Variety (June 1912)

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VARIETY 29 CLEVER "LITTLE" GIRLS WHO ARE SMILING THE "GOOD-LUCK" SONGS—SMILE! IRENE and FERGUSON LILLIAN NORTHLANeI SISTERS BOBBIE SMITH THE TIVOLI GIRLS" Big Hit on Any HII-QQINC EAST THIS FA LL-AND THEY'LL CLEAN UP . USING "GOOD LUCK" tONGg7 YES I As clover an act as I've seen In years. Singing, Dancing, Plaiw | and Violin. 8ela» »»4 Dmu a bases si Mts»lt»loal Arttmt* l*tn< Isr lift Here's Another Little Act That You'll Hoar From. WHY? BECAUSE THEY HAVE A GREAT COMBINATION TALENT - BRAINS -- "GOOD LUCK" SONGS MIL FORD, MASS. NIPMUC PARK (Dan J. Sprague. mgr.; agent, F. Mardo).—Henella ft Co., excellent) Brocko, clever; Harcourt ft Leslie, fine; Fagan, Merrick ft Thurston, excellent; Sadie Rogers, clever. CHAS. E. LACKEY. MUNCIE, IND. BTAR (Ray Andrews, mgr.; agent, Ous gon; rehearsal Monday 10.80).—Sprague ft Dixon, good; Chaa. A. Zoder ft Co. In "The Night Doctor" went big; Maudle Do Long, hit; LaMont's Monkey Clrcue, hit. GEO. FIFER. NASHVILLE. ORPHEUM (George Hickman, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Week 20, Boston Padettes. headllner; Bootblack Com- edy Four, applause; Herman ft Shirley, splen- did; Ben Smith, appreciated; Al Leonhardt, •cored. FIFTH AVENUE (F. P. Furlong, mgr.; agent, Hodkins; rehearsal Monday 10).—Six Arabs, splendid; Morton ft Roy, very good; Three Kelley Sisters, big hit; Jack Fine, clever; Marimba Trio, good. PRINCE88 (W. P. Ready, mgr.; agent. W. 7. M. A.; rehearsal Monday 10).—Ergottl ft Lilliputians, scored: Grimm ft Elliott, big hit; Hobson A M»ibell, splendid; Dunn A Hughes, good; Del ray Brothers, very good. W. R. ARNOLD. PATER80N, N. J. MAJE8TIC (W. H. Walsh, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsals Monday ft Thursday 11).— 11-16, The Atlas Trio, clever; Ford ft Wesley, funny; Gibson ft Ranney, funny; O'Donnell Bros, good; 27-29, Taylor ft Herbert, funny; Stevenson ft Nugent, scream; Carter, Tay- lor * Co., laughs; Darktown School Days, good; 30-1. Spector Bros., Pierce A Roslyn, Aadrew Kelly. Delord, .Blondell ft Tucker; capacity houses. OPERA HOUSE (John J. Goetschlus, mgr.).—Stock. A monster vaudeville concert was given At the Lyceum for the benefit of Louis Bcott. D. W. LEWI8. nTTSBUBGH. PA. QRAND (Harry Davis, mgr.; agent, U. B. 0.; rehearsal Monday 10).—R. A. Roberts, headlined; Mrs. Louis James A Co., very good; Ellda Morris, Three Lyres, Phil Staats. Clark ft Bergman, Three Mori Brothers, Ioleen Sisters. FAMILY (Mgmt. of John P. Harris) — Pictures. OAYETY (Henry Kurtrman, mgr.).—"The Tail Girls," large audience. LYCEUM (C. R. Wilson, mgr.; 8. ft H.).— Pictures, big business. ARV1N (John Reynolds, mgr.; Shuberts). —"Madame Butterfly." NIXON (Thomas F. Kirk. Jr.. mgr.; Nlx- on-Zlmmerman).—Lyman H. Howe's Travel Festival, capacity house. HARRIS (Mgmt. of John P. Harris).— Cecelia Rhoda ft George Crampton, In "The Opera Dream." very good; Crelghton Bros., unique; Three Loretas. Coleman ft Francis. Ted ft Corine, Richards ft Romanle. M. S. KAUL. PORTLAND, ME. PORTLAND (James W. Greeley, mgr.; re- hearsal Monday 10.30). —Anderson Twins, •ne; Norwood & Norwood, laugh; Hope, Booth ft Co., entertained; Ezler ft Webb, Pleased; Five Musical Lundts, excellent. B. F. KEITH'S (Jnmrs E. Moore, mgr.).— 'The Witching Hour." very good, attendance fair. Barnum ft Bailey's Circus is billed for June 13. The Sparks Shows now playing small cities »nd towns through Maine. Rail, the Juggler, a "single" at present. li rehearsing a new double act. PROVIDENCE, R. I. WESTMINSTER (G. Collier, mgr.).—Buch »ros. great; Three GUdden Sisters, hit; Tlm- ■!• ft Ralston, good; Kllgarra ft South, very food; Harry Burgoyne. fair; Elsie Sutton, •Plendld; A. G. Capioni, encores. UNION (Chas. Allen, mgr.).—Herbert Shel- * ft Co., fine; Jones ft Grey, good; Clifford * Rose, good; Winkler. Kress Trio, very RAWSON and CLARE IN "YESTERDAYS" (A delightful story of youth) IMreetlon. FRANK BOHM. FRED ASTAIRES Presenting "A RAINY SATURDAY." By NEDWAYBUUM ADELE TOM DAVIES TRIO "MOTORING IN MID-AIR" A Real Sensation VACANT FOR AMERICA FROM SEPTEMBER ONWARDS and Clifford HippleSo rv in "AS A MAN SOWS Playing a RETURN ENGAGEMENT on the LOEW CIRCUIT AGNES SCOTT » KEANE "DRIFTING" HENRY Communications to HENRY KEANE, care of V. C. C, 107 W. 44th St., New York AT LIBERTY Brothers Late Principal Comedians "HONEYMOON GIRLS" CO. For Burlesque or Musical Comedy Address, FAIRHAVEN, N. J. ALF. T. WILTON. Vaudeville Representative good; Johnston ft Went worth, hit; Flossy Few Clothes, pleased. SCENIC th\ W. Homan, mgr.).—Homan Musical Stock Co., good; Max Howard, pleased; Howard Wolfe, good; Edna How- land, good hand. BULLOCK'S (P. L. Burke, mgr.).—Prevett- Merrlll A Co., fine; Four Sullivan Bros., ex- cellent; The Campbell Clarke Sisters, good; W. J. Holmes, unique; Florence De Vera, pleased. OPERA HOUSE (F. Wendelahafer, mgr.). —Pictures. KEITH'S (C. Lorenberg, mgr.).—"The Deep Purple." EMPIRE (M. Branning, mgr.).—"Held by the Enemy." CASINO (Mr. Williams, mgr.)—Pictures. NICKEL (F. Weatgate, mgr.).—Pictures, BIJOU (Q. Kelley, mgr.).—Picture*. C. E. HALE. BEADING, PA. ORPHEUM (Wllmer ft Vincent, mgrs.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday ft Thurs- day 10.80).—Graham ft Randfll, good; Nev- ins ft Erwood, liked; Inea Clough, pleased; Vincent Bros., good; Vaasar Girls, headline, big. HIPPODROME (C. G. Hexter, mgr.; agent, Prudential; rehearsal Monday ft Thurs- day 10. SO).—Rayou. fair; Jackson ft Mar- guerite, liked; Fraaler ft Fontaln, good; 6 Carmelloa, excellent; Hyman Adler ft Co., fair; 7 Harrlgans, Banjophlends, nicely. G. R. H. ROCKLAND, MAINS. ROCKLAND (Al. V. Rosenberg, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday ft Thurs* day 11).—28-26 Rouble Sim*, good; Mr. ft Mrs. Fred Thomas in "The Dog Thief," laughs; 27-1, Young-Adams Stock Co. opened to big buslneaa. EMPIRE (Fred M. Eugley, mgr.; rehearsal Monday ft Thursday 11).—88-28, Harvard ft Yale, fair; Taylor ft Pierce, good; 87-88, Jan- ete Felmar. fair; Manlay ft Walsh, good; SO-June 1, Lloyd ft Glbaon, Two Alfred*. The second ball game between the Rock- land and Empire theatre teama at the Broadway grounds May 88, resulted as fol- lows: Rockland 21, Empire, 20. The game went 10 Innings. John H. Sparka World's Famous Shows here 1. a. C. J. SALT LAKE. EMPRESS—Week 18. Geo. Bonhalr Troupe, great; Waterbury Bros, ft Tenny, riot; Four Fol de Rol Girls, hit; Anita Bartllng. good; Louise Carver ft Tom Murry, great; Lupeta Parea, pleased. Big business. ORPHEUM.—Willard Mack and Orpheum Stock Co. Good bualneas. COLONIAL.—Week 19, Ferris Hartman ft Co. in "The Girl and the Boy." Poor busi- ness. Bert Levey will put five and ten cent vau- deville Into the Colonial May 26. OWEN. SAVANNAH, OA. BIJOU (Henry C. Fourton, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Monday 2).—Record break- ing attendance this week. The Wheelers ft Co.. first honors: Six O'Connor Bisters, big hit; Jos. McQee, great; LaBelle Onra, won- derful; Milt Wood, scored big; Austin ft Taps. LIBERTY (Bandy Brothers, mgrs.).—"The Soldier's Sweetheart," local talent, with Fanny S. Gabel In leading role, very good at- tendance, 28-26. ODEON (H. C. Dorsey, mgr.).—Geo. F. Otto. ARCADIA (Jake Schrameck, mgr.).— Fit-rivrick Irving, late of fthumann-Helnk Co., n -engaged for another week. "REX." RHREVKPORT, LA. PARK.—The outlook Is that this summer houses will remain closed, or will not open be- fore the season is well advanced. Trixie Friganza Thanks kind friends for good wishes. Next week (June 3) Keith's, Boston Business Manager, CHARLES A. GOETTLER, Fn/^ral<l Bldg., New York Vaudeville Representative, PAT CASEY ■ "A When answering advertiscmenti kindly mention VARIETY.