Variety (December 1911)

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86 p* i VARIETY \ fer OUTFITS One single column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and two electrotypes. One double column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and two electrotypes. $5.00 One single column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and six electrotypes. One double column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and six electrotypes. One single column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and twelve electrotypes. One double column, coarse screen, news- paper halftone and twelve electrotypes. $ I 2.SO |TANteD|ngr^ing^, PHOTO ENGRAVERS. ELECTOOTYPERS DESIGNERS 560-562 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK WILLIAM COLLIER. WILLIAM COLLIER "Better service impossible" The One Vaudeville Contracting Agency That Charges Only Five Per Cent. "We Never Misrepresent" WALTER J. PLIMMER General Manager PRUDENTIAL VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE Suites 535-6-7-8-9-10 Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., 1402 Broadway, New York REPRESENTING REAL THEATRES BOOKING THE BEST ACTS OH A SQUARE DEAL POLICT TO EVERYBODT MANAGERS who are dissatisfied with their present booking arrangements will find it to their advantage to give this office a trial ■ AIMYTHINO THERE'S A DO F? IIM f» Gaiety Theatre Bldg., 1547 Broadway, New York Phone 2104 Bryant. Cable Address, "Jaclev" Luigi Picaro Troup Just Completing a Solid Year's Booking in the Middle-west RETURNING WEST NEXT AUGUST Directiqn, rvi i When answering adverti*ement$ kindly mention VARIETY.