Variety (April 1912)

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10 VARIETY WEBER & FIELDS PARTNERSHIP ONCE MORE, RUMOR SAYS Joe Weber and Lew Fields Very Apt To Become in- terested Jointly in All Theatrical Ventures From Now On. "Jubilee" Has Drawn the Former Partners Closely Together Again Rumor says, and In this case rumor is more sanguine than usual, that Jos. M. Weber and Lew Fields are not merely partners for the moment in the 44 Jubilee" reunion at the Broadway theatre, but that Messrs. Weber ft Fields have about decided here- after they will be theatrical partners in all ventures, restoring to them the business relations they indulged in so long before the break came a few years ago. The "Jubilee" run at the Broadway brought about the old conditions. It will probably have an effect upon the bookings of the Weber ft Fields' pro- ductions to come. Mr. Weber is an avowed ally of "The Syndicate," while Mr. Fields has Shubert connections. No one will venture an opinion upon the outcome as far as the booking is concerned, but the partnership plan seems about settled. When Weber and Fields dissolved their partnership of many years, there was nothing in the offing besides in- dividual opinions, which may have been swollen by the injudicious ad- vice of friends and the success the (former variety team had reached. Each has since had his fling alone, and with no personalities to be smoothed over, the agreement that "Weber and Fields" still remains a name to collect upon was not hard for the old partners to reach. As far as known at present the run of the Weber ft Fields' show at the Broadway will terminate around June 1 as Lew Fields has his passage booked for a trip abroad around that time. In case business keeps up, Fields has it so arranged he can sail later. ACTORS CAME LATE. The early arrivals at Daly's last Sunday evening, where Lewis Waller gave a professional performance of "Monsieur Beaucaire," were much in- clined toward a fervid discussion over the well-known displeasure of actors at a "late audience." The bane oT a theatrical performance generally (to the cast) is a straggling procession of patrons finding their seats and disturb- ing the house, including the players on the stage. The discussion found its source from the very much belated arrivals at Daly's. Although the time set for the commencement of the play was 8:15, over one-third of the actor-guests ar- rived after that hour. LIEBLERS ASK RECEIVERSHIP. As forecasted in Variety several weeks ago, Llebler & Co. have filed suit against the Shuberts, asking for the appointment of a receiver in the partnership existing between them in the production of "The Blue Bird." The partnership was formed in 1910, by the terms of which Llebler ft Co. were to produce and the Shuberts to manage the attraction and look after the finances. Llebler ft Co. now al- lege the Shuberts did look after the finances, but not In a manner agree- able to them. Lee Shubert felt called upon to is- sue a statement to the press, deny- ing the allegations in Llebler ft Co.'a suit against him. He brands the Llebler statements as false and de- clares the full truth will be known when the case reaches trial. PREPARING CUBAN TOUR. It is reported the Henry W. Savage office is preparing to send a repertoire company through Cuba and the West Indies this summer. In the repertoire will be "Little Boy Blae," "The Prince of Pilsen" and "The Merry Widow." MABEL HARRISON IMPROVING. While the improvement in Mabel Barrison's condition is not so very marked, her husband, Joe Howard, is buoyed up considerably in the expec- tation his wife will shortly sit up and perhaps walk about. Miss Barrison has been confined to bed throughout her illness. Mr. Howard left this week for Sara- nac Lake, N. T., to see his wife. Miss Barrison receives a great mass of mail from her professional friends, and many make it a point to call upon her whenever anywhere in the vicinity of Saranac. The 28th of this month Mr. Howard and his vaudeville partner, Mabel Mc- Cane, start on a tour of the Orpheum Circuit. O'HARA SHOW STOPS. Kansas City, April 3. It is reported the engagement of Fiske O'Hara in this city, ending last Saturday night, wound up the season for the show, which was under the management of Robert Irwin. Saturday last also saw fhe finish of the two Ziegfeld productions, "The Follies of 11)11" and "Miss Innocence" (Anna Held). "The Follies" closed much earlier this year than last, when its season extended into June through a Pacific Coast visit. Fanny Brice, a "Follies" member for two or three years, will next ap- pear as a "single" in vaudeville, under the direction of Helen Lehmann. WARD AND YOKES FINISH. Norfolk, Va., April 3. After their most successful season of the many toured by the pair of comedians, Ward and Vokea brought their show to the end of the route in this city last Saturday. COPYRIGHT POINT PASSED ON. Section 28 of the new copyright law was passed upon last Thursday by U. S. Commissioner Shields, when he dis- charged Paul Scott, the playbroker, who had been accused by Marie Doran of haying infringed upon her copy- righted version of "Lena Rivers," a dramatized novel. Mr. Scott was taken into custody March 21, and placed under $1,600 bail, immediately furnished. The trial came up a week later. Section 28 says that anyone who ''wilfully or knowing- ly" infringes shall be guilty of a crime. It was the first case arising under this section. Miss Doran copyrighted her version of "Lena Rivers" in 1911. Mr. Scott testified Eugene Barrymore supplied him with the "Lena Rivers" produced under Scott's auspices at Wilmington, Del. The Scott piece ran in four acts, including several dark scenes. James Doran, a brother of the complainant, testified he saw the alleged infringe- ment in Wilmington, and it was identi- cal in scenes, business and dialog. Mr. Doran said he had /oliowed the dialog on the stage from the manuscript of his sister's piece. August Dreyer, who, defended for Mr. Scott, asked Doran how he was able to read the manuscipt during the dark scenes, when the witness modi- fied his testimony to say he carried those portions in memory and com- pared them afterward. Commissioner Shields dismissed the charge upon the ground Mr. Scott had not "knowingly and wilfully" in- fringed. U. S. District Attorney Gru- Ler prosecuted. A libel action flor $10,000 will be brought by Mr. Scott against Miss Doran, through Mr. Dreyer. Scott charges Miss Doran mailed statements broadcast of his arrest, and in other ways sought to damage him before the trial. COULDN'T DO BETTER IN IRELAND Boston, April 3. The Irish Players, who had such a tempestuous engagement beginning with their Boston opening, divided $27,000 among nine members of the company, as profits, in addition to sal- aries. The younger members shared in the division of $1,800 earned at the benefit performance given at the Plymouth theatre just before they sailed for Europe. The Irish Players were egged, cheered, hooted and arrested while in America. TAKES NEW SITE. Announcement was made this week that Lee Shubert and Winthrop Ames have taken an eighty-eight year lease of the site on 44th street running through to 45th street, originally planned for the new New Theatre, di- rectly in the rear of the Hotel Astor. Only the half of the plot fronting on 44th street will be utilized for the erection of two new playhouses, one to be managed by the Shuberts and the other by Mr. Ames. One theatre will seat about 900, the other 1,200. PRECEDENT FOR UNIONS. New Orleans, April 8. An Important precedent was estab- lished here this week when W. H. Hersey and Dennis J. Kirby, members of the National Association of Thea- trical Employes of Great Britain, who have been engaged with Forbes Rob- ertson, in "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," in the capacity of car- penter and property man, respective- ly, were placed In other positions, and will continue thus for five more weeks, or until the season of Mr. Robertson ends. Two members of the Interna- tional Alliance Theatrical Stage Em- ployes assumed the positions vacated. This action was taken at the In- stance of President Charles C. Shay, of the Alliance, here directing the strike of the stage hands formerly employed at the Tulane and Crescent Theatres. In explaining his action, Mr. Shay stated that while Hersey and Kirby were under the impression the National Association of Theatrical Employes of Great Britain had a working agreement with the I. A. T. S. E. before they signed for a tour of this country, such is not the case. He said that the organizations had always been on friendly terms, but that no definite pact had ever been entered into between them. At the international convention of the Alliance, at Peoria, 111., in July, some action will be taken that will tangibly outline the position of the American union in this matter. It is quite imperative that there should be a lucid understanding between the organizations, in view of the many importations and exportations of shows that desire to carry the original crews. OPENING IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, April 3. "The Governor's Lady," with Em- mett Corrigan, Emma Dunn and Wil- liam Tooker in the leading roles, which David Belasco now has under strenuous rehearsal, will open at the Broad Street theatre April 29. The show will not be seen in New York this season, but will be given a thorough workout on the road. "READY MONEY" FIT. Chicago, April 3. "Ready Money," the new James Montgomery farce which opened at the Cort this week, has been declared fit for the predicted run of the balance of this season. Among those who came in for a share of the praise handed out by the local critics were Leo Donnelly, Wil- liam Courtenay, Joseph Kilgour and Ivy Troutman. "Ready Money" is scheduled to run at the Cort for the next several weeks. Maud Gilbert, who came on here to play the leading feminine role in ''Ready Money," was here just twen- ty-four hours and then left for New York. Just what the hitch was is not fully known, but a question of wardrobe, over which Miss Gilbert and Mr. Fra- zee failed to agree, caused her to quit. Ivy Troutmann will continue in the part.