Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY 27 CHARlfS HORWITZ Author of the best Playlets and Sketch** In Vaudeville. HU record speaks for Itself. Hundreds of ■acetates. Don't experiment with others. Get a Horwlts sketch. Call, write or telephone. CHARLES HORWITZ. 1402 Broadway (Room 315), New York, l'hone 8049 Greeley. Telephone 2695 Bryant. W. H. BUMPUS TRANSFER Baajfface Called for and Cheeked to all Kallroads and Steamboats. Stand, 8. E. Cor. 43d St. and 8th Ave. Storage—764 11th Ave., bet. 53d ft 54th Bts. Office— 276 W. 43d St. NEW YORK. 1st 41 as* 47 its. Man ufacturer o f Theatrical Boots and Shoes. CLOG, Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes a spe- cialty. All work made at short BRURr^^ notice. Write for Catalog 4. I. MILLER, 1554 Broadway, Tel SMS-7 Ckstm LEST YOU FORGET WE SAY *T YET CROSS LETTER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY. 15c. Book of Herald Cats, 25c. PQflCC PRINTING COMPANY PIHPACfi UllUdd sol S. DEARBORN ST bniUHOU REMOVAL NOTICE THE WIGGERY, Headquarters are (Suite 1014-16) Republic Bids;.. 2O0 S. State St. We have sold our atore at 64 E. Madi- son St. Our new headquarters will be fitted up with entirely new stock and we will be better equipped than ever to take care of your every want at the old reliable Wlffftery Prices. THE W1GGERY Suite 1014-16 Republic Bids;., 24)9 S. State Street, CHICAGO. SHORT VAMP SHOES Dull aad Patant Leather Rus-tst GA eia Calf, High* J - ™ Button and *J m Laca. AOslsss ™ Cabsn A Froaeh Hsels J. 6LASSBERG 2CTfi1l t76 ** '* **** N * v ** nr ** oth **• 31UH£0 225 W. 41d SL, w. of B*way Illustrated Catalogue V Free ALL CASES HANDLED W. L. SCHNEIDER, Lawyer 1451 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Open Evenings. ALBOLENE (TUDB-UKI SXOISTHSSD) By far the best preparation for removing make-up. Leaves the skin soft and velvety. Not sticky, and a little goes a long way. Used and recom- mended by the best pro- fessional talent Sold in 4 oz. jars and 1 lb. round decorated cans (new style) by all first-class druggists Sample tube free on request McKE880N A ROBBINS 01 Fulton Strcct, New York MANAGERS, ATTENTION! Patented 1905-1912 DON'T USE DIPPED LAMPS They do not last, and give a washed out, cheap effect. Leading theatres are adopting CAPS for their signs and stage effects The Style "B" Cap is especially adaptable for footlights and all stage effects. Made in all sizes. They snap on the lamp. Natural colored glass. Never wear out. USE MODERN METHODS BETTS & BETTS INCORPORATED Mfrs. of Slrfn Flashers and Electrical Specialties 257 W. 55th St., New York, V. S. A. nnd Al .Tolson. I^ast week, nig business. Four matinees this week and It will get the money. The Harry I^auder show next week for twelve performances. MAJESTIC (R. I). Smith, mgr.; Shubert). "The Sun Dodgers," with Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth. opened Christmas Day matl- ness. Two weeks' stay. TRRMONT (John H. Schoeffel. mgr. ; K. A E).- "The Rainbow," with Henry Miller, play- ing the last week of an eight weeks' stay. Business has been good. BOSTON (Al Levering, mgr.; K. & E.).— "Over The River." with Eddie Foy. Second week. Buslnefls fair. PLYMOl'TH (Fred Wright, mgr.; Lelb- ler's).—"Disraeli," with George Arliss, doing well. Is going to stay about three weeks more. CASTLE SQUARE (John Craig, mgr .).— Stork: "The Gingerbread Man." ST. JAMES (M. H. Guleslan, mgr.).—Stock : "The Isle of Spice." G'AIETY (George B. Batehellor, mgr.).— Burlesque : "Star and Garter Show." CASINO (Charles Waldron, mgr.).—Bur- lesque, "New Behman Show." HOWARD (C. Lothrop. mgr ).—Burlesque and vaudeville. "Yankee Doodle Girls." GRAND OPERA HOUSE (C. Lothrop. mgr.).—Burlesque. "The Beef Trust." BOSTON OPERA HOUSE (Henry Russell, mgr. director).—Grand opera. David Belasco will send "The Woman" to the Park theatre next week. This Is the first Belasco production to play at this house. Raymond Hitchcock Is coming to the Tre- mont next week with "The Red Widow." Boston saw the premier of this production at the Colonial, where it recelvpd a great send-off. It will stay as long as receipt* warrant. Then the K. & E. production of "Milestones" will follow. Some excitement Jast week when Betty Best, a member of the chorus. In "Exceed- ing the Speed Limit." the Carter De Haven show, at the Colonial, declared that she had eloped with James Moore, Yale. '1.1. the son of James B. Moore, a wealthy Hartford man. The young man, who is supposed to have taken part In the elopement, denleR the al- legation. Moving pictures are going to bp part of the educational features In the Cambridge public schools, for the purpose of teaching the Il- literate foreign population. The opera, "Louise." was given Its Amer- ican premiere at the Boston Opera House last Wednesday and was voted a huge success. George Arliss Is selling a photograph of him- self and his dog. "Billy." for $1, the money to no to the local Animal Rescue League. Boston will never see David Belasco's new production. "The Good Little Devil." Belasco Intended to make the premiere at the Hollls Street theatre Dec. 1*. but. due to the stringent Massachusetts laws relating to stage children, the play was sent to Philadelphia Instead. And the Hollls Street theatre got two extra weeks of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Belasco refuses to risk his reputation as a producer, it Is said, by changing his east ju*t for the Boston stay by substituting dwarfs to play the parts of the children. Edward Vroom, connected with the Little theatre, in New York, and the Drury Lane theatre. Ijondon. appeared before the Twen- tieth Century Club In Boston, and gave an address on the drama He roasted the com- mercialism of tho drama and claimed that the drama had been replaced by sensational- ism and trash. He Is a former Boston school lv>v and appeared here many years ago with IN.nth and Barrett. Fred Mardo Is 111 at his home are sad. He has no enemies. His friends A Carnegie medal Is beln« sought for Ber- nardo Olshansky. a younger member of the Boston Opera Company, who saved the lives of his fellow performers, during a recent Are at the Putnam Apartments on Huntington avenue. Ho rushed through the Bmoke-Hlled halls and didn't leave until he was certain thnt everyone had been awakened and warned of the dancer. His friends are seeking the medal for him. ATLANTIC CITY* By I. B. PULASKI. SAVOY (Grant Laferty, mt?r. ; u*ent U. B O.). "Everywife" a real play with a capital cast, commanded much Interest and was en- thusiastically received. James Thornton* got all the laughs and was a big hit; Lillian Herlein. fine singing, gorgeous costumes, bit; Cartmell & Harris, fine, went very big; 1*8 Van Troupe, most graceful of bar gymnasts; I»uise Stlckney's Little Circus, liked very much ; Foster & Meeker, well received. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young, mgr. ; WIster Grookett, bus. mgr.).—M. P. CRITERION (T. Noes, mgr.).—M. P. CITY SQUARE (E. O'Keefe. mgr.).--M. P. ROYAL (W. R. Brown, mgr). M. P. CENTRAL (Karrer & Short. mKrs.).-M. P. APOLLO (Fred. E. Moore. m«rr. : agent. K. & E.K "Cheer Up." premiere (2.1-2ft) ; "Prim- rose" with Elsie Ferguson (2rt-28). Oreste Vessella and his band returns to the Steel for a week or two, hcKlnnlng last Tues- day. The first half of next week at the Apollo Henry Miller returns his "Blackbirds," with I^aura Hope Crews and H. B. Warner, which played here two weeks ago- The production Is a fine one, but the play was evidently not to Mr. Miller's liking. So he has revised It. The last half of the week will see another new show by the Marouis of Queensberry en- titled "The Light." The cast Includes Trma Lanlerre. Alexander F. Frank. Alice May, Wilfred Furater. Alice Weeks. Frank Sar- Kcant, Margurlte Randolph, F. Godfrey Kenny. Jennie Dloke:rson. Rowland Ruston. Rosa- mond Carpentler. Guy Cunnlnphnm nnd Harry West. The veteran amusement man. Capt. John L. Young (who manages the Million Dollar Pier) will shortly open a new skating rink In the First Regiment Armory at Broad and Callo- hill streets. Phlla. Jos. Dr Vito will ho tho treasurer of the new venture. Wednesday night "Mother" Rontsrhh'r gave a big Christmas dinner to the boys, the lat- ter being T»uls Wesley, Grnht Lafertv. Frank Bowman. Jim Kenny and Bill Rehtschleer In return the boys gave her a cut glass ser- vice But first they pulled a Joko on "Mother." At the close of the dinner an enormous box whirh necccsslated the window of tho dinlnc room helnn lifted out. was taken Into tho dining room. It contained Christmas Greet- ings spelled out in peppermint candy on a large plush cloth. "Mother" detests pepper- mint candy "Primrose." which Elsie Fercuson appear- <d in Thursday night, |s the Cosmo Cordon Lennox adaptation of Calllavet and de Flers comedv. The show Is presented by Kl.iw * Erlangcr by arrangement wlt'-i Charles Froh- man. WANTED COMPANY OF FIVK OR Sl\ (I.KVKIt PRO I'M? to produce it REPFRTOTKK OK SKKTCIIFS. I AK4 KM. FTC. In a MOYIXC; I'MTIHH TIIF. %TRK Long engagement for rupnltle organization. Wire or write, giving referenee«. K. J. MACADAM. Lyceum Theatre, Sydney. Novu Srntltt. COSTU MES ORIGINAL 0ESI6NS BY OUR OWN ARTISTS COSTUMES FOR VAUDEVILLE ACTS A SPECIALTY BMMWIT THUTWCAl COSTUME CO., 133 Wnl Hit St..». I. ..„i".V,>. FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMER 149 W. 36th ST.. NEW YORK lei. I .Ml «.re«-l( > SIhk*' unil lit-niiiu (.own-, mi IiiiihI. Mme. MENZELI Km imi' I'lvmi'-i I »:in^. u'-'c :iinl ,M ,i it i , >■;. ,]•• ll.-ill.-i HM'.H Si'HcmiI. .. f^ ,i,.| I'.i n i, .111 mi. • 'lassie 1 :: l I I • t :ili.l Al! Sl\l... nT I >;i lirllin Ads ctiiiti'ii :im! si;iff< il ^ Pupils. Mile. h;i/|r. Ilnfl'maii. Mile. Mais. II.• (iiveiiin clussi. • I :i 11 ■ . i- from Mot ropxliinii Op.Ta House; SplillLT Sunt,'; V'lllllpiro. SilluMH ote ; Mailnwe : 111 < I i >t I [• i- prominent stain. 22 Kasf lfitli St re. t, l..t. Hw.iy and Ave HESS HIGH GRADE MAKEUP Hot "How Cheap but How Good" Sold by Leading Druggists Cestumers, Hair Store* and Dapt. Storas IMPORTAHT NOTICE TO MANAGERS MISS VKSTA VlCTOmiA is under no contract whatever to appear in Amerint. All runiiiMiiiiciilioiK. with regard to en- gagements must he made to her nole rep- n-Kfiitati\e. II. \\ayland-« lingHtone, "Dud- ley House." :*fl-7-H Southampton Street. St rami, l<on«lon, \\. ('. STALL MAN'S SMASH-PROOF TRUNK E»iy to get at everything with" out (liiturl.lng Anything Holds at much an>l i«»»t» no morr than a good ho* trunk. Hand rlvrtrd. sttoD^rst trunk madr. In tnitli room krrvri as chlflonlrr CATALOG FREE F. A. STALLMAN 147 EAIT SPRING IT . COLUMMII.O. WANTED: LADY ACROBAT FANCY DANCER FOR SISTER ACT VAriJKVlLLK HOOKKI) SOLID Address: A. W . Sister Act, care Variety. NawYarfc SHORT VAMP SHOES FOR RTAOE, 8TRBRT AND EVKNINO WEAR SLIPPERS Satin and Kid All Color* Send for our m>w catalog M of Shoes and Hosiery. SHORT lApI^'C SHOE VAMP •#/*\*IV O SHOP 405 SIXTH AVKNUR. Bet. 29th and 30th Sts. Tel. 705S Mad. Sq. "Charley Case's Father" Wrltt.n l.y ('linil.y ('.is. 1 , < om> S< ml I*. <) niili-r fur L'.'.c t.» C-isi- rul.llHhliiK <'<>, 1'•:.'.• Kl!i'"tt St . I<iiff:.l<». N. V. RELIABLE Al PROFESSIONAL '••tan if AI Iriah Piper Sootoh Plpar * A Irish Dancer Sootch Danoar . FRANCIS X. W\ HENNESSY Violinist (Mualolani 322 2nd AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. PARTNER WANTED Lady or Qent or would Join act Have sketch ready for SCOTCH-IRISH TRIO FROM ONE TO ONE THOUSAND When anMvocring advertisements kindly mention VARIETY.