Variety (August 1913)

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VARIETY LONDON'S NEW PRODUCTIONS PREPARIN G FOR EARLY FALL Several of English City's Pieces and Theatres They Are to Open At. "The Red Band" Comes to the* Comedy; "Joseph and His Brethren" to His Majesty's; "Years of Discretion" to the Glob*. (Special Cable to Variety-.) London, Aug. 6. Some of the new plays scheduled for fall opening here are as follows: At the Adelphi, a musical comedy by Tanner and Rubens, adapted from the German, in which Teddy Payne returns to the stage here; Ambassadi s, Sept. 6, Princess Bari- atinsky opens the dramatic season; Comedy, "The Red Band" ("The Conspiracy" renamed), Aug. 30; Drury Lane, a melodrama by Raleigh and Hamilton; Duke of York's, "The Legend of Leonora," with John Hare in the lead; Garrick, Louis Meyer and Allan Aynesworth will produce "The Real Thing," from the French; His Majesty's, "Joseph, and His Brethren," with Sir Herbert Tree, Sept. 2; Globe, "Years of Discretion," with Ethel Irving and Aubrey Smith in the leads; Lyric, Oscar Strauss' musical piece, "Love and Laughter"; New theatre, "The Big Game"; The Playhouse, Marie Tempest in a new comedy; Royalty, a comedy by H. M. Har- wood, Sept. 15; St. James', a Granville Barker sea- son; Savoy, a season of. H. B. Irving; Vaudeville, Lou Tellegen's season; Aldwych, a drama by George R. Sims, with Hilda Spong in the title role. KELLY,. BIG HIP HIT. (Special Cable to Variety".) London, Aug. 6. Walter C. Kelly is a (jremendous hit at the. Hippodrome. ETHEL LEVEY 8AILING. (Special Cable fo Variety*.) ..ondon, Aug. 6. Ethel ! Levey sails shortly for America, but will return to go with a road tour of "Hullo Ragtime." Miss Levey will also be a feature of a Christmas production. KAUFMAN SISTERS ABROAD. .-I (Special Cable to Variety.) Paris, Aug. 6. The Kaufman Sisters opened today at Villa FLeurs, Aix les Bains. ported well by Delmares, Delphine Re- not, Andre Dubosc, Jacquinet. Sahary is not so suited as the regretted crea- trice for the part, but did nicely. On the same bill is a short piece "Son Premier Voyage," by G. Guerin and Xanrof, played by Paul Fugere, C. Bernard, Eva Nevyl and Rassat. SHIRLEY ASKING TOO MUCH. (Special Cable to Variety.) Berlin, Aug. 6. Shirley Kellogg has not been en- gaged for the Winter Garden, as she is demanding more than double the salary the management is offering. The Winter Garden has booked Zu- zanne Grandais. MAGICIANS BOOKED HERE. (Special Cable to Variety.) London, Aug. 6. Le Roy, Talma and Bosco, the magicians, have been booked for America. They are scheduled to open on the Keith time for 15 weeks, start- ing in September. Vic Hugo of Cedar Rapids, U. S. A., made a' flying trip to this side last week to contract Servais Le Roy for a tour of the Orient, starting sometime around Christmas. Le Roy is a well known European magician. GALL FOR COSTELLO. (Special Cable to Vaibty.) London, Aug. 6. A call has been sent out by one of the London music halls for Maurice Costello, the picture actor. The near- est the Marinelli agency can get to him is Japan. Costello is travelling around the world, making film for his firm while en route with party. SAILING DATE CHANGED. (Special Coble to Vajuxty.) Paris, Aug. 6. The sailing date of Anna Held for the States has been changed to Aug. 30 on the La France. NOTICE TO PAY UP. A notice has been posted on the bul- letin board of the Vaudeville Comedy Club notifying members with unpaid dues that after Aug. 4, they will not be allowed the privileges of the club. Tuesday a man in uniform was placed on the door. FAMOUS PANTO REVIVED. (Special Cable to Variety.) Paris, Aug. 6. The famous jJantomime "L'Enfant Prodigue," by Michel Carre and An- drew Wormser (played in America two j decades ago by Pilar Morin) was re- vived Aug. 2 at the Theatre des Vari- eties* to terminate the summer season. The heavy role of Pierrot, the prodi- gal .sjon, is held by Sahary Djeli, sup- FEEDING THE ACTORS. Phil Nash, the original H. H., is now feeding the actors in the United Booking Offices room occupied by him. Every afternoon tea is served in the Nash apartment on the sixth floor. Any actor around is invited to the whist table, used instead of a buffet. Twice weekly a subscription is taken up for cakes, which are thrown to the tea drinkers, one at a time. POIZAT'S TRAGEDY SEEN. (Special Cable to Variety.) Paris, Aug. 6. The Comedie Francaise produced M. Poizat's tragedy, "Sophinisbe," Aug. 4, at Orange, which was successfully re- ceived. The title role is held by Mme. Bartet, supported by Jeanne Even as the nurse, Albert Lambert fils (Mas- sinissa) and Mounet Sully (Syphax). -Only a part of^tfte Comedie Fran- caise troupe will produce this work at the Roman theatre at Orange, in the south of France. This is an open air theatre, in ruins, and special per- formances are given yearly. This year Mounet Sully, Mme. Bartet, etc., have gone there specially to play. In the meantime the remainder of the Comedie Francaise company is playing at the Opera Comique, placed at its disposal by the government while the House of Moliere is being changed—a new painted ceiling is now being fixed, and the top gallery en- larged. MONROE GOING OVER. (Special Cable to Variety*.) London, Aug. 6. George W. Munroe has been booked for the Hippodrome, opening at Christ- mas time. TIVOLI CLOSING. (Special Cable to Variety*.) London, Aug. 6. The Tivoti will temporarily close at the end of the current month. FANNY BRICE A HIT. (Special Cable to Variety - .) London, Aug. 6. Fanny Brice opened Monday at the London Opera House and has already received a contract covering eight months. Miss Brice is a sure favorite. IRENE DILLON AT ALHAMBRA. (Special Cable to Variety.) London, Aug. 6. Irene Dillon opened somewhat suc- cessfully at the Alhambra. Ada Ackerman will be treasurer of the DeKalb theatre, Brooklyn. SAILINGS. Reported through Paul Tausig & Son, 104 East 14th street, New York: Aug. 7, Jenny Wells (Baltic); Aug. 6, Jack Ward and Kuppy and Kuppy (Campania); Aug. 5, Vanis Troupe (Cecilie); Aug. 2, Sophye Barnard, Lou Anger (Olympic). July 31, Jane Wheatley, Galwey Her bert (Provence). Aug. 8, Eugene Keith (Phila.). Aug. 12, Bessie Wynn (Kr. Wlhm Gr.). % Aug. 16, Eleanor Gray (Oceanic). (Special Cable to V amity.) London, Aug. 6. Aug. 7, Joe Mitchell (Haverford). Aug. 7, Goldsmith and Hoppe (Cel tic). Aug. 6, H. B. Marinelli, Evelyn Kerry, Herbert Jarman, Charles Black- all, Leonore Harris, Ambrose Manning. Dion Titheradge, "Codger" Nutt (Oceanic). Booked through Pall Mall Exchange: Aug. 6, Van and Schenck, Three Mo- randinis, Herbert Woods (Oceanic). Paris, July 30. July 27 (For Buenos Aires-Seguin Tour), Ougren and Puller. MANAGER MAY SAIL. (Special Cable to Variety.) London, Aug. 6. Albert De Courville may sail tomor- row (Aug. 7) for New York. GRACE LARUE DOES FAIRLY. (Special Cable to Variety*.) London, Aug. 6. Grace La Rue opened fairly at the Palace Monday. There is no impor- tant money for her here. Rose and Ellis, on early, went big. CELEBRATING WAGNER. (Special Cable to Variety*.) London, Aug. 6. The Hippodrome is making prepara- tions for the celebration of the Wag- ner-Verdi centenary. Albert De Courville is engaging 100 Italian opera singers for a production in September to commemorate the event. MARCELINTE'S CO. OPENING. The Marceline Hippodrome Show, a road aggregation with the clown at the head, is due to open in Rochester, N. Y. about Sept. 15. The show carries 40 people. It will play one-nighters into Baltimore, where it is to remain for a week. DAMA SYKES of Halligan and Sykes. as featured at the Majestic. Chicago, when Mr. Hnlllgan and Mlsa Sykes appeared there. ALL-COLORED HOUSE IN N. Y. The all-colored theatre in New York is said to be assured. "Thomas," of Klaw & Erlanger's outer door, is the prime mover in the venture. The theatre, to be located at Lenox avenue and 129th street, will seat be- tween 1,600 and 1,700. A couple of blocks distant (Seventh avenue and 131st street) is the Lafay- ette, which caters in part to the negro element of that neighborhood, and is practically an all-colored house.