Variety (April 1912)

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VARIETY 29 THOSE CHEER-UP GIRLS-BREAKING RECORDS ON W. V. A. TIME *N GANNON and TRACEY c it SISTER" ACT THAT IS MAKING 'EM ALL SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE qssax-'SSr - mammy's shufflih- dance - p - ijtz:%zr Sun and Nerdllnger, agents).—Jack A Mabel Price, Campbell Slaters, Guy Jobnaon A Co. Q. W HELD. ROANOKE, VA. JEFFERSON (Iwdor Schwartz, mgr.; Nor- man Jeffcibs, agent; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 2). — 22-24, Edward*' Animal*, very good; Eleanor Cameron, fair; Leed & Lazell, laughing hit; Latell Bros., acored; 26-27. The Hartmans; Alec Craig; Edwards' Animals; Swisher & Evans. KOANOKE (William Henrittee. mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearsals Monday and Thursday 10.30) 22-24. Mermalda. featured; Hubelle & Rog- ers, good; Al. Leonhardt, acored; Capt. Pow- ers & Co.. very good; Sndle Sherman, ap- plause. T. F. B. SALT LAKE CITY. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.; agent, Orpheum Circuit).—Week IB. "La Somnam- bule," great; Percy Waram & Co.. good; Donovan & McDonald, hit; Four Lyric Latins, good: Moffctt A Clare Trio, liked; Snider' & Curtis, hit; Loulae Dresser, head- liner. EMPRESS (S-C).—Week 1&, Joe Maxwell's Dancing Glrla, hit; Leo Beera. liked; Adler A Arllne. liked; Mella A Dorys. good; Lew Welch A Co.. Immense; Lew Palmore. fair. SALT LAKE.—18-20. Blanche Bates. COLONIAL.—14-18. "The Squaw Man." QARRICK.—Max Flgman (Stock). OWEN. 8 ARAN AC LAKE, N. Y. The new Colonial, J. H. Farmlngton. man- ager, had a very successful opening here with "The Common Law." Last week "Madam X" played to capacity. Other "big city" ahowa are underlined. Charlea J. Stevenaon. of the United Book- ing Officea, la- here on a few days' visit and Incidentally la being Initiated into the poker tournament. J. H. DeGraff. the local pool champion, la matched to play Jim Lane for 600 points. Lane expecta to take some of the feathera out of DeGraff'a cap. Mabel Barrison left last week for To- ronto where she will apend the summer. Max Weber Is now the undisputed pinochle « hamplon. "Freckles." a new legitimate attraction, la hilled to play here soon. JOS. WEBER. 8HREVEPORT. LA. GRAND (Ehrlleh Bros., mgrs.: K. & E.).— 14-20. Welch & Francis; 27, Victor Herbert and Orchestra. MAJESTIC (Harry Ehrlleh. mgr.; agent. Hod.; rehearsal Sunday nnd Thursday 1.30). —Week 15, Mr. Mack opened; Bornholdt A Elwood, went well; Bill Conklin. acored; Three English Girls, applause. Business ca- pacity. DIMICK. SIOUX CITY. ORPHEUM (C. E. Wilder, res. mgr.; re- hearsal Sunday 10.30).—Jeter A Rogers, good; Henry A Francis, very good; Flanagan A Ed- wards, good; Farber Girls, pleased; Hugh Herbert, very good; Ray L. Royce, good; Ro- many Opera Co, very good. DEAN. SOUTH BEND, IND. ORPHEUM (A. J. Allardt. mgr.. agent. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Monday and Thurs- day 12.80).—21-23. Harry Thompson, hit; Murry Livingston A Co., hit; Eldorado A Co., great; Boynton & Myers knockout; Davis Family, good; 24-27, "Winning Miss." Busi- ness good. MAJESTIC (Ed. Smith, mgr.; agent, Frank Doyle; rehearsal Monday and Thursday 12.80) —21-23, Smith A Summer, good; Almone, hit; 24-27, Three Longs, Marie Elmore. Business fair. AUDITORIUM (W. J. Pickering, mgr.; Mark TWO REAL COMEDIANS Harry WOLLEYanWOODS Lilt FtoMs MaJ Wafer) l ef t — 4 lerass C — t ««a (Lata Wssit ass* grata) Itftoti Mtkraw Ceariua Introducing "THE SCIENTISTS" By Goldsmith and Hoppe Producing Musical Comedies OPEN FOR BURLESQUE OR MUSICAL COMEDY T^SSSd^ffSSii" ° NEXT SEASON. Address Care VARIETY, New York Illusionist Supreme KARMI PRINCE OF INDIA Pie M t itl ng Most Original. Samattonal and Osc g asi is ly StafM2a)-Mlnute Illusion Act an Earth. See PAT CASEY RAWSON and CLARE IN "YESTERDAY" (A delightful ttory of youth) NSXT WEEK (APRIL Z9), POLI'8 WILKE8-BARRE, PA. Louise Dresser Direction IN VAUDEVILLE MARTIN BECK A Face Powder That Stays On All Day Ezora is the most looting of all fare powders, for It neither rubs nor falls off. An application in the morn- ing will last until bedtime. It produces a beautiful complexion—its use canDot be detected. 50-cent box contains 2 to 3 times as much as usual powder box. EX. OR A POWDER Tell your toilet goods dealer you wont have anything but Ezora. If he has none we will mail pkge. on receipt of 50c. Send the name of your druggist or toilet goods dealer and 4 cents in stamps for a Free Sample of Exora Face Powder, Exora Rouge, and Exora Cream, so you can try them for yourself. Address CHAILES MEYEI. 103 WEST 13th STREET. NEW YORK White Brunette and Flesh s49raft*s L« [F>< Sec our free sample offer REMOVAL NOTICE — APRIL 29 agent. S. A H. and K. A E.).—20-21, Dr. De Luxe, big business; 2:i. "Get-Rlch-Qukk Wal- lingfonl"; 27-2X. A'<orn Opera Co.; May 6, "The Low Tabs of Hoffman"; 1G-16, May Music Festival; 17, "Minneapolis Symphony Orrh.-mra." \VM. H. STEIN. SPR|N<; FIELD, MANN. I'OLI'S (S. J. Hrecn, re.s. mgr. , agent*, U B. O. ; rehearsal Monday in).—Hurry Tsuda, opened, Klaus & Birnlc. very good; Darrell & Conway, finished strong; Bailey, Hall A Burnett, passable; Mason, Keel or A Co.. hit; I*addie cliff, went, big; Hlckeys Circua closed the Inst vaudeville bill of season. GILMORE (.las. W. Bingham, mgr.).—22- 24, "World of Pleasure." COUHT SQUARE (D. O. Gllmore. mgr.; Ind.). -23-24. "The Rosary;" 2. r >. "The En- chantress;" 2G. "The Old Town;" 27. Dock- stader'H Minstrels. Toll's .switches to stock next Monday for the Hummer, opening with "A Witching Hour." CEO. PRESSL. NT. JOHN, N. B. OPERA HOUSE (D. H. McDonald, mgr.). — 1C-20. Helen Grayce Stock Co., business fair. NICKEL (W. H. Goldlng. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Mae Clark, Bert Morey; pictures. LYRIC (Kervan Kelty, mgr.).—16-17, Billy de Vens & Amo Glrla; 18-20, Alber's Polar Bears; pictures. L. H. CORTRIGHT. 8T. PAUL, MINN. ORPHEUM—Potts A Potts, fair; 8. N. Leek, interesting; Winsch A Poore, clever; Alva York, good; Clark & Co., good; Bou- dlnl Bros., fine; Salerno, good. EMPRESS.—Mary Dow. good; Dollar Troupe, go.)d; Gibson & Co., pleased; Mon- arch Comedy Four, good; Grassl Bros., good; Perry & Lafluter, good. BENHAM. SYRACUSE GRAND (CharleB H. Plummer, mgr.; Chaa. G. Anderson, mgr.; U. B. O.).—Bob A Tip Co., good; Charlie Olcott, clever; Montgomery Medley Co., dramatic; Merrill A Otto, hit; John A Mae Burke, riot; Maurice Freeman A Co., big applause; James J. Morton, great; Great Golden Troupe, pleasing. TERRE HAUTE, IND. VARIETIES (Jack Hoeffler, mgr.; agent, W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Monday and Thura- day 10).—Doblado'a Sheep & Pigs, well trained; Zara Carmen Troupe, novelty; Law- rence A Edwards, fair; Clark A Duncan, pleased; Robbie Gordan, fine.; Conrad A Wld- den, hit; Tates Motoring, fair; Morrlsey A Hanlon, hit; Florentine Singers, feature. Business good. GRAND (T. W. Barhydt. mgr.; K. A E.).— 18-19, The Melancholy Princess, "local"; 20, Sheehan Opera Co., fair business; 21, Mar- garet Ulington. capacity, 28-May 1, Durbar Moving Pictures closes house. PARK (Joe Barnes, mgr.; E. W.).—21, "Merry Maidens," good. <'HRIS. TORONTO, ONT. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.).- -"California." suc- cess; Lillian Shaw, clever; f'harles Ahearn Troupe, big scream; Paul Conchas, great; Deiro, hit; Conlln, Sheele Carr, pleased; Two Hedders, went well. MAJESTIC (Peter F Griffin, mgr).— Silent Mora. Herbert, Granville & Mack, Col- lins A May. STRAND (E. W. Weill, mgr) Grace Men- za, Dora Kumnierfeldt. PRINCESS in H. Shepherd, rngr.). "The Chocolate Soldier." ROYAL ALEXANDRA (I. Solm.m, mgi ) —The Million. GRAND (A. J. Small, mgr.) "Sclin:i| Days." GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.)'Queen of Boheml «." WILSHIN Will be located at GAIETY THEATRE BLDG., 9 Inc 1517 Broadway. New York Can use few more (food acts When an$wcrina advertisement! kindly mention VARIETY.