Variety (August 1913)

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VARII1 Y 33 Consolidated Booking Offices Ernest Edelsten VARIETY 17 Green AND DRAMATIC AGENT. LONDON. St., Leicester Square, Sole Representative John Tiller's Companies. Walter C. Kelly. Little Tlch. Two Bobs. Wee Georgle Wood. ALWAYS VACANCIES FOR GOOD ACTS. Billy Atwell Representative of Standard Acts. Niilllvan-Censidine Offices. Heidelberg Building. Phone 968 Bryant 42d St. and Broadway, New York. THE GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE COMPANY Branch offices: SPRINGFIELD, OHIO CHICAGO, Majestic Theatre Bid*., Coney Holmes; PITTSBURGH, Wabash Bldg., Jerome Casper. WANTED—Acts of all kinds for Spring and Summer Tour. To hear from all recognised acts that are ready to negotiate for next season's booking. State all flrst letter; give complete billing and full description of act. We will also use one hundred first-class acts for our regular vaudeville road shows. Fif- teen shows Intact playing a certain route. CAN USE IMMEDIATELY—Several Tabloid Musical Comedy Companies consisting of from seven to ten people. irennan-Fuller Vaudeville Circuit (AUSTRALIA AND NKW ZEALAND) RECOGNIZED AC*S DESIRING THIS TIME. WRITE FULLEST PARTICULARS TO AMERICAN BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE, HOTEL STEWART, SAN FRANCISCO. 95% of all performances going to Europe make their steamship arrangements through us. The following have: ADONIS, AEROPLANE LADIES, ADLER A A KLINE, BILLY AR- LINGTON CO., ANSONIA TRIO, APOLLO TRIO, ARCO BROS., MEXINI AUSSNER, AMERICAN RAGTIME EIGHT, AURORA TROUPE, THREE ALEX, THE ADLERS, PROF. ARMAND CO., GREAT ALBAS. ALVARETTA TROUPE. PAUL TAUSIG A SON, 104 E. 14th St., New York City. German Savings Bank Bldg. Telephone Stuyvesant 1860 ■*■■ "^ ■■■■■ ■■■■» "^s*-^sw ■ -v*^ 9 PARAGON BOOKING AGENCY, 230 Tremont St.. Boston. WANT TO HEAR FROM ALL ACTS, Large or Small. Write, Wire or Phone. W. H. Wolffe, Gen. Mgr. No longer connected with any other agency. NOVELTY ACTS: SINGLES—TEAMS Write or Wire J. H. ALOZ Canadian Theatres Booking Agency, Orpheum Theatre Bldg., MONTREAL, P. Q. FOOTLIGHTS The only Australian penny weekly devoted entirely to vaudeville aad the theatres gen- erally. A policy of legitimate news and criticisms, Irrespective of sentiment or busi- ness. Guaranteed circulation throughout Austral- asia, 3.500 copies week. All communications to Martin C. Brennan, *00 Castlereagh 8L, Sydney. JOHN QUIGLEY New England Vaudeville Circuit American representative for W. SCOTT ADACKER, of London, and the New England Vaudeville Circuit booking the best acts at all times In the best theatres of New England, Canada aad New York. Main Offices, 88 Boylston St., Boston. Mass.; Gaiety Theatre Building. New York City. "KING" LEE KRAUS GEO. HILLMAN, **-«»• ffi bbIbbMbBBBBbWsBBBBBBBBBbBs week. Let Us Handle Your Business 708 Chicago Opera House CHICAGO HI HUNT Room 811, Putnam Bldg. Times 8q., New York FORTY NEfW ENGLAND CITIES Large Theatres—Small Jumps NO OPPOSITION White Rat Contracts N. Y. Rep. Howard Athenaeum, ) Boston ) Mass. Bowdoin Sq. Theatre, Grand Opera House, 1 Long Routes to Real Acts Write, Wire or Call FRFQ THE GRIFFIN CIRCUIT THE HIDE-AWAY BIG TIME CIRCUIT. Booking everything worth while from Quebec to Detroit. Wise performers see us before playing this territory. MONTREAL OFFICE, 41 St. Catherine St. East. CHAS. L. STEVENS, Local Manager. BUFFALO OFFICE, 121 Frank lin S t. ED. C. ROWLEY, Local Manager. Booking Agent, PETER F. GRIFFIN, Griffin Theatre Bldg.. TORONTO, CANADA. FREEMAN BERNSTEIN Manager. Promoter and Producer of Vaudeville Acts. 5th Floor, PUTNAM BUILDING, NEW YORK. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Cable, "Freeborn, New York." Phone, Bryant 6814. HARRY RICHARDS TIVOLI THEATERS Ltd. hugh d. Mcintosh governing director The Best Circuit in Australia. Open dates for good acts. JULES SIMPSON CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE Colonial Annex, Stockton St„ San Francisco. CIRCUI VAUDEVILLE The Best Small Time In the Far West. Steady Consecutive Work for Novelty Feature Acta EXECUTIVE OFFICES, ALCAZAR THEATRE BLDG.. SAN FRANCISCO. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE. SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINES8 OFFICE: Sullivan and Consldlne Bldg., Third and Madison Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. FRED LINCOLN .Gen. Mgr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE: 1465 BROADWAY—HEIDELBERG BLDG. NEW YORK CITY CHRIS O. BROWN Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES: PAUL GOUDRON, 6 North Clsrk St.. cor. Madison Chi- cago, 111.; MAURICE J. BURNS, Sd and Madison Sts., Seattle. Wash.; W. P. REESE, 966 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal.; B. OBERMAYER, Broad mead House, 21 Panton St.. London 8. W. Enc- A New Name is Now Being Selected BY OON FOR THE OLD PEOPLE'S THEATRE LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS Everything will be new, including the name. NEW Decorations, Carpets, Box Draperies, Scenery and New Owner—Hustler in Charge WANT FIRST CLASS: Stock, Dramatic, Comedy, Burlesque, Minstrel and Musical Comedy Companies that we can guarantee to our patrons, and that we can be justified in getting out and hustling business for. C. F. MENSING AMUSEMENT CO. Send me your open time No Act too Big for me to Handle Artist Representative LINICK 68 W. Washington Street, Chicago Suites 45 and 46, Hobbs Building, Ran 6010 JONES, LINICK & SCHAEFFER VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Playing high class headline and feature vaudeville act*. FRANK Q. DOYLE, °-"" ■■■»— ORPHEUM THEATRE BUILDING 110 SO. STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL.