Variety (December 1912)

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24 VARIETY I Stewart Sisters Just Finished a Successful Season on the Orpheum Circuit. Q Escorts ALL TIME FILLED. COMING EAST AND The Act Fully Protected by Copyright Superior. Wis., to spend the holidays with his folks Alvonl will r. uirii «■;»r)y in January. Sadie Kusstll. until recently in vaudeville wit'. !;er h-ati playlet. "Crooks." has returned In tile ilL-i-u y business. .Iiihu A Larkiu has prodm i-d a new comedy •k't li . !'Utl<.| • \ Midnight Appeal." The net i- writr.-n ..r .uud a political Incident. FINEST pREASf paint Manufactured by MrlesMeV^ 'Jew York Giwranfeed by ln Cl1 a r les. Meyer '^er the Pure food 0P° 'Nsicr.Juneao,' 9 ^ Serial No.M56i Try it and be satisfied! Actual tin 103-105 West Thirteenth Street "The Soul Kiss" will be put out In tabloid form in a short time. Harry Lewis of Seattle, representing Alex. Pantages, has been In town making arrangements for the tabloid which will run for thlrty-llvc minutes. Two companies which have been playing Paid in Full" on the one night stand circuits will cease operations in a short while. One company that has been playing "A House of a Thousand Candles" will also close. Perry Kelly is in the rlty looking after the interests of "Onr Wives," now at the Cort He Is doing the advance work as well as man- aging the company. A Christmas entertainment was given on the -Inge of the La Salle Opera House Wednesday morning at '.► o'clock. Members of th»_- com- pany playing In "The Girl nt the Gate" were present to distribute presents to deserving poor children. The Indications are now that "The Cilrl at the Ciate" will remain at the La Salle Opera House until about Feb. 1.*>. After that the house will ho razed and the new one built on the present site. Gideon bibles have been Installed in fh»' 'iressinK rooms of the Olympic theatre. Robert' Grant, formerly in the box onV«- at ■he Auditorium, is now the manager of Mine France* Alda. Alfred V. Lake lias been added to the list of box otlli e men at the blu play- house. George Ade Davis, who for a long time was assistant manager of the Studebaker, Is devot- ing all his time to the Chicago Musical Col- lege. He Is doing the presa work for the college, and is also at work on a musical ■ihow which will probably be put out next sea- son Alice Saunders, of O'Connor & Saunders, writes from Seattle, Wash., to state "Lady Jessie." their trick bulldog, was killed by an automobile Dec. Id. The original drawing by James Montgomery Flagg of Irene Franklin which adorned the first pane of the seventh anniversary number of V'irii ty Is on exhibition in the lobby of the Palace theatre, where it is attracting wide attention the College theatre by Rodney Ranous and Marie Nelson and caused some considerable stir. Frank Craven has returned to the cast of Hought and Puid for," at the Princess. The Maurice Browne Players of the Little theatre performed "Anatol" for the Winthrop Ames Players Sunday afternoon in the Fine Arts building. Permits were Issued from the building de- partment last week for five more theatres ranging in cost from $20,000 to $50,000. They will be devoted to vaudeville and motion pic- tures. Next Monday night the Irish Players will begin an engagement at the Fine Arts theatre. Numerous professionals will take part in the minstrel show to be given by the Elks at the Garrlek Jan. 12 \mong them will be Carter De Haven. Uert Baker, Elizabeth Murray, Lucy Weston. Mabel MeCane, Joseph E. Howard. George M. Fee and Albert Morrison. Jimmy Callahnn and Joe Tinker will represent the baseball diamond In the show and there will be numerous attorneys in the cast. Tell Tay- lor will ropresent the music publishers. Mort H. Singer has arranged to give three shows on New Year's Eve at the Palace. The first one will be at 2. IS in the afternoon, the second at 7..'10 and the last at ft.'H). The house is practically sold out now for all three per- formances. \, Norman Frledenwald. the local ten per- center, is making an effort to secure the pro- ducing rights of "The Katzenjammer Kids" for a tabloid show. Ed Blondell holds all rights to the title for theatrical purposes. Now that the Saratoga Cafe has practically become a thing of 'the past, since the man- agement decided to keep it dark after eight P. M., the theatrical Joy chasers are becom- ing attached to the Boston Oyster House, where Guy Morvllle is handling the cabaret show. Morvllle. who also looks after the In- terests of the Boston theatre. "Exceeding the Speed Limit," with Carter De Haven and Elizabeth Murray, opened at Cohan's Grand Opera House Monday night to a big audience that received the piece with considerable enthusiasm. Ian Marlaren will be the hero In "The Daughter of Heaven" when it is brought to the Auditorium. Manager Frank O. Peers of the Whitney Opera House has arranged a program of "society vaudeville" for his house on the night of Dec. ,'U. Among the entertainers will be Mary Moncure Parker, who will appear In one of her own sketches. The following changes have been made in the cast of "The Million": Hazen Campbell succeeds Eulalie Jensen as the model ; Helen Courtney in place of Kenyon Bishop, and Her- man Morel has taken place of Paul Ker as the Bowery Caruso. Karl McVitty of the firm of Gaskoll & Me- Vltty has returned from a trip to Panama and Costa Rica. He was gone for five weeks and came In by the way of New York. Henry W. Savage's Irish Players will be seen at the Olympic some time after Joseph Howard has divulged "Frivolous Geraldlne" in that playhouse. Sadie Kusell, who has been appearing in vaudeville, has opened a booking office. Mary Garden arrived In the city Sunday to make ready for her appearance with the Chi- cago Grand Opera company. Frank Queen Doyle has been very sick and hns been confined to his home for the past fortnight. George McFarlane. who is appearing with the Gilbert and Sullivan Revival company at the Garrlek. will be starred next season, so It is announced, in an Irish play called "Shan Magan." "The Passing Show of 1012" will be seen In Chicago early in January, probably at the American Music Hall. Nellie Rovell Is now In advance of the attraction. It is now announced Sothorn and Marlowe will come to the Garrlek, beginning Jan. 6. "Pinafore" was revived at the Garrlek thea- tre Sunday night before a large and enthu- siastic audience. The final week will be de- voted to "Mikado." "Lavender and Old Lace" will be produced some time early in the year. David Fischer is now at work on the dramatization of the Myrtle Reed novel. Myron Fagan. who wrote the piece called "The White Rose." is endeavoring to have it put on the road. The play was produced at Operations on "The Widow's Honeymoon" promised for some time, have been stopped for a while. Mort H. Singer, who will produce CATCH US TIERNEY FOUR SINGERS DANCERS INSTRUMENTALISTS " That So Different Act" OLYMPIC THEATRE, NEW YORK, Sunday, (Dec. 29) Closing with the "Jardln de Paris Girls," Saturday, (Dec. 28) HTANI EY J A MRS AND CO. PRESENTING IXBY'S BABY BEN MASON THIS WEEK (l»KC. 28). FIFTH AVKNt'E. NEW YORK the piece, says that he Is not sure when tin- new musical comedy will be staged. Sig. Bosley. manager of the Chicago office for Shapiro, has gone to the New York office to remain for some time, and Walter Brown, for mcrly manager of the Chicago office, has re- turned to Chicago. Charles Pierce, assistant manager, goes to New York this week. John Clarkson, assistant building inspector has had charges filed against him accusing him of taking a bribe of $.'i85 In connection with the Home theatre which collapsed last week. Harry B. McCoy and W. J. Oehlsen, two other inspectors have been suspended on the charge of inattention to duty in connection with the same case. Clarkson denies tin- charge and says he is being made the "goat for somebody else. It has been found that the building was made of the flimsiest material. Billy Fogarty and Ethel Kirke open on I'nited Time Jan. 27 at the Temple, Detroit. Harry Shannon has been engaged to plav the role of Suggs, the drunken undertaker in "Morry Merry," which is now playing asso- ciation time. Boyle Woolfolk \h the producer. Thomas B. Reynolds has been in town get ting stuff in the papers about Louis Mann and "Elovatlng a Husband." Jack Hoffman, secretary to Flske O'Hara, who is playing in "The Rose of Kildare" this season, reports that business has been good with the attraction. The company laid off for the week in Indianapolis. David Fischer reports that his dramatization of Myrtle Reed's "Lavendar and Old Lace" is now completed and that the United Play Co. will put out five companies In the piece after the first of the year. Reports from New Orleans are to the effect that Art Goldle and Sid Erdmann are making good with a motion picture house. Ralph T. Kettering is planning to send Rodney Ranous and Marie Nelson out In "The Stronger Love" later in the season. Nat Leffingwell and Louise Myers, who have been appearing In "A Night at the Lodge," are contemplating a dip into musical comedy after their present bookings are completed. Two tabloid musical comedies are in prepa- ration In Chicago for early production. "A Night in a Roof Garden," with seventeen peo pie. which will run for .Tfl minutes, is now in rehearsal, and Boyle Woolfolk Is getting "Merry Merry" ready for the stage. Tom Hern will be one of the chief players in the latter. Fred Eberts. who managed the Great North- ern theatre for a number of years. Is once more at his old stand. He Is the manager of the Great Northern Hlppodrom?, succeeding John McGrail, who resigned last week. The Interstate Producing Co. has taken over one organized show and expects to close ar rangements for two royalty bills this week Offices will be taken in the Ashland block shortlv. SAN FRANCISCO By n*RRY RONNKII. EMPRESS (Sid. Grauman. mgr. ; agent, S S). Lind. an artistic success. Lottie Wil Hams & Co., scored decisively. Will Oakland, a pronounced hit. Mab and Weiss, much liked. Carleton Max and Camlllc Cameron were teamed and were mildlv received. Three Gcrts, itood. Millie Seaton and Harry Piaim were added to the show. The former was well liked, and her partner added but little to the turn. The John Hackett Co. offered a fiiir sketch. PANTAGES (Alex. Pantages. gen. m^r agt., direct). "The Two Thieves" (which li i>I been programmed as "The Traveller's Story Is really a version or "Ermanle," with mod ern songs Interpolated. It is a pretentious ef- fort and turned out to be really entertaining Margaret Hird & Co. offer a fair sketch, pa sably acted. Lo Clair and Sampson opened pleasing In that position. Field Bros., lik< 'I Gavin and Piatt went over nicely. Mauric' Ardmore. mediocre York and King. mad. a fair Impression. A not In r "hip" rumor was floated here la • week. According to the "Inside dope" on tic FREE DATE BOOK Mention thia paper The M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK M,OTEIN3 • MAKNJP JT» JLJgv^v^ Absolutely GuA/wrriw W'hm tinMiri'nnii 'ii/vrlisniiints knirlly )iirtit\on VARIETY