Variety (April 1912)

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24 VARIETY —— WILL ROSSITER ae ■■ STARS FARBER GIRLS Petting THE NOTICES wHh the QOOP-LUCK SONQS on the ORPHEUM TIME Arlington w. v. TIWE Cleaning up with "You 'II Nev er Ths Good Follow," otc. £. " JUST CLASS" Elizabeth ■ ■ = Mates t Utile Clmte its! let t—| "YOU CANT EXPECT KISSES FROM ME ■• The Actors' Fund Benefit at the Boston (Thursday) had a bigger advance sale than any previous show, due to the fact that it was advertised that 25 per cent, of the re- ceipts would be given to the Titanic Fund. Rvery house and show In town participated. The National (ubo) pulls a new feature every week. For this week has been put on the Royal Italian Opera Company, a group of singers from the Metropolitan and Boston Opera Company, who are appearing Incog. A nev setting has been procured for the act. This is sure high flying. Grand Opera stars for a dims. CAROLINE FRANKLIN an. WILLIAM WILSON Direction, M. S. BENTHAM FEATURE, P. G. WILLIAMS' GREENPOINT THIS WEEK LEONA STEPHENS THAT ORIGINAL "BOOGIE BOO GIRL" Soubrette with "Let George Do It** Co. NEXT WEEK (APRIL 29), MANHATTAN, NEW YORK. B. F. Keith employees held their third an- nual dancing party Tuesday night at Catho- lic Union Hall, Worcester Square. Among the Invited guests were A. Paul Keith, Wil- liam J. Donovan. Mr. and Mra Rarry E. Qui- tin, Mr. and Mra R. O. Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. John Clancy. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Grady. The committee in charge wss Hugo L. Lundgren, Leo Christian, E. A. Reynolds. T. F. Murphy. William H. Glennon, M. Costello, Miss Nona M. Gill. Miss Minnie Connor. Mrs. Leo Chris- tian. Miss Annie Qulnlan, Miss Lillian Heavy, and Mlsa Alma Gauthler. DAUPHINE (Henry Greenwall, mgr.; 8hu- bert).—Klnemacolor pictures retained an- other week. MAJESTIC (L, B. Sawyer, mgr.).—Tyson Extravaganza Co. LAFAYETTE (Abe Bollgman. mgr.).— Vaudeville. ALAMO (Wm Gueringer, mgr.).—Vaude- ville. ATLANTIC CITY By 4 B. PULASKI. . < SAVOY (Harry Brawn, mgr.; agent, TJ. "B.* O.)—Louis $iduu» * Kathryn Osterraan. la "A Persian Oarae**"' the finest thing In its line ever seen here, condensed musical com- edy, that was a "alt. Cummtngs A QlsdlngS, classy duo; Bedfhl ft Arthur, got many laughs and a .big share of the applause; Maude Hall Macy ft Co., liked Immensely; Victoria Four, went very big; Delmore ft Oneida, perch act of unusual cleverness; Jerge ft Hamilton, well liked. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young ft Kennedy Croasan, nigra.; Wis tar Groockett, bus. mgr.).—M. P. STEEPLECHASE PIER (R. Morgan ft W. H. Fennan, mars).—Pavilion of Fun; M. P. CRITERION (I. Lotea, mgr.).—M. P. CITY SQUARE (Walter T. Reed. mgr.).— M. P. ROYAL (W. R. Brown, mgr.).—M. P. CENTRAL (Karrer ft Short).—M. P. APOLLO (Fred. EL Moore, mgr.; agent. K, ft E.).—The Smart Set, with 8. H. Dudley In "Dr. Beans Of Boston," all this week. Claude West, formerly with Dockstader'a Minstrels, and now a blackface monologist on the "small time," was married Saturday to Leola Murphy, who added lustre to the chorus of the musical comedy at the Greenwall re- cently. Gentry Brothers' Circus Is exhibiting hero present. Mme. Dlanette Alvlna and Ouiseppe Maggl give. a concert at the Tulane 24. The Greenwall management lost $400 In the crash of a local bank. James Corcoran, manager of Dukate's, Blloxl. lost $SB0. Mr. Corcoran had contemplated putting his money in a miniature railroad. ST. LOUIS The last half of next week at the Apollo Florence Webber appears in "Naughty Mari- etta." This is the western company. The show closes here. Trials Frlganaa was to have come In with "The Sweetest Girl in «. Palls" the flrat three days, but the shofu closed Saturday in Philadelphia. \ \Jf There is a hitch in the negotiations for the .showing of Klnemacolor on Young's Pier In the space in back of the propoaed motor car ahow. Objections were made because of the entrance, which would have to be through the motor show. Mr. Marks haa made overtures to Mr. I. Lotes. the manager of the Criterion, for the showing of the col- ored pictures. The deal la hanging fire. Re- pairs to the auditorium on the pier will begin this week. The work was delayed by the alow arrival of iron work. NEW ORLEANS By O. M. SAMUEL. GREENWALL (Arthur B. Leopold, mgr.). — BUI .at the Greenwall thla week Is il- lumined by Frederick and Co.. with magic above the average one sees on the "small time"; Erminle Earl, opening, did fairly; Burgess and Powers, from the legitimate, evidence little knowledge of what a vaude- ville sketch demands; the best things about Sue Goodwin's act are the young men who assist her and a drop; Slgnor Sycamopolls. formerly with the Lambardl Opera Co., found little favor from patrons who know and care not about opera. By JOHN S. ERNEST. COLUMBIA (H. D. Buckley, mgr.).—Sid- ney Drew ft Co., headlined and scored; Graham Moffat's Co., vsry entertaining; Mc- Mahon ft Chapelle, laughing hit; Bernlvlol Bros., very good; Jarrow, much applause; Boyle ft Brasll. great; Marin I ft BronskL closed a very good program to good business. HIPPODROME (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.).— The Rlnaldos, wen big; Edwin Oil more Cor- l»ln, scored; Myron Trio, good; Rlccl Operatlo Co., excellent; Baader Lavello Trio, welt liked; Malvern Troupe, very clever; Hughs* A Prior, Immense; Houseley ft Nicholas, ap- plause; Worlds Comedy Four, and Myron Trio, both good; a meritorious bill to largC houses. PRINCESS (Dan .->FishsU, mgr.)— Mlchete Grovscchlnnl of Lombardl Opera Co.; head- lined, scored heavily; Princess Minstrels In "Partnership Affair," very entertaining; J. C. Short ft Smith, comedians; to increased busi- ness. KINGS (F. C. Memhardt, mgr.)—The Great Luts Co. headlined, very good; Riley ft O'Nell Sisters, clever; Foy ft Clark, entertaining; Whitfield ft Irland, good; large audlencea. OLYMPIC (Walter Sanford. mgr.)—Char- lotte Walker In "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." with its beautiful scenery and melo- drama, entertained a large gathering. AMERICAN (D. E. Russell, mgr.)-"Paid In Full." popular prices, good business. STANDARD (Leo Reich en bach, mgr.)— "Lady Buccaneers." GAYETY (Charles Walters, mgr.)—Bowery Burlesquers. IMPERIAL (D. E. Russell, mgr.)—Bern- hardt-ReJane pictures, open second week. With Century and Shubert dark and the Garrlck showing pictures, leaves Olympic only high priced house open. It continues to draw Its usual big audiences. CINCINNATI BT HARRY HESS. GRAND O. H. (John H. Hsvlln, mgr.; K- ft E.).—-"Ths Price." The last of the weak WILL ROSSITER STARS GRACE WILSON II THAT'S ALL" Except 5 or 6 of the "GOOD-LUCK" SONGS SYDNEY GRANT MtADt-IWINQ »-C TIHH MAMMY S SHUFFLIN' DANCE' THE "GOOD FELLOW SONG DOLCE • = SISTERS Are Stopping Shows on the W. V. M. A. Time "Trial Marriage" by Efcner Harris, author of "Sham." will be put' on for the first tlms. the cast Includes Harrison Hunter, Jessie Ralph, Roy Gordon. George W. Barnum. Ger- trude Dalton, Margaret McWade and Robert H. Hudson. LYRIC (J. E. Fennessy, mgr.; a 8. ft Lee Shubert).—Sothern end Marlowe In reper- toire. Capacity business. WALNUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.; 8. ft H.).— Rose Melville In her fsmlUar "81s Hopkins." EMPRE88 (George F. Fish, mgr.; S.-C.; rehesrssl Sundsy 10). —Hsnlon A Hnnlon. fine; May Elinors, hit; Le Roy ft Harvey, ex- cellent; Kelly ft Wilder, hit; Nlblo's Birds, scored; "Texas Tommy Dancers," featured. OPPOSITION!! NEXT WEEK (April 29) COLONIAL, NEW YORK CITY The two big shows in Brooklyn JM and BAILEY'S STICKNEY'S CIRCUS (At the Orpheum) Direction, AL SUTHERLAND RETURNING FROM SECOND TOUR ORPHEUM CIRCUIT FIDDLER a n d SHELTON Next Week (April 28) Orpheum. Omaha This Week (April 21) Orpheum. Kansas City COMINQ EAST tOON SPECIAL DROP AND NEW SONQS When answering advertUtmentt kindly mention VARIETY. nwm