Variety (April 1912)

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VARIETY I Came Back w.c. FIELDS A FEW EXCERPTS NEW YORK "EVENING JOURNAL" The Emperor of comedy Juggler*. He was so great, so good, and so grand that the least said the bet- ter. NEW YORK "STAR." When it comes to Jugglery we have to give credit to W. C. Fields for being a finished artist. Mr. FIHds is scoring again this week at the Colonial, where he is one of the biggest favorites among the year!s visitors to that house. VARIETY. W. ('. Fields was in fine mettle on his return appearance after a long absence, and kept the Colonial reg- ulars entertained every minute. Mr. Fields is one of the few Jugglers one can see time after time and still heartily'enjoy. NEW YORK "GLOBE/* There is only onn thing to bhv about W. a Fields and that is "He is Great." He will be a welcome ad- dition on any bill. PHILADELPHIA -PRESS." W. C Fields kept the audience in an uproar with his versatility and his keen wit and comedy were bright spots of a well arranged pro- gram. PHILADELPHIA "NORTH AMERI- CAN." The whole bill this week is of un- usual excellence. \V. C Fields, the favorite Juggler, is here with new tricks to delight those who have always been satisfied even with his old stunts and drollery. PHILADELPHIA *'IH LLETIN." The return of W. C. Fields the Juggler, last night, was hailed with delight, and the audience was con- vulsed with his drollery Inter- mingled with skill which seems to have increased with UMG, PHIL \ DELPHI \ "LEDGER." An old Juggling favorite \V. <\ Fields Is back again, showing his wonderful skill, and the quiet com- edy which he introduces makes of his presentation something apart from acts given by other workers along this line. He does not utter a word Lut his pantomime speaks for Itself and makes a real Joy of the half hour he Is on the stage. PHILADELPHIA "TIMES.** W. C. Fields, unlike those of his fellows in the profession, is a wel- come provoker of mirth. Jamei in delightfully well written sketch, elicited fine reception; Four Fords, hit; Joale Heather, charming; Eathor Trio, splendid. DAUPHINE (Henry Qreenwall, mgr.; Shu- bert).—Durbar pictures, profitable business. ST. LOUIS By JOHN 8. EKNEHT. COLUMBIA (H. D. Buckley, mgr.). -Thom- as Jefferson A Co., headlined; weak cast, but star very good; Howard & North, acored; Mack £ Orth. much applause; Oscar Loralne, good; Carl McCullough, excellent; Sealby A Duclos, very good; Luck £ Lewis, clever; Diaz's Monkeys, good opener. Excellent pro- gram to increased business. HIPPODROME (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.).— Manuel Alexander ft Co. took first honors with The Four Bards and Durand Four di- viding second honora; Nell McKlnley. went big; The Duttons (Sd week), scored; Seven Etta Leon Troupe, daring; Black Bros., very good; Guzmonl Trio, entertaining; Ellsworth's Conssrs, unique. Well balanced bill to large houses. KINGS' (F. C. Melnhardt. mgr.).—"The Poster Girls" by The New Novelty Co., scored heavily; Edna, whistler, scored; Balalken Troupe, excellent. Four other meritorious acts to excellent business. PRINCESS (Dan. Flshell, mgr.).—Princess Minstrel Maids In "Uncle. Tom's Cabin Up- side Down," scream; Norella Sisters, enter- taining; Smith's Comedians, laughter. OLYMPIC (Walter Sanford. mgr.).—"The Woman" opened to a large house. 8HUBERT (Melville Stolz. mgr.).—"The Never Homes," good business. AMERICAN (D. E. Russell, mgr.).—"The • Goose Girt," large audience. GAYETT (Chaa Walters, mgr.).—"Bon Ton Burlesquers." large house. STANDARD (Leo Relchenbach, mi?r.).— "Merry Maidens." big business. IMPERIAL (D. E. Russell, mgr.).—Madame Bernhardt and Rejane Pictures. GARRICK.—Howe's Pictures. CENTURY (W. D. Cave, mgr.).—Dark. ODEAN.-^Jerman Theatre Stock Co. In "Weln Welb und Gesang" (Wine Woman and Song) gave benefit for Mr. La Tour-Albrecht; large house. ., CINCINNATI By HARRY HESS. GRAND O. H. (John H. Havlln. mgr.; K. ft E.).—"The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." Scenery beautiful. LYRIC (J. E. Fennessy, mgr.; Shubert).— "The Blue Bird," well presented. WALNUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.; S. ft H.). —"White Sister." Settings of original pro- duction. EMPRESS (Geoorge F. Fish, mgr.; S.-C.; rehearsal Sunday 10).—Bert Cutler, hit; Sis- ters Llndon, excellent; Kennedy ft Berleln, good; Princeton ft Yale, hit; Brahlm Ben Bujamaa Troupe, fine. AMERICAN (Harry Hart, mgr.; agent, Gus Sun; rehearsal Monday 9).—James Mortell. Billy Dos. Three Masquer la Sisters. Harris ft Randall. Silver ft Gray. Vardell Bros. STANDARD (R. K. Hynlcka. mgr.).—Dave Marion's "Dreamlanders" tops everything that has been seen here In burlesque. PEOPLE'S (J. E. Fennessy. ma;r.).—"The Pacemakers." "Georgia Campers." featured. Frank J. Clements, manager of the Stand- ard since It opened, tendered his resignation to President Hynlcka Saturday evening. For the present no one will be appointed to fill the position. Helen Ware will present In the Grand O. H. for the first time a new play by Klmer Harris, entitled "Trial Marriage." Rehearsals have begun for the May Festival chorus. AKRON. O. COLONIAL (E. M. Stanley, mgr.: agent. Felber ft Shea: rehearsals Monday and Thurs- day 10.30).—11-18, Corrigan ft Vivian, good: DeLord. Blondell ft Tucker, ordinary; Musl- kalglrls. excellent; Grant ft Hoag. scream; S. Miller Kent ft Co., big; Three YoBoarys. great: 16-17. Kronemann Bros., clever: Bar- tolettl. Fine: Jennings & Nelson, good: "The Hold Up." great: Brown ft Blyler. classy: ("apt. Tlebors* Seals, applausr; 24. "Tho Girl of My Dreams." GRAND (O. L. Elsler. mgr.: ajtpntH. S. ft H.).—11-13. "Every Woman." good business. 15-17. "Around the Clock." large crowds: 19- 20. "Billy." local. TOM HARRIS. ALTOONA. PA. ORPHEUM (Wllmer and Vincent, mgrs.: agents, U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 10). Kelly ft Lafferty. clever, Kekert ft Ber*. pleased; Milt Arnsmon, scored; The Art B<;ui tlful, good. K. <J. B. ANN ARBOR. MICH. MAJESTIC (Arthur Lane. m*r.: iig.nt. YV. V. M. A.: rehearsal Monday 2). 15-17 Jump- ing Jack Hawkins, fair; Clipper Qnnrt.t. popular: Dorothy Lyons Co.. .One: .lot* Tam- ilian, scored; Menlo Moore's "Lads and Las- sies." went big; 18-20. John L.-irklnx ami Jennie Pearl, Gannon A Tracey. Patrice. Sand- burg ft Meeker, Adelaide Herrman. MELTON. BANGOR. ME. NICKEL (H. F. Atkinson. nmr.).—15-20. Johnston ft Wentworth. Jack Wyatt, "The Girl and Her Trust." BTJOU (8tephen Bo*Tctt. mgr.: agent. U. B. O.: rehearsal 10.30 Monday and Thursday) —18-20. E. F. Hawley ft Co.. Venetian Four. Barnes ft Robinson, Splegal ft Dunn. Edward Estus. OPERA HOUSE (F. A. Owen, mgr.).- -1B- 17. Klnemacolor: 19-20. "The Deep Purple." "HOWARD." GET THE CKAS. K. HARRIS NEW SONG HITS A HIT SONG FOR ANY KIND OF ACT "JUST A LITTLE SMILE" Jos. E. Howard's great bfg song hit. Sung by Joe Howard and Mabel McCane at Hammerstein's, and will be sung by them over the Orpheum Circuit. "TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS AGAIN" By Chas. K. Harris. The ballad hit of the year. Can be sung with or without slides. Slides the most beautiful that have ever been thrown upon the canvas. Now being featured by all prominent singers throughout the country. II 15 HELLO, HELLO, NEW YORK TOWH by Stanley Murphy and Henry I. Marshall, the authors of Elsie Janis' big song hit "BLESS YOUR EVEH IX>VIN' LITTLE HEART." "The Boogie Man Rag" the great mysterious rag time number by Mort Hyman and Terry Sherman. Extra verses for double number. Get this number, it Is a positive sensation. "That Swaying Harmony" Chas. K. Harris* great waltz ballad. Beautiful slides ready for it, and a hit without slides. "All Alone on Broadway" by L. Wolfe Gilbert. A great conversational number that can be sung and spoken. This is the kind of song that single acts ate always looking for. "Your Love * My Paradise" By Karl Tausig and Leon Rogee. Sung by Mr. Rogee this week at the 5th Ave. Theatre, with tremendous success. "AU REVO IR" by Mort Hyman and Terry Sherman. The great march song. "CUDDLE UP AHD CLING YO ME" by Stanley Murphy and Henry I. Marshall. One of those things that only these two clever writers can originate. Good for any kind of an act. "FAIRY MOON" by Chas. K. Harris. The song that is making Miss Grace Edmonds famous throughout the Eastern country. Beautiful slides for this song made by Scott and Van Altena. "WILL YHE ROSE DLOOM IN HEAVEN" by (."'has. K. Harris, the greatest child sing ever writ ten. LAST BUT NOT LEAST "Waltz Me Around and Around in the Old Ball Room" by'Jos. K. Howard. This son?; is going to be the greatest wait/ bit that this country has ever known. A great suiimwr song, a ml you want to hear Jos. K. Howard and Mabel Mct'ane sum if to see tfie sensation it is creating. PUBLISHED BY CHAS. K. HARRIS Columbia Theatre Building, 4 7th Street and Broadway NEW YORK MEYER COHEN, Mgr. Brand Opera House Building, Chicago, AL GOLDFINGER, Mgr. When answering advertisement* kindly mention VARIETY.