Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY THE FOX AGENCY EDWARD F. KEALEY, Manager 212 WEST 42nd ST., NEW YORK Phone, 1247 Bryant 177 10 WEEKS IN NEW YORK CITY Plsrln* Yaadertlle'e Beet Aeto. BOOKING Academy of Maalc—Aadnbon Theatre—Riverside Theatre— City Theatre—Wasalae; ton Theatre—Nemo Theatre—Fox's Theatre—Folly Theatre—Comedy Theatre—Ciotham Theatre. NEWARK 1—Waahlaajtoa Theatre — NEW HAVENi—Graad Opera Heaae— SPRINGFIELDi—Nelaon Theatre. Ernest Edelsten AND DRAMATIC AGENT. IT Qrees St, Leicester Square. LONDON, Bole RepreeentatlTe. Jcha Tlller*e Companies Walter C. Kelly Little Tieh. Two Bobs Wee Qsorcle Wood. ALWAYS TACANCIRS FOR GOOD ACTS. Hammerstein's Victoria AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS TARIRTT OPKN THR TRAR ROUND. sasw/lV' of all performances going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through ntC'f me. The following have: ... w . ,. ?|3//} Balton Troupe. Ilonhalr Troupe. Wilfred Clark A < o., l»atHy Doyle iHabelle *#w^ ^ D'Armond A Frunk Carter. Delphln A Delmora, Maud Fox. Wallle ritzglbbon. Gene Greene. The UlorkerH. Gordon A Elgin. Hanlon A Hanlon; Billy A Marie Hart. Hsnlon Hn»s. A Co., Hlrwelifleld. „ . _. A PAUL TAU8IO. 104 E. 14th St. New York City. German Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyveeaat 209B. Boston, VARIETY BOOKING AGENCY 230 TREMONT ST. Phone Ox. 2094. W. H. WOLFFE. GEO. APPLEBY. J. ^TONOYAN. The Live Wire Agents. Want to hear from good acts. Send In your open time. Wire— \s rite— Phone. FREEMAN BERNSTEIN Maaager. Promoter and Prodaeer of Vsederine Asia. 4th Floor, FITZGERALD BLDG.. NEW YORR. OPRN NIGHT AND DAY Cable "FreeberB. New York. NEW THEATRE BALTIMORE. MD. GEORGE 8CHN FIBER. Manager. Acts dV«lrlng to BREAK THEIR JUMP8 COMING EAST OR GOING WEST Send in your Opon Time. NO SUNDAY SHOW. Mention Lowest Salary. Include Progrsm. LILLIAN PISKO, Manager. New York Office:—307 Gaiety Theatre Rldg. Benella Harrison " BANJO GIRL" OF THE HARRISON SISTERS Have Your Card in VARIETY t* RANSON HOTEL New Orleans, La. Always The Best Now Better Than Kver We extend the (Compliments of the Season Mr. & Mrs. Sage Rose, Proprii'tui>. THE AMERICAN COOKE AND 3 Rotherts Appolo Theatre, Vienna, Austria, month December. Wlntergartens, Berlin, 3 months In one year (boosed return). FOOTLIGHTS The only AiiNtralinn penny weekly devoted entirely to vaudeville and the Iheatrea gen- erally. A policy of legitimate news and crlticittmN. Irrespective of sentiment or busi- ness. (itiarnnteed elreiilation throughout AuHtral- isla. 3.5(H) eopleM week. All communications t& Martin C. Brennnn, 200 Castlereagh St., H>dney. GRIFFIN CIRCUIT The Hide away Big Time Clreolt, that hooka direct. No sets too big for oar bettor class houses. Any aid asms If yoa have the act. Writs sr wire PETER F. GRIFFIN, __Booklnf_A£int i _JlTtmn_J1i^T*_]BMw.. Toronto. Can. THE 6US SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO OlafS 8UN 9 .... General Manager ■RA NCH OFFICES, CHICAGO, MR. CHE ST ER SARORNT. MlillTIO TH RATES BLDG.t PITTSBURG, MR. J BROMR CASPAR, «M WABASH BLDG.t NRW YORK, MB. JOHN SUN, GAYRTY TMRATRR BLDG. Arraaglai raaies of Irons tsa to forty waoka for acta of rocodalsod merit. latassdlsts Mass far a fsw asw aovoltles. BERT LEVEY INDEPENDENT CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE * A *• Dfroet to RX Calif. Acts That OFFICRt Contracts. Acts doatriag Thsatre Bldg., OTarrell St., FowsD. PLAYING THR BBST IN YAUDEYTLLB. SULLIVAN and COHSIDINE CIRCUIT ORNRRAL BUSINRAS OFFICE: SaUlTaa and Oonsldlne Rids., Third sad Madison Street a. SEATTLE, WASH, FRED LINCOLN Geo, Mgr. ORNRRAL BOOKING OFFICBi 144f BROADWAY—HBIDBLREEO BLDG. NEW YORK CITY CHRIS O. BROWN. RRANCH ROOKING OFFICES: PAUL OOtfDRON. f North Clark St., oar. Msdlsoa, Chi- cago. Ill ; MAURICE J. BURNS, fd an*. Madlaoa 8ta. Seattle. Wash.; W. P. REESE. Ml Market St.. Ban Francisco. Csl.; B. OBERMAYER. If Greene St., London. Eng. ARTISTS' NOTICE Brennan-Fuller Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND) VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITE REFINEMENT ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL COARSE OR SLOVENLY ACTS SAVE POSTAGE All Managing to BEN. J. PULLER a 9yVfvw7/s Pie •a Wi THEATRES SYDNEY, Amphitheatre. SYDNEY, Balmala. MELBOURNE. Natlsaal. MELBOURNE, Gaiety. ADELAIDE, King's. BRISBANE. Theatre Royal. AUCKLAND (N. Z.), Opera Hoi WELLINGTON. Theatre RoyaL CHRISTCHURCH, Opera Uoose. DUNEDIN, Klng'a Theatre. SILENCE A POUTI NRGATTYR . Bootes GOOD ACTS ALWAYS WANTRD. PHIL HUNT 7th Floor, Cohan Theatre (Fltagerald) Rldg. N. T. REPRESENTATIVE Hows rd Athenaeum Boston Orand Opera House Bowdoln Square. Theatre Booking. 41 Eastern Vaudeville Theatres. JOHN QUIGLEY Nsw England Yaadeetlls CtrenU, American represeatatflvs far W AD ACKER, of London and the New EnglairJ Vaudeville Circwt bookisg the beet act at all U best thsatros of New Raglaad New York. Main oAoee ton, Mass.; Gaiety Theatre York City. la the Baildlac, Now NOVELTY ACTSi STNOLES—TEAMS, Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Canadian Theatres Booking Agency, Orpheum Theatre Bldg., MONTREAL, P. Q. DOUTRICK'S I LAVI6IE ft LAJInwEI. Prtpg. ail M|'r'i 10S IMMTN U SALLE ST., CMCaSS. Pmm Hail 4111 mkm , New Acts—New Faces—All Kinds off Good Acts ffor Immediate WANTEDS and Future Time. WRITE, WIRE—PHONE—OR COME IN AND SEE US. BOOKING MOSS & BRILL CIRCUIT--CUNNINGHAM- GELMAN CIRCUIT-MILES CIRCUIT Phone 5451 Bryant Consolidated Booking Offices Fitzgerald Building, 43d Street and Broadway. New York Sheedy Vaudeville Agency n 1402 Broadway, New York, Phone 4424 Greeley Boston Office, 230 Tremont Street U'hrn „>■■>■»/•, r< •■ :.h ■ I t X s. ,,., I I ,,,11,, „,.,.f .,,i Y.Mtlh'.'lY