Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY 37 BIST PLACES TO STOP AT The Refined Hour fs* Handsomely Furnished •t^m Heated Bath* and every convenience. 6f THE ST. HILDA 99 Phona llfl Aeknowledjred as the beet place to stap a* la New York Ottr. One block from the O na* Ing Offices, VAJttstTY aa< Tbe Pet Case? Now at 67 W. 44th Street PAULINE COOKE and JENIE JACOBS, Proprietors PROVIDENCE, B. L UNION (Chaa. Allen, mgr.; Qulgley).— e%« Musical Aerialists. excellent; The Mys- glous Fountain, entertaine; The Echo Corn- By Four, pleased Wella & Clarkaon, good; ■axle Weat A Clara McArdle, good. BULLOCK'S (P. L. Burke, mgr.; U. B. O.). .-Carolina Four. good; Maud Polley, very Mod; Uaher A Whitecliff, pleaaed; Frits Hers- kind. ta.\r. SCENIC (F. W. Homan, mgr.).—Homan Musical Stock Co. WESTCHESTER (O. Collier, mgr).—The College Girls. EMPIRE (Max Beaming, mgr.).—The Man Between. COLONIAL (C. Burke, mgr.; K. A E.).— The Havoc. OPERA HOUSE (F. Wendelahafer, mgr.). -Peg O" My Heart. KEITHS (C. Lovenberg, mgr.; U. B. O.). —Pepplno, Nettle Carroll Trio. Eddie Rosa Frank Mayne A Co., The Three Lyres, Dlgby Bell A Co., Maud Lambert A Erneat Ball, Three Joaetty Broa. Plcturea C. E. HALE. READING, PA. ORPHEUM (Wllmer A Vincent; U. B. O.; rehearsal, Mon. A IThura. 10.30).—Cavano Duo. good; Caaey A Smith, liked; Canfleld A Carlton Co. good; Frank Certs, laugha; Max Witt's 4 Harmonious Glrla, nicely. HIPPODROME (C. Q. Keeney. mgr.; Pru- dential; rehearsal, Mon. A Thura. 10.80).— Wellington, good; Langweed Sisters, pleased; 4 Musical KleiBsea, very well; Clara Dagneau, pleas* (1; Mulvey A Darling, laughs, Edwin Holt A Co.. very well.' ACADEMY—12. Maude Adams. O. R. H. RICHMOND, VA. ACADEMT (Chaa. Brlgga. mgr.).—6-6. Adelaide Thurston in "The Love Affair"; 7, "Miss Nobody from Starland." BIJOU (Harry McNIven, mgr.).—"Life's Shop Window." COLONIAL (E. P. Lyons, mgr.; U. B. O.). —Telegraph Four, good; Walter Brower, com- edy hit: Murphy Musical Duo, good; White A Lamart, funny; Rawla A von Kaufman, hit. EMPIRE (Blair Meanly, mgr.; U. B. O). —Edward Jolly A Winifred Wild, present- ing "Over Night In B6aton." Packed housea LUBIN (W. T. Martin, mgr.; Norman Jef- ferles).—Atlantis. Flake A Jack, featured; Billy Walters, scored: Eunice Howe A Tip. Tery good; Austin A Janaon. hit. OERSON W. HELD. ROANOKE. VA. ROANOKE (Will P. Henrltze. mgr.; U. B. 0.; rehearsal Mon. A Thura. 1.30).—2-4. Gus Edwards' Blonde Typewriters, featured; Aerial Bartletta. great; The Bohemlana. very food; Chaa. Farrell. acored. 6-7. Frank How- ard; Mott A Maxfleld; Oua Edwards' Blonde Girls: Ynmamoto Broa JEFFERSON.—Latlmore-Lelgh Players, 1- 7. "Loat Paradise." The Latlmore-Lelgh Co. at the Jefferaon will close 14. Mr. La 11 more of the present company, will resume the management of the theatre and will continue the present policy, opening with a new stock company Dec. 16. T. F. B. ROCHESTER. TEMPLE (J. H. Finn, mgr.; U. B. O.).— 'rank Hartley, excellent; The Faber Glrla. food; Push Ling Toy. novelty hit; Jones A Sylvester, acored; Laura Guerlte, good; Henry WoodrufT A Co.. big hit; Morgan. Bailey A Morgan, well liked; Joe Boganny's "Royal Lunatic Bakers." good. LYCEUM (M. E. Wollf. mgr.; K. A E.).— 21-29-30, Blanche Ring. "The Wall Street Girl." well staged, fine performance; big busi- ness; 2-3. Alice Lloyd. "Little Miss Fix-It," warmly received, good business. SHUBERT (Elmer Walters, mgr.; Shubert). 28-29-30, "The Bohemian Girl." good per- formance, big business; 2-3-4. The Paul J. Ralney African Hunt Pictures. BAKER (Frank G. Parry, mgr.; agent, di- rect).— 2. "The White Slave," good produc- tion, big business. CORINTHIAN (Henry C. Jacobs, mgr.; Eastern Wheel).—2. "American Beauties" with Cook and Lorenz; good business. Manager Finn, of the Temple Theatre, la receiving congratulations this week upon the third anniversary of the Vemple'a opening, it mat thirty dollars to celebrate the occa- sion, for to every child born on the alxth of Derember, 1909. the date of the flrat per- formance in the Temple, "Mickey" agreed to LEONARD HICKS A Real Proprietor of » Real Place to Live GEO. P. ■OBEktTS, Aial. WUmmimr Cer. Uwfam mt Itartm Streets, OHIOAQO HOTEL GRANT HOTEL VIRGINIA EUROPEAN THIRD AND DAY STREET* COLUMBUS, OHIO RATES, tt.OS UP; WITH BATH, Sl-St U»». Special Rates and attention to profession people? We alao operate NEW PARK HOTEL, Madison. Wis. W. R. MoVEITY, Uanogtr St. Louis REGENT HOTEL. 100 N. 14th NEW REGENT HOTEL, 101 N. 14th M. E. CAMPBELL. Prep. White Baits' Headquartera Ten mint—* walk to all theat "A Theatrical Hoist of the Bettor Class" COOKE'S HOTEL Walnut Street, above Eighth pfillndeJnhl. opposite Casino Theatre. "M"»"Pni| Cafe Cabaret every night. ZEISSE'S HOTEL Opposite tbe Walnut and Casino Theatres. Philadelphia, Pi. pay five dollars In gold. Young Americans claimed and received the prize. FRANK M. CHASE. mm HOTEL TAXI roil CALL TO 408 Tremont Street t 81-tt-tS Albion Street. Boston, Mass. Opposite Castle Square Theatre. Special Bates to Theatrical Profession. St a week and up. single. SS a week and op. doable. Phone. Tremont 11SSS Dad's Theatrical Hotel Kelly has taken over the Colonial Stock Co., formerly headed by Mack A Rambeau. SALT LAKE—28-30, "Polly of the Circus." Elsie St. Leon In OWEN. ROCKLAND. MAINE. ROCKLAND (Al. V. Roaenberg, mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearaal, Mon. A Thura. 11).—28-80, O'Brien A Lear, excellent; The Sharps, ex- cellent; 2, Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin; 8-4. Bernhardt "Queen Elizabeth" plcturea; 6-7, La Pavla A Co., Rlcharda A Clarke. A. C. J. SALT LAKE. EMPRESS (Week 20). —"The Pool Room." ahared honora with Edward Dorking, the Ti- tanic aurvlvor; Scott A Wllaon, clever; Hy- land A Farmer, liked; McRae A Loverlng, novelty; Link A Robinson, hit; John Del more A Co., pleaaed; good buslnesa ORPHEUM (Week 17). —Owen McGlveney. decided hit; The Great Aaahl, pleaalng nov- elty; "An Indian Romance," well liked; Mary Qulve A Paul McCarty, pleaaed; Beatrice Mlchelena, big hit; Owen Clark, pleaaed; Two Alfreds, liked; good business. SAVANNAH, GA. NEW SAVANNAH (William B. Seeaklnd, mgr.; K. A E.).—28, Miss Nobody from Star- land, good attendance, show fine; 4, George Damerel In The Heart Breakera; 6. Baby Mine; 6. The Frolics of 1912; 7, Al. H. Wil- son. LIBERTY (Paul Anderson, lessee and mgr.) —Paul Anderson Stock Co. In A Minister's Wife, very clever show; attendance Increas- ing. Company here Indefinite. PRINCESS (Gelger A Stebblna, mgr.).— Duncan A Holt, big success. FOLLY (Mose Ebersteln, mgr.).—The Howze Sisters, held over, big hit. BIJOU (Corbln Shellds. mgr.; U. B. O.; re- hearaal, Mon. 11).—Capacity attendence. The Three Escadoa. marvelous; Locke A Llnder, exceptional; Dean A Price, acored big; Skip- per, Kennedy A Reeves, tremendous hit; Aus- tin A Taps, and The Bijou-Scope. ARCADIA (Jake Schrameck, mgr.).—Leota Glimpse, held over for third week, big hit. REX. WE CATER TO THE PROFESSION French American Bakery and Lunch Room OYSTERS, STEAKS AMD CHOPS 154 W. 44th STREET. * Doors Esst off Broadway, NEW YORK POPULAR PRICES SALT LAKE.—20-22. "A Modern Eve." COLONIAL (Week 17)— Laat week of Cath erine Countlss In "Brewster's Millions." OWEN. SALT LAKE CITY. ORPHEUM—24. Wlllard Mack A Marjorle Rambeau. big local favorites; Charles Olcott. excellent: Le Ballet Classlque, excellent; Mary Elizabeth, very Rood; Animated Toy- shop, very good; Clarke Family, fair (tak- ing place of Jack Wilson). Immense busi- ness. 8. R. O. sign out at every perform- ance. EMPRESS—27. Verona Troupe, cyclists; "The Waltz Dream," hit; Klass A Berne, excellent; Robert Hlldreth A Co., well liked; Bohemian Quartet, good; Neuss A Eldred, pleased; good business. COLONIAL—William J. Kelly and Co. In "The Liars" (stock); big business; good show. SCHENECTADY, N. Y. MOHAWK (Ackerman J. Gill, mgr.).— "The House Next Door" with Wilson Rey- nolds as Sir John Cotswold, excellent produc- tion to capacity business. VAN CURLER (Chas. G. McDonald, mgr.; Shubert)—28. Laurette Taylor In "Peg O* My Heart" with an excellent company, scored a distinct hit to very good business; 29, "Little Boy Blue" with Otis Harlan; 30, "The New Sin"; 2. "Billy the Kid"; 3. "The Merry Widow," capable cast to capacity business; 6. Leo Dltrlchsteln In "The Concert"; 6, Alice Lloyd in "Little Mlsa Flx-lt." ORPHEUM (F. X. Breymalcr, mgr.; Joe Wood; rehearsals. Mon. & Thurs. 12).—28-30. LeRoy Trio. Hanlon & Clifton, Lung Tchang Yuen A Co., Mario Roberts; 2-4. Eva Allen, Hazel Moran: Lampe Bros.; Stewart A Scott. PROCTOR'S (Chss. Moulding, mgr.; U. B. O. A K. & E.; rehearsals, Mon. & Thurs. 10.30).—28-30. John T. Kelly, headlines; Stan- WILL NOT RUB OFF OR SOIL THE FINEST FABRIC. NOT AFFECTED BY FERSFI RATION. RAY MFG. CO. 246 Fulton Strttt Brooklyn, N. Y. A REVELATION IN WHITE FOR THE NECK AND ARMS, BEAUTIFUL UNDER ALL LIGHT CONDITIONS. EASILY RE- MOVED WITH WARM WATER. AT DRUGGIST OR BY MAIL ley-Jamea A Co., laugha; Helen Loraine. fine; Boccaclo Trio, entertained; Ben Vernon A Co., pleased; 2-4, Mile. Sumlka, hit; Llda Lowell A Co.. Tho Werpple Girls. Brown A Seymour, James Burns. "HOWT." SPRINGFIELD, MASS. COURT SQUARE (D. O. Qllmore. mgr.; Ind.).-r- 29, The Concert, good house; 10. Merry Widow, good, to rapacity; 2-5. Raln- ey's plcturea. big; 6-8, Stop Thief; 10-11, Eddie Foy. POM'S (Cordon Wrlghter, mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearsal, Mon. 10).—Palzln Broa, good; Lancton, Lucler Co.; Muriel A Francis, pleased; The System, feature; Alexander A Scott, very good; Frey Twins, went well. NELSON (Joa. Carr. mgr.; agent direct; Fox Circuit).— Kennedy & Melrose, Vassar A Arkln, Bell A Mayo, George Boyd, Grundy A Lczzo, Jos. Remington A Co.; 6-7, Pilled from Grand, New Haven. GILMORE (Grace Damon, acting mgr.).— 2-5. World of Pleasure, pleaaed big houae. GEORGE PRE8SL. ST. JOHN. N. B. OPERA HOUSE (D. H. McDonald, mgr.). —25-80. Leslie Grossmlth, pleased. NICKEL (W. H. Goldlng, mgr.; U. B. O.). —The Bales and plcturea LYRIC (Steve Hurley, mgr.).—26-27, Mos- cow Duo, scored: 28-80. Edith Montrose, strong. L. H. CORTRIGHT. ST. PAUL, MINN. ORPHEUM—Nat Wills, much applause; Gould A Ashlyn, pleased; Milton A DeLong Sisters, good; W. H. St. James A Players, very good; Van Broa, pleased; Gordon Broa A Kangaroo, pleaaed; John Hlgglns, clever. EMPRESS.—Jlmmle Britt, well received; Patty Bros., good; Deland. Carr A Co., very good; Lucille Savoy A Co., very pleasing; Manning Twins, good. PRINOEB8—4 Marvelous Mela; Chaa A. Loder & Co.; Dean A Stevens; Al. Allen. SHUBERT (Frank Prleat, rea mgr.).— "Bought and Paid For," pleased large house. Next week, first half, "One Day"; second half. Aborn Opera Co. METROPOLITAN.—"Officer 666." good business. Next week. Sheehan English Opera Co. and "The Fortune Hunter." GRAND—"The Whirl of Mirth." with Ed- die B. Collins, satisfactory business. BENHAM. SYRACUSE. N. Y. GRAND (Charlea Plummer. mgr.; Keith's vaudeville. Charlea G. Andereon. mgr.).— Charlea D. Webber. Juggling, very clever; Wataon A Santos, scored; Lore, a novelty Darrell A Conway, scored; Walter S. ("Rube") Dickinson, "The Ex-Justice of the Peace" scored; Virginia Harned, "The Call of Paris!" splendid; Klmberly A Mohr, "Clubland," hit- Kremka Brothers, very good. ' EMPIRE (Martin Wolf, mgr.; Frederic Gage, local mgr.).—6-6-7. The Concert; 10-11 Syracuae University; 18-14. Richard Carle A Hattle Wllllama. * WEITING (John L Kerr, mgr.; Francis Martin, local mgr.).—6-6-7, Ready Money a (week) Bought and Paid for BA8TABLE (Stephen Beatable, mar) — 6-6-7. Ward A Vokea; 9-10-11. American Beautlea; 12-13-14, The Call of the Hear" Heart of Times Square Fitzgerald Building S. E. Comer Broadway and 43d Street Single Office*, Display Rooms or re Flo« Enhr« loort Adjoining Cohan's Theatre For Theatrical Offices or Theatrical Supply Shops it is not only the best location in New York, but the best location in the world. Your own broker or StBftOD Lederer, Af eat, on Premises Phone 5196 Bryant 1 When antxoering adverti$emmt$ TdrUtty mentiQti VARIETY.