Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY 191 .!)■ ■ ■JWWJI \*r-= ■ { 1**.* R^H aaai m I lAl-v..-^ *- .1 ■ *-X-" ■ St. ■■ **£■- I H V BM A. 1r ' ■ H THE ONLY LIVING CHIMP IN EXISTENCE TODAY Now Playing Five Consecutive Weeks in Chicago Pleasing Chicago Managers and Their Audiences ALFRED DROWISKY Sole Owner NO WIRES USED Direction, "KING" LEE KRAUS good vaudeville acts wanted JamessFr ancis Make Salaries Reasonable for 16 to 25 Weeks. Have secured 20 weeks commencing in February in Western Australia. Plenty of work for good Versatile Acts. 2 weeks in Honolulu on way out. Will pay fares Frisco to Australia, which includes Honolulu and New Zealand. ADDRESS EDWIN R. LANG 7th Floor, SOMERSET HOUSE, P. S. No connection with anyone cvniurv AIICTOAI IA named Lang in Chicago »¥UWfcT, AU9 I If ALIA In a Refined Comedy Act Booked Solid Direction CHAS. S. WILSHIN ELMER E.CAMPBELL New Regent Hotel, St. Louis Wishes his friends a Merry Christinas and a Happy New Year When answering advertisement* kindly mention VARIETY.