Variety (January 1912)

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VARIETY ji TWO ABSOLUTE RIOTS ! THAT MARVELOUS WALTZ SONG NOVELTY ry BRYAN & FISCHER 5Y DRYAN & FI5CHER SUITABLE FOR ANY ACT. A WONDERFUL DOUBLE OR SINGLE Published by > , _ Music Pu6li5hlrs. y^usMNG co C ot Broadway l Thirty Ninth 5t, Ntw York LOUIS btRNMEIN. rt<\n<vjiivj Direcfo. The Auditorium theatre and the Auditor- ium Hotel have crowed bate In a legal strug- gle, the former alleging the hotel company cut off the theatre heat aupply and aak for an Injunction restraining It from interfering with the opera patrons' comfort. The hotel management Bays the theatre management has overlooked several debts and the heat disconnection looked like the only plausible way of making a collection. Fred Barnes has been appointed as gen- eral manager of the Hot Springs Horse Show to take plana In that city March l to ». Barnes is booking all the entries and will have full charge of the event. No theatri- cal attractions are scheduled for appea r a n ce. A man giving the nam* of Charles Fair- man was arrested In this city last week and fined |100 for promising to place a young girl on the stage. The prisoner is said to have represented himself as a vaudeville agent. Edward Marsh who discovered "trouping" with "Muldoon's Picnic" an unprofitable ven- ture has returned to his desk In the Fred Barnes office. Genevieve Victoria (Mrs, Ed- ward Marsh In privets life) was starring in ths show. Ths attraction played the Stair A Havlln houses. Ths Whits Rata Is Investigating ths affairs of ths Eastern Thsatrloal Exchange of St Louis, affiliated in some way with the Frank Doyle agency of this city. Will Cooks, trav- eling repressntatlvs of the organisation mads a hurried trip to St. Louis last week aftsr learning numerous complaints had been filed against the agency. The Wolverine theatre of Saginaw, Mich., changed from vaudeville to pictures this week. The Three Marx Brothers were booked to appear at ths houss, but upon rsporting for work wore advised by the manager that they could not play. A salt will be startsd to recover liquidated damages. Ths houss is supported by several prominent cltlssns of ths town, but Its failure is said to be dus from bad management. Perry J. Kelly, now the manager of Joe M. Gel tee' "Dr. De Luxe," was Invited to pay $184.76 back royalty on "The Honeymoon Trail" which he leased from the La Salle Theatre Co. last season and which evidently eecaped his notice during the run of the piece. William Claude Doyle, brother of Frank Doyle and a former member of the Doyle staff has mysteriously disappeared after his failure at managing the Howland Opera House In Pontiac, Mich. Doyle booked In a vaudeville ehow, but business was discour- aging and when the three days had slapsed he Informed the expectant artists hs would slip them the change later. De Marse and Boyer complained to their attorneyo and the latter are endeavoring to locate the manager- agent. Doyle recently started an agency in Detroit, but evidently could not make It go, for the soon closed ehop. Jack Matthews and Harry Fields were handed $20 each by a claim agent of the Chicago A Alton Railroad afer they suc- ceeded In stopping a small panic in one of the Pullman cars of their pet train. The pair were on their way to Pekln, 111., when the engine became balky and came near despatching three of the rear care Into a nearby canal. Matthews clutched the air brake while his partner clutched the near end of a berth. The reward waa given for two broken hata Feb. 17 the Plasa theatre will become a "epllt week." The house Is booked through the Interstate office and formerly ran wsekly bllla The usual poor business of this sea- son Is probably ths causa. In the cast of Harry Sheldon's "Ths House Divided" whloh reopens the Whitney Opera House next week will be Dodson L. Mitchell. Sidney Alnsworth, Mrs. Harriet Otis Dellen- baugh. Ralph Morgan, Lafayette McKee. Alice Seymour, Gladys Wynne and Martla Harris. The piece will be given a try out at a few upstate one-nlghters before coming to the local house. After Haddon Chamber's "Passers-By" leaves ths Blaokstone Blanohe Batss will corns to that houss In tne Belasco play. "Nobody's Widow." William Crane will also bs seen there at an early data In "Ths Sen- ator Keeps House." Crans was ths first Star to open the house, playing there with "V. & Minister Bedloe," one of George Ado's sacrifices. "Mother," the Jules Goodman play, will bs seen at McVloker's for a two week's ran commencing Feb. 4. The piece was first produced here at the Grand Opera House some few seasons ago. Jamas Culhans, managsr of San Bond Pa- vilion, took a shot at ths music publlshsrs this week when he announced that all "rag" songs would bs barred and classed some of them with "bad boons." Culhans claims soms of ths strains havs a bad effect on the dancers and causes thsm to show visible signs of distress in ths form of a wiggle. He says ths majority of ths songs hs refers to were written expressly for ths vice dis- trict. A fsw of ths conservative papers fell for his whsese. He worked up several ool- umns of free advertising on ths scheme. Mr. and Mrs. George Lavender have de- cided to enter vaudeville again as a team and will probably preaent thsir old offering "The Touch Down." Aaron Jones has retired from the secre- tary sh 11» of Whits City Park and Ernest Be If «• It. youngest son of ths proprietor of the Sherman Houss, has been elected to the position. Jones claims his buslnsss Interests in the city make It Impossible for him to devote any time to the business of the sum- mer resort. T. C Gleason, manager of ths College theatre, Is preparing to present at that house "The Deep Purple," "Alias Jimmy Valen- tine" and "The Lilly." The royalties on either show practically makes It impossible for aieason to realise much profit, but the demand of his patrons makes it necessary for him to deliver the good*. Saves and Norworth have been selected as ths headline!* of the Majestic bill for next week and will present "The Musical Surprise Party." Following the late stars of "Little Mlee Fix-It" Paul Armstrong's "The Romance of the Underworld" will return to the local house to head the bill. Thle fea- ture played there some time ago. Cora and Robert Simpson were forced to cancel a few weeke of their middle western time because of an acute attack of larlngltle settling In Mr. Simpson's throat. The tem- porary setback did not make It necessary for them to lose the entire route, however. Lulu Olaser was granted her decree of divorce from Ralph Hera. Judge McDonald gave the star her freedom after listening to her charges of cruelty. Hera, playing the Illinois with "Dr. De Luxe," admitted that at times he became a little rough. The "scalping" scandal which resulted In the gathering of several local managers be- fore Receiver Eastman has practically blown over. Several members of the council com- mittee are trying to devise some plan to do away with the "graft" and there Is a possi- bility that the theatre manager's association will take the matter up at their next meeting. C. E. Bray and A. E. Meyers, who spent a few days in New Tork thle week, returned in time to attend the annual meeting of the Kohl A Caetle interests and the W. V. M. A. Martin Beck was also present. Harry Fresco announced he will ehortly return to Chicago and produoe "The Spit-fire" by Edmund Peple, author of "The Littlest Rebel" and that Chicago would see the first performance. The Cort theatre will probably be the ecene of the opening. Daniel Froh- man produced "The Splt-FIre" two years ago at the Lyceum theatre in New York City. Sol Lowenthal, local attorney for the White Rats Actor's Union will leave Chicago this week for an extended trip thhrough Califor- nia. Mr. Lowenthal will remain In the West long enough to secure a much-needed rest. James O'Leery, proprietor of Luna Park is going through a financial sxpsrlsnos that may make It necessary for him to call for help In operating the resort next summsr. O'Leary's creditors are making demands and ths park proprlstor Is becoming a target for several law suits. Ths Francis V. Boyne stock oompany, play- ing around Indiana, Is having a hard season, apparently, for one Sybil Hammsrsly. leading woman of the stock aggregation, has ordered E J. Ader to commence suit for unpaid sal- ary- Several other members of the Boyne oompany are also asking for moneys dus. Frank 8chsur, musloal director of the "Troeaderos," has commenced suit calling for a decree of divorce from his wife, Cora Scheur. SAN FRANCISCO By ART. HICKMAN. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr. agent. Orpheum Circuit).—Una Clayton A Co.. well- acted sketch, scoring substantial hit; Six Steppers, closing the show, held them In and were heartily applauded; Hawthorne A Burt put over laughing hit; Knox Wilson found the going good and simply stopped the ehow; Cecelia Loftus. In her third week, repeated her former success, and was splendidly received; Reynolds A Donegan duplicated skating hit of last week; Four Vanis, opening the show, did nicely In the early spot; Charley Grape win In his amusing sketch scored a laughing success. PANTAOE8 (Alex. Pantages. gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Abou Hamad's Arabs put on an acrobatic act that proved a veritable riot, the act being loudly cheered; Billy Noble and Jeanne Brooke won favor all the way, a poel- tlve hit; Frank Rutledge A Co. in "Our Wife," were funny and laughter and applause were the result; Four Van Statts, opened the bill, but were too good for that spot. Relff, Clay- ton A Relff have a singing and dancing act that In the main Is crude, the dancing only being fairly well received; Mile. La Feydla proved entertaining, pulling the usual flag at finish; Olga De Moe, fair; Princess Victoria, an extra act, was heavily applauded. EMPRESS (Sulllvan-Consldine, mgrs.; agents, direct).—The Fernandez-May Trio drew attention In opening spot and enter- tained; R. R. Raymoth was encored repeat- edly; Walton A Lester had rough sailing, due to poor comedy, the rest getting over; Ned Norton and hie burnt cork absurdities, regis- tered laughing hit; Marie Fltsglbbons landed solidly; Mr. A Mrs. Mark Murphy were a big scream; Saxaphone Four, and Glbbs, a mimic, local features, were heartily enjoyed; "Texas Tommy Festival," cut In half, has lost Its at- traction. Lew Spalding, late manager of the Max Dill Co.. Jack Rayner, Marter Golden, prima donna, and Nellie Pollard, have none north to Join the Rob Roy Co. The receipts for the benefit of Prison Re- form handled by the Rulletin and their cor- respondent. Donald Lowrle. and the Empress Theatre Co. for the wrok wen- |7,023 The agents of the Essanay Film <"o. have Just signed a contract with the parents of little Violet Kelly, the Oakland child actress, to feature her in a series of motion picture productions that are to be made in Ban Diego this spring. The child Is the daughter of W. J. Kelly, house superintendent of the Oakland Orpheum. Her mother will accompany the little girl on the trip south. Mrs. Emma Brack has left the Six Bracks at Salt Lake and returned to Oakland, from which place she will keep In attendance upon her husband, the principal member of the Brack Troupe, recently committed to the Insane asylum at Agnsw, Cal. Ths new policy recently Installed at the Oakland Orpheum of giving an entire new show each week, has boosted the theatre into the ranks of big winners. The house always did very well. Margarte Reed, a clever little danoer, head* ed the Five Ponies In a song and danos ohangs act at the Portola-Louvre last week. Francis Wilson, a Berkeley girl and a bril- liant pianist, who plays the Instrument In brilliant style, and who was discovered by Managsr George Ebey of the Oakland Or- pheum, Is on a tour of ths Orpheum circuit, opening in Sacramento. 17. Another Oakland product begins a tour at Sacramento in the person of Bliss Sohuylsr. She was a prlnolpal member of the musloal comedy company at ths Grand, Los Angeles. The Valenola opened 14 with six sots and three reels of plotures at ten oents to good buslnssa Ths whols show world of the oosst is watching Its fata, as nothing has yst suc- ceeded in this houss. After many efforts in behalf of Bessie An- derson of the Premier Trio, who has been se- riously ill In Colorado Springs and here for the past five months, a generous subscription was raised by the endeavors of W. P. Recce, West- ern representative of Sulllvan-Consldine cir- cuit, who started the list by a donation by himself, and secured $60 before he etepped out of hie office. The matter was taken up by othere of the theatrical fraternity, and a goodly sum sent Miss Anderson. The Garrlok released Its six-piece orchestra and vaudeville Saturday night In order that "the trust" will give them three ohangas a week. An organ will substitute for ths or- chestral music Business has fallen off at the Garrlck considerably, sines ths opening of ths Republic (old Alcasar) In ths same district PHILADELPHIA By GEORGE M. YOUNG. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordan, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Without any big knockout hit the show was pretty well balanced and a good avsrage was reached. The Inability of Work and Ower to play, owing to the Illness of ons of the acrobats, brought Ethel Green Into the bill Tuesday and ths dainty singer registered solidly as usual. Miss Green wss rsstlng this week through Illness. She did well here, de- spite that. The first two songs used are not up to Miss Green's standard, but she got all there wae to be had out of them and her "Old Faehloned Kid" number hit the mark, boosting her up for the final song whloh shs put over In good shape and won plenty of favor. Pierce and Roslyn eubstltutsd for Work and Ower Monday. Edmund Brsess and Co. in "Copy" was the "big act" on the bill and proved an Interesting dramatlo skstoh. It Is a newspaper playlet, as near to and as far away from the natural as all newspaper sto- ries on the stage. The business and action Is too fast and too noisy to be convincing, but this fault Is lessened by the oapable handling given the various characters. Breese Is a clever actor. In "Copy" he has only a fsw minutes to display his best talents and then he rises to the occasion with excellent re- sults. The sketch made a favorable Impres- sion. McConneli an 1 Simpson have another large-sized laugh winner In the new sketch, "The Right Girl," and the story runs nice and smoothly up to the final minute, when Willie ilrown shifts his love to the twin sister. That's not a bit nlco or Willie, hut It makes the story end differently. Miss McConneli has plenty of opportunity for comedy In the dual role and Miss Lulu Is some little artiste In Bending laughing material over the footlights She even pulls one for the curtain with a few nifty steps and grimaces. Jarrow, the trick- ster, won his share of the l.'iughs with his palming. Jarrow seems to be lucky in pick- ing out victims In the audience. Tuesday a man In ono of the boxes proved a wonder, but the one Jarrow used on the singe failed to put his laughs over. Maybe It was the funny bald wig he wore or the old minstrel gag he pulled. The "Old Soldier Fiddlers" repeated their former sueresses. The house held a lot of veterans :md they warmed up to the old musicians In great shape. The "Fiddlers" are getting to he .eai good repeat- ers. Gordon and Klnley did nicely with their When anmoering adverUtemente Madly mention VARIETY.