Variety (December 1912)

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VARIETY . If valuable publicity is wanted If anything is to be advertised for the theatrical profession If anyone in the show business, on either side of the ocean, is to be reached VARIETY is the medium to use It will carry your advertisement further and place it before more theatrical people than any trade journal printed Theatricals are built upon publicity and professionals should use it as a part of their work If the actor wants to reach the manager; if the manager wants to reach the actor; if the agent wants to reach the manager and actor, VARIETY will do it If theatrical America wishes to speak to theatrical Europe VARIETY will do it Due to the extent, range and importance of its news columns Variety is the international organ of the theatrical profession Goes everywhere and is read all over Takes Broadway to the Strand, informs the Coast what is going on in New York, is a complete bureau of theatrical information for the world over every week No one in the show business can be fully informed of all its current news, changes and attractions without reading Variety The Recognized Trade Paper 3^ 3** of the Profession 3*» M± All the News All the Time" WKm answering advertUmm+rUs kindly mention TABIBTT