Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All My Friends on Both Wheels "ORIGINAL" WATSON Dec. 23. Braid Opera Nana. Baataa Dae. 30. Miaer'e Bran. Newark Jaa. 0. Enpire, Braaklya, E. D.J.T. Jaa. 13. EMpira, Itwarfc m The One Best Record Maker This Season's Burlesque Sensation Positively the best season I have enjoyed in my entire career, financially and physically Everyone who has seen "THE BEEF TRUST" this season pro- nounced it the best show en tour THE MONARCH OF BUBUMQUB. "I am In the burleique business to make all the money I can and to «ive the people the be»t entertainment that I am capable of offering them. To realise the formor I muit do the latter. The maximum of amusement at the minimum of admission fee has been my motto In the twenty-nine years I have been In burleoque. To this I attribute the measure of success attained ami that has been considerable." Thu* make the king of burlesque, Billy Watson from his Improvised throne of a property trunk, and his royal dominion of amasons nodded acquiescence at the words of their ruler. Harmony In personal re- lationship as well as In performance seems to be typical of the Watson aggregation. They like Billy and Billy likes them so when reporters Invade the sacred domain behind the footlights the entire company stand ready to resent any evidence of In- credulity on the part of the interloper. There Is no chance of being skeptical as to Watson's success. Not only does he own the show In which he Is at pres- ent appearing, but he also Is interested In "The Orientals" and he personally owns the Orpheum Theatre, Peterson. N. J., on Western Wheel. He also Is heavily In- terested In the Empire circuit, so the title "King of Burlesque" Is not a misnomer. "My show doesn't appeal to high brows." continued Billy. "I admit frankly that there ere some things about It that would scarcely shine In a Broadway house. But high brows never support any kind of a show. The backbone of the business Is the great mass of theatregoers who want to laugh and fortunately they are In the majority. As for the Broadway propor- tion, I'd rather pack 'em for forty weeks at regular prlcee than stay a few weeks at an exclusive city theatre and try to coax patronage from people who fool sorry for themselves and pay two dollars a seat for the privilege of showing It Art for art's sake sounds very pretty, but It doesn't make a very loud noise. In going over the circuit poaunn after season I have come to know my audiences per- sonally. They show their regard for me by filling the theatres and I reciprocate by giving them the best burlesque show that I am capable of giving them. You ess we both get value received. Billy keeps the ghost walking regularly, his company Is natlHfled and everybody's happy all around. Thnt's about all there Is to It" At this point the gentle voice of the stage manager whispered "plaoee." the curtain went up. Grogan glared savagely at Krausmeyer and hostllltlm were once mor<> resumed in "Krausmeyer's Alley." Hilly WatHon and his famous BEEF TRUBT BEAUTIES will make more money than any other three shown combined. When nnmotring a&oerti»rmenf kindly mention VARIETY