Variety (August 1913)

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32 VARIETY r^r. Three Bartos America's Foremost Athletes SENSATIONAL HIT THIS WEEK (Aug. 11) FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Direction, .... JO PAIGE SMITH ADDRESS DEPARTMENT Where Players May Be Located Next Week (August 18) • The rout.N or addresses given below are accurate. Players may be lilted In this lepartmeiit weekly, either at the theatres they are appearing In, or ut a permanent or temporary a<l<lie«». wliUli will Up Inserted when route ta not received, for $6 yearly, or If name is In bold face type, $10 yearly. All players, In vaudeville, legitimate, stock or burlesque, are eligible to this department.) Abeleg Edward. Variety X Y Adams Hilly A Edith Sheas Toronto Adonis 64 W 144th St N Y Ahearn Troupe Hammerstelns NYC Alexander Bros. Temple Rochester Ambrose Mary 146 \V 83d St N Y Amoros Sister* Hauslg 104 East 14th St N Y Anthony * Rosa. Variety X Y Artuso Brighton Brighton Beach N Y B Bards Four Variety N Y Berger Edgar White Hats N Y Berliner Vera 5724 Ridge Ave Chicago Big Jim F Bernstein 14K2 Bway N Y Bracks Seven 104 E 14th Tauslg X Y Braham Nat Variety X V Breton Ted & Corlnne IMunkett 1493 Bway N Y Byron A Langdon 174 E 71st fit. N Y C c Caltes Novelty 1334 6th St Philadelphia Car let tn M 837 Manhattan Ave Hklyn N Y Ce Don 9 Riverside Ave Newark Clark A Bergman 121 George St Brooklyn Corelll A Gillette Hippodrome Leeds Crenrh A Welch Variety London Curson Sisters Third Time Orpheum circuit D'Arvllle Jeannette Montreal. Tndef Davis Josephine Variety London Dslro Shea's Toronto De Mar Grace Forsythe Atlanta Diamond A Brennan Union Sq X Y C Dickinson Rube orpheum San FiamU^u Dingle A Esmeralda Marlnelll 1483 Bway X Y Dooley A Sayles Lyric Asbury Hark X J Dupree & Dupree Sohmer Hark Montreal E Ebellng Trio. 18 Hudson PI Hoboken N J Edwards Shorty Variety X Y Elisabeth Mary Variety London Elliott 8ydney A 247 Harvey Ave Detroit Emmett Grade Maple Crest North Foxboro Empire 4 Orpheum Altoona Pa Ercell Carmen Fifth Ave NYC ■seardos S G Hughes Palace Theatre Bldg New York Ferry, Aleasar Paris France Fields W C Coliseum London Eng Four Regals Variety Chicago Frevoll Fred Variety N Y Fox A Ward 1117 Wolf St Philadelphia Francis Both Roche Ocean Beach X Y Frey Twins Vaudeville Comedy Club N Y Frey Henry 1777 Madison Ave NYC Gardiner 3 Maryland Baltimore Godfrey A Henderson 241 W 4ftth X Y Golden Claude Variety N Y Golden Morris 104. Syndicate Bldg Pittsburgh Graham & Dent Variety X Y Granville Taylor 350 W 55th fit X Y Grimm & Elliott, Lake Side Hk Akron O Guerro A Carmen 2103 Xorth Ave Chicago H Halllgan A Sykea La Salle Chicago Indef HAMLIN »-d MACK Billy Care Will CoHlaa, Broadmead House. Panton St., London, England. Hanlon Bros Coliseum London Eng Harrah Great White Rats Club NYC Haywood Harry Co Variety N Y Heather Josle Variety N Y Hermann Adelaide Hotel Pierrepont N Y Hlnes Palmer A Girls Variety N Y Hoiman Harry A Co Star Hippodrome Chica- go 4 Lyric Indianapolis Houdlnl Variety London Hutchinson Wlllard A Co Hippodrome BrlKh ton Eng I Ibsen Sisters Variety Chicago Inge Clare Variety N Y Ioleen Sisters. Variety N T Irwin & Herzog Variety N Y Is mod Shea's Toronto Jackson Joe Orpheum Denver Jarvls & Dare Temple Detroit Jchnsons Musical Variety X V Junction Quartet Variety Chicago Jungman Family Variety X Y Rai'ton A Klifford O H Philadelphia Karno Comedy Co B A C Circuit Kayne Agnes Variety Cnlcago Kelly Andrew Variety Chicago Kelly A Mack Century Los Angeles Kelso A Leighton 524 W 146th St N Y Kenny A Hollls 66 Bralnerd Rd Allston Mass Kent 8 Miller Temple Detroit Kings ton* World Mlndell Idora Park Oakland Konerz Bros Alhambra London Indef Kramer A Mort >■■» Keith's Boston Kurtls Roosters Brennan-Fuller Sydney Lambertl Variety N Y Langdons The Orpheum St Paul Lawson A Namon Variety Chicago Lawton Temple Detroit Lean Ceell M S Bentham Putnam Bldg N Y Le Dent Frank Variety London Levy Bert Morrison's Rockaway Beach N Y Lewis A Dody Maryland Baltimore Lille Carrie Miles Detroit Llttlejohns Frank A Clara Bijou Philadelphia THE POETRY OF MOTION MANTI IN SOCIETY DANCING. ASSISTED BY B. LLOYD. Martla A Fabbrtai, 110 W ltld St N T MrDermott Billy Miller Hotel N Y Meredith Sisters, 802 W 61st St N Y Mersereau Mile Variety San Francisco Moran Polly Variety London Mosarts Fred A Era Hough Neck Qulncy Mass McMahoo and Chappek Direction, JAS. E. PLUNKETT Murray Elisabeth M Variety N Y Musette 414 Central Park West N Y N Nevlns Bessie Variety Chicago Newhoff A Phelps. 640 W 163d St N Y Nlblo A Spencer 363 12th St Bklyn X Y Nichols Nellie Variety N Y Nlcol Bros 1590 Amsterdam Ave N Y Nlkko Troupe Forsythe Atlanta Xugent J C Empress Edmonton Can Oakland Will Fifth Ave NYC O'Day Billy Bijou Atlanta O'Meer Sisters, Shea's Toronto Orfords Elephants Orpheum Oakland Cal Oxford 3 Keith's Boston Pagllaccl 4 care J Levy 1541 Bway X Y Haka Toots Temple Detroit Hals 4 Bijou Philadelphia Parry Charlotte Variety X Y Hayton Corse A Co Morrison's Rock'w'y Beach Pealson A Goldle Henderson's Coney Island Perry Albert A Co Orpheum Altoona Pa Pollock Milton A Co Variety N Y Price A Price Nixon Atlantic City N J Priest Janet Wolfolk 36 W Randolph Chicago Prince A Deerie Forsythe Atlanta Rafael Dave 1101 Grant Ave Sun Francisco Ramsey Sisters Ehrlch House N Y Reeves BlUle Rlckard Circuit Australia Rice FSnny Blanchard Farm Franklin N H Richmond Dorothy Hotel Wellington N Y W. E. Ritchie and Co, THE ORIGINAL TRAMP CYCLIST Roehms Athletic Girls Variety N Y S Soils Bros 4 Variety Chicago Stanley Stan Union Ave A Oak Lane Phlla Indef Htanton Walter The Billboard Chicago St James W II A Co J Jacobs 1493 Bway X Y Stoddard A HineB 116 S 7th 3t Hannibal Mo Sutton A Caprice Gaiety Toronto Mutton Mclntyre A Sutton Orpheum Duluth Tambo A Tambo Variety London Temple 4 Orpheum Canton O Tempo 3 Riverside Pk Hutchinson Kan Terry A Lambert Friars Club N Y Thomas Mr A Mrs Bayshore L I Thurston Howard S A H 1493 Bway N Y Tornados Great Variety N Y Trovato Morris A FelW1498 Broadway N Y Tucker Sophie Keiths Philadelphia Keep Your Address in VARIETY THIS Address Department will print your name and address, either with an attraction, at a theatre or permanent- ly, for $5 yearly [one line weekly], or $10, with name in bold face type. Address may be changed weekly. Let everyone know where you are, at a minimum cost. Send remittance, with name and address, to VARIETY, New York. Valll A Valli Variety N Y Van Billy Forrest Ave Madlsonvllle O Van Billy B Van Harbor N H W Wander A Stone Variety New York Ward A Weber Lyric Asbury Park N J Ward A Curran Keith's Philadelphia Weber A Wilson Temple Rochester Wells Lew Nixon Philadelphia Weston A Bernard Forsythe Atlanta Wilbur Juggling Montreal Can Work Frank 1029 E 29th St Bklyn N Y Woodwards Dogs Shea's Toronto BURLESQUE ROUTES (OPENING SEASON) WEEKS AUGUST 26 AND 8EPT. 1. American Beauties 25 Gayety Kansas City 1 L O Beauty Parade 25 Gayety Boston 1 Columbia New York Beauty Youth A Folly 25 Gayety Toronto l Lafayette Buffalo Behman Show 25 Gayety Minneapolis 1 Grand St Paul Belies Beauty Row 26 Columbia Chicago 1 L 0 (owing non-completion new Gayety Clncl) Ben Welch 8how S5 Empire Toledo 1 Colum- bia Chicago Big Gaiety 25 Casino Philadelphia 1 Gayety Baltimore Big Jubilee 25 Westminster Providence 1 Ca- sino Boston Billy Watsons Big Show 25 Murray Hill New York 1-S LO 4-6 Bridgeport Bon Ton Girls 25 Columbia Indianapolis 1 Star A Garter Chicago Bowery Burlesquers 25 Casino Brooklyn 1 Or- pheum Peterson Broadway Girls 26 Gayety Pittsburgh 1 Star Cleveland College Girls 25 Columbia New York 1 Star Brooklyn Columbia Burlesquers 25 Miner's Bronx New York 1 Casino Brooklyn Crackerlacks 25 Empire Philadelphia 1 Mur- ray Hill New York Follies of Day 25 Star Brooklyn 1 Empire Brooklyn Gay New Yorkers 25 Guyety Milwaukee 1 Folly Chicago Gay White Way 26 Gayety 8t Louis 1 Gayety Kansas City Ginger Girls 25 L O (owing non-completion new Gayety Cincinnati) 1 Buckingham Louisville Girls from Happland 26 Casino Boston 1-3 Oil- more 8pringfleld 4-6 Empire Albany Girls from Starland 25 Gayety Omaha 1 Gayety Minneapolis Golden Crook 26 People's New York 1 L 0 (owing non-completion new 125 St Music Hall New York) Happy Widows 26 L O (owing non-comple- tion new 125 St Musical Hall New York) 1 Empire Hoboken Hastlng's Big 8how 25 Buckingham LoulsvllU 1 Columbia Indianapolis Honeymoon Girls 25 Orpheum Paterson 1 Em- pire Newark Howe's Lovemakers 26 8tar A Garter Chicago 1 Gayety 8t Louis Liberty Girls 26 Lafayette Buffalo 1 Corinthian Rochester Marlon's Dreamlands 25-27 L O 28-80 Bridge- port 1 Westminster Providence Marlon's Own Show 26-27 Empire Albany 28-1 SO Worcester Worcester 1 Gayety Boston Miner's Big Frolic 26 Grand 8t Paul 1 Gayety Milwaukee Mollis Williams Show 2f> Gayety Montreal 1-3 Empire Albany 4-6 Worcester Worcester Queens of Paris 26 Star Cleveland 1 Empire Toledo Reeves' Big Beauty Show 26 Corinthian Roch- ester 1-3 Bastable Syracuse 4-6 Lumber! Utlca Roble's Beauty Show 26 Folly Chicago 1 Gay- ety Detroit Roseland Girls 25 Empire Brooklyn 1 People'e New York Rose Sydell's 25 Empire Newark 1 Casino Philadelphia Runaway Olrls 26-27 Bastable Syracuse 28-l» Lumberg Utlra 1 Oayetv Montreal Social Maids 25 Gayety Washington 1 Gayety Pittsburgh Star A Garter 26 L O 1 Gayety Omaha Taxi Girls 25 Gayety Baltimore 1 Gayety 'Washington Trocaderos 26 Gayety Detroit 1 Gayety To- ronto Vanity Fair 25 Empire Hoboken 1 Empire Philadelphia Watson Sisters' Show 25-27 Gllmore flprlni- field 28-20 Empire Albany 1 Miner's Bronx New York Phone Bandolph 2259 Sadie Kusell Artists' Representative Suite 407 145 No. Clark St. CHICAGO