Variety (June 1912)

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VARIETY 25 E,ME.RSONS Present for the FIRST TIME IN AMERICA «|J|T JjJ£ SWIMMING POOL" THIS WEEK (June 3) FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK A NEW AND UNIQUE ACROBATIC NOVELTY lowed to "slug" each other to their heart's content. The attaches of the house were clad In Mardi-gras raiment and the entire affair had a carnival air. Rolfe and His Band play- ed carnival music Benjamin Well, a New York animal trainer, was badly torn by his "trained" polar bears, with which he was exhibiting TftHSt. Alphon- aus Hall, on Smith street, Roxbury. The acci- dent occurred last Thursday afternoon. Well is at the Boston City Hospital suffering from severe wounds on his back and shoulders. During his act one of the bears became un- ATLANTIC CITY Bjr I. B. PULASKI. SAVOY (Harry Brown, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Ralph Here, exceptionally big reception; Chip ft Marble, nicely; Hayes ft Johnson, won favor; Haviland ft Thornton, well re- ceived ; College Trio, went very big; Rlesner & Cores, big applause; Rice, Scully ft Scott, excellent; Cycling Brunetts, fast. CITY SQUARE (Edw. O'Keefe, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Hanson ft Swan, Lena LaCouvelr. Sawyer ft Tanner, Arthur Browning; 2d half : Blossom Seely, who headlined the Savoy bill last week In such fine fashion, narrowly missed a serious accident Friday night when she fell over the foot-lights Into the orchestra pit. It was while she wan doing one of the turns In her dance that Miss Seely lost her balance. The piano player luckily broke the fall. It was at first thought that her knee cap was badly affected, but after a physician had bandaged the knee she walked gamely to her hotel and appeared next day. uniforms, but the kids turned the offer down. An opposition house is nearly completed and Is located opposite his place. It seats about 1,000. And now an effort Is being made to have councils prohibit Sunday shows. Hubln has been trying to sell his place for the past ten months but the chances of a sale are get- ting Rllmmer each day. *.. Mrs. Louis Wesley, who has been here for the past ten days recovering from a serious "NEW ORLEANS Bj O. M. SAMUKL. GREENWALL (Arthur B. Leopold, mgr.).— The old guard were out In full force to wel- Charley Brown, May Newman and Baby Florence Just Completed Successful Tour of the ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Sailing June 8, on "OCEANIC," MY „.«„„„« for England, on a Pleasure Trip. Return August 15. ruly, turned on him and with a swipe of its huge claw ripped the trainer's back. In a moment the other bears In the troupe Joined in the mutiny. Spectators screamed. WelF fell back. He quickly recovered and snapped his Whip In the faces of the beasts. He soon had them under control, but he fainted from th*» shock and loss of blood. Mrs. Julian M. O'Brien, a singer in the "movies," told Judge Pierce In the Suffolk Klmberly ft Hodgklns, Shepperly Sisters, Leonard A Alvin, Nelson. , MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young ft Kennedy Crossan, mgrs ; Wlstfr Orooket^Dus. mgr. .—M. P. ■• BIJOU DREAM (Howard ft Brown, mgrs.).— M. P. STEEPLECHASE PIER (R. Morgan ft W. H. Fennan, mgrs.).—M. P.; Pavilion of Fun. STEEL PIER (J. Bothwell, mgr.).—Murphy's American Minstrels; M. P. operation, had an unfortunate occurrence a few days ago. She was on the beach with a bull dog which got Into a fight with a fox terrier. Though the dogs were in the water Mrs. Wesley separated them, but In so doing; was bitten in the hand and lip. The wounds were cauterized with apparently no ill effects. A new set of entertainers are In the caba- ret at the Old Vienna. They are Bunny Gray, who halls from New Orleans, H. E. come Jack Singer's "Behman Show" Sunday. There was a large crowd at the matinee, while a very sparse ticket rack presaged capac- ity for the night performance. The show started slowly but soon struck a healthy gait ultimately going over with a bound, the de- votees of art undraped applauding with the old time gusto and abandon. In the piece em- ployed for the first week, "The Broadway Girl," there are some new lines, but most of the dialog, and business is reminiscent. The TheBoardwalk AND THE SENSATIONS OF ATLANTIC CITY. TWO THINGS OF INTEREST : 3 WHITE KUHNS AT THE Jackson Cafe divorce court that h«r husband struck her in the eye and beat her. - Her husband denied this, but the singer's "father testified that he had given his daughter $200 with which to buy food for herself and her child. Judge Pierce took the case under advisement. Governor Foss of Massachusetts purchased land in the exclusive Brookllne section on which ho is going to erect a theatre in addi- tion to the largest hotol In New England. There will be a thousand apartments In the hotel, with a garage and a restaurant. CRITERION (Louis Notes, mgr.).—M. P. ROYAL W. R. Brown, mgr.).-M. P. CENTRAL (Karrer ft Short, mgrs.).—M. P. APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr; agent, K. ft E.).—"Putting It Over," all week; premiere. Dolan and E. N. Halas. coming very well liked. Miss Gray is b<> The BIJou Dream. Brown ft Wesley's new picture house which adjoins the Savoy was opened Memorial Day as per contract. It's a cozy little house seating 600, and managed by Jos. Howard and Harry Brown, Jr., the young- est manager in the state. Frank Hubln, who has been running a mov- ing picture Bhow in the village of Pleasant- ville, just across the meadows from here, and who has been In hot water with the residents of that burg for the past year because he In- sists on giving a show Sunday nights, when they think he shouldn't, has a new crop of troubles. He gave a benefit last week, one- half of the receipts of which ho wanted to give to the boy scouts so that they might buy audience laughed more at the old humor than the new, so It really mattered very little The bright particular star of the cast was Doris Thayer, who possesses every requisite as a comedienne. Hazel Sanger, big and buxom, has undergone a physical' evolution since last here an the "Gibson Girl" with Irwin's "Big Show." Lou Hascall and Prod Wyckoff divided the honors among the malo contingent. Elwood Benton. .Joe Barton and Vic Casmore did well also. The chorus In animated, fairly good looking, and make up In physical, what they lack in vo«-al charm. Wfm inHofirif o4yrH§9m«nt9 kinfiy f*tn««fi TJUU9TY.