Variety (December 1912)

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/ VARIETY soe WE WISH EVERYBODY A HAPPY NEW YEAR . JEROME REMICK 219 WEST 46th STREET, NEW YORK BEST WISHES TO ALL FRIENDS FROM I. H. Herk's Attractions DaHydils Sam Rice Pacemakers f^^lAAKXAKKAASAAAJ^KKSy^--^ '. ■ ■ .. ' .u.. ' 1 -" ' . ■ ."■ ' •. ' ■ ' ■ '■ ■ ■' ■ ' . ' i ! . p . 1 . ' ." ; - ' ■ ' •• • . ' .'• ' • ^•^^^■■•^•::'l:V•^/:A^^::•*/i::/•;liil■l■■i^^.•.V £< On or off the stage— Fatimas are popular with the profession every- where. You'll understand why they ere the biggest telling cigarette in the lend, once you tr y this mild Turk- ish-blend. You'll enjoy the rare natural tobacco flavor —'tit delightful. If you want real cigarette tatisfaction let your smokes be those quality Fatimas. * Distinctively Individual; tt At the COLUMBIA STSS^SSr"" THE STAR and GARTER SHOW An Eastern Wheel Attraction of Merit NEXT SEASON, 1913-14 The Star and Garter Show Will present a pretentious, spectacular Burlesque of novelty and originality "The Jewel of Java" Conceived and written by FRANK WIESBERG 2 Acts — 10 Scenes — 50 People HEADED BY \A/EZL_L- L COMEDIAN An effort will be made to surpass anything previously offered in modern Burlesque \kjZ±n±£±g\* Good Singing Quartette—two Good WW dlllcUt Eccentric Dancers, Sister Act—Chorus Men with Good ^Voices—Chorus Girls. Give permanent address. Address FRANK WIESBERO En Route STAR and GARTER SHOW When answering advertisements Ttindly mention VARIETY.