedy Co.; Ostrich Farm. W. R. BREED. READING. PA. PALACE (W. K. Goldenberg. mgr.; agent. Morrls-Loew; rehearsal Monday and Thurs- day 10.30).—Marvelous Haslam. pleased: Warren A Gc.odwln. well received; Zella Rus- sell, liked; Collins A Cole, good; Lawrence & Mackle. pleased. CIRCUS MAXIMUS.—Lyric Minstrels. LYRIC (Frank D. Hill, mgr.).—Pictures. IMPERIAL PALM GARDEN— Burnette A Hull, favorites. °- R H RENOVO. PA. FAMILY (Albright A McCarthy, mgrs.; agent. W. J. P. Conner).—19-21. Herman Crystal, good; Shultz A Damon, very good. WM. E. ALBRIGHT. ROANOKE. \'A. JEFFERSON (Isador Schwartz, mgr.; agent. Norman Jefferles; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 2.30).—19-21. Roscoe A Sims, pleaaed; May A Hall, appreciated: Felton. did well. 22-24, Rother A Kelgard; Lorraine; Do Verne A Van. MOUNTAIN PARK (J. W. Hancock, mgr.. agent, Frank Melville; rehearsal Monday 11). —Week 2, Mack Comedy Co.. but owing to the poor performance given, by the company, the management cancelled the show after the first night and the house remained dark the rest of the week. Jim Weston A Co. were hooked for week of 19. but did not open. T. H ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. Morrison's theatre played to capacity houses Saturday and Sunday evening. Matinees very well attended. In spite of the fire at this resort, all pic- ture shows and privileges anticipate a pros- perous season based on the showing of Satur- dav and Sunday's business. EDWARD F. MAYBAT'M. SAVANNAH, OA. LIBERTY (Frank & Hubert Bindy. mgrs.). -Stock, to excellent attendance. BIJOi: (Charles W. Hex. mgr : agent. Wells' Circuit: rehearsal Monday and Thursday 2>.-- Attendance holding up. l.*.-17. Lillian DeLuc very good; Rogers A Dorman. hit; Turpln & Behrens. entertaining: Murphy A Thomas, hit. 19-21, Pearl Bergen, versatile; Holland & Webb, good; Lctltla Pierre, scored: Ray- imirid's Midgets, hit. 'J2-24. <;reat Zola; M< - Nallv * Stewart; Ray Harris; Lewises. business. Van Oaten's Band Is the feature attraction at the Casino, with Miss Alice Bracken as soloist. R. MAURICE ARTHUR. The Whltakere. In sensational open-air act. to good business. PARK (Nelson A Tomlln).— Dark. DREAMLAND (Joe Brown).—Poor business HOWARD T. DIMICK. SEATTLE, WASH. PANTAOES (Alex. Pantages. mgr.; agent, direct; rehearsal Monday 11).—Week 12. Ros- tow, corking opener; Sweeney A Rooney. re- called: Cliff Dean Co.. scored; Rappo Sisters, pleaaed; Four Cook Sisters, splendid; Willie Zlmmermann. hit; pictures GRAND (Eugene Levy, lessee and mgr.).— Thomaa A Ward; Kesterson Bros.; Conchlta Carransa; pictures. MOORE (G. Reed, mgr.; direction Cort).— Albert Chevalier, immense house. Week 18. The Lily." SEATTLE (Ed. Drew. mgr).—Stock, good business. LOIS (D. lnverarlty, mgr.).—Musical com- edy, fair business. NOTES: L. Morrison, who has held every position at the Lola theatre from head usher to cashier, left Saturday for the East, where he will be advance man for the "Juvenile Bostonians." ARCHIMEDES. SOI TH BEND. IND. ORPHEUM (C. J. Allardt. mgr.; agent, W. V. M. A.); rehearsal Monday and Thursday 12.30).—19-21. Delmar A Delmar. very good; Alex Chrlstensen. hit; Frlnt George A Co.. very good; Van Dyke A Fern, excellent; Mor- ris A Morris, knockout. 22-25. LeRoy A Paul: Carrie McManus; Falrman. Furman A Falr-; Ross A Oaks; Five Musical Nosses. MAJESTIC (T. M. Moss, mgr.; agent. Frank Doyle; rehearsal Monday 12.30).—Krafft A Myrtle, fair; Orlando, very good. SPBINGBROOK PARK CASINO—Week 26. Maseppa Shows. NOTE: Guss Lardon. stage manager at the Majestic, was married to Miss Margaret Pare last week. 17. Barnum A Bailey Circus. Business good. H. S. COHEN. Eva Jansen. a 17-year-old girl, with aspira- tions for the stage, waa arrested on a com- plaint of her married sister In Auburn, a small town near Seattle, who alleged ahe ran away to enter vaudeville. When arrested. Eva was with Moore's "Merrymakera" at Car- bonado. Her case will come up before the Juvenile court. A pretty romance which had its beginning on one of the Sound boats running between Victoria and Seattle, culminated Saturday in the marriage of Walter Keller, the vessel's wireless operator, to Cecil Whitmore of Dav- enport, la., who recently appeared at the Majestic in a aketch entitled "Just From Col- lege" SHREVEPORT. LA. MAJESTIC (Ehrlich A Coleman Co.).—Lew Leever, ordinary; Travers A Ray. good: H. G. Pierce, ordinary; Austin A Carvin. big; Hal- llday A Chatres Sisters, big hit. PALACE (C. L. Montville).—Unsatisfactoiy business GLADSTONE PARK (Nelson A Tomlln).— TORONTO. ONT. MAJESTIC (Peter F. Griffin, mgr.).—San- ford A Marlow; Samuels A Chester; Mile. Hoffman; Prof. Talkerton; Dante. SCARBORO BEACH PARK (Geo. H. W. Moran. attraction mgr.).—The Scnaatlonal Howards, success; Sixty-Fifth Band of Buf- falo, scored; Winkler Kress Trio, good; Den- nis Bros, clever; attendance, great. HANLON'S POINT (L. Solman. mgr.).—J. W. Gorman's High Diving Horses, novelty. PRINCESS (O. B. Sheppard. mgr.).—Stock. ROYAL ALEXANDRA (L. Solman, mgr.).— Stock. STAR (Dan F. Pierce, mgr.).—Stock; bur- lesque. HARTLEY. YOUNG8TOWN, O. IDORA PARK (R. E. Piatt, mgr.; agent. Frank Melville).—Keno. Welsh A Melrose, hit; Harrington, good; Clarice, Grogan A Kel- ler, pleasing; Contlno A Lawrence, good; Earl Llndsey, entertaining. GRAND (Joa Schagrln. mgr.).—Mitchell. Hunt A Miller, good; Leah B. Stanley, good; Two Johns, funny. Krsjus' Greater ShowA. carnival, opened week's engagement to fair business. Miller Bros. 101 Ranch 24. C. A. LEEDY. VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK JUNE 26 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. The routes are given from JUNE 25 to Jl'LY 2. Inclusive, dependent upon the open- ing and closing days of engagement In different parta of ths country- All add r sssss are furnished VARIETY by artists. Addresses care newspapers, managers, or agents will not be printed. ROUTES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MU8T REACH THIS OFFICE NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION. TEMPORARY ADDRESSE8 WILL BE CARRIED WHEN ACT 18 "LATINO OFT." ■ NOTE:—Starkey Players rlose their en- gagement at the Liberty. Saturday.reopening again on Labor Day for nn Ir definite run. Casino at Thunderbolt and Barbee's Park and Isle of Hope are both doing a tremendous Abeles Edward Orpheum San Francisco Adair Belle Orpheum Oakland Adair Art 11 41 Van Buren Chicago Adams Edward B Temple Detroit Adams Billy 19 Mllford Boston Adams A Lswls 10« W Baker Atlanta Admont Mltsel 1185 Broadway N Y Altken Jas A Edna 9«T Park av N Y Altksn Bros 114 Bedford Fall River Altksns Grest 1111 Oravisr New Orleans Alburtus * Millar Watarvllle Can Aldinee Ths 1*11 Cottage Grove Chicago All Sldl 90t Spring Pittsburg Allen Leon A Bertie 111 Central av Oshkosh Alllnel Joseph 411 Bloomflsld Hoboken N J Alpine Troupe Forepaugh A Sells C R Alqulst A Clayton 646 Bergen Brooklyn Alrona Zosller Troupe 1*9 Hemlock Brooklyn Altus Bros 118 Cottage Auburn N Y Alvsrados Goats 1118 N Main Decatur 111 American Newaboys 2636 N 31 Phlla Anderson A Anderson 819 Dearborn Chicago Andrews A Abbott Co 1981 Morgan St Louis Antrim Harry 1 Olenwood sv Wyncote Pa Apdales Circus Family Lafayette Ind Apollos 104 W 40 N Y Arakl Troupe Bun Bros C R Arberg A Wagner 611 E 78 N Y Ardell Bros Hip Lexington Ky Ardelle A Leslie 19 BroessI Rochester Armstrong A Verne Royal Wellington N Z Arthur Mas IB Unity PI Boston Asplnall Nan J Falls City Neb Atkinson Harry 11 E 10 N Y Atlantis A Flsk 1511 1 sv Billings Mont Atwood Wsrren 111 W 11 N Y Atwood Vera 17 W 68 N Y Austin A Klumker 3110 E Phils Australian Four 123 W 41 N Y Baader La Valle Trio 320 N Christiana Chic Baehen A Deemond 1847 N 11 Philadelphia Baker Elsie 1914 Newport av Chicago Baker Harry 1941 Renow W Philadelphia Baldwins Players Star Memphis Indef Ball Jack O H Indianapolis Baraban Troupe 1104 Fifth sv N Y Barber A Palmer Los Angelea Indef Barron Geo 1001 Fifth sv N Y Barry A Black 1631 Falrmount av Phils Bartell A Garfield 2899 E 61 Cleveland Bartlett Harmon A Krnsif 361 W 6« N Y Barto A Clark 1121 E Cumberland Phlla Bates A Neville 67 Gregory New Haven Baum Will H A «* 97 Wolcott New Haven Bauman A Ralph 860 Howard av New Haven Baxter Sidney A Co 1721 48 av Mslross Cal Bssmsn Fred J Hudson Heights N J Be Ano Duo 1411 Chsrlton Chicago Beardaley 81sters Union Hotsl Chicago Bees Two 608 Bryant av N Y Behrsn Musical 61 Springfield av Newark N 3 Bell Arthur H 488 11 av Newark N J Bells Italia Troupe Box 796 Brookfleld 111 Belmont Jos 70 Brook London Bslsac Irving 169 W 111 N T Benn A Leon 129 W IS N Y Bennett A Msrcello 106 W 67 New York Bentley Musical 181 Clipper Ssn Frsnclsco Benton A McGowan 10 Western av Muskegon Berg Bros Hip Nottingham Eng Beverly Sisters 6711 Springfield av Phils Beyer Ben A Bro 1496 Bryant av N Y Blcknell A Glbney 441 Marlon Oak Psrk 111 Bimbos 871 Lswe Appleton Wis Blssst A Shady 148 W 87 N Y Blsck A Leslie 1711 Eberly sv Chlcsgo Bloomquest A Co 1110 Chlcsgo av Minneapolis Booth Trio 141 Lincoln Johnstown Pa Borells Arthur 614 Stanton Bresnsburg Ps Bornscheln John F 6410 Sangamon Chicago Boulden A Qulnn 111 W 41 N Y Boutin A Tlllson 11 Myrtle Springfield Msss Bouton Hsrry A Co 1166: B 66 Chicago Bowers Walters A Crooker Orpheum Los Ang Bowman Fred 14 Webstar Medford Msss Boyd A Allen 1708 Howard Kansas City Brsdley A Ward Barnum A Ballsy C R Brad leys The 1114 Rush Birmingham Brand Laura M 617 Main Buffalo Brennan Samuel N 1866 Tulfp Phlla Breton Ted A Coriane 114 W 44 N Y Bretonne May A Cql46 W 46 N Y Brlnkleys Ths 434 W 19 N T Brliton Nellie 140 Morris Philadelphia Brixton A Brixton 708 Lexington Brooklyn Bros A Maxim 1140 Wabash av Chicago Brookes A Carlisle 88 Glenwood sv Buffalo Brooks A Jennings 861 West Bronx N Y Browder A Browder 820 6 N E Minneapolis Brown A Brown 69 W 115 N Y Brown Harris A Brown Riverside R I Brown A Wllmot 71 Glen Maiden Masa Bruno Max C 160 Baldwin Elmlra N Y Brydon A Hanlon 16 Cottage Newark Buncs Jack 1119 11 Philadelphia Burbank A Dan forth Berlin N H Burgess Harvey J 617 Trenton sv Pittsburgh Burks Joe 144 W 14 N T Burke A Fsrlow 4017 Harrison Chlcsgo Burnell Lillian 1060 North av Chlcsgo Burns Jsck 187 Bslnbridgs Brooklyn Burns Sisters Psntages Denver Burrows Lillian 1060 North sv Chicago Burt Wm P A Daughter 113 W 46 N T Burton 8ydney 116 1 av N Y Butlers Musical 411 S 8 Phils Buttersworth Charlsy 860 Treat San Francisco Byers A Hermann Alrdome Chattanooga Byrne BUlls Matlsee Girl Co Byron Oleta 107 Bins Hill sv Roxbury Msss Cshlll Wm 306-7 Brooklyn Campbell Al 8781 Bway N T Csntway Fred R 6486 Woodlawn sv Chlcsgo Csrdownls Bisters 416 N Liberty Alllancs O Csrey A Stamps 814 48 Brooklyn Csrls Irving 4108 N 41 Chicago Csrmen Frank 468 W 168 N Y Carmen Bestrice 71 Cedar Brooklyn Carroll Nsttls Troups Barnum A Bailey C R Csrrollton A Vsn 6411 MonteVlsta Los Angeles Carson A Devereaux Lyric Fair bury Neb Carters Ths Ava Mo Cassd Irvin A Csssd Darllngotn Wis Csssd A Ds Verne 111 Valley Dayton O Casburn A Murphy Wichita Kan . Case Psul II S Clark Chicago / Cassy A Smith 114 Franklin Allston Mai Casmus A La Mar Box 147 Montgomery Ala Csulfleld A Driver Normandls Hotsl N Y Cslsst 74 Grovs Rd Clsphsm Pk London Chsmsroys 1449 41 Brooklyn Chsntrsll A Schuyler 119 Prospect av Bklyn Chapman Sisters 1619 MUburn Indianapolis Chsss Davs 90 Birch Lynn Mass Chass Carina 1616 So Halstssd Chicago Chatham Sisters 808 Grant Pittsburg Cheers A Jones 818 W 69 N Y Chubb Rsy 107 Spruce Beraaton Pa Church City Four 1888 Decatur Brooklyn Clslnnont Josephine A Co 168 W 181 N Y Clarke Wilfred 180 W 44 New York Clark Florstta 10 Lambert Boston Clark A Duncan 1181 Prospect Indianapolis Cisrk A Ferguson 111 Phslps Bnglswood Clston Sisters 186 H 6 av Nashville Tsnn Clsue Rsdcllffs A Clsus 1649 Dayton av St Paul Clayton Anderson A Drew Watertown 8 D Clear Chas 469 W 111 N Y Clsrmonto A Miner 89 W 99 Nsw York Clsvsr Trio 8119 Arch Philadelphia Cliff A Cliff 4106 Artesian Chicago Cllto A Sylvsotsr 198 Wlntsr Phllsdelphis Close Bros 41 Howard Boaton Cols Billy 19-4 sv Bklyn Collins Eddls 6 Read Jersey City N J Collins A Hart Hip Portamouth Eng Compton A Plumb 8980 Emerson sv Mlnnssp Comrades Four 814 Trinity av Nsw York Conn Rlchsrd 101 W 109 N Y Connolly Bros 1906 N 14 Phllsdelphis Cook Gsraldlns 676 Jackson av Nsw York Cooke A Rothert Casino Vslparslso Corbstt A Forrester 71 Emmst Nswark N J Cornish Wm A 1108 Broadway Ssattls Costsllo A La Croix 111 Ewslng Kansas City Cottsr A Boulden 1886 Vineyard Philadelphia Coyls A Murrsll 8887 Vernon av Chicago Crawford Glsnn 1489 Baxtsr Toledo Crosby Ana 168 B • Psru Ind Cross A Msys 1318 Huron Toledo Cullen Bros 8916 Ellsworth Phllsdelphis Cunnlnghsm BAD 118 Wssh'ton Champaign Cunningham A Marion Hammerstelns N Y Curson Sisters 817 Adsls av Jackson Miss Cycling Brunettes 881 Cross Lowell Msss Dais A Hsrrls 1610 Madison sv New York Dslsy Wm J 108 N 10 Philadelphia Dalton Hsrry Fen 171 Irving sv Brooklyn Daly A O'Brien National Sydney Indef Dsugherty Peggy 651H 10 Portlsnd Ors Davidson Dott 1105 Michigan av Niagara Falls Davis Hasel M 8688 La Balls Chicago Dsvls A Cooper 1980 Dsyton Chicago Dawson Ell A Gillette Sisters 844 E 68 N Y De Clslnvllls 8ld 1818 Douglas Omaha De Costa Duo 965 N Randolph Phlla Ds Frsnkls Sylvls Saratoga Htl Chicago Ds Grscs A Gordon 988 Liberty Brooklyn Ds Lo John B 718 Jaokson Milwaukee Ds Msr Ross 807 W 87 PI Chicago De Mario Wllhelm Danslg Germany Ds Milt Gertrude 818 Sterling PI Brooklyn De Oesch Mils M 886 8 10 Saginaw Ds Velds A Zelda 116 HINT De Vers A Roth 649 Beldsn sv Chlcsgs Ds Verne A Vsn 4678 Yatss Dsnvsr Ds Witt Burns Torrance Stoll Circuit Eng De Witt Hugo 141 W 48 N Y De Young Tom 166 B 118 Nsw York Ds Young Msbel 860 B 161 Nsw York Desn Lew 463 8 Nlsgara Falls Desn A Sibley 468 Columbus sv Boston Decry Frsnk 804 West End av New York Delmar & Delmar Park St Louis Delton Bros 161 W 18 New York Demscoo Pslsls D'ete Brussells Belgium Bemonlo A Belle Englewood N J Denton O Francis 461 W 44 Nsw York Dsvesu Hubert 864 Prospect pi Bklyn Dlolss The 161 B 6 Mansfield O Dlston Msdellns 818 Kelly Bronx Dixon A Hsnson 4406 Prairie av Chicago Dodd Emily A Jessie 201 Division sv Bklyn Doherty A Hsrlowe 428 Union Brooklyn Dolsn A Lenhsrr 1460 7 sv New York Dolce Sisters 149 W 14 N Y Donaghy G Frsncls 119 55 Brooklyn Donsld A Carson 116 W 108 Nsw York Donner Doris 848 Lincoln Johnstown Ps Dooleys Three 9951 Charles Chicago Doss Billy 108 High Columbus Tana Dnw A La van 998 Cauldwell sv N»w fork Downey Leslie T Majestic Cedar Pi ids Doyle A Fields 2848 W Taylor Oi!-»«o Drew Dorothy 877 8 av New York Drew Lowell B 8tratford N J Drew Virginia 1226 Michigan sv Oh l igu Dube Leo 363 Stowe sv Troy Du Bola Great A Co 80 N Waah av Bridgeport Dulzell Paul Orpheum Loa Ar - '•• Duncan A O 943 E 9 Brooklyn Dunn Arthur F 117 B * -cock Pittsburg Dupres Fred 663 Qulncy Bklyn Dwyer Lottie Trio 69 No Wash Wllkes-Barre Eddy A Tallmsn 640 Lincoln Blvd Chicago Edgardo A Earle 651 W Fayette Baltimore Edman A Gaylor Box 39 Richmond Ind Edna Ruth 419 W Green Olean N T Edwards Geo Grsnt Htl Chlcsgo Bdwsrds Shorty 111 Carroll Allegheny When anewering advertisement* kindly mention VARIETY.