Variety (April 1912)

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38 VARIETY THE VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PRODUCTION ED. F. REYNARD Prennti Seth Dewberry and Jawn Jawnson in "A MORNING IN HICK8VILLB" Direction, GENE HUGHES. Gene Hughes PUTNAM BUILDING, 14*0 NSW YORK. FOR SALE WIGGIN'S FARM Apply te THB CHADWICK TRIO STUART BARNES ason W#MABOUEBIT » Heeler Direction Max Hart, Putnam Bldg.. N. T. C. Those Two Nifty Girls MYRTLE IRENE Victorine»«Zolar Presenting;: "An Affair of Honor.'' AddroM care VARIETY, New York. NEDERVELD'S SIMIAN JOCKEY It iM't the Mae that mkes the act— It's the Kt that makes the aame. THB KINO OP IRELAND JAMES B. DONOVAN AND RENA ARNOLD QUBEN OP VAUDEVILLE DOINO WELL, THANK TOU. Director and Adviser. Kins; K, C. OBNE FRED Somewhere the Sun Is shining;, somewhere— but not In Eng. We are in the city where "Peeping Tom" took a chance with one-eye at "Lady Godlva." Think this would be one-eyed city if she had have pulled it c IT in this century. There Is an image of "TonV' still peeping on the exact spot. liy the ime you read this we will be sailing on the "Saxon" for 8outh Africa. Three weeks' vacation —it won't do us any harm. One bottle of Stout and over goes the Oas Works. Very Coventryly Yours, VARUM. PERRY and WILRER M THOSI TUMI BOYS ft sic. MAXIMO THB CUBAN WONDER. 'The Oreat Drank on the Wire." Barnnm A Bailey Clroua Madison Square Oarden, New Tork City 3 MUSKETEERS 3 (Dunham) (Edwards) (Parrell) This Is the week all Hebrew performers eat YlddlBha short-cake. A couple of matzohs with radishes between . This Is rather "Ju- dicious* advertising; don't you think? Believe me, It's a bean!!! IN A LAUGHABLE EXHIBITION OF BICYCLE RIDING GREAT SUCCESS "THE OPERA SINGER AND THE BURGLAR" The Skotck That Singe a Story. Cfcarlsttt Smdtir asf Harry fittrac Tetfcitt Jas. W. Wilson, Business Managr U West lBOth Street, New York City. W. E. WHITTLE Ventriloquist It will pay you wall to gat this act during the Campaign DAVIS, ALLEN and DAVIS 3 Oddities 3 NOW U STOP THAT" Next week, . Qulncy and Burlington BLAME i.kk KKAL8 Lola Merrill and Frank Otto Next Week (April 8), Keith's, Toledo. Direction, Mnx Hart. LERNO JUGGLER BOOKED SOLID. United Time. Marcus •«- Gartelle In their sketch "Skatorial Rollerism" JAMBS PLUNKETT. Mgr. GAVIN aeo PLATT the PEACHES WORKING 10014 Pssssk 7 Oswtkems Owe.. Ctrtes, I. J. CLAUDE M. ROODE America's Premier Slack Wire Artist. The FTR8T AND ONLY ONE doing the "TUR- KEY TROT" and "TEXAS TOMMY" dance ON A SLACK WIRE. Direction, MAX HART. Y B. MAM • It MER T HEWINS ANS ■• Comedy Sketch It Happened in Lenelyville (Rewritten br JAOK QORMAN Direction, THE ELECTRIC WIZARD HERMAN Playing W. ▼. M. A Time. Agent PAT CASEY. John T. Murray SAYS I wish to thank the American public for UhIi kindness. I>ut I must refuse to he nomi- nated for the presidency, as I leave town to- day for a tour of the S —<\ time. THE CHEAT HARRAH and CO. Vaudeville's Most Unique SKATERS April 8-10, Empire, Nock Island, III. April 11-14, Gaiety, Galesburg, III. TANEA ALWAYS WORKING BARRY - WOLFMO In Their Latest Comic Song Rerlew ''SNAPSHOTS" Booksd Solid. JAMBS B. PLUNKETT, Smart. Mgr. Next Week (April 8), Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Home add., I Hawthorne Ave., Clifton, N. J. SAM J. CURTIS And Co. Melody and Mirth In the original "SCHOOL ACT." "Always Working." This Week (April 1), Victoria, Richmond. Direction B. A. MYBR8. MAX ORACB Ritter - Foster a with "Cay Widows' 9 Next Week (April 8), Empire, Baltimore. Tom McNaughton PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN -THE SPRING ■■ OPERA CO. (2sl Tur) Conumimcations care WERBA * LUE8CHER Now York Theatre BoUdta*. Haw York CHARLES AHEARN "THE SPEED KING." PAT CASEY, Agent. NEWTON MABBLLE HAMPTON and BASSETT "The Drummer and The Maid" JULIAN «■ DYER A LAUGH A SECOND MlnE, ORAVETTA-LAVONDRE AND CO. TRANSFORMISTS AND CLAXTON THE LAUGHING HIT OF VAUDEVILLE. SOME COMEDY LADY Wit' )i mmw riiio ml r- >tis- H!'""fs A - '»»»'' */ nuntimi V 1 li I El )