Variety (June 1912)

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Vol. XXVI. No. 13 NEW YORK CITY, JUNE 1, 1912 PRICE 10 CENTS VAUDEVILLE BY SHUBERTS NOT WHO LLY SE TTLED UPON Negotiations with Other Variety Interests Holding Up a Formal Announcement of Policy. "Road Shows' 9 Possible Part of Plans. New York to Be Covered with Legit-Variety. The sort of vaudeville the Shuberts will purvey to the public next season has not been wholly decided upon. During the week negotiations with other interests in the variety field are said to have held off any official an- nouncement of their vaudeville plans for next season. These negotiations according to re- port were for the purpose of forming connections which would link in with the Shubert theatres that will have regular vaudeville shows, and also give the combination sufficient strength in number of houses to be thoroughly independent. One reliable report was that the Shubcrts will employ some of their theatres outside New York for the 10-20-30 brand of vaudeville, although this is subject to change, according to affiliation made or other matters that might arise before a definite line of action is decided upon. It is said that the Shuberts are quite likely to form several vaudeville road companies, to tour their best houses, with a drawing card at the head. Gaby Deslys on her return next season would be available, and it is understood Gertrude Hoffmann is at the disposal of the Shuberts for a combination of this kind; also Mabel Hite, while Bayes and Norworth have been reported this week to be in com- munication with the brothers. Whether the latter are In view for a production or a road show is un- known, although it is believed the production point of view is what in- terested the Shuberts in them. Al Jo T 8on, from the Winter Garden, cou'd he be spared from there for the nec- essary length of time, would be another feature attraction the Shu- berts could use at the head of a vaude- ville combination. It would be quite an easy matter for the Shuberts to organize several "$2 . shows" with vaudeville people only. The scheme of this would be that the larger troupes would blend nicely into any "small time" vaudeville proposition the Shuberts might go in- to. While it was stated to a Varift.- representative this week the Shuberls will not take the medium course (50- cent scale) between the "big" and "small time" vaudeville, it is expect- ed that when they give out an an- nouncement, which may be within the next week, it will be found their vaudeville programs will be somewhat different whatever the admission prices to those that have been seen about. The Shuberts can afford a bigger bill at usual prices in their own houses. Several of the out-of-town Shubert theatres were carried at a Joss last season, and they also obliged the placing on the road of a number of productions to keep the theatres open. By having vaudeville pay the rent of the theatres only, the Shuberts would effect a saving in two direc- tions, and this small margin expected will give a big leeway for the as- sembling of imposing programs. In New York City the Shuberts ex- pect to ppread-eagle the legitimate va- riety field. J. J. Shubert says their ven- tures along these lines, starting with the Winter Garden, will leave nothing for anyone else to bring out. Besides the Garden there will be the Winter Garden-Ice Palace on West 44th street, the Music Hall on 43d street, and to top the policy (during the holidays), the English pantomime; "Hop O* My Thumb" with an all-Unr- lish company will be imported for presentation at the Manhattan Opera House. It will follow there "Th«; Whip," a melodrama, opening at tlu> (Continued on page 9.) EDNA GOODRICH CLINCHED. Vaudeville now has Edna Goodrich clinched for vaudeville. Arthur Hop- kins has the ex-wife of Nat C. Good- win under a contract which calls for Miss Goodrich's first appearance in New York vaudeville Sept. 9 next, at the Colonial, New York. Her salary is reported at $1,500 weekly. Many irons in the vaudeville fire are held by Mr. Hopkins, who until recently was connected with the booking department of the Orpheum Circuit. Since leaving he has been unusually active and successful. Among the latest acts taken under his management is Mabel Taliafero, in "The Return of Tori San," written by herself. This is the substitute for the sketch Miss Taliafero appeared in at the Fifth Avenue some weeks ago. The next Hopkins production will be "Friendly Voices," an Augustus Thomas playlet, first presented at a Lambs' Gambol. Five characters play the piece. BENNETT IN TEN NEW PLAYS. San Francisco, May 29. It will be a long time before Rich- ard Bennett returns to New York. Following his eight weeks' season here at the Alcazar—it is poss.^ie he will remain for ten weeks—Bennett will go to Los Angeles for a long season with Oliver Morosco as a co- star with Laurette Taylor. Ten new plays are to be produced during his engagement there. LACK AYE SACRIFICES 'TACHE. For the Lambs and art, Wilton Lackaye has dispensed with his trade mark, the deep black bunch of hair that formerly hung between his 11030 and lower lip. In the Lambs' Gambol now on the road for a week, Mr. Lackaye is ap- pearing in a Shakespearian roie that requires a smooth face to get over. The mustacheless Up will also st:incl the actor in good stead until Nov. '.», when he returns to vaudeville at Mil- waukee, as Lackaye before thai tinr" 1 will appear in "Oliver Twist" with Nat C. Goodwin. Next week l/ukayc commences a single variety wei k tit the Majestic, Chicago. "P. G." IN PICTURES. Percy G. Williams is in active negotiation with the Edison people for a controlling interest in what is claimed to be the lately perfected "talking" moving pictures, investing therein a large sum of money. If he decides to purchase Mr. Will- iams will not immediately assume personal charge as he has declared himself for a full year's rest and recreation, which includes a lengthy European tour. Asked if he had closed any such deal Mr. Williams answered non- commitally: "Not Yet." STARRING FLORENCE REED. Florence Reed, at present leading lady in "The Typhoon," is to be starred next season in a new play now being written for her by Emll Nyitray. "The Typhoon" closes its season Saturday night, reopening September 4 in Philadelphia. SUBWAY STATION AT 45TH ST. In the proposed route of the new Seventh Avenue subway the Times Square station is designed to be located at the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and 46th street, in front of the Astor theatre. As a consequence, B. K. Blmberg ("Bim"), owner of the property, Is highly elated over the naturally in- creased valuation. NEIL O'BRIEN'S MINSTRELS. Oscar F. Hodge, formerly Lew DockBtader'B manager, and William Warmington, who managed George H. Primrose's minstrels for several years, have formed a partnership to put out the Neil O'Brien Minstrels early in August. Neil O'Brien will be the big noiso with the Hodge-Warmington or- ganization. AGAINST MISREPRESENTATION. Boston, May 2!>. No more billing "The Original Cast. Direct From New York" without de- livering the goods in this state. Tim law ai:ains» misrepresentation in advertising is now in effect here, and l he gum-shoed hulls will get yer if von don't watch out.