Variety (April 1912)

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VARIETY 31 CHARLES HORWITZ Author of the boot in Vaudeville. Constantly adding to his bis H»t of successes. Order that sketch or playlet, special sons, patter, mono- logue, Ac, from CHARLES HORWITZ, 1408 Broadway (Room 815), New York. Phone tS4> Murray Hill. Telephone 2696 Bryant. W. H. BUMPUS Baggage Called for and Checked to all Railroads and Steamboats. Stand, S. E. Cor. 43d St. A 8th Ave. Storage—764 11th Ave., bet 63d A 64th Sts. Office—276 W. 48d St. NEW YORK. TIGHTS AND SHIRTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, PAD- DING, FROG, SNAKE AND MONKEY SUITS, ELASTIC AND CLOTH SUPPORTERS, GYMNASTIC PUMPS AND GAITERS, SPANGLES AND BULLION FRINGE. Send for catalogue and sam- ple of tights free. JOHN SPICER Successor to 8picer Bros., St.. BROOKLYN. I. ¥• I. MILLER. 1554 Broadway. %tr t Til. I9BB-7 ONtota ^ Ma nufacturer 202 ^ A of W.28IST N.Y. Boots and Shoes. CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice. Write for Catalog A L *II2?ff?SF r CROSS LETTER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples etc. STAOE MONEY, 16c. Book of Herald Cuts. 16c. BttMsOC PRINTING COMPANY P|||PAfin PWIWO 501 S. DEARBORN ST. MiHUIHsU WIGS We handle a full line of theatrical wigs In lualltles of from $6 to $100 each. THE WICCERY J. NEQRESOOU 64 EAST MADI80N STREET. CHICAGO. The Ball Stenographers Theatrical Work Manuscripts, Parts, Presswork, Mimeographing Grand Opera-House Bldg.. CHICAGO. CHA8. H. FRANCIS X. SMITH and CONLAN Vaudeville authors.. Sketches disposed of. Hundreds on hand. 508 Gaiety Theatre Bldg., New York. SCENERY *JFooT KEKNEY'S THEATRE, Sd Are., New York. Productions. Vaudeville Aete and Aniline Dye Scenery. FOR SALE As I Intend to leave this country in June, I WILL SELL THE AMERICAN PART OF MY ACT, Wigs, Beards, Uniforms and Costumes of The act was one of the main attrac- tions with the last HARRY LAUDER SHOW. All goods offered are mostly new. This week. Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn. Impersonator, EMIL MERKEL, Permanent address, 104 East 14th St.. care Paul Tauslg, New York City. GOING TO.ENGLAND T Young man, well educated, good business ability, useful London experience, offers ser- vices In any capacity—"managerially," etc., to act visiting Europe. "SUCCESS," care VARIETY, Now York. ANDREW GELLER SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively far Woman.) 507 Sixth Ave-, New York Be*. 30th *nd 3i.t sts. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight up. Tel. 1055 Madison Sq. HFS.SL HI GH GRADE GREASE PAINTS % ^ 1RKJ&& Berlin Shape. 22 Colors mT% THE HESS CO.. Established 1884 Rochester, N. Y. ■■■ *-* E A C H COSTUMES ORIGINAL [DESIGNS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS Ankle and Street Dresses a Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND BROADWAY THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. 117 W. 4tth St., N. Y» Nr. Broadway MAD AWE F. KATZ, Manager PRINCESS (W. P. Ready, mgr.; agent. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Dr. Volta. headliner; Daring Darts, scored; OUroy, Hayes A Montgomery, hit; Ned Norton A Ada Ayre, splendid; Shrlner A Wills, well re- ceived. The opening of the K. O. Barkroot Carnlvat Organization* which took place In Nashville, April 1, under the auspices of the Commercial Travelers Nursery Commission, showed one of the most up-to-date shows brought to this olty in many a day. After Its first week, so pleased was the nursery commission it was retained for another week's showing. The following is the line-up: Circus Royal. Japan, Plantation Minstrels, Alligator Girl, Zoological Arena, Electrica, Carousel, Ferris Wheel, Con- gress of World Wonders, Katazenjammer, Hoos, Crazy House, Johnny Webb, Jesse James Wild West, Equine A Bovine, oddities, Strange Girl, Egyptian Hall. Beautiful Orient and the Wonder City. In the Circus Royal are Oscar V. Babcock, Mile. Orrocco, 'Spiral Tower, Three Guthries, Crack-shot Randalls, "Bumps" Wallace, Patsy Reiss. Prince Nel- son. Among the attractions is the Royal Italian Band of sixteen, under directorship of Sig. Angelo Mummolo. The Barkroot executive staff is: William Judkins Hewitt, assistant manager; Frank G. Scott, secretary and treasurer; A. F. Gorman, general agent; F. H. Scott, advance press representative; H. Wilen, contracting agent; Isaac Benyaker, traffic manager; E. A. Potter, train master; B. F. Harrison, chief electrician; Angelo Mummolo, band master; Thomas J. Hurd. general announcer, and Joe Daly, watchman. W. R. ARNOLD. NORTHAMPTON, MASS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC (B. L. Potter, mgr., lnd.).—1-12. Taylof Stock Co.; 13. "Excuse Me"; 16, Blanche Ring; 18, Richard Carle. PLAZA (Wm. Youngson, booking mgr.; F. E. Blanchan, res. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).— 8-10, Loretta Twins A Co., very good; Bert Granville, fair; Dodson A Lucas, hit; "Nine Ginger Kids." big; 11-18, Elliott A West; Carlln A Penn; Mysterious Valdos; Sidney Shields A Co.; John M. Greene Hall; 12, Alice Nielson and Boston Opera Company Orchestra. STONE. OMAHA, NEB. GAYETY (E. L. Johnson, mgr.).—"Vanity Fair." KRUG (Chas. Franke. mgr.).—"Lady Buc- caneers." BOYD (Frank Phelps, mgr.; Shuberts).— 7-8, "The White Squaw"; 9-10, Mme. Regina Prager; 12-18, "The Heart Breakers." BRANDEIS (W. D. Burgess, mgr., Ind.).— 7-10. "The Spring Maid"; 11-13, "Paid in FulL" AMERICAN (Ed. Monahan, mgr.).—Stock. Omaha's prettiest picture house, the Hipp, seating 600, opened April 7 with five piece orchestra. Jake Schlank Is owner. The Gayety, closed by a small fire for three days, reopened April t with the "Bowery Burlesquers" to capacity. 8. L. KOPALD. N KWABK, N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 9).—Nora Bayes A Jack Norworth, enthusiastically received Hugh Emmett, clever; Jaa Duffy A Mercedes Lorenze, neat; Stella Mays A Margie Addles, entertained; "Pollard," Juggler, good; Miller & Ly!e scream; Fear Floods, s nnA workers. WASHINGTON (O. R. New, mgr.; agent. Fox).—Alior A Barrington, very good; Rose A Mack, entertained; Burns A Bliss, clever; Webster A Daniels, pleased; Miss Gretta Mack. good. COURT (Wm. E. Smith, mgr.; agent, Loew).—Cohen A Young, laughable; Bates A Leightner, great; Hampton A Jocelyn, good; Gladys Phelan, pleased; Harcourt A Leslie, good; Jacobs Dogs, clever. ODEON (Chaa Burtls, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—8-10, Mr. A Mrs. Fred Thomas, enjoyed; Millard Musical Trio, great; Brown A Small, good; The Great Johnson; Jean Ward. Mary Wallace; 11-13, The Odeon Stock Co. in "Northern Lights." SHUBERT (Lee Ottelengln. mgr.).—John Mason in "As a Man Thinks." good business. NEWARK (George Robblns, mgr.).—Kitty Gordon In "The Enchantress," big business. Oayety (Leon Evans, mgr.).—"Happyland Glrla" Miner's (Frank Abbott, mgr.).—"Broadway Oalety Glrla." ORPHEUM (M. S. Schleslnger, mgr.).— "Lion and the Mouse." ARCADE (Leon Mumford. mgr.*; agent, direct.—8-10. "Heart and Sword"; 11-13, "A Nihilist's Conspiracy." JOE O'BRYAN. PATERSON, N. J. MAJESTIC (W. H. Walsh, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsals Monday and Thursday 11).— 8-10. Toddy A Everett, well linked; The Sharps, scream; Halllsman A Weber Sisters, good; Pero A Wilson, entertaining; 11-18, Gary Owen A Co., Bowers A Wade, Gavin A Piatt, Herman A Rice; capacity houses. OPERA HOUSE (John J. Ooetschius. mgr.). —Stock. EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggeman, mgr.).—Stock. LYCEUM (Francis Gilbert, mgr.).—"Brews- ter's Millions." DAVID W. LEWIS. PITTSBURGH. GRAND (Harry Davis; agent, U. B. O.; re- hearsal Monday 10).—Thomas A. Wise A Co. in charming comedy; Redford A Winchester, very good; McDevltt, Kelley A Lucey, good; Tempest A Sunshine, many encores; DuCalion, daring; Fields A Lewis, amusing; Caesar Rivoll, interesting; Median's Dogs, wonderful. GAYETY (Henry Kurtzman, mgr.).—"Gay Masqueraders," pleased. ACADEMY (Harry Williams, mgr.).—"The Dutch Champion," full of fun. LYCEUM (C. R. Wilson, mgr., 8. A H.).— "School Days," large and responsive audience. ALVIN (John B. Reynolds, mgr.; Schubert). —"Over Night." source of endless mirth, large audience. NIXON (Thomas F. Kirk. Jr., mgr.).— Christie MacDonald In "The Spring Maid," wonderful operetta, very Interesting. DUQUE8NE.—Stock. HARRIS.—Plckard's Educated Seals, most unique; Wm. K. Saxton A Co., good comedy; Richards A Clark, entertainers; Shafer A Mason, good; Welda A Serano. Mardo A Hunter, Four Baldwins. Johnny Brush Trio. Hilda Patrldge, the "Golden Venus." has THEATRICAL TRUNKS Qua ran teed for Five Years 2t INCH. $11.75 31 INCH. SUM II MCM. $14.00 12 INCH. 1225 II INXH. 15 00 34 INCH. 13 00 41 INCH. 11.51 LIGHTWEIGHT AND STRONGLY MADE LONG & CO. Salesroom, Suit* 514 1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY (Factory, Newark, N. J.) FORD UNIFORM CO. Phone, 2186 Bryant Send for booklet V We make EVERYTHING pertaining to UNIFORMS and EQUIPMENT, CHARACTER and MODERN STREET CLOTHES for THEATRICAL Productions. 204 WEST 43rd STREET, NEW YORK SHORT VAMP SHOES J. CLA88BERC It TRTJBD AYR., NEAR ltTH ST., N. Y. BRANCH, Ml WB8T 4»D ST., W. OF BROADWAY. Fall Theatrical Uh la all Leather*; Also to Satin Get gey- NRW OsAeJegee ef Original Stylet FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMER 149 W. 36th ST.. NEW YORK Tel. 1681 Greeley. Staff* and Evening- Oowni on hand. T H >5 Llic^r]^£cCfl JIS W42STNY stage Lighting APPA1ATU3 tUCTRlC SIGNS me. MENZELI Former Premiere Daneeuee and Mattress* de Ballet HIGH SCHOOL of Dancing- and Pantomime, 22 East 16th Street, bet B'way and 6th Ave. Classic, Ballet and All Styles of Dancing Acta created and staged. Normal School of Dancing. Pupils: If He. Daaie, Hoffman, Froellch, Mar- low and other prominent stars. Send for Booklet I Wt HAVE • •■ . THEAIRICAI S HARDWARf ***\ IN r> rOULSiM T n i *, «i;t COSTUMER THEATRICAL Tel. SIM Murray Hill. . SIMOWITOH mm and Vaudeville Cerium— ffth St., New York Olty. 61 West THEATRICAL LAWYER Victor B. Scott Suite 58 Hobbs Bldg., 68 W. Washington Street, CHICAGO. Phones: Randolph 5514; Automatic 42-431. ADVICE TO THE PROFESSION. SECOND-HAND GOWNS EYENINB GOWNS STREET DRESSES S0UBRETTE DRESSES FURS. St. State Street CHICA60 WIRE WALKER WANTED Man to do understanding. Must be good. Can use young lady wire walker. This act has worker for one hundred con- secutive weeks and is booked for fourteen months to come, sailing for Europe August 6. You must be good, as this Is the largest troupe of tight wire performers In the world. Wire answer. Address Empress Theatre, Kansas City, Mo.. April 7-13; Hippodrome* St. Louis, April 14-22. W D. LEON. Mgr. EDITH GREEN Theatrical Dressmaker, 159 Sixth Ave., New York City. _^^^ signed for the balance of the season with the New York Jr. company. M. 8. KAUL. PORTLAND. ME. KEITH'S (James W. Moore, mgr.).—John- son, Howard A Listette, excellent; Musical Johnstons, scored; Olen White, Florrle De Mar A Co.. gild; Force A Williams, fine; Silvern, hit; Ellnore A Williams, scream; Adonis, excellent. PORTLAND (James W. Creelcy, mgr.).— Canarls A Cleo, novelty; Four ItHdons (2n<l week), big hit; Harry Brooks A Co., Im- mense; Deane, MeHenry A (ireenr, scored; Krisper, Krlnk A Co.. good. . JEFFEKHON. -Keith's Stock «'„. The I'ortlHPl Is to he n'decoi ;it<d nml re- sented. KvfMiinic Hoor seats adVunn* r><\ April IS. PROVIDENCE, R. I. UNION (('has. Allen, mgr.). - Dund.i ltoma, hit; Louis Norton A Co., vvry good, Eckel A Du Pree, pleased; John I'hilbrock, scored; Walsh A Redden, good; Five Hursleys, excel- lent. When annoering advertUemonto kindly mention VARIETY.