Variety (April 1912)

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34 VARIETY PRODUCTION ED. F. REYNARD rii—is Beth DtwNrry aad Jtwo Jtvnsra In -A MORNING IN HICKSVTLLB." Dtr»ctloa, API HPOHEG>. Gene Hughes PUTNAM BUILDING. 14*0 NSW YORK. FOR SALE WIGGIN'S FARM Apply to THE CHADWICK TRIO STUART BARNES JAMRRR^J^UNgJTTj Dtreetlon )Ui Hart Patnam Bldg.. N. T. C. Have Your Garc^ In VARIETY DON "Biltikei" BARCLAY THE ORIGINAL BOOB. I am "IN" at last. Pantages. Circuit Dlr.. JAKR STEBNAD. SIC. MAXIMO THE CUBAN WONDER. "The Great Drunk on the Wire" Btrnum A Bailey Circus. Madison Square Garden. New York City 3 MUSKETEERS 3 (Dunham) (Edward*) (Parrell) Dear Griff: Loney Haskell says wc should credit him with "Matzoh Story." All right, Loney; here you are. Catch us ihH Sunday at Columbia Theatre. N. Y. C. Our last New York appearance until August. DAVIS, ALLEN and DAVIS 3 Oddities 3 Just landed the "Interstate." Hot time all Summer. Lee KrauH. Weather Forecaster. Lola Merrill and Frank Otto Next Week (Apr. 2tt). Foil's, Hartford. Conn. Direction Max Hart. It iM't tbt tat Mkts act- tin It's fa act tint Makes the cant. THE KINO OF IRELAND JAMES B. DONOVAN AND RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE DOING WELL, THANK TOU. Director and Ad riser. Kins; K. C. SOMEWHERE OFF THE COAST OF AFRICA We certainly are taking it easy. Been out two weeks and have got a beautiful coat of tan on. No vest. Somebody sent us 20 bars of Lava soap Juat before leaving which Indicates that we are sure going to land clean. Have pulled off a couple of Concerts Just to keep In practice and you would be surprised to know how people can enjoy themselves 1,000 miles from nowhere. We will be in Capetown in another week. What? What? Oceanlly Yours, VARDON, PERRY End WILBER HENRY B, NAN TOO ER AND] HEWINS Comedy Sketch "It Happened in Lonelyville" Rnrittwi ky JACK QOMMN Direction, FRANK BOHM 3i« HARRAH and CO. Vaudeville's Most Unique SKATERS Apr. 29-May I, Ashland, Chicago. May 2-8, Casino, Chicago. Marcus - Gartelle la their eketeh "SkAtorial RoUorism" JAMEE PLUNKETT. Mgr. GAVIN and PLATT th. PEACHES 10014. Pattali Afe. a CNtss, |. J. CLAUDE M. MODE America's Premier Slack Wire Artist. The FIRST AND ONLT ONE doing the "TUR- KEY TROT" and "TEXAS TOMMY" dance ON A SLACK WIRE Now playing Orpheom Circuit. Direction. MAX HART. B-A-N-J-O-P-H-I-M-D-S John T. Murray SATS Beer made Milwaukee famous and Mil- waukee is making John T. Murray famous this week. I am beginning to realise how gieat I am. JULIAN *» DYER A LAUGH A SECOND W. R. WHITTLE Tcnlriloyast it win M7 to gat this act during tk* Campaign FRED ASTAIRES Presenting "A RAINY SATURDAY." By NED WAYBURN. ADELE "GALLAGERandSHEAN AL Principal Comedians with "THE ROSE MAID" Management WERBA A LUESCHER Globe Theatre, Now York, Inde,. BARRY m WOLFORD la Their Latest Gentle Review Booked Send. JAMEE B PLUNKETT. Smart, Mgr. Home In Jersey for a week or two, then to our New Home at Freeport for the summer. Home adey f_Hawthorne Ave.. Clifton, N. J. MAX GRACE Ritter-Foster Juet closed a 30-week engagement with "The Gay Widows." Address Care VARIETY. Mew York. Tom McNaughton PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN "THE SPRfltB OPERA CO. (2a< Tmt) Communications care WERBA a LUESCHER CHARLES AHEARN BXNG." PAT CASBT. AgeaL MABELLE NEWTON HAMPTON and BASSETT DisasMr aad RNO JUGGLER BOOKED SOLID. Tnlted Tim*. The Lessos Sensational Joggling Act. Booked Solid to September, 101L THE DAINTY ACT. BERYL ELAINE THEY MINU—THEY DANCE. BOOKRD SOLID. DIRECTION. JOHN C. PEEBLES. TANEAN ALWAYS WORKING AND CLAXTON THE LAUGHING HIT OF VAUDEVILLE. SOME COMEDY LADY When unmrcring advertisements kindly mention VARIETY.