Variety (April 1912)

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VARIETY IVIR. A. H. NA/OODS Begs to announce That there is no truth in the rumor Mr. Eltinge will appear in vaudeville or on a New York roof this summer. jarr JULIAN ELTINGE in "THE FASCINATING WIDOW" Is now delighting PHILADELPHIA audiences at the FORREST THEA- TRE, and will close his season with a limited engagement at the BOSTON THEATRE, BOSTON, opening APRIL 29th. Next season playing the larger Western and Southern cities, opening in September for a run at McVICKER*S, CHICAGO .» A Big Hit MAC RAE AND £ W St WILLIAM FLEMEN LEVERING ECCENTRIC NOVELTY CYCLISTS Introducing the CYCLE AEROPLANE Just finished successful tour Orpheum Circuit THIS WEEK (April 8), HAMMERSTEIN'S Mr. WILLIAM FLEMEN HAS ACCEPTED THE » LATEST WORK IN 8LANC BY JOHN J. O'CONNOR (WYNN) Copyright Class DXXC, No. 28415 Opening at Detroit Next Week (April 16) for J. C. MATTHEWS A NEW SLANG CLASSIC Direction, PAUL DURAND When answering advertUementt kindly mention VARIETY.