Variety (December 1912)

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28 VARIETY 1 College Rowland City ■ Quartet i PmII Robinson SIVIII-IIMO 8INO Holiday Greetings to All Our Friends Second Season for Western Vaudeville Association The report that pictures would be put Id at the Young's Old 1'ier turned out to be ficticious. There is a new picture bouse Id course of building on the Uoardwalk near SL Charles Place, which is two blocks above the Steel Pier. The Bijou Dream, which has bad extensive alterations, will open within a week. Work on the Old Pier construction will start after the lirst of the year, it Is «aid. The new Mary Rubens Hiueharu comedy, "Cheer Up," which opened at the Apollo Monday night, was anything but a repetition of "Seven Days," which was by this clever author. "Cheer Up," which was presented by Cecllle De Mllle, was programed as "an optimistic comedy In two clouds and a silver lining, but It was nearly all clouds. The whole trouble probably lies In the fact that the show Is miscast. To Walter Hampdeu was given much to do and his role was ap- parently a comedy one. But he Is a straight actor and didn't seem to tit. Effllngham Pinto also had an important character with which he gave a poor performance. There are some seventeen people in the cast, all with more or less to do. It was a rather dis- appointing first night, the show dragging out for three hours and a quarter. Frances Nord- strom and Alan Brooks probably showed up better than the others. NEW ORLEANS By O. M. BAMUKL. TULANE (T. C. Campbell, mgr. ; K. & E.). —"Trail of the Lonesome Pine," simple play for simple folk, capably presented, good busi- ness. DAUPHINB (Henry Oreenwall, mgr.; Shu- bert).—"Baby Mine," second visit moderately successful HIPPODROME (Lew Rose, mgr.; agent, di- rect). Opened to capacity Sunday. Aerial Schoenes started things nicely ; Anna Palmer, sings fairly well; Viola's Animals, hit; Clair- mont and Churchill, need material; Fausf and Faust, engaging, Kimball Brothers, hearty appreciation; Sorchos Divers, Interesting and instructive. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, general mgr.; agent, direct).—Beet bill in weeks. Nelson's Boys and Girls, clever dancers; Elizabeth Otto, delightful ; "Squaring Accounts," enter- taining ; Claude Golden, assistant enhances act materially, scored decisively; Rock and Fulton, real headllners; Charley Case, pleased ; Wotpert and Paulan, favor. CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mgr.; K. & E.).—"The Fortune Hunter." FRENCH O. H. (Jules Layolle. mgr.).— French Opera Co. in repertoire. aREENWALL (J. J. Holland, mgr.).— DlnklnB and Stair Burlesquers. LYRIC (C. D. Peruchl. mgr.).—Peruchl- Gypzene Stock Co. in "The Deep Purple." MAJESTIC (L. E. Sawyer, mgr.).—Maori Italian Dramatic Co. LAFAYETTE (Abe Sellgman, mgr.).—Vau- deville. Eleanor Curran, an Orleanlan by birth and an actress by profession, married Count Mo- roni, attached to the Italian consulate here. Delmaine and Hamilton joined the Dlnklns & Stair Burlesquers Sunday afternoon. Dale Wilson loft the same company Saturday, go- ing to Columbus, where, 'tis rumored, she will marry a member of the Al. G. Fit Id's Mins- trels. M. Affre and M. Said, tenors, debutted at the opera the other night. Affre was re- ceived with wild acclaim, but Said, sad to re- late, did a Joe La Fleur. Mrs. Lew Rose Is canvale^clng. A spectacle, "Santa Claus in Nordland," Is featured at the Lafayette this week. The Star Comedy Four are singing at the Alamo. William Gucringer, manager of the Alamo, has booked Neal Abel lor a tour over the Swiss (small time) circuits. Fire In an adjoining building postponed performances of "The Spring Maid" and "The Flollcs of VMS' at the Tulanc and Cres- cent theatres Thursday evening, Considerable smoke immersed the playhouses, but Tom Campbell's silk tile lost not a single shimmer. Sol Myers, a farmer boy in his youth, re- ceiving naught save a common or garden edu- cation, has turned Inventor. His latest Is nothing less than wrlnkleless tights, de- scribed as a boon to womankind, or, rather, the kind of woman who is kind of thin. Myers sold his rights (also* lefts) for a lump sum, but Is worrying how to Invest the money. A friend suggested building and loan stock, railroad bonds and savings banks, all of which Myers considered unsafe. Finally, he suggested Government bonds. "But, look," said Myers, "suppose we had a war with Japan, and the Japanese came over and took this country." very clever; Bounding Pattersons, marvelous. Exceptional bill to full houses. HIPPODROME (Frank L. Talbot, mgr.).— Owynne A Oosstte, hit of bill; Five Banjo Fiends, scored; Ds Noyer A Danle, much laughter; Harry Holman 4 Co., excellent; Hill, Cherry ft Hill, clever; Diving Blgneys. unique; Otto Bros., very amusing; De Rossi Duo, very entertaining; Aerial Macks, many eneores; Maude Johnson, did nicely; Magee & Kerry, very good; Mons Alfredo Bryant, horses, wonderful, long, meritorious program to crowded houses. PRINCESS (Dan Fishell, mgr.).—Princess Maids in "A Night With Santa Claus," proved hit of the season; Mooers ft Eastman, scored completely ; Charles ' Swlnhardt, meritous ap- plause. STILL THE GREATEST HIT IN BONO HISTORY. THAT MELLOW MELODY BIGGER NOW THAN EVER. A SURE FTBE SONG FOR ANT ACT OR ANT SINGER. THE NOVELTY BALLAD OF THE SEASON. DADDY DID A WONDERFUL THING w A REAL CI ALWAYS TAKE A GIRL NAMED DAISY 'CAUSE DAISIES WON'T TELL" "THAT SYNCOPATED BOOGIE BOO GREATEST OF ALL GHOST NUMBERS. A WONDERFUL DOUBLE. "I'LL BUILD A WALL AROUND LOVELAND" ONLY A BEAUTIFUL BALLAD, THAT'S ALL. GEO. W. MEYER MUSIC CO. » 1367 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY Cor. 37th St. (lettlBldi.) Chinos Office RANDOLPH RUILDIN6 The Hippodrome (formerly Winter Garden) opened Sunday with a seven-act bill. Captain Son no's T>ivers headline, with Viola's Ani- mals as an added attraction. The flat, or, rather, round price of admission Is a dime— ten cents. The Hippodrome Is being operated by Roue, Myers and Holland. ST. LOUIS By JOHN S. ERNEST. COLITMMA (H. D. Buckley, mgr.).—Simon & Osterman & Co., headlined to advantage; W. C. Fields, very entertaining; Abbott ft Curtis, delightful; Cesare Nesl, went big; Sharp & Turek, decided hit; G'reat Tornados, OLYMPIC (Walter Sandford, mgr.).—De- koven Opera Co. In "Robin Hood," with an all-star cast, gave a remarkable performance to full houses. CENTURY (W. D. Cave, mgr.).—SheeUan English Opera Co., featuring Joseph P. Shee- han In repertoire, scored complete auc:e*>j to overflowing audience. 8HUBERT (Melville Stolz, mgr.).—"Fine Feathers," remarkable cast gave a beautiful performance to well-filled house. AMERICAN (H. R. Wallace, mgr.).—Thurj- ton, magician, pleased, at opening perform- ance. GARRICK (Mat Smith, mgr.).—Primrose and Dockstader, minstrels, amused fairly good sized audience. LASALLB (Oppenheimer brus., mgrs.).— "The Little Tenderfoot," well-balanced cast, delighted full house. GAYBTY (Charles Waiters, mgr.)— "Toe Ginger Girls." STANDARD (Leo Relchenbach, mgr.).— "Miss New York, Jr.," with Joseph K. Wat son and Will H. Cohen, heading bill. Drew packed houses. Lulu Mooers and Glen Eastman, soloists, lu "The Minstrel Maids," at the Princess, were married Saturday afternoon. Bernhardt, although showing extreme bodily weakness, broke all records for attendance at the Columbia last week. CINCINNATI By HARRY HESS. GRAND O. H. (John H. Havlin, mgr.; T. Aylward, representative; K. & E.).—"The Little Millionaire." Charles King, owing to injury to his leg, was unable to dance. Wil- liam Keough carried off the honors. 81dney Jarvis and Lillian Tucker did splendid- Llla Rhodes pleased. The show went with a dash. LYRIC (James E. Fennessy, mgr.; Shu- berts).—"Bought and Paid For." Charles Rich- man, as Robert Stafford, the husband, well suited for the role and does the best work of his career. JuMa Dean, as the wife, is ex- cellent William Harrigan as James Qllley did nicely. A^nes DeLane was also very good as Fannie Blaine. Allan Atwell as the Japanese servant, and Claire Costs, the maid, were exceedingly able. WALNUT (W. W. Jackson, mgr.; 8. ft H.). —'Mutt and Jeff." KEITHS (J. J. Murdock. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.; rehearsal Sunday, 10).—La Vier, opened; Muriel & Francis, scored; Les Gou- gets, excellent; Edgar Atchison-Ely ft Co., hit; Adelaide Norwood, tine; Mclntyre ft Heath, featured; Ola Gygi, hit; Edwards Circus, closed. | EMPRESS (George F. Fish, mgr.; S-C; rehearsal Sunday 10).—Price & Price, good; Dow ft Dow, scored ; Great Westln & Co., good ; Glendower, Manion & Co., fine; Welch, Mealy & Montrose, hit; Alber'e Polar Bears, fea- tured. STANDARD (R. K. Hynlcka, mgr.; George Toby, house agent).—"The Dazzlers," dazzle dimly. Number of clever people in show and chorus good looking, but it is otherwise lack- ing. PEOPLE'S (J. E. Fennessy, mgr.).—"The Lady Buccaneers." Opener is one of the best In years. Dressing of chorus compares with the best in or out of burlesque. Setting mag- nificent. BALTIMORE By ARTHUR L. ROBB. MARYLAND (F. C- Schanberger, mgr.; U. B. O.; rehearsal, Monday, 10).—The program la fast and snappy from start to finish. The Diving Seal created a great deal of wonder Detective Keen, a strong playlet, kept every- one In suspense for twenty minutes. McDe- vitt, Lucev aud Kelly wuu hearty laughter. Lyndla Barry pleased everyone. Arthur Dea- gon created a lot of amusement with his songs and stories. Farrell Sisters were well liked. Ramsdell Trio opened the show nicely. Carl Roslnl, well liked. Cunningham and Marion scored. Burr and Hope, excellent. Wiley and Ten Ecke, were appreciated. Pic- tures. NEW 'iriEATRE (George Schneider, mgr.- direct. ; rehearsal, Monday 10).—An excellent bill with plenty of comedy pleased a big au- dience Monday afternoon. Palmer Hlnes and Hie Six Mascots, scored with their songs and dances. Collins and Woppman made a splen- did Impression. Mile. Delores and Co. won well-merited applause. Kennedy and Burt pleased. Sanders and Cameron, enjoyable. Cremonesl and Co. won many laughs. VICTORIA (C. E. Lewis, mgr.; agent, Nix- on-Nlrdlinger). —Fourth Anlversary week with special features, such as The Panorama of the Seasons, with special Incidental music by augmented orchestra opened to a big house Monday afternoon. The bill includes The Hroomstlck Witches; Powell's Pantomime Co.; Jessie Hayward &. Co. ; Edmund Hayes" Play- ore; Francis and Spangler; Mile. L)u Croix; Kelly & Judge; Manley & Carson; Felix, the CartoonlBt. Pictures. THE FIVE GREENS Headlining on Pantages' Circuit and Successfully Closing the Shows In a Merry Melange of Mirth and Music. Address as per route in VARIETY When answering advertisement! kindly mention VARIETY.