Variety (April 1912)

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VARIETY WE. KNOW THAT «QO ARC (NTCRESTeD fN A REAL nrr, and we offcr for youR approval PLEA5E DOIT TAKE WORDS 6V lew.bgowii MUSIC 6!/ AlB£RTVw»mZE« THey sa» r«CRC <s worrirfw New unocr rue son: DOT We CAN PROVC THCBC fS V> tvonosey LEU/ BROWN -NS« muscc av ALBCQT VorvmzeR l«e GOTAMIR OF ARflS TflAr WCK£ fMDE FOR MG61N6, GOT A PAIR OF LIR5 THAF HCee WAOC miss, ive got eyes to see, a Aiose to mi. and gota pair or WR5 TO tfcAfl TttE LIC5 200 T£U. fit GOT A PAIR Of FtET THAT Kit flAK M MUUIK, I AND ft GOT A fl(MH THAT WA5 «ADC TO TALK. • wr-ifc got 5oweTHiiy6 else that evtweoiw A GRCAT NOVCLTy SONG THAT IS FULL OF 50RPRf5CS| A POSfTTVe SCNSATrONAL SONO WY WfTrl THE which wiu. oer yoo the applause that rwices wrrsl punch that rs a knockout CHI GAG O OPPICC 1*3 N.CLAP.K STREET Jt»CC5 Vo^TtLZCR.fVo'R, MUSIC CO. ALBERT VoN'TfUZCR ^ I3e>r ©P*0/*OW/M^ ,(NCW J^ORrS. ordinary merit. Several good reels of pictures were selected for the holiday week. The Victorian orchestra does a lot to make the pictures jo, the drummer being a dandy little "prop" worker with a good idea of working in comedy with effects when the opportunity is offered. He can be relied* upon te do the same for acts, which is always a help. The burlesque houses all got away to a big start with the Easter Monday opening. The "Ben Welch" had them sitting on the stage at the matinee at the Qayety. The Casino was packed to see Al Reeves Show. The "Big ftevlew," which opened the Empire, Is also the closing bill of the season, stock open- ing there April 22. The "Yankee Doodle Girls" drew big at the Trocadero. Florence Plnckney, leading woman of the Standard Theatre Stock Co., Paul and Victor Burns of the same company, and Babbette and Claire Evans of Clark's "Runaway Girls," were in an automobile smashup last week. Miss Plnckney was pretty badly bruised. The others escaped with a severe shaking up. Stein A Leonard report the addition of theatres at Steelton, Huntingdon and Han- over, Pa., and Lewis, Del., to their list of bookings. Trixle Frlganza lost a couple of her blonde tenors from "The Sweetest Girl In Paris" this week. A stage manager's order "peeved" them. Don Seaton, one of the two, is soothing his Injured feelings by doing several shows dally at one of the "pop" vaudeville houses. WILLIAM PENN (W. W. Miller, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—A corking good bill played at racehorse speed to a jammed house Easter Monday night and there were hundreds wait- ing in the lobbies for the second show. Rose Pitonof. the swimmer, featured the bill with her tank act, and the little water queen pulled down a huge slsed hit The Bison City Four, in the next to closing spot had the house going with their singing and comedy. The boys have a nicely framed up act which Just suited the holiday throng and they had easy sailing. O'Brien, Havel and Co. did very nicely with their sketch. There are several draggy spots In Its running, which could easily be overcome. Miss Valeska makes a nifty appearance and her song brought her liberal favor. Tommy O'Brien finished with his "ear-spin" which he has been doing since he was a newsboy "single." Bert Fitzglb- bon got his usual big reward for foolish stuff. He has a couple of new parodies which landed solidly. He might do more of this and cut out some of the Jim Morto-George Evans- Frank Tinney-Al Reeves monolog. The paro- dies had the house shrieking with laughter. The Manning Twins gave the show a nice start with their acrobatics and dancing. The girls are a snappy pair of workers, make a good appearance and send their stuff over in lively fashion from start to finish. These twins have a step which they use at the fin- ish of each trick which looks as If it was pat- terned after one used by the Frey Twins, only It is funny the way the latter use it. Herbert Brooks has his card tricks and mixes In some talk which helps. His familiar trunk trick was the usual hit PALACE (Jay Mastbaum, mgr.; agent, Jules E. Aronson).—Well balanced and pleasing bill this week. A noticeable point for favorable comment was the general excellence of the dressing, which la rather unusual In a bill of the same length and character of acts. The Four Suffragettes were featured. This Is a singing four with some comedy worked through in the familiar manner. The fin- ishing number supplied the act with the name. The singing was good and the act well liked. Edinberg gave the show a nice start with some showy feats of hand and head balancing. His work Is nicely done and the act loks classy. Friendly and Jordan met with success in their singing and talking act. The girl, who is a clever toe dancer, adds some stepping which Is her best help to the act The man makes two announcements which are not needed. These and the dress suit might be omitted. He might change to the latter for the finishing number, though this is rather quiet to close with. A real nov- elty was offered by Lesslk and Anita, who do some gun spinning and Juggling. During the action the man plays a mandolin well and a canary in a cage sings and later a monkey does a sort of a dance, both fitting in fine. The bird and monkey put the act through In great shape and It will be liked anywhere on the small time. Brennan and Wright had the big laughlg hit, sending their talk over for good returns. The burlesque part Is the weakest In the act, but It got some laughs. Miss Canada tried two or three songs of light merit. She wore tights for one number, with- out any excuse except what she had In them. Saunders and Comeron pleased with their com- edy Juggling act. The style of dressing has been changed. The man does Salerno's en- velop trick. Cole and Warner offered a "Web- er and Fields" singing and talking act which took them through at fair speed. Their best laughs came from several of Joe Flynn's "want ads." Murphy and Thomas have an PRoressiONAL copies ano ORCHESTRATIONS TO THOSC SENDING LATE PROGRAMMES. NO CARDS act which needs framing up. The finish does not belong on a yacht. This includes the dressing. The comedy Is weak, but both have pleasing volcea The girl, who Is good look- ing and plump, needs a fresher song which her good voice calls for. They opened and closed well. The middle needs building up. BIJOU (Joseph Dougherty, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—George Felix and Barry Girls; Felix Adler; Four Lewis; Alamo Trio; Armstrong and Lawrence; John LeYier; Adair and Adahn. KEYSTONE (M. W. Taylor, mgr.; agent, M. W. Taylor Agency).—Sohlke's Summertime Girls; Four Bards; Tucker; Five Greens; La France and McNabb; James Kennedy and Co. LIBERTY (M. W. Taylor, mgr.; M. W. Taylor Agency).—Emmett J Welch and his African Warblers: Williams and Tucker; Four Casters; Ursone and D'Osta; Lewis and How- ard; Mile. Louis's Monkeys. ALHAMBRA (Frank Mlgone, mgr.; agent, M. W. Taylor Agency).—Pattee's Diving Girls; Four Newsoms; Chas. Wlldlsh and Co.; Freeman and Flake; Bellboy Trio; Five Law- sons. HART'S (John Hart, mgr.; agent, M. W. Taylor Agency).— 11-13. Boxing Kangaroo; Acme Comedy Four; Whirl's Four Harmon- ists; Wallace's Cockatoos; Weston Sisters; Frank Le Dent. FRANKLIN (D. Label), mgr.; agent, M. W. Taylor Agency).—11-13. Mile. Zoe; Duffy and Edwards; Jackson and Marguerite; Smith and Champion; Deltorelll and Vllssando. DIXIE (D, Labell. mgr.; agent, M. W. Tay- lor Agency).—11-18, Harry Fields; Kuma Family; Jennings, Jewell and Barlowe; New- man. NIXON (F. O. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger. mgr.; agent, Nixon-Nlrdllnger Agency).—Morln ; TANEA ALWAYS WORKING AND CLAXTON THE LAUGHING HIT OF VAUDEVILLE. SOME COMEDY LADY The Brainstorm Comedian JOHNNY NEFF also THE WORLD'S GREATEST MUSICIAN, Featuring "THAT MELL0W t MEL0PT." PsMahej fcy 6E0. W. METER MUSIC CO.. 1387 Broadway, N. T.jDty Wk*n aruweYtof advertisements JvfosTIg; mention 7AMIMTY.