Variety (August 1913)

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VARIETY IETY Published Weekly by VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. Times Square. New York SILVERMAN CHICAGO Majeatle Theatre Bldf. CUAJUJB8 J. TUBMAN SAN FRANCISCO Pan tefee Theatre Bids. HABBT BONNKIX LONDON II Charing Croee Road PARIS If bla, Rue Saint Dldler EDWARD O. KBNDRRW BERLIN €• Stromstraaee E, A. LETT ▲DVERTI8BMBNT8 Advertising copy for current lesue must reach New York office by Wednesday •renin*. Advertisements by mall should be accom- panied by remittance. SUBSCRIPTION Annual •* Porels/n * Single copies, 10 cents Bntered as second-class matter at New York. Vol XXXI. August 1, 1913. No. 9. A new set from the Cabarets will be Eddie Van Schaick and Sid Gibson. Kibble & Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" opened July 21 at the Bijou, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Billy (Grogan) Spencer and his stock burlesque company closed the season at Erie July 12. Brook's "The Town Marshal," after 12 week's summer season in New Eng- land, closed July 18 in Westport, NY. Moe Block, manager of the Greeley Square, is spending a fortnight vaca- tion with his wife at Block Island, L. I. Arthur Klein thinks Adele Ritchie and Pauline would be a good vaudeville road show proposition. Harriet Rempel was operated upon at the Polyclinic Hospital, New York, last week and is in a critical condition. The Pour Vanis will open Aug. 15 at Brussels, booked by the Marinelli agency.;' "The Girl and the Tramp" is being reorganized for a road tour by E. C. Rockwell. Robert Campbell's "The White Slave" opens its season Aug. 9 in Pitts- burgh. Wilda Man Moore is playing the maid in "Peg o* My Heart" for a short time. The Jefferson (14th Street) is using the rebate ticket policy for the sum- mer. Helen Stuart (Stuart and Hall) was successfully operated upon by Dr. Max Thorek at the American Hospital, Chicago, this week. The Comstock ft Gest vaudeville road show with the three stars is due to open Sept. 22 at Washington. "The Battle" is the piece this week at the B. F. Keith Harlem Opera House, where a stock company hangs out. Joseph Granby has engaged with H. H. Frazee's "Fine Feathers" to play the Wilton Lackaye role with the "No. 2" show. Vinie Daly (Mrs. Jack Kohl) has an- nounced her retirement from the stage through declining an engagement abroad. Joe Wood reached town Monday, after spending some time in Harlem. Joe looks natural and has an act work- ing. Andy Rice is rehearsing a new single act, with material furnished by Aaron Hoffman. That's why he left the Col- lege Inn, Coney Island, says Andy. Frank Jacobs is building the new Palace at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. It will play pop vaudeville when com- pleted, and seats about 900. The "Princes* Caprice" show, with De Wolf Hopper, Geo. MacFarland and May De Sousa among the principals, started rehearsals Monday. Ah Ling Foo is engaged as a special attraction next season with 'The Honey Girls" on the Progressive Bur- lesque Wheel. Neff and Starr and Grigolctta's Aerial Ballet open on the Loew Circuit next week, booked in the Loew-S.-C agency by Jule Delmar. "A Day in Court" ("Irish Justice") with ten people is on the Proctor small time. Tom Kyle and Co. and William Morrow and Co. are playing new acts on that circuit. Emily Lee leaves 'The Purple Lady" at the Casino Saturday. After a rest of two weeks Miss Lee will start re- hearsing with Arthur Hammerstein's new show, "High Jinks." Flavia Arcaro is trying out a new act this week at New Rochelle. She has appeared in vaudeville with Leo Edwards at the piano. That wasn't so long ago. Roy S. Ewer, a dramatic actor, who recently appeared in vaudeville with his wife (Christine Ewer) has been sent to the West Side hospital in Chi- cago to undergo ^a serious operation. The Barney Ferguson mentioned in last week's Variett as the new stage doorman at the Cort, San Francjsco is not the Barney Ferguson of "McCar- thy's Mishaps" fame. Laura Laird, last season with Gladys Alexandria in "Broadway Love," has abandoned vaudeville and opens next Monday in Boston with Philip Bar- tholomae's "Kiss Me Quick." Joe Schenck failed to return to the Loew Circuit booking offices last week, leaving Jack Goldberg still on the routing job. Mr. Schenck will be there before the week ends. The Six Brown Brothers have had their foreign time postponed for one year. The postponement was at the request of the act, engaged for a show over here this season. W. L. Lawrence, who has played Un- cle Josh in "The Old Homestead" (Western Co.) for the past nine seasons has been engaged to play the squire in the William A. Brady roadster, "Way Down East." A route of "one night- ers" has been arranged. Hka Diehl, who closed with the "One Day" company last season and was unable to take up any summer stock work owing to illness, is convalescent at her home in Cleveland. Fred Dupres, who met with an auto- mobile accident Sunday, sustaining a broken nose, was about Monday with his proboscis in splints. He declares he will work next week in spite of the "occurrence." BnrdeUa Patterson arises to remark that, despite her photos appear regu- larly in the billing of Jesse Lasky's "Visions d'Art" she has not been a member of that act since last Febru- ary. Bertha 8teiner, soprano, a pupil of Prof. Padjevin, and prominent in Schenectady, N. Y., musical circles, has been tendered a contract calling for her appearance with the Hammer- stein Opera Co. Minnie Palmer's Three Marks Brothers Tabloid Co. has been routed over the Pantages time again. After playing the circuit, the western pro- ducer will have the piece rewritten and introduced eastward. Chas. Terries, just returned from a trip abroad, will open a four weeks' engagement on the Proctor time next week with his vaudeville vehicle, "The Preacher and the Man." Percy Den- ton will be in the cast. The H. B. Marinelli office in New York received a cable Monday from the Paris agency of the firm, saying the Golden Troupe, McLaughlin's Dogs, Primrose Four, and "Lasky's "Hoboes" were successful upon opening at the Tivoli, Sidney, last week. W. B. Bentley will manage "The Stars of Burlesque" listed for a Pro- gressive tour. In his company will be Teddy Evans, Lew Hoffman, Arthur Mayer, Wilnell Lavender, Babe Mills and Lillian Emmerette. Bob Gordon has been engaged as business agent. A fire that destroyed a stable at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., last week took with it two ponies belonging to the dog and pony act of William Bristol. The fire started during a matinee. The animals were understudies and not in- sured. Sadie Kussell, the Chicago agentress, is taking her initial peep at Broadway this week, accompanied by her brother, Milton, who, when not penning manu- scripts, keeps busy around the Chicago Shubert offices. Up to Wednesday Sadie had not seen Grant's Tomb. A benefit entertainment will be given at the Arverne Pier (Long Island) theatre Aug. 17 for the benefit of the Hebrew Children of Nassau County. Herman L. Roth will direct the enter- tainment and has secured the services of a number of stage celebrities- who will appear. George R. Hobbs, the Boston horse trainer and "millionaire cowboy," has lost "Grey Eagle," the famous high school horse. The animal died of pneu- monia at Attleboro, Mass., July 18, af- ter an illness of one day. The horse was valued at $10,000. Hobbs' loss is covered by insurance. Bernard Zelsler*s new show will be styled "The Honey Girls." Hughey Bernard is principal player, Patsy Bar- rett, Chas. Dunn, Tom Barrett, May Belle, Flossie McCloud, Carrie Wung, Marie Revere, also are engaged. Hen- ry Wolf will travel ahead. The musical director is Jack Early. The Long Acre 8quare Producing Co. has completed negotiations with Serwyn ft Co. for the eastern rights of "Paid in Full," and are now organizing a company to present the piece. Eileen O'Connor, a western actress, will be featured. August 11 is the opening date for the eastern aggregation. "Seven Hours in New York," Wee ft Lambert's musical piece, opens July 31 at Yarmouth, N. S. Those engaged are Irma Croft, Dottie Lay ton, Edythe Edwards, Fred Bailey, Henry Alex- ander, Fred Wright, Will Hebert, Har- mony Quartet, Fred Fleming (musical director) and a chorus of boys and girls. Only eastern time will be played. Harry Meyers will manage the show, with Palmer Kellogg, business agent, and William Sharpe, assistant agent. The two Whites met last week for the first time. They are Al. B. and Al. Al is from Philadelphia and Al. B. belongs to Broadway. Whether either owns his name is immaterial; both have used "Al White." Their friends told each what the other had said about him, and although the other never said it, both Whites swore nothing but death would do when they met. The fatality time was Monday. Al. B. went down to the Union Square theatre where Al had an act working. They looked at one another, decided the other fellow seemed alright, and when parting at 5 a. m., Al B. had in- troduced Al into the latest styles in men's dress, hatless head and the sock- less foot. Even Charlie King has fallen for the sockless foot, a pretty little innovation by Al. B. You wear the socks hanging over the tops of low shoes, then cross your legs in the street cars and watch the people stare. You have to be a wood entertainer to do it properly, but Al. B. is a good en- tertainer and doesn't say so himself.