Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY 87 Frank Clark's 4 Prize Winning Babies a n* •« Beautiful Doll Good Bye" Oh, my beautiful doll, good bye; My crip is packed; I'm surely go- ing to fly. I longed to hug you. but I reared you'd break. Oh, goodness me! what a sad mistake. I never Tho't that you would pass me by, Oh; my beautiful doll don't cry. Twill do no good for you to pout and sigh, I've got my ticket so unlock that door. My train is leaving here at half, past four. Fare thee well! My beautiful doll; Good-bye. j£F ^b "Casey Jam Waal Down aa the Rabt. E. Lea" Casey Jones (Who?). Casey Jones. Went down on the Robert K. Lee. He was an engineer upon that River boat. Not upon the railroad as th«* poets wrote. He's not shoveling coal, He and McOlnlty are patching up the hole. For he found McOlnlty at the bottom of the sea; And now that he's got 'ln». They're working on the bottom. Down on the Robert K. Lee! "When I Dream off Old Erin" When 1 dream of old Erin. I'm dreaming of you, With your sweet roguish smile And your true eyes of b;ue. For my love like tlio Shamrock Each day stronger grew, When I dream of old Erin. I'm dreaming of you. V " I Don't Know Why I Love You " 1 don't know why I love you. Love you, Love you. But for you my heart heats con- stantly, My life Is alwayx weary, dreary, dearie, 1 don't know why I love you. And you don't love me. Vera Mechelena, la thla Baby's Mother Ifi Good-a-Bye Antonio" (Great Double) ic Swanee Ripples' 1 (inst.) Some Rag ("Believe Me") "I've Been Feeding the Chickens (Great Single) Published by pRANK CLARK MUSIC CO., 401 Randolph Building, 145 M. Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. New York Office: ERNEST BREUER In Charge, Regal Building, 1367 BROADWAY m °nvfN «l°5i»-Frj;2l;t 0 ^" NOT ICEI This is Frank Clark, formerly General Western Manager of Ted SnyderCo. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON CLARK AND HAMILTON ORPHEUM CIRCUIT U. S. A. HARRY SHELDON Theatrical Agent SUITE 54 GRAND OPERA HOUSE TELEPHONES | SSSUKa* CHICAGO •MAE FERN Seamon»- Killian "THOSE TAILOR MADE GIRLS" Booked Solid Direction JAS. B. McKOWEN Merry Christmas and Haat-/ Raw Tear When amHDtrino advertiaement* kindly mention VARIETY.