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38 VARIETY THE VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PRODUCTION ED. F. REYNARD Prennu Beth Dewberry and Jawn Jiwnion In "A MORNING IN HICK8VILLE " Direction. OKNE HUGHES. Gene Hughes PUTNAM BUILDING, lift BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FOR SALE WIGGIN'S FARM Apply to THE CHADWICK TRIO STUART BARNES JAMES B. PLUNKETT. HO ason KMAROCERIT eeler Direction Max Hart. Putnam Bldg.. N" T. C. The EssfehGuy GRIFF I The Three Musky Tears say that If they had anything funny to put In their advert, they would put it In their act. Well, that la Just what they are doing-, because they have their photos in the Advert. April 16, Pant ages, Vancouver, B. C. NEDERVELD'S SIMIAN JOCKEY It isa't the mi that makes the act— It's the act that nates the mm. THE KINO OP IRELAND JAMES B. DONOVAN AND RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE DOING WELL, THANK YOU. Director and Adviser. King K. C. While In Coventry last week we took a run up to Shakes- peare's home (Strat- ford on Avon) and It certainly Is the ro- mantic place. Old Shake was so far ahead of the times It took them 800 years to get his stuff. Talk about your send-offs that London bunch gave us; It Is one to be remembered by "Those Three Boys" for some time to come. As a memento of our laBt week before sailing -they put the Hedges Bros, and Jacobson on the same bill with us at the Metropolitan, and that Met. audience sure got entertained. . Lastweeklnenglandly Yours. VARPON, PEWRV and WILBIW DON "Billikea" BARCLAY THE ORIGINAL BOOB. I am "IN" at last. Pantagea, April 8. Dlr., JAKE 8TEENAD. SIC. MAXIMO THE CUBAN WONDER. "The Groat Drunk on the Wire." Barnum A Bailey Circus. Madison Square Garden, New York City 3 MUSKETEERS 3 (Dunham) (Edwards) (Parrell) Latest Vaudeville War News. We have been ordered by Generals Wesley and Fitzgerald to tour the South and capture the audiences and keep them in good humor. Dunham has bought blue and pink pajamas. For why we ask? IN A LAUGHABLE EXHIBITION OF BICYCLE RIDING DAVIS, ALLEN and DAVIS 3 Oddities 3 NEXT WEEK, MAJESTIC THEATRE, "VIC»8"BURG, IOWA. SOME MORE OF LEE KRAUS' FAULT. Lola Merrill and Frank Otto Next Week (April 16). Keith's, Columbus. Direction, Max Hart. JUGGLER BOOKED SOLID. United Time. RNO I I can beat any Baton Juggler in the World. JOHNNIE REILLY Comedy Jaggler and Hoop Roller. 1 Opera Honse, Rutland, Vt., This Week (Apr. 8) GENE FRED Marcus.- Gartelle In their sketch "Skatorial Rollerism" JAMES PLUNKETT, Mgr. GAVIN and PLATT th. PEACHES 1SD14 Pats* WORKING Nswtssrse s»t.. CM lea, I. J. CLAUDE M. MODE America's Premier Slack Wire Artist. The FIRST AND ONLY ONE doing the "TUR- KEY TROT" and "TEXAS TOMMY" dance ON A SLACK WIRE Direction. MAX HART. GALLAGHER AND SHEAN Principal Comedians with "THE BOSE MAID" Management, Messrs. Wcrba A Loosener. B-A-N-J-O-P-H-I-M-M Biggest act of Its kind In Vaudeville. !UU at, REGINA LESLIE CLASSY MUSICAL ACT. Thls^Weel^(Aprl^i)^Oxford^Brooklyn. DENNIS BROS. April l-ftsn's. Bsftasi aprl IS-thn's. Tsrssts Direction. PAUL DURAND. THE ELECTRIC WIZARD DR. CARL HERMAN Playing W. V. M. A. Time Agent, PAT CASEY John T. Murray SAYS I opened in Cincinnati Easter Monday. My success was so tremendous that I am now asking $600.00 a week. (There is no harm In usklng.) TNE B» HARRAH and CO. Vaudeville's Most Unique 8KATER8 Apr. 18-17, Lyceum, Peoria, III. Apr. 18-21, Majestic. Bloomlngton, III. Have Your Card In VARIETY GREAT SUCCESS "THE OPERA SINGER AND THE BURGLAR" The Sketch That Slag* a Story. CharMtti Siaclair art Harry Betrtt Tettsti Jas. W. Wilton, Business Managr U West ltSth Street, New York City. DARRY ««» WOLFORD In Their Latest Comic Song Review "SNAPSHOTS" Booked Solid. JAMBS E. PLUNKETT, Smart. Mgr. Home In Jersey for a week or two, then to our New Home at Freeport for the summer. Horns add., I Hawthorne Ave.. Clifton. N. J. SAM J. CURTIS And Co. Melody and Mirth In the original "SCHOOL ACT." "Always Working." Next "Week CApr. IB), Academy, Hagerstown, Mel. Direction R. A. MYERS. MAX ORACB Ritter-Foster Address Care VARIETY. New York. Tom McNaughton PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN "THE •■ OPERA 00. (ZsiTnr) Communications care WERBA * LUE8CHER CHARLES AHEARN SPEED KING." PAT CASEY. Agent NEWTON HAMPTON and BASSETT "The Druamer aad The JULIAN — DYER A LAMSM A SECOND NML* GRAVETTA-UVONDRE AND CO. TRANSFORMISTSl. W. E. WHITTLE Vtntriloquist It will nay you woS tosatcfis i act doriai the When answering adverti%emenf kindly mention VARIETY.