Variety (June 1911)

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3* VARIETY Powell Eddie 2314 Chelsea Kansas City Powers Klephants 746 Forsst av N T Price Harry M 883 Kelly Bronx N T Prices Jolly 1629 Arch Philadelphia Priors The Tukulla Wash Proctor Sisters 1112 Halsey Brooklyn Prosit Trio Rlngllng Bros C R Quartette A 761 Home N T Quintan Josle 644 N Clark Chicago Kaceford Roy Columbia Ashland Ky Ralmund Jim 17 E Adams Chicago Rainbow Sisters 840 14 San Francisco Rapier John 17S Cole av Dallas Rawls A Von Kaufman 8 Cherry Muskegon Rsy Eugene 6602 Prairie av Chicago Ray A Burns 287 Balnbrldge Brooklyn Raymond Clara 141 Lawrence Brooklyn Raymond Great Milan Italy Raymore A Co 147 W 96 N T Redmond Trio 261 Halsey Bklyn Redner Thomas A Co 972 Hudson av Detroit Redway Juggling 141 Inspector Montreal Reed A Earl 236 E 62 Los Angeles Reeves Geo H Park Jamsetown N Y Reffkln Joe 163 Dudley Providence Regal Trio 116 W Wash PI N T Reld Sisters 46 Broad Elisabeth N J Rellly A Bryan Star Muncie Ind T'.Hnflelds Minstrels Star Memphis Remy A Soper 1232 N Alden Phlla Renalles The 2064 Sutter 8an Francisco Reno Geo B Park Memphis Rensetta A La Rue 2321 So Hicks Phlla Rese Len 1021 Cherry Phlla THE REXOS This Week (June 19), Orpheumj Portland. a Dlreett—, Ifi/AT CAHBT Khoads Marionettes Steeplechase Coney Island Rice Frank A Truman 8038 Sheffield av Chic Rich * H«ward 214 E Iff V T Rich A Rich 2493 Milwaukee av Chicago Richard Bros 116 E 3 New York Richards Great Morrisons Rockaway Riley A Ahearn 36 Plant Dayton O Rio Al C 330 W 146 N T Rlpon Alf 646 B 87 New Tork Rltter A Bovey 49 Bllleiica Boston Roberta C E 1861 Sherman av Denver Roberts A Downey 86 Lafayette Detroit Robinson Win C 8 Granville London Robinsons The 901 Hswthorne av Minneapolis Rock A Rol 1610 Indiana av Chicago Rosdsr A Lester 814 Broadway Buffalo Rogers A Mackintosh Jeffers Saginaw Mich Rolands Geo 8 Box 390 Cumberland Md Ro Nero 412 8 George Rome N T Rose Lane A Kelgard 126 W 48 N T Rose Clartna 6026 67 Brooklyn TB6M8. J. RTAN-RICHFIELD CO. 76 W. Rldgewood Ave., Rldgewood. N. J. Ross A Lewis South London Eng Rosa Sisters 66 Cumerford Providence Rossis Musical Novelty 218 W 48 N Y Russell A Davis 1316 High Springfield O Rutledge Frank Spring Lake Mich Indef Rye Geo W 116 4 Ft Smith Ark hyno A Emerson 161 W 174 N Y Sabfl Josephine Orpheum Vancouver Sanders A La Mar 1337 6 av N Y San ford A Darlington 2337 So Warnock Phlla Savoy A Savoy Leavltt Sanford Me Scanlon W J 1691 Vlnewood Detroit Scarlet A Scarlet 918 Longwood av N Y Schercr A Newklrk 18 Goodell Buffalo Schilling Wm 1000 E Lanvale Baltimore Brintella 688 "Lyell av Rochester Scott Geo 377 8 4 Bklyn 8cott A Yost 40 Mornlngslds av N Y Scully Will P I Webster pi Brooklyn Selby Hal M 204 Schiller Bldg Chicago Sonxell Jean Airdome Homestead Pa Sevengala 616 Abel Boston Pa Sexton Chns B 2849 Johnston Chlcsgo Seymour Nellie 111 Manhattan N Y Shea Thoa E 3464 Pine Grove av Chicago Fheck A Darvllle 2028 N Clark Chicago Shedmans Dogs Dumont N J Shepperley Sisters 260 Dovecourt Toronto Sherlock Frsnk 614 W 136 N Y Sherlock A Holmes 2606 Ridge Philadelphia Shermans Two 262 St Emanuel Mobile Sherry Joa V Sparks Circus C R Shields The 207 City Hall New Orleans Slddons A Earle 2544 So 8 Phltudelphii Sldello Tom at Co 4313 Wentworth av Cn>c*„o Slegel A Matthews 3£4 Dearborn Chicago Simmons A Carmontelle 383 Clinton Bklyn Slmms Al 18 E 106 N Y Stmms Wlllard 6436 Ellis av Chicago Slater A Finch 10 N 3 Vlncennes lnd Small Johnnie A Sisters 620 Lenox av N Y 8mlrl A Kesaner 438 W 164 N Y Smith Allen 12tl Jefferson av Brooklyn Smith A Adsms 408 So Halstea*! Chicago Smith A Brown 1324 St John Toledo Somers A Storke c;r»nd Portland Sousloff Park Loulsvlllo Spears The 67 Clinton Everett Maas Spencer A Austin 3110 E Philadelphia Springer A Church 8 Esther Terrace Pltlsfleld Stadium Trio St Charles Hotel Chicago Stanley Harry Gmnt Hotel Chlcauo Pianley Stan 90S Rates Indian »polls Si on wood Davis 3f4 Bremen E Bo*'on SiHrr A Sachs 343 N Clark Chicago st<<1man Al A Fannie *>8S 6 So Boston SiHnrrt Thornns Trio 611 l.^nox av N V Steppe A H 33 Barclay Newark Stepping Trio 3'.*0S N 6 PMU Stevens E J 498 Marlon Bklyn Stevens Paul 823 W 28 New York Stewart A Earl 126 EucMd Woodbury N J Stokes A Ryan 1106 Bayard Wilmington Del St James A Deere 111 W 14 N Y St John A MoCraeken 8161 Chestnut' Phils 8torsobeln H 8181 Atlantlo Brooklyn Stubblefleld Trio 1101 Maple av St Louis Sullivan Danl J A Co 1917 W 81 Cleveland Sully A Phelps lilt Bolton Philadelphia Susana Princess O H Hanford Cal Sutton A 8uttoa 1118 W I Duluth Sweeney A Rooney lilt Wyoming av Detroit Swish it A Evans 1147 W Hursn Chicago Sylvester* Plymout Hotel Hoboken N J S>monds Alfaretta 14C Bo 11 Philadelphia rt/ts A Sjis 140 Morris Philadelphia Tambo A Tambo Hip Camden Eng Tanglvy Pearl 67 8 Clark Chicago Taylor Mae 2201 8 11 Phlla Taylor A Brown Star San Antonio Tex Tavlor A Tenny 1840 Ridge av Phlla Temple A O'Brien 419 ■ 1 Fargo N D Tcrrlll Frank A Fred 167 N Orkney Phlla Thomas A Hamilton 667 Dearborn av Chicago Tnomas A Wright 616 N Clark Chicago " liomson Harry 1284 Putnam av Brooklyn Thornc Mr A Mrs Hsrry 176 W 141 N Y Tliornes Juggling 68 Rose Buffalo Thornton Geo A 896 Broome N T Thurston Leslie 1311 11 Waahlngton Tldmarsh Fred A Co 1134 Tatnall Wilmington Tlnney Frank Kelts Phlla Tivoli Quartette Grlswold Cafe Detroit lndef Tope Topsy A Tops 1441 W School Chicago Torcat A Flor D A Ilea White City Chicago Tracy Julia Raymond Bartholdl Inn N Y Trsvers Bell 207 W SI N Y Trsvers Phil 6 E 116 N Y Travers Roland 111 W 41 N Y Tremalnea Mill's ISO Caldwell Jacksonville III Trevett Quartet Monarch Hotel Chicago Trillers Buffslo Bills C R Troubadours Three 186 W 56 N Y Troxell A Wlnchell 806 1 N Seattle Tumbling Toms 1719 Fulton Bklyn HARRY TSUDA Booked Solid. Jamas al Prankett. Mgr. U. Uline Arthur M 1769 W Lake Chloago Unique Comedy Trio 1917 Nicholas Phlla Valadons Les 14 Brewer Newport R I Valdare Bessie 106 W 97 N Y Valentine A Bell 1461 W 101 Chicago Valletta A Lamson 1319 Bt Clark Cleveland Van Dalle Sisters 614 W 111 N T Van Epps 16 W 64 N Y Vsn Horn Bobby 189 Best Dayton O Vardelles Lowell Mich Vardon Perry A Wllber 16 Green London Variety Comedy Trio 1611 Berth Indianapolis Vass Victor V 16 Hasklns Providence Vassar A Arken 114 Christopher Bklyn Vedmar Rene 3116 Broadway N Y Venetian Ssrensders 878 Blackhawk Chicago Vernon A Parker 187 Hopkins Brooklyn Vlllsge Comedy Four 1911 Ringgold Phlla Vincent A Sieger 810 Olive Indianapolis Viola Otto Empire London Vloletta Jolly 41 Lelpslger Berlin Oer Voelker Mr A Mrs 618 W 161 N Y Walker Musical 1614 Brookslde Indianapolis Walker A Sturm Majestic Colorado Springs Walters A West 8487 Vernon Chicago Walton Fred 4114 Clarendon av Chicago Ward Billy 199 Myrtle av Bklyn Warde Mack 800 W 70 New York Warren A Dale 1310 8 Carlisle Phlla Washburn Dot 1930 Mohawk Chicago Washer Bros Oakland Ky WALSH, LYNCH - CO. Presenting " MUCKJJ CB RUN.'* Direction PAT CASBY Weaver Frank A Co 1706 N 9 Baltimore Weber Chas D Vaudeville Pasadena Cal Well John 6 Krusstadt Rotterdam Welch Jas A 211 B 14 N*w York West Al 606 B Ohio Pittsburg West 81st era 1412 Jefferson av Brooklyn N Y West A Dtnton 116 W Cedar Kalamasoo Western Union Trio 1241 B Clearfield Phlla Weaton Edgar 246 W 44 N Y Weston Dan B 141 W 116 N Y Westons Models 204 W 110 N Y Wethetill II W I Chester Pa Wheeler Sisters 1441 7 Philadelphia Wheelers 41 E Ohio Chicago White Harry 1009 Ashland av Baltimore White Kane A White 191 Vermont Bklyn Whiteside Ethel 236 W 67 N Y Whiting A Bohne 262 W 19 N Y Whitman Frank 111 Greenwich Reading Pa ETHEL WHITESIDE And those "Piccaninnies." "FOLLIES OF COONTOWN." Whitney Tlllle 16 Ksne Buffalo ,Wlchert Grace 3011 Michigan av Chicago Wilder Marshall Atlantic City N J Wllkens A Wllkens 363 Willis sv N T Williams Clara 3460 Tremont Cleveland Williams Cowboy 4716 Upland Philadelphia Williams Chas 2626 Rutgers St Louis Williams Ed A Florence 94 W 101 N Y Williams A De Crotesu 1 Ashton sq Lynn M Williams A Gilbert 1010 Marohfield av Chic Wllllnms A Stevens 1616 Calumet Chicago Williams A Sterling Box 1 Detroit Wilson Lottie 2208 Clifton av Chicago AI and May Dorp 8chenectady Indef Liszle 176 Franklin Buffalo Wilson Wilson Wilson Patter Tom 1666 7 Av N Y Wilson A Aubrey Germantown Phlla Wilson A Cumby 2218 7 av N Y Wilson A Plnkney 107 W II Kansas City Winchester Ed Airdome Flint Mich Wlnflsld A Shannon 172 B Mllw'kee av Detroit Winkler Kress Trio 161 W II N Y Wise 4 Milton Brennan Circuit Now Zealand Wolf A Lee 114 Wood lawn av Toledo Wolferth Jewel Empire London Wood Ollls 600 W 164 New York Wood all Billy 480 First av Nashville Woods Ralton Co Grand Knoxvllle Work A Ower Empire London Indef JCavlers Four 1144 W 10 Chicago Yackley A Bunnell Lancaster Pa Yeoman Gee 4666 Olbeon av 8t Lou|s Young Ollle A April Palace London lndef Yonng A Phelps 1011 Baker Bvansvtlle Ind Young Sisters 1741 Henry Coney Island Zanclgs 36 Cliff av B Portchester N Y Zanfrelies 181 Brixton London Zeda Harry L 1338 Cambria Philadelphia Zeiser A Theme Wl I lards Temple of Music Zell A Rodgers 87 So Clark Chicago CIRCUS ROUTES Barnum A Bailey 21 La Crosse Wis July 6 Watertown 8 D 10 Lincoln Neb 11 Omaha 14 Boone la 16 Marsha 11 town Hagenbeck Wallace 13 De Kalb 111 24 Clinton 26 Cedar Rapids la 27 Waterloo 28 Mar- shalltown 29 Des Moines 30 Perry July 1 Tama Miller Bros 101 Ranch 23 Aahtabula O 24 Youngstown Nat Relas 26 Kearney Kan July 3 North Platte Neb Rlngllng Bros 26 Springfield Mass Sanger* 23 North Manchester Ind 24 Milford 26 Miles Mich Sells Floto 23 Cle Elum Wash 26 North Ya- kima 27 Walla Walla 28 Dayton 30 Moscow Ida July 1 Wallace 6 Coeur d' Alene 7 Sand Point 8 Missoula Mont 10 Hamilton 11 Stuart Yankee Robinson 23 Bessemer Mich 24 Bl- bon Wis July 3 Lemmon 8 D 4 Bowman N D 6 Miles City Mont 6 Forsyth 7 Roundup 8 Harlowton 10 Lewlaton 11 Three Forks 12 Boxeman LETTERS Where C follows name, letter is in Chi- cago. Where S F follows, letter is at San Francisco. Advertising or circular letters of any de- scription will not he listed when known. Letters will be held for two weeks. P following name indicates postal, ad vertlaed once only. (C) Ackerman Ed Adamson Ethel Ahlberg J Altkenson Billy Alexander Geo Anges K (C) Arthur Geo L Ayer Nat D (P) B. Baker Dan Balke W Bancroft Burt E (C) Banvards Flying Bare H F Barlowe Frank Barnes A Barron Barr Ida Barry Lydla Beam Will J Beaumont A (C) Beerman Theresa Behn C Bell Boy Trior (8 F) Booth Hope Boudinl Bros Boyle J C Boynton Jane Brennan Syble Brinkley Sisters Bryden Mae Butler Klrksmlth (C) (C) (C) C. Calpln Wm (C) Carleton Arthur C Carter Virginia Lu (P) Chaddertoa L (C) Chadderton Lily Challonger A Brent (C) Chaae Billy (S F) Chouteau Josephine (C) Christy Lew Christy Wayne (C) Clarence Sisters (C) Clark Florette Clarke H L Cllve Henry Cohurn Nettle (C) Coleman Johnnie (SF) Corrigan Emmett Cousins Ida (C) Covert Dorothy Creasy Wm Cummings Ralph (C) Cummlngs Dick (C) Curzon J W D. Dallas Beaulah Darrell Emily Daub Jack Davis Marlon Defrejl Gordon Delaro Hattle Delaro Hattle (C) Dell Bert Delton Henry Denman Louise Dietrich Roy (C) Dillon Wm A Donlta (C) Doris Opera Trio (C) Dotson A Lucas (SF) Dreano Josh Dunsworth A Valder Duncan Ray (C) Dunlop Dagman (C) Elliott Geo K Emmons Lotta (C) Ergottl A Lilliputians Evans Raymond (C) Evans Pearl Everell Emma Car us Fairfield Frances Fairfield Virginia Fay Anna Eva Ferguson Dave Fisher Wm Fitzgerald M B Florence Genevieve Frank Maurice Franklyn W Fuhrer Bessie Oazette Eugene (C) Gibson J V Gordon Frank Gordon Tom A Ste- phen Graham Clara (C) Gray Eleanor Griff Jennie (C) H. Hagan John P Harcke Edith Harvey A Donnelly Harris Chas (O) Hayes Geo B Holcomb A Berwick Holt Edwin Hopper Lightning (C) Hughes Madge Hurst Blllle Hymer John B I. ibsons The Irwin Flo James Byron (C) Jarvls A Harris (C) Johnson A Wells (SF) Jolly A Wild K. Karlton Avery Kaufer Carrie (C) Keefe John Kendall Chas Kennedy Vic Kerr Miss (P) Kingston A Thomas (C) Kline Sam (C) La Genie Mile (C) La Tour Babe La Vine Gene (C) Lee Irene Leipslz Nate Le Mont L A Lerner Dave LeRoy Hilda Leslie Ethel (S F) Lewin Harry W Lewis Walter London Ernest A Mack A Orth Mack Wilbur Manchl K Martine Bob May Ida May Jeannie (C) McCarte Billy McCullougb Carl McDonald John (C) McGloin Josephine Merritt Hal Middleton Karl Miller Belle Montrose Max Moore Alma (C) Morenl Con Morrell Sidney Morris Mike Muller W E Mum ford A Thompson (C) Mykoff B N. Neff A Starr (C) Noble Billy (C) Norton Ruby (P) Oberman B C (C) O'Hearn Will (C) Palmer Minnie Perclval M Phasma Piquo Philip (C) Quirk Billy R. Ramey Marie j Rattray Allan (SF). Redford A Winchester 1 Redwood A OordoOJ (C) ' » Reece Arthur ! Relnhardt Frieda KelllB Josephine Rice Jas A ! Rlnaldo \ Roberts Ignace (C) Robinson A Burdett (C) Rosetta Royal Jack 1 Ruhso D W » i 8. Schlman E F (C) Schuler Henry (C) ' Senzell J Will (C) Shoenfeldt Jos Shoholm Grace (C) Simons Wlllard A Co (C) Sinner Jack Snook Great (S F) Squires John (S F) St. Albyn Edmond O St. Cass C (C) Stedman Al Steeley A Edwards Stephens Leona Stewart Cal (C) Stone Sydney (C) Strong Nellie Sturm Geo (S F) Sutton Dora Sylvester Joe Thornburn Samuel Thurber Philip (C) Tlce Herbert Twist Star (C) Tuxedo Comedy Four Van Cleave Vlnlng D M (C) Vivian A Corrigan W. Walker Harry Walker Jack (S F) Walker Spencer Wall Lawrence Webby Jake (C) Weston Lury Westony Vllmos (8 F) Wheeler Bert L (C) Whltford Anabelle (C) Wl-.liams Amy Williams Crystal Williams & Warner Wllaon Dall Wolf Moore A Young (SF) Wrothe Ed Lee Wurnelle A Nelson (C) Wyckoff Fred Wynn Bessie T. Young Oscar (C) Yulr Mae Zimmerman Willy Zolo (C» - Theatrical Lawyer EDWARD J. ADER Fifth Floor. Straus Bldg.. Clark A Mac' so- Sts.. Chicago. 111. PRACTICE IN ALL fc ATE AJ4D U. 8. COURTS. ADVICE ;/RRi:. IF YOU HAD A TRUNK that had steel corners, steel ralla. steel dowels, steel handle looks and every ether fitting ef steel and waa covered with vulcanised hard fibre, lined with fibre and bound w'th vu'< .ntsed herd fibre, wouldn't you wonder why you used the heavy, old-fashloncd, canvas-cover* wood trunk as long as you did and wouldn't you be anxious to get up to date? WILLIAM BAL, Inc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE V. BUILDERS OF mr flMft 1571 INUWAT UB 711 SEYEITN AVEIUE, IEW YQKf WTwm anjwerfa? advertisements kiruttp mewliew TABIMTJ.