Variety (August 1913)

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VARIETY HAMLIN and MACK AMERICA'S CLASSIEST SINGING, TALKING and DANCING ACT BIG SUCCESS IN ENGLAND AND AUSTRALIA Booked Solid for 1913-14-15 and booking up for 1916. Moss Empires, London Theatres of Varieties, Syndicate Halls and six months on the Continent, Paris, Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels. English Representative, WILL COLLINS LOEW'B ORPHEUM (V. J. Horris. rea mgr.; agent, Loew).—Vaudeville. LOEWS 8T. JAMES (B. Frank, re. mgr.: agent, Loew).—Vaudeville A pictures. Last week olOMd the Muon of the Eleanor Gordon Player, at the Plymouth. Fred E. Wright, manager of the Plymouth, ha. gone to Maine (or August. Wyrley Birch, who maaagsd the Gordon Players, plan, to put a Mock company Into.a local houae next spring. The Howard, now In the Progressive Bur- lesque Circuit, will open Aug. 11. Macklyn Arbuckle will open the season at the Colonial Labor Day with a new ahow. H. B. Warner In "The Ohoet Breaker" will open the season at the Park on Labor Day. ATLANTIC CITY By L B. PULASKI. SAVOY (Jake B. Isaac, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Adele Ritchie, scored; Harry Fox A Jennie Dolly, riot; Herbert A Goldsmith, ap- plauded; Chaa Ahearn Troupe, full of laugh.; Bedlnl Jk Arthur, .cream; Doris Wilson A Co., excellent; Eddie Howard A Co.. went big; The Stanleys, amused. NIXON (Tunis F. Dean, mgr.; agent, Nlrd- ^nger).—"My Lady's Fan," very pretty nov- elty; Bonomor's Arabs, hit; Joe Maxwell's Players, In "Louis' Christmas" ("Dlnkelsplel's Christmas"), scored; Power's Elephants, good; Three Musketeers, liked; Ballo Brothers, fair. MILLION DOLLAR PIER (J. L. Young, mgr.; Wlster Grookett, bus. mgr.; agent, Jos. Dawson direct (through U. B. O.).—Zeno, Jordon A Zeno; Elliott. Belmont A Elliott; Four Musical Klelses; LeVelle's Dogs; Clara Ballerlnl; Archie Dunbar; Joe Hortls Min- strels; picturea APOLLO (Fred E. Moore, mgr.).—H. B. Warner in "The Ghost Breaker" (all week). STEEPLECHASE (W. H. Fennan. mgr.).— Pavilion of FUn; pictures. riAuEWHItfWIWAIT FOR j EVERY PRINTING ^ADVERTISING £ PURPOSE PM*"* NIGHT IIVI HTEEL PIER (J. Bothwell, ragr.j.—Mur- phy's Minstrels; pictures. CRITERION (I. Notes, mgr.).—Pictures. BIJOU DREAM (H J. Elliott, mgr.).—Kin- etna color. YOUNG'S PIER (John Levey, mgr.).—Pic- tures; concessions. WINDSOR AIRDOME (Hoffman A Moore, mgrs.).—Pictures. CREATION THEATRE.— Hazel Bess Lau- (t'-nnur, lady swimmer. CITY SQUARE (E. O'Keefe, mgr.).—Pic- tures. COLONIAL (Frank T. R#>ed, mgr.).—Pic- tures. LIBERTY.—Pictures. ARCADIA (Hall A Mason, mgrs.).—Pic- tures. ROYAL (W. R. Brown, mgr.).—Pictures. CENTRAL (Jaooby A Goldman, mgrs.).— Pictures. ATLANTIC GARDEN (W. Newbaker, mgr.). —Vaudeville. The New Nixon, with Tunis F. Dean, man- ager, Harry Brown, business manager, Fer- gus McCusker, treasurer, and Eddie Glover, stage manager, la In Its third week, offering three shows dally. The new house advertises "Quality Vaudeville" and photo-plays. With the possible exception of the first week the matinees are running light with the night business good, but not capacity. Seven o'clock appear, too early for this city, the house •lowly filling from that Urns until about quarter to nine. The upper and lower boxes, 12 In all, each seating It. generally fill up by 9 o'clock, but the loges, which occupy the entire front of the balcony, are not so kindly taken to. Box and loge seats, of which there are nearly S00, are 80 cents, the entire lower floor, with almost MtO capacity. Is 16 cents. The 10-11 seats are In the balcony. Prices are the same matinee and night. A counter- weight system Is In use back stags and It has caused dissatisfaction among the stage crew. With more work than Is ordinarily required. It seems Impossible to get a quick curtain. The New Nixon la operated by the Esplanade Amusement Co. with 0. F. Nixon at Its head. Florence Lorraine (Mrs. Dudley), who with her husband, Edgar Dudley met with a se- rious accident on the Hudson a month ago when their motor boat exploded, seems to be in hard luck. Last week, while fondling a bull dog on the beach she was painfully bit- ten on the Up and cheek. The wounda were Immediately cauterised by Dr. Bossert at the hospital tent nearby. There Is a bit of good luck, however, with Miss Lorraine, for, like the burns, the present Injuries promise to Itave no scare. J. Walter Davidson and his orchestra at the Savoy have won much admiration, and the organisation la featured as an attraction. Davidson makes quite a hit with his solos during intermission. Young's Ocean Pier, or what is left of it, will be sold at auction by the sheriff Aug. tt. This will necessarily mean the sale of the hotel opposite, now called the Alamac and which is under lease for ten years. It Is said that before the Are which destroyed Young's Pier, that It and the hotel were valued at something over 11,400,000. But It Is under- stood that mortgages equal to that amount are held against the properties. Who Is forcing the sale is not known. There Is a story current that a company stands ready to build an immense structure over the sea. large enough for baseball and football games to be played. A plot 400 feet square is men- tioned. The season started out with six baseball score boarda >of the automatic type. Three have already dropped out of sight. One at the Million Dollar Pier, one at the Criterion and the free board at the new Garden Pier are all that remain. Haiel Bess Laugenour, the young woman who achieved fame by making the swim of the Golden Gate channel In San Francisco about a month or more ago, Is giving a show In the Creation theatre. It Is an exhibition in a big glass tank through which, it is claimed, water runa In a sort of current at 16 miles an hour. NEW OUXttANS By O. M. SAMUEL. SPANISH FORT (Edward Mathers, mgr.). —Ethel Vane; Pearl Bergen; Rich A Calvin and 8egal A Mattheka. HIPPODROME (Lew Rom, mgr.).—Eape A Paul; Laura Roth; Del mars, Raymond A Bernhardt; Alchlkea; Hylands. LYRIC—"The Tinker and the Boy." Sol Meyera, manager of the Greenwall, ar- rived In New Orleana Friday. Meyera an- nounces the Greenwall will begin Its season with Pantages' vaudeville Sept. 16. The Hippodrome will be closed for six weeks, commencing Monday, to admit of re- modeling and repairing. Flchtenberg's new theatre In Canal street will be called the Plana. "Quo Vadls" pictures are underlined for the Crescent for week Aug. 14. The Tulane and Crehcent theatres have been redecorated during the summer by Su- perintendent Edward Denekamp. who has acquitted himself well In the undertaking. It is rumored hereabouts the Lyric will offer stock burlesque for ten weeks, after which an effort will be made to bring the show, of the Progressive Circuit Into the house. Tom Dlnklns, Henry Greenwall and a local capitalist are reported interested. Xenla Swan met with an accident that has forced her to discontinue Cabaret work tem- porarily. Miss Swan was at the Bush for ten weeka Cutey Qulnn Is featured at the Bush currently. Morton P. Harvey la headlining at Fa- bacher's. ST. LOUIS By JOHN ft. aTBNBST. FOREST PARK HIGH LAN Da—BUI this week 1. headed by Lord Roberta, who scored a complete success. McLallen A Carson, drew applause; Capital City Four, a hit; Alex- ander Broa, remarkably clever; Zenlta, well received. EMPRESS (C. B. Helb, mgr.).—Mr. A Mra Eldon, first honors; Jewell Sisters, scored hit; Eddie Foyer, many laughs; McConnell A Aus- tin, well liked; Kaufmans, very entertaining. DELMAR GARDEN.—Mardena A Del ton Bros., remarkable exhibition; Will Hart, ex- cellent; Helsler Sisters, many encores; Mme. Racke, successful. SUBURBAN GARDEN.—"The Tyranny of Tears," with Diana Storm heading a well- balanced cast opened to a crowded house. "Les Miserable.," a picture portrayed from Victor Hugo's novel, was shown for the first time In this country at the New Grand Cen- tral, and the general opinion of the local press predicts a great success. Pathe's (Weekly this week shows scenes taken during the recent carnival of the Press Club of St. Louis at Delmar Garden. Also an afternoon at the new municipal swimming pool at Fairgrounds Park. The pool la aald to be the largest of Its kind In this country, the people have shown their appreciation, the average crowd being about 26,000 dally. CINCINNATI By HABBY HSAft. KEITH'S (John F. Royal, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Calne Slater., opened; De Bteffano Bros., good; Clair A Martin, hit; Van A Car- rie Avery, hit; Morse, Hagenay A Bernard, good. AKE-UP 10S W. ISth Street. New York City. Meyer's Grease Paint, In tube. Unlng Colors, In tubes 10 tt-lb. Blending Powder... JM Vfc-lb. Cold Cream .W Clown White (never hard) laWJf Black and White Wax to Nose Putty (never hard).. .10 Spirit Gum. with brush... .10 Burnt Cork (never dry) .»0©.-.*0 Dry Rouge (4 shades) SO Moscaro, all colors Js* Blue Eye Paint .ta Grenadine Lip Rouge to ■xora Powder, Bongs, Cross., Etc, 50c. Above ssnt prepaid on receipt of price. CHAA. Ralph LePrlce of the acrobatic team of Honors A LePrlce, suffered a severe accident Sunday afternoon while doing his act at Kelth'a He broke several bones In his right leg, the team was forced to withdraw from the bill. Jack Corelll Trio were substituted. ABBfJBY PARK. N. J. LYRIC (W. B. Smith, mgr.; agent, U. B. O.).—Monday night very warm, but well balanced bill kept audience In good humor. Francla-Wood, clever; Nadel A Kane, funny, Cantwell A Walker, pleaaed; Barto A Clark. toolc well.with hard, fast work; Froslnl, great applause; Bessie Wynn. captivated the house, being In good voice and wearing beautiful gowns; Kaiser's Terriers, intelligent SAVOY (Jerome Rosenberg, mgr.).—18-19. "The Gentleman from No. 11"; 10. "Little Miss Fix-It"; Sl-Aug. 1. ^'Chocolate Soldier"; 2, "Kiss Me Quick." ARCADE.—Pryor's Band. ARTHUR. BUFFALO. ACADEMY (Henry M. Marcus, mgr.; agent. Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Mattle Lockett. versatile; Chaa Del.nd A Co., many laughs; Krusadas, won favor; Knapp A Cornelia, went wHI; Bob Smith, skillful; "1040 West," a dramatic playlet of the underworld, feature; Leo Beers, entertaining; Dave A Norwood, good. AMHERST (Sol Swerdloff, mgr.; agents, VfcMahon A Dee; rehearsal 6).—Bob Walters, hit; Virginia Arthur, good; Jack Leroy, clever; business fair. CARNIVAL COURT (fW. G. McGrew, mgr.). Roberta's Animals did nicely to the best busi- ness of the existence of the court. ERIE BEACH (F. J. Weber, mgr.).—The Curtis. Hydro-Plane and balloon ascensions with parachute drop, are drawing capacity. LYRIC (A. R. Sherry, mgr.; agent, Loew; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Flying Waldo, sensa- tional; Brown, Adams A Fletcher, apprecl* ated; Al. Philips A Co., tame; Felix, artistic; Corbln, amused; The Vender Koors. very Lulu Hunter's Musical Bugs, current; GUmore funny. MAJESTIC (John Laughlin, mgr.).—Stock, "Quo Vadls," for four weeks till regular open- ing of season. SHEA'S (Henry J. Carr, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.; rehearsal Mon. 10).—Montambo A Wells, rollicking; Valentine Vox, unique; Thomaa A Hall, quaint; Carson, encored; English A Johnson, graceful; Rae Eleanor Ball, excel- lent; Norris' Baboons, well trained; Bernard Granville, headllner; The Five Original Plro- scoffls, exceptional. STAR (P. C. Cornell, mgr.).—8tock, The Northampton Players ga.e a commendable performance of "Father and the Boys" to a good house that enjoyed and applauded every situation. Aug. 4, "Hawthorne. U. 8. A." H. 8. Mlddleton has accepted the manage- ment of the old Empire House at Indianapolis. He has promised to regenerate the place and HIGH L-l J 9 BIG BURLESQUE SHOW CHORUS THE r-i■ *jr■—■ i—If e. Gl are rehearsing now at THE WEST SIDE CAFE, In the back room, No. 568 9th Ave. (between 41st and 42d Sts.), New York. WANT SOME GOOD CHORUS GIRLS CALL AT ONCE. Season opens Saturday night, August 16th, at THE OLYMPIC THEATRE, 14th Street, NEW YORK. CALDER and LALOR, Managers