Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY » BEST PLACES TO STOP AT fn* 6*5 «•■▼ THE ST. HILDA 99 7167 place to atop at la New York CKy. Ob* block fren In* Office, VARIETY and The Pat Caeejr Now at 67 W. 44th Street PAULINE COOKE and JENIE JACOBS, Proprietors ""WILLIS WOOD (O. D. Woodward, mgT.).— May Robson. EMPRESS (Bronaon, mgr.).—Altrock * Schaefer; Milo Belden A Co.; Ray Thompeon * Horses; Gihnore * La Tour; Charlotte; Malveno A Treah. ORPHBUM < Martin Lehman, mgr.).—Owen McGiveney, lntereating; Grace Cameron, well received; Annie Abbott, Interesting; Howard A Snow, well received; Five Mowatta, fair; Claude ft Pannle Uaher. hit; Lewis ft Dody, fair; Konerz Broa., Interesting. GAYETY (Burt McPhall, mgr.).—"Taxi Glrla." „ ' CENTURY (Joa R. Donegan, mgr.).—"Tiger Lilllea." PHIL, McMAHON. LOUISVILLE. KT. KEITH'S (J. L. Weed, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Watson's Circus, pleaaed; BUly K. Wella, received well; Bedford ft Wlncheater, good; Charlea Leonard Fletcher, very good; Al ft Fannie Bteadman, very good; Jessie Bualey ft Co.. line; Madam Olga Petrova, vary good; Wolpert ft Paulan, clever; plcturea MACAULEY'S (John McCauley, mgr.; agent. K. ft E.).—9-11, Donald Brian, In "The Si- ren"; 11-14. "The Roae Maid." MASONIC (J. J. Oarrlty, mgr.; Shuberta).— t-lL Tuily Marshall In "The Talker"; II. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. WALNUT (Shaw, mgr.; H. ft D.).—"The Smart Set." % ^,_ QAYBTY (Chan. F. Taylor, mgr.).—"The Gaiety Glrla," doing fine bualneaa; good ahow. BUCKINGHAM (Whallen Broa, mgr.).— "The Gay Widow." J. M. OPPBNHE1MBR. LYNCHBURG, VA. TRBNTON (Trent Broa. nigra; agent, U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. ft Thura 10).—9-11, Tele- graph Four, big hit; White ft Lamart, scored; Murphy Musical Duo, clever; Jack Troy ft Dog, entertaining. 11-14. Tad Warner; Bar- rett ft Boyne; Five Merry Youngsters; lnea (violinist). ACADEMY (Charles B. Keaanlch, mgr.; K. ft B.).—11, "Flnlahlng Fannie"; II, Al Wilaon; IS, John Drew; 14, Alma Gluck. TREVELYAN BABBR. MACON. OA. GRAND (Jake Welle, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.). —Weak 2. Leonard ft Alvin, clever; Martin ft Maximllllan, great; Jarvln ft Harrlaon, scored; Rube Strickland, hit; Fennell ft Tyaon. atrong; Blockaom ft Burns, very good; Onalp, wonder- ful. PALACE (J. B. Melton, mgr.).—Songs and plcturea good. MAJESTIC (J. B. Melton, mgr.).—Vaude- ville and plcturea good. ANDREW ORR. MEBIDEN. CONN. POLl'S (R. B. Royce, mgr.; agent. Church). —1-11, Joe Mote A Bro., pleaalng; Kammerer ft How land, good; The Nervoa, novel; Bob Flnley ft Chealelgh Sisters, very good. 12-13, Burke's Musical Doga; Maxlne; Pierce ft Roa- lyn; Miles ft Raymond. 4, Eddie Foy In "Over the River," capacity. 14, "The Spring Maid." MILWAUKEE, WIS. MAJESTIC (Jamea A. Hlgler, mgr.).—"A Persian Garden"; W. C. Fields; Blaa Ruegger; Ceaare Neal; Bounding Pattersons; Nichols Slaters; Donahue ft Stewart; La Vler. DAVIDSON (Sherman Brown, mgr.).—David Warneld in "The Return of Peter Grimm." 8HUBERT (Wm. Mick, mgr.).—Aborn Opera Company; 16, "One Day." EMPRESS (Jake Isaac, mgr.).—Ruth Lock- wood; Thos. Q. Seabrooke; Bud Snyder. JUNEAU (J. B. Relchert, mgr.).—"Brown of Harvard." CRYSTAL.—Carter the Myaterloua GAYETY (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.).—"The Pacemakera" PABST.—"Die Scheidungarelae." ALHAMBRA.—Chicago Grand Opera Co. B. L. QREENEWALD. MONTREAL. HIS MAJESTY'S (H. O. Brooke, mgr.).— Montreal Opera Co. PRINCESS (H. C. Judge, mgr.; Shuberta).— "The Passing Show of 1912." ORPHEUM (G. F. Driscoll, mgr.; agent, IT. b. O.).—"Little Parlstenne"; Gordon El- drld ft Co.; Laura Buckley; Julia Gonsales, Klmberly ft Mohr; Andrew Kelly; Ergottl's Lililputlana ROYAL (O. McBrien, mgr.).—Hazel Grant ft Co. GAYETY (J. F. Arnold, mgr.).—"Star ft Garter." FRANCAIS (J. O. Hooley, mgr.; agent. Loew).—Hazel Moran; Aubrey ft Flaneer; Wesley's Seals; Curry ft Riley; Leona Guern- sey; Effle Stirk. SHANNON. MUNCIE. 1ND. STAR (Ray Andrewa mgr.; agent, Gus Sun; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Gus Sun Minstrels, big; Singing Five, pleaaed; Tom Powell, hit; Wooda, Ralton ft Co., clever. GEO. FIFBR. NASHVILLE, TENN. BIJOU (George Hickman, mgr.).—2, "The Shepherd of the Hills," one the beat plays seen here In some time; capacity. ORPHEUM (George Hickman, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. 10).—2. "The Time, the Place and the Girl," filled with sparkling wit; 8. R. O. bualneaa LEONARD HICKS A leal Proprietor of ■ leal Place to Live GEO. F. ROBERTS. Aaat Mamftgfrr Car. Miiisti ttd Dearion Stfiits a CHIOAOO BOTEL GRANT HOTEL VIRGINIA THIRD AND GAY STREETS COLUMBUS. OHIO BATH, UM UP*. Special Rates and attention to profeaalon NEW FARE HOTEL, VIadUon, Wis. F. R. MoVEITY. hicnagtr people. We aleo St. Louis REGENT HOTEL, 100 N. 14th NEW REGENT HOTEL, 101 N. 14th EL B. CAMPBELL. Prop. White **A Theatrical Motel ei the Better Class" COOKE'S HOTEL Walnut Street, above Eighth pi.||.H«| n kl opposite Casino Theatre. a^HBdBip«|gj Cafe Cabaret every night. ZEISSE'S HOTEL hmhomk HOTEL TAXI 408 Tremont Street j 11-SS-tS Albion Street Boston, R OppoelU Caetlo Sq Special Kates to Tbo Bl a week and ap, single. SS a wank nan up. double. Fhone. Tr saaant 11— Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia. Pa. PRINCESS (Harry Budekum, mgT.; agent. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Mon. It).—Beth La Mar. made a dlaUnot hit with tha large au- dience; "Examination Day." a laughable com- edietta; LaToaca, acored heavily; The Levoloa highly appreciated; Purcella Broa., very good; bualneaa up to the atandard. The Crescent Amusement Company of thla city la now remodeling Ita theatre, the Plfth Avenue, at a coat of 120,000. lined; Annie Kent, big hit; Edmond Hayea A Co., good comedy number; Aahley A Al Lee, good; Apdale'a Clrcua, good. HIPPODROME (B. L. Johnson, mgr.; agent, T. B. C.; rehearaal Bun. 10).—Week 1. Marrena A the Delton Broa, good; Jack Turner, fair; Franceaca Redding A Co., good; Flo Adler, pleaaed; Cunning, headllner. OATBTY (E L. Johnson, mgr.).—Weak 1, Koler, Hall A Morton, good ahow to packed houeen KRUO (Chan. A. Franks, mgr.).—Matt Ken- nedy and Hla Tiger Llltea, good. KOPALD. . Prof. Oeorge F. Leonard, famous Arctic explorer and lecturer, la giving dally lectures at the Bonlta this week. W. R. ARNOLD. NEWARK. N. J. PROCTOR'S (R. C. Stewart, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. 0).—Juggling De Lisle, nicely; Ethel McDonough, Immense; Buckley's Animals, trained good; Valentine Vox, great; Barren A Conway, laughable; Jamea Leonard A Co., acream; Dave Fergu- aon, funny; Will Roehm'e Glrla, very athletic; Bella Story, hit; LaToy Broa, fine. PATEmSON, N. J. MAJESTIC (W. H. Waleh. mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. A Thura 11).—9-11. Juggling Barretts, good; Ray A Irwin, good; Noodles Fagan, fine; Jennlng, Jewel A Bar- lowe. funny. 11-14. Musical Brlttona, Noodles Fagan, Coffman A Carrol; Herbert Oermelne Trio; capacity bualneaa ORPHEUM (Chaa. F. Edwarda, mgr.).—9-11 "Monte Carlo Glrla" 1144. "New Century Glrla" big bualneaa EMPIRE (Floyd Lauman, mgr.).—t-11. "Gay Masquerade rs"; 11-14, "Beauty, Youth A Folly." LYCEUM (E. J. Wilbur, mgr.).—"Three Twlna." WE CATER TO THE PROFESSION French American Bakery and Lunch Room OYSTBaM. STBAME a£o chop* 1M W. ath STREET. » Omn t**t «f POPULAR PRICtS NEW YORK LYRIC.—Morris Samuels A Co., clever play- let; Browning A Lewis, comic; The Sylfonos. musical; May Keogh, hit; Corcoran A Stone, entertain; 2 Julians, clever acrobats; "The Flower of Bagdad," novel. WASHINGTON (O. R. Neu, mgr.).—Glrard A Gardner, scored; Alphonso Trio, sang sweet- ly; Olive Trio. Juggle well; McCooner A Thompson, entertain; "Carina," hit; Deep Stuff McGee, merry Jester; Cabaret Tueadaya ODEON (Charlea Burtie, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.). Nat Farnum A Scholars, hit; Three Blackbirds, alng nicely; Etta Bryan A Co., In "What Father Learned at Yale," acored; The Aerial Leona, daring; Francea Glrard. charmed and Grace Anderson, old favorite here; "8a- ona," clever. ARCADE (L. O. Mumford, mgr.).—Dark. ROSS (Mr. Ross, mgr.).—Ban Carlo Grand Opera Co., in "La Favorite," to mualc-lovlng crowds. This company la making good. SHUBERT (Lee Ottelengul, mgr.).—"Riady Money," good. NEWARK (George Robblns, mgr.).—"The Woman," drawing well. MINERS (Frank Abbott, mgr.).—"The Ori- entals," doing good. ORPHEUM (M. 8. Schleslnger, mgr.).—"My Friend From India," good, ateady bualneaa JACOBS (George Jacobs, mgr.).—Melo- drama haa taken good hold here. "The China- town Trunk Mystery" at present OMAHA. NEB. ORPHEUM (Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.; rehearaal Sun. 10).—Week 1, Berg Broa, opened well; Dixon A Fields, pleaaed; Antique OlrL head- OPERA HOUSE (Zabrlakle A Reld. mgra). —Stock. DAVID W. LEWIS. PENSACOLA. FLA. PEN8ACOLA O. H. (Nick Smith, mgr.).—1, Al H. Wilson, good business; 4, Aborn Opera Co., well reoelved, small bualneaa; 7, "Mutt A Jeff," matinee and night, good bualneaa DAVE 8. CA8HMAN. PERTH AMBOT, N. J. PROCTOR'S (J- Bullwlnkel. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—1-7. "Movies People," big laugh; Gertrude Barnes, very good; Lexey A Malone, good. 9-11, "The Flower of Bagdad," spec- tacular; Jeaaallne Rodgers, good; Dorothy Meuther. good; capacity. BIJOU (Edw. A. Kovacs, lessee and mgr.). —Kovaca Stock Co. M A. BRAM. PORTLAND, ME. PORTLAND (I. P. Mosher, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. 10.30).—Aldo Bros., clever; Burke A De Rohne, pleased; Richards A Clark, good; Arthur Rig by, riot; "Last of the Regiment," excellent. GREELEY'S (James W. Oreeley, mgr.; agent. Church; rehearaal Mon. A Thurs. 10.80) —Amela A Paul, excellent; 9-11, Alex Wil- son, clever; Thoee Four Boys, scored; 12-14, De Wolfe A Gordon; Knox Bros. A Helen. KEITH'S (Jamea E. Moore, mgr.).—"The Servant In the House." SCENIC (West brook) (Guy P. Woodman, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. and Thura. 1).—9-1L Cheater Kingston, clever; 11-14. Sadie Fondeller. H. c. A. PROVIDENCE, R. I. BULLOCK'S (P. L. Burke, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Geo. N. Brown, very good; Gordon A Norton, good; Doncourt A Mack, good; Leo Dulmage, pleased. UNION (Chaa Allen, mgr.; agent. Qulgley). —The Three Ernests, fine; The Haskell Chil- dren, amuae; Marion A Kay, good; Edward Keough A Co., pleased; Clara McArdle, en- oorea COLONIAL (C. Burke, mgr.; K. A B.).— "Paaaeraby." WESTMINSTER (Geo. Collier, mgr.; East- ern Wheel).—The London Bellea OPERA HOUSE (F. Wendelahafer. mgr.; Shuberts).—"The Master of the House." EMPIRE (Max Braunlg, mgr.).—"For Her SCENIC (F. W. Homan, mgr.).—Homan Musical Stock. C. B. HALE. BEADING, PA. ORPHEUM (Wllmer A Vincent, mgra; agent, U. B. O.; rehearaal Mon. and Thura 19.10).—Sully A Laraen, good; Johnstons A Wentworth. nicely; Whipple. Huaton A Co., yry well; Alf Rlpon. liked; Rolfe'a Arcadia, big. HIPPODROME (C. G. Keeney. mgr.; Pru- dential; rehearaal Mon. and Thura 10.19).— Heddlngton A Grant, very well; SUvette Lou- ise, nicely; Marie Lee A Co., nicely; 4 How- ard* laughs; Cole A Warner, laughs; Maxim Sisters, big. o. R. H. BENOVO, PA. FAMILY (Albright A McCarthy, mgra).— 9-11. Harris A Winters, "Oecar and Rudolf la Parla," excellent, packed houaa; 11-14. Stuart A Raymond Lady Mlnatrela RENOVO (Geo. Myara, mgr.).—14. John Vo- gel Mlnatrela WM. B. ALBRIGHT. RICHMOND, VA. ACADEMY (Chaa Brlgga, mgr.).—9-1L John Drew, In "The Perplexed Husband"; II, "Jess" Dandy In "The Prince of Plleen"t II, Ida St. Leon in "Flnlahlng Fanny"; 14, Al. H. Wilaon. BIJOU (Harry McNlven, mgr.).—"Tha Shepherd of the Hills." COLONIAL (B. P. Lyons, mgr.; agent U. B. O.).—Dewar's Circus, featured; Watson A Lit- tle, very good; Isabel Grey A Co.. scored; Aer- ial Bartletta, hit; lnea, honors. EMPIRE (Blair Msanley, mgr.; agent. U. B. O).—Williams A Held, scored; Star Trio, good: Five Sullys. hit; Klpp A Klppy, hit; Yamamoto Broa, good. LUBIN (W. T. Martin, mgr.; agent. Nor- man Jefferles).—Pepper Twins; Ruth Hay- wood; Silver A Duval; Billy Walters QER80N W. HELD. BOCKXAND, MS. ROCKLAND (Al. V. Rosenberg, mgr.; agent. tJ. JB. O.; rehearaal Mon. and Thura 11) |-7. ^^> lv Jfc »°° d: R, c»»»«*» * Clarke, good; 9-11, Molly Wood, excellent; Paragon Trio, fine; It, Chapman Concert, featuring Chevalier Balva- tore Giordano; 11-14. Locket A Cheara; The A,v,no *- A. C. J. 8ALT LAKE CITY. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent direct; rehearaal Bun.).—Week 1. Jbeeph Jef- ferson A Felloe Morris, olever; Nellie NIohols Fitzgerald Building S. £. Corner Broadway and 43d Street Single Offices, Display Rooms or Entire Floors Adjoining Cohan's The*tra For Theatrical Offices or Theatrical Supply Shops it if not only the best location in New York, but the best location in the world. Your own broker or SiaeOE Lederer, Agtat. oa Prtmlset Phone 5196 Bryant When anHoering advrti—wtenf Madly mention VARIETY.