Variety (December 1912)

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M) VARIETY TWO GREATEST SONGS THIS YEAR FOR MANV VEARS WE NAVE PICKED WINNERS AT A GLANCE AND WE ARE STARTING OFF THE NEW YEAFV WITH TWO MAE THL" THE ■■■ RAM ARD MACDONA:.;; ■■■. i.^MMM -V^n GREAT SOUTHERN MARCH RAG THAT WILL SV DRIX/IMG EVERYTHING OUT OF ITS ' MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG AND GREATEST ENCORF MOTH >IG TO COMPETE;. WITH IT . L SWEEP ITS WAV T HE. CO UN TRY OF T M K PUBL I SHE." I ) If i I y STRONG ENOUGH TO BE USED SUCCESSFULLY AS A WONDERIUL CLOSING NUMBER SHAPIRO MUSIC PUB. CO., LOUIS i s t- i _ f \ r (• . ■ • n • i; \ B'WAY 6 39 th 51, NEW YORK Iislm.'" lnr. Tin- lmuse is honk)d by Will- i • r Ki<fi of Chh ago. Tin- | > ti >K i"<t in for 'In- i 111 I i;i I 111 I I was- in . 1111 - 111 > i >f 11 ails. with I ri■ • 111 is .li-lli i Mm in "Kip V.-iii Winkle" .is tlii in :iil I mi r. (Mints .iir "Six Unl mi. s." \ i-i >■ tiinns, W'hyt'-. I'al/ai X- Whyte. MlilllsillK. Long \ <'ulliin, i x< i li-nt ."ki-lcli; The ()1 in - •I',ids. \i-r\ k 1. Frain.llo \- I'n. tint- .) iik - l;Iiiik Walton 4 V Hrand. good Seymour Sis- it is. i 1. \ i i . \'uii i '.I In, si-nri (I ; » > r i k I '> :l 1 A in - . -iii-iui \i Hslmvs (Juartet. hit, Tin- Roys, i-ti ' nri-il. IIAKHIS 1 >.i 11 <> l-'ii.s \- Cn. i nm.ll> . ''ni'iL Sini|isuii \- i'n.. \ i iv good. Four Melo- dious < " h ■ 111 s Int. Ollroy A: Cornell, funny. Mnit a- M:i \iii-iii. ii'-v»-i. Murphy ,t Francis, good; Tin- Russ.-lls. tine; ,liimn\ I..wis pi. as. (I. Mil.- /..-lla's Dogs vi-ry g I A I A'IN I".. H'rn ami .lulla Marlowe \l.\<>\ "Tln> IMnk I. h < 1 > ." I.Vi'KI'M Waul \ Yokes. i;\VI-:TV "Crack, r .lacks SINCLAIR KO< HESTER. X. V. ti:m I'l.i-: (.i h Finn, iiik'"- ; r n '' >■ .Nihil Hiu'gins. l> ik "|i> in i , TiMiin y .V N«n man. good Kay Dool.-y \- Tin- Met t upul i i an Minstiils. hit. W.ntworth. Vesta K- Ti < I ■ I > lair; Walt.-r S. Dickinson, good; \S" i 11 ;i r« 1 Sinnns ,v <'(>.. sinMil, May Wlrth & Wirth l-'a mi I > . vi-iv good FAMMA ( i'. (i Imvis. mgr ; Lo.-w i. Cor innr. hit. Alva M<<;il!. f .i \. >rl t • ; Musical Minks. ^'iiiiiI. Marr.v Har\e\. g 1. El Rarto tail. KaMln's Mmik. v Circus, good i,vii-;r.M i.M i-: \v..irr. mgr k x e. >. \:<- :■ I . dark. 23 2.">. "The (Mil Firm" (William 11 a w I ie\ i . \i i 1 Nil t. good hnl lila y lillslll'ss. SHl'IIKIIT Dark HAKI-'.li (Frank i'. Karry. mgr : .iK'iil, ill I.. I i "The ('all <>f tin- Heart," good pro- • I ii i t h mi. f a i r luis i iit-ss « '( >K I NTil I A > (Hcin\ t' JiKiil'S, iiik' . l-',.ist. in Win i 1 i "The (iii'ls from Happ> I a 1111 11.'i ssi ■• I . fair 1 HI si m ss. FRANK M. CIIASK st. r.\i i.. i iltl'IIKI'M Hliiin- ('aim inn. \.i\ phasing. 1'i.inklMi Anl. 11 .».- <"<>., Hnttiiril'? \i.\.||\. nun h appreciated; "Tin- Hamlit." pleasing; Fdix Ailler. good; Ea Maze Trim ir.nnl Ignatius Cardosh. fairly phasing; pic- tures. FMI'KESS HlllS S < '.reellillg. Ill K1" > -"A \ii;ht in the p.irk " w»-l| ie<ei\,il; 11 ii i] Sny ,|. i. . 1. \. i . I'.niili n A. Shannun, jihases; He^ic I ,il I 'mill i. i \ i i I len i , .lack A rk. clever . pi i I I 11. v l'KI\ci;sS l-'i\- Armanis. HihI^.- A 1 '■ • \\ ,11. I lanl \- Dials-. The "A It.-.I Mill's I 1 • • II • ■ I'' * . |iiet HI'S Sill I'.KKT "Tin llnil--,";iiK . in \i we.-k. Alii'in (»pera i'nmpan\ M I'.TIti »!'( iI.ITA N Calve ]. at In-r -ii'K | e i-tiKiiK'-Mifiii Sunday matin, e; Win HoilK' , in "Tin- Man trnin Hum.." v. rv well a^ mi liis fiirnnr \Nits Iniv, Next w.-eK, IMske ( i Una CKAND. "Tin I'ai' Makers." w-11 liked l.\- falr'hi'use afterrinuii i Mnmliiyi. II I I '!•( »DK< >.M I-" Vaudeville and pietur>- i;.\I1'.1A' \'.iud' ville and pictures. ST MM.AND S"iiK" ami pictures r. .i. I!i:nha\i SAVANNAH. <;.\. Ni:w SAVANNAH (Win )'• Si ski ml iuki K A I-!, i. "The ('Umax." Ninas da>. ('ni- i;. !! i ;'. . ■ ('liih ■.'",'; Ida St I. < < • u in " I' 111 i s h hi' l-'aiinv"' N'i w Veais; IP urn Ma I'l'ns 111, i i -. '.' Madeline Alex THE BRISSONS Presenting a New, Clean and Novel POSING CONTORTION ACT Now Playing Loew Circuit, New York. Carrying Special Scenery HI.Fiil" ("'<>! 1'in Shields, iiikt. ; nKcnt. TT. IP (i . rehearsal M..n. 11). -First week of Talilni'l Musical ('ninedies. presenting F.dwai'd .Lilly and W'lrPfr.d Wild In "Overnight In H«>st(in." t<> capacity attendance Monday ii i k Ht. which seems t<> he a forerunner of m successful season of this special kind of amusement. Show Is excellent In every par- t icular. ARCADIA (.Ink Schrameck. irm'r.).—An- drews & Thompson, popular. KOI. I A' (Mose Khorsteln. res. m|fr.). — Mor- ton I' Harvey and pictures to Rood attend- ance. PRINCESS (Celger & Stebblns. mgra.). The Schafer & Mason Musical Comedy c held over for second week ; nood business. I.IHKHTY (Handy Hros.. owners)- li opening Dec. 30. with the Mabel rul^e Stn Co.. in repertoire. HEX SIOUX CITY, IA. OUI'UKIM (C. E. Wilder, res, lijRr. ; n- In arsil Sun. 10.3')).---Uorc Hros, pood; Lewi' & Dody, pood ; Three Collegians, scored; N'i lie NIcholH. very Rood; Joseph .lefferson, flm W'ard Hros. very k (>{>, D, C.autler's Toy Simp y..od. DEAN SI'KIN<inKI.I), MASS. riil'KT sgUAKE (D. t >. Cilnmre. mgi I ml. i 2.". - 2»'». "Hanky I'anky"; 27. May Irwin L's. "Hid Widow"; :ti»-31. Master of the House.." I' Ulorili'ti W'riKht.r, nmr. : T T . H. (), rehearsal Mon. la). Savo, very good; Denph <\: Esmeralda Sisters, fair; Huch Hros, w.nt well; Hill McDermott. fair; Techow's Cats, unusual: Van & Schenck. big hit; 'In the Hat- racks," pood. NELSON (,L.s. Cur. mgr.; Fox). 23-2".. (Hand & Moore; Doc Hlce; Hall <"i Lane; Shaw <<: Lee; Three Walton Sisters; .Tacks Hawkins K- Co. 2T.-2S. <;uy Hartlett & Co. Hovis & Darley ; Silver Star Quartet; Madell A: Corbley, Three Comrades; K« iff Hros.. ( 'arimn. (11LMOKE (C.race Damon, acting mpr ) 23-2f>, Hose Syd'll's London Hellrs. jileas. d Kiiml houses C. A I'HESSI. SYRACISK. X. Y. C.HAND (Charles H. IMummer, niRr.) Tin- Wood Hros, good; Marie Fenton. fair; Julia Nash & Co.. fair; Hert FitzC.ihlxMis. hit; Tin Colonial Trio; /.elda Sears. Very good; McK>\ * Cant will, take w«dl; Ergottl & I.illlputia ns. good. EMPIRE (Frederic C.age. mgr. i.- 20, Wil- liam Haw trey; 3a, "Milestones." WElTIN't; (Francis Martin. mgr.) - 31. "Within the Daw." HASTARLE (Stephen Hastahlc mur.V- L'('. 2s. "One Day"; 3D.Ian 1. Hilly Watson; 1' 4 Harnard Daly. TKRRE HAI'TE. INI). VARIETIES (Jack Hoeffh-r. mcr ; ag. nt. W. V. M. A.; rehearsal Mon and Thurs. 1 (i) Harn.- S & Klnir, good; Pollard, good: Cum inlngH <t Thornton, jdeascd; Hrow n <ft Harrow gooil ; James (Irad\ .v <"o.. hit; I'ckert & Rerg hit ; Marconi Hros.. good ; Ryan K Lee .hit : Diaz's Monks, tin.; DeKmk Hros.. good; business. CRAND (T. W Rarhydt. Jr. mgr. ; K. A E) 21. Martin's "Inch- Tom's Cabin <',,." good busin.-ss; 22. "C.ypsy Love." S. R. < •. . 23-24, dark; 2, r i. "Runty Pulls the Strlnus." mntlm-e and Night; 20. "A Fool There Was"; 27. dark; 2S-29, Howe's Pictures; 30-31, dark; Jan 1-2. "Otllc.-r fif.f,." McCURREV YOl NCSTOWN. O. PARK (L R. Cool, mgr.: Felber & Shea) Tenbrooke Trio, good; Robert Emmet Keen-. entertaining; Sidney & Townley, pleasim:. Harry RrookH <t Co.. g< nil ; Rowinan Rro" . clever; Yr- Colonial Septet, excellent. CRAND O. II l.lnlm Elliott, mgr ; S »<C- II ' Rernard Daly In Dhm o'Dan\ Dec. 23-24 Dome theatre, rmw picture theatre, seati"g s(»0, opened 21 C. A REEDV. When antwering adveniMementa kindly mention VARIETY.