Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY 31 ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (Dec. 30) (The routes or addresses Kiven below are accurate. I'layers may be listed In this department wekly, either at the theatre they are appearing ln( or at a permanent or temporary address, which will be Inserted when route is not receive!, for $5 yearly, or If name is In bold face type, $10 yearly. All players, in vaudeville, legitimate, stock or burlesque, are eligible to this department.) Dorothy Kenton Abeles Edward Lamb's Club N. T. Alblnl. Great. 8-C. Hsldslberg Bid*. N. T. UARRY ANNA Daile Mile care Jenie Jacobs, Putnam Bldg N T Deelr Ben A Co Variety New York ADLIR «<< AltLINE j> m Diamond »nd Brennan s«»i United Time. Lambs Manikins Princess Nashville Isabelle Fine Arts Theatre Chicago M Mascot Palace Palace Halifax Eng. Maurice A Walton Winter Garden N T Moree Mite Highlands New Jersey Mocarts Fred A Eva Empress Tacomu McMAHON and CHAPPELLE Next Week (Dec. SO). <irand, Syracuse. BOOKING DIRECT. Me<'arthy Myles Keith's Philadelphia, Pa McCarthy WUllam Orsen Room Club N T Next Week (Dec. SO), Grand, Syracuse, N. V XXCSMS4 M A NSW IDEA." A.Her & Arline G O H Syracuse N Y Abeam Troupe Wlntsr Garden, N T BARBEE,HILL-C0. Direction, BEEHLEB BROTHERS. Parnes & Crawford Orpheum Los Angeles Cal. Parnolds Animals Variety London Barry A Wolford, orpheum Spokane Wash. Bendlx Players 130 W. 44 N. Y. Pujwcrs Walters & Crooker January Apollo Nuremberg Germany 6 BROWN BROS. and Featured tola Season with the Dockstader Minstrel*. Hrown & Foster Empress Joplln Mo. Burke John & Mac Variety N Y Cahill, Waterbury and List Management, JOSEPH P. HARRIS Cameron Grace Variety New York. • 'artmell & Harris Preeport L. I. ('lark & Hamilton Variety New York Clifford Bessie Variety Nsw Tark Collins Jose Shuberts 1416 Bway New York Cross & Josephine Temple Rochester Crouch ^d Welch Direction. M 8. BENTHAM. !>«'<•. .U». >lnjeN(le. Milwaukee. Direction. M> 8. BENTHAM. Diamond A Brennan care M. 8. Bentham Put- nam Bids;. New York Donselly Lee Friars Club Naw York Brown Harris A Brown Rive raids R. I. Elisabeth Mary Variety New York BATE 8AM ELINORE and WILLIAMS Next Week (Dec. 29). Keiths. Louisville. Direction. MAX HABT. Eltlnge Julian Eltlnge Theatre Bldg. N. Y. Fox Harry Variety New York Fox A Ward Empress Portland Or<- Frey Twins 6 Poll's New Haven (Jodfrey & HeiulciNon IMaza San Antonio 'IVx Golden Mortis 104 Syndicate BldC Pittsburgh tirlmm & Elliott Majestic East St. Louis III Green Burt Lambs Club Nsw York Green Ethel 6 Orpheum Salt Lake t'lty T't.ib Hopkins Sisters Winter Garden New York Hufford & Chain Proctor's Newark Hunter & Ross Crystal Braddock Pa loleen Sisters Variety Nsw York Jurrot .lark Lew Fields Uroadwiiy The;»tr< New York K Karrell Great Variety New York Kaufman Reba A Ines Variety Chicago Kenna Charles Grand Evansvllle Ind. PAUL RUBY NEVINS and ER WOOD Management, Max E. Hayes, United Time. Nonette Orpheum Salt Lake City Utah I'addoek & Paddoi k Hni|iiv»s St Paul Minn Parry Charlotte Variety London POWERS HIPPODROME ELEPHANTS 3 Separate and ittinct Acts THE GREATEST ELEPHANTS IN THE WORLD ALWAYS WORKING Address all communications to W. W. POWERS 52 West 66th St., New York Kelsiier \- Con- Llli. ny Philadelphia. P.t. Rltchls W E Ronacher's Vienna Rogers Will Illinois Chicago .S.iVny I.IUlll' Klll|]|' SpokillK' Wardl. ZELDA SEARS £S D Next Week <!>«•«•.. 30), Alliambra. New York. Direction MAX HABT. Sherman £- in- Forest l>uvi nport (Ynlre \\ Y Stanton Walter The Giant Rooster, c'o The nillhoard Chicago 111 Stephens Leona Variety Nsw York Tlnchard Fay care Arthur Hopkins Putnam Bldg New York CHAS. and FANNIE VAN Next Week (Dec. :I0), Mt. Paul A MlmieanoIlN (Sarah Herahanl Show) W Wander Sada A (ieorge Htone cars B-C Heidel- berg Bldg N Y KATE WATSON PLAYING UNITED TIME. Whilehend .Joe Variety New York WHirriER-INCEcT IN VAUDEVILLE. Whlttlsr Inca Co Variety Nsw York William* Mollle Standard Cincinnati W'ynn Ih -shIm Vinlety New York Kamsey Sisters Loew Circuit lndef Reeve Ada care Martin Beck Putnam Bldg New York Reeves Alf 321 W 44 st N Y C Rlcs Elmer A Tom Wintergarten Berlin «uhu-rich»'LEIIORE-'" ALWAYS WORKING. London In January for Marinelll. WILLARD THEMAI WHO HOWS Direction, ERNEST EDEL- STEN. Now Europ Gertie Le Clair AND HER WITH Miner 1 a\ Minstrel's Maids >• ALL COMMUNICATIONS I. MARINELLI. Ltd. When antwerivy advertisements kindly mention VARIETY