Variety (December 1911)

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Imitating a railroad train going up grade, increasing speed and passing through two tunnels, 16 inches high . ,, Mr. EDWARD REXO is the originator of the above trick and it has never been accomplished by any other performer NOW APPEARING ON P. G. WILLIAMS' TIME Thi8 Week (Dec. 25) Bronx, New York Next Week (Jan. 1) Greenpoint, Brooklyn UNITED TIME TO FOLLOW Different from all other skating acts presented in vaudeville Everything novel and entirely original Carrying our own special skating mats that roll up like carpet, thereby enabling us to present the act in a first class manner under any conditions. MISS ICE LLOYD STARRING IN "LITTLE MISS • • FIX-IT Management, WERBA & LUESCHER This Week (Xmas) [Montauk, Brooklyn Jan. 1, Merita, Ct; Jan. 2, rriy.H. Y.; Otic* 4, Biffalt; 5, Lsata. Cm.; 67 Vtmilton.LCan. Week of Jan. 7 Studebaker, Chicago Direction, JENIE JACOBS, PAT CASEY AGENCY STAINES Comedy Circus THE GREATEST LAUGHMAKER IN VAUDEVILLE APPEARING WITH GREAT SUCCESS THIS WEEK (Dec. 25) P. 6. WILLIAMS' BRONX, NEW YORK Direction, PAT CASEY The Original American Travesty Artists CHAS. J. MABEL ROSS FENTON Back to First Principles—TRAVESTY POSITIVELY VAUDEVILLE ONLY Arrived too late for Christmas, but here's A HAPPY NEW TEAR TO ALL DICK TOM FITZGERALD ODELL TUT IlirrV Management, DUSTYS BOHNI AOT TANEAN "° CLAXTON Wam an*w4rinff odp»rtto—iwft ktrndly mentkm YAM1MTT. BOOKED SOLID U. 3. O.