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VARIETY •5 WE TOLD YOU SO ANOTHER RIOT You'll Want Me Back What a song for singles! What a song as a duet, conversation or double number. Anybody can use it, everybody will use it. Had to beg you to sing "Billy"—you know what a sensation "Billy" proved to be. Must we beg you to sing this ? Are you going to wait till everybody sings "YOU'LL WANT ME BACK," or are you going to be one of the first ? OR0HE8TRA LEADERS: Send 18c. for Two-Step Arrangement of "YOU'LL WANT ME BACK" and "DOLORES," a beautiful high-class Spanish Waltz number. Single numbers 160. KENDIS * PALEY, 1367 broadway (tar.ua».> new york city CENTRAL (Karrer a Short, mgra).—Pic- tures. APOLLO (Fred BL Moore, m*T.; agent, K. A E.).—Al. H. Wilson In "A German Prlnes" 19-10. The new pier with Its enormous auditorium, the plans for which were riven out a few weeks ago, is to go through to completion at an early date. The men back of the project were given out at first as George H. Earle of Philadelphia and Capt. John L. Young, Atlan- tic City's pioneer showman. Mr. Toung has withdrawn and the new partner with Mr. Earle is A. E. Burke of Philadelphia. Mr. Burke, the new partner with Earle, Is the biggest stockholder in the Steel Pier Co. He is one of the Burkes of Philadelphia Iden- tified with the meat packing Industry of that city. Next Wednesday night at the Apollo the Philadelphia Orchestra, with Carl Pohilg as the conduotor, will be heard under the aus- pices of the Crescendo Club, a loom! organi- sation of muale lovers. The last half of next week at the Apollo the new show, "The Flyers," comes in. The show Is a farce, but has nothing to do with aviation. Willa Holt Wakefield IN Representative: JsWIB JACOBS Wilfred Clarke SWa SketOh. THi DBAR DBPARTSD Direction Max Hart With this Dr. Cook weather claiming the country for Its own, Atlantic City has got it all over the other cities, for here the Board- walk is ss try as tinder, thanks to the 'walk superintendent, "Bill" Lamb and his "minute men." Of course "dry" Sundays still prevail, but one cannot expect mocking birds In the winter time. BOSTON By J. GOOLTZ. SO Summer 8treet PARK (W. D. Andreas, mgr.; K. A B.).— "The Country Boy" looks as If he might stay for a while; 2d week of good businesa BOSTON (Al Levering, mgr.; K. A B.).— "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" but two more weeka Business is good. MAJESTIC (E. D. Smith, mgr.; Shubert). —"Baby Mine" doing well. Third week. One more. OLOBE (R. Janette, mgr.; Stair A Wil- bur).—"Mutt and Jeff" are saying good-bye. Twelfth week of fine businesa. The house will not play combination for the rest of the season but is starting vaudeville and pictures next week. PLYMOUTH (Fred. Wright, mgr.; Lleb- lers).—"She Knows Better Now" Is the vehi- cle that May Irwin holds forth with. The show and the star made good. This Is last wc©lc. SHUBERT (E. D. Smith, mgr.; Shubert).— "The Never Homes" opened a two-weeks' ongagement with a hurrah. TREMONT (John B. Schoffleld, mgr.; K. A E.).—"Follies" going big. HOLLIS (Charles B. Rich, mgr.; K. A B.). —"A Single Man" with John Drew. Always a good attraction. Here for two weeka COLONIAL (Thomas Lothian, mgr.; K. A WILL H. KATE Vedder-Morgan Presenting a Comedy Drama Playlet "THE CRY IN THE NIGHT" By ted gibson Ask CHAS. WIL8HIN MLLE. DAZIE Personal Dfrsctlon JENIE JACOBS. E.).—"The Pink Lady" holding the lead for money making attractiona Looks good for a run. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, mgr.; di- rect).—Nineteenth week of stock. This house better than gold mine. ORAND O. H. (George Magee, mgr.; Stair, Wilbur A Magee).—"The Third Degree" will get the money. One week. KEITH'S (Harry E. Gustln, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—A heavy snow storm made busi- ness good for the opening night. The bill was most pleasing. Emma Cams was well received. Joe Welch has a dandy act. Lit- tle Lord Robert made good from the start. Covington A Wllber, clever comedy. Prey Twins, neat act. Haydn. Borden A Haydn, snappy work. Rayns's Bulldogs, good. Rich- ards A Montrose, good. The Jossettys, pleased. Plcturea NATIONAL (G. A. Ryder, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—(Lola; "Hahhy" Of Nell; Hoey A Lee; Havlland A Thornton; Morris A Morrle; Alfredo; Australian Wheelers; Rose Sharon A Co.; pictures. ORPHEUM (V. J. Morris, mgr.; Loew).— Bothwell Browne (full week); Crelghton Bros.; Frledland A Clark; Alvln Bros.; Beau- vere, Reed A St. John; Madden A Nugent; Sapsom * Douglas; Paul Berry; Griffith A Dorris; Browne A Moulton; Zenlta; Holllns A Byron; W. E. Whittle; Tom Mahoneu; N. S. Harvey; plcturea 80UTH END (Louis M. Boas, mgr.; agent, Loew).—W. E. Whlttel; N. 8. Harvey A Co.; Tom Mahoney; Holllns A Byron; Zenlta; Brown * Moulton; Griffiths A Dorris; Paul Berry; Sampson A Douglas; Madden A Nu- gent; Beauvere, Reed A 8t. John; Friedland A Clark; Crelghton Broa; Alvln Broa; plc- turea HUB (Joseph Mack, mgr. agent, Fred Mardo).—Adams, Mack * Roy; Farley A But- ler; The Royal Duo; Manning A Ford; Fried- land A Clark; Mack A Mack; plcturea BEACON (J. Laurie, mgr.; agsnt, Fred Mardo).—Patrick A Dampear; Betty Wynne; Adelaide A Lawrence; Broe A Maxim; The Brissons; Prentice A Cornell; Black A War- ren; The Dailys; plcturea 8HAWMUT (Frank L Browne, mgr.; agent, Fred Mardo).—Charles Farrell; Tall man Kennette A White; Baldwin A Qulnn; Lufeta * Perea; Toklo Four; Matt A Clark; Allen Whightman; Frank A Legata; Fred Ooulette; pictures. OLD SOUTH (F. Collier, mgr.; agent, Church).—Gordon A Stafford; Meyers A Per- ry; Schltci Japs; Joe McCourt; Joe Goodman Clark A Parker; Jack Williams; Nellie Hor- ton; plcturea WASHINGTON (F. Collier, mgr.; agent. Church).—Wagner A Lee; Waldron 4k Vass; Stuard A Dale; Evelyn Cunningham; Dale A Clark; Kentucky Trio; plcturea BOWDOIN SQUARE (J. E. Commerford, mgr.; agent. National).—Bramlnos; Bene- dittos; Mr. A Mrs. Falrchllds; Ernie A Ernie; plcturea HOWARD (A. Somersby. mgr.; agent. Na- tional).—Irene La Toure; Edmund Hayes * Co.; Claire A West; Bomboy Deerfoot; 8t. Onge Trio; pictures. PA8TIME (O. Murphy, mgr.; agent, Na- tional).—Alex. Wilson; Madame Flower; Ken- dall's Auto Girl; Billy Tann; pictures. ROXBURY (National, agent).—Jean Bsau- gerrl; Jack Macey; plcturea PURITAN (National, agent).—The Valdos: Melvln A Thatcher; Mets A Metz; Kent A Whitten; Stadium Trio; pictures. APOLLO (National, agent).—Meek A Sher- wood; Gerardy Bros.; Denna A Thebault Dale A Clark; pictures. No more vaudeville and pictures at the Central Square Theatre, Lynn. Colonel Stan- ton, the manager, thinks he can do better with stock opera. There seems to be a dif- ference of opinion as to the cause of the change. Some aay opposition too strong; others say that the bills were plaoed wrong by the management. Anyway—no more vau- <1<-vll|p. Don Ransay In Just the very busiest music publishing man in Boston. He Is In charge of Ted Snyder's song shop In the Gaiety theatre building. Harmony keeps coming through tho door all the time. Some busy place, too. Fred Mnrdo Is going to start a chicken farm on the roof of his office building. He doesn't know what to do with the money that he has made. A RIOT AT THE COLONIAL THIS WEEK WESTON. FIELDS CARROLL Singing the song craze THAT BABOON BABY DANCE >9 Published by SHAPIRO MUSIC PUBLISHING Broadway Street, YORK Whm ammotring ad ve r tUmmt * Mndlp mention VARIBTY.